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I'm quite sure there are asian women that despise black men, but date white in lieu of "marrying up"or whatever - while shitting on their asian counterparts (asian men) in the process....


It's the way CenSin worded his phrase, was more what I was getting at....

Dating interracially doesn't "really" make someone a selective racist - Although there are selective racists that date interracially.... Two different things....




As far as the term self hater, yeah I know what that means..... I'm so sick & tired of hearing that f**kin term - especially from black women on the internet that misuse it by aiming it at black men that "hop the fence" (date out)..... I love how it's self hate when black men seek out some white or asian woman, but when some black woman seek out some white or asian guy, it's her expanding her options..... They can Get all the way TFOH with that... I have been on a BTR (blog talk radio) show w/ a couple of online acquaintances that called these irrational, misguided, I can do bad all by myself, crabs in the barrel, single & lonely & mad at the world, cackling hen ass black women out on that shit....


I don't know what the dynamic is with asian men & asian women (you can go into it if you want to, Realizm), but with black women & black men, I'm telling you now - black women that date out, more often than not, run away & want no part of black men - not because of this "black men are either dead or in jail & have no education rhetoric", but because there is this fear they have of an upwardly mobile, kick-ass, hard working, (legit) money making black man, that they cannot run that sista girl, neck rolling, I am the queen bitch attitude in his household.... That type of woman easily gets overlooked for a woman (of any race) with some damn act-right..... That type of woman to any other race of man is only viewed as a f**k & chuck & that's IT...... Only broke (or low self esteem having) black men put up with "scrong" black women as actual relationship material - Because they're weak ass men themselves.... Yin to their Yang.


Hold a black woman to something called STANDARDS & ACCOUNT-A-damn-BILITY & you're askin her to put a 44 mag to her head & shoot herself... They won't do it.... They like the position they're in now - The white man throwing them scraps in the form of welfare, food stamps, WIC checks, and all that shit (which requires the man to be out of the household btw) - So much so that they really believe they're strong & independent & hold the position of Matriarch in the black collective/black community..... This is never talked about, but instead, this crap about black men run away from their kids & don't give a damn about them..... No, it's black women a lot of times bustin a 360 AFTER a baby is conceived - totally changing her femininity act (I love you, I wanna be with you, you're the one) - to I hate you, I can't stand you, yada yada yada, ignorant, attitudinal bitch, which drives that MF-er away (which enables her to then go run out to the courts for child support)..... It isn't that the black man inherently hates his kids, it's that the "baby mama" is unbearable to be around - and I sincerely believe this is by design..... There is a system in place that benefits not just black women, but women in general in this country - and black women milk the f*** out of that shit.....


They get money from the government, from wage garnishments from their baby daddy/ies, and from w/e work they actually do on the side... Yeah, way to hold shit down.....That's how you upstage the black man (which is another thing... instead of working side by side with their counterparts, they're too busy tryna bastardize & shit on black men (which they have been doing in the media for what, 40 years now) & BE both the woman & the man - have them tell it, it's because they "have to".... Haha, yeah right).... 


Of course, not all black women are this way..... But enough of them are.


No other race of man has to put up with this BS on a large enough scale from their woman..... None.

So Kudos to all the single fathers.


...end rant.


You got it, exactly.  No need to explain further.


Misandric women and how they take issue with Black men who outmarry in high numbers is the parallel of misogynistic men who take issue of Asian women who outmarry to white men in even larger numbers (3:1 with AFs in comparison to 8:1 with BMs) In the case of AFs, for the reasons you mentioned, exactly so and exactly why men of color who are not misandric and simply want to outmarry according to preference (and rightfully so) or men who want to marry or date girls of their own race (legitimately attracted strongest to their own kind because of natural preference, not racial pride) deal with this ignorance on the part of misandric Black and Asian women alike but in different ways because of different circumstances. But yes I can see why you are disagreeing with how Censin is explaining this fact:


The "selective" racism  I describe isn't dating within your own group, but dating outside your group while limiting your choices. It's a facade of "colorblindness" when the statistics clearly show an extremely biased distribution.


So Censin what I am alluding to is that I think the reason you are getting negative reactions is because of the tone of voice in which you are explaining the IR dating issue with Asian females, not the factual issue itself thats where B35 is coming from because he is not questioning the IR issue with Asian women in itself.... From what I bolded in the above quote he knows clearly as night and day the issue in Asian America where it comes to dating. I see it clearly.

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The "selective" racism  I describe isn't dating within your own group, but dating outside your group while limiting your choices.


I can see where you're coming from, but as others like B35 and VG8 depicted, you can't really call that selective racism.


So what if I don't date a particular race, but am friends with a lot per say in that particular race category, does that make me a selective racist?  Hell no, it's just preference in my eyes.  I just prefer another race over another, it's not like I completely despise them.

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I can see where you're coming from, but as others like B35 and VG8 depicted, you can't really call that selective racism.


So what if I don't date a particular race, but am friends with a lot per say in that particular race category, does that make me a selective racist?  Hell no, it's just preference in my eyes.  I just prefer another race over another, it's not like I completely despise them.

Exactly... While I "prefer" Latins, I've certainly seen some good looking Asian chicks (some Korean and Japanese chicks aren't bad looking at all) and Trinidianian women of (Indian mixture) and yes I was busted checking out the goods.  :lol:

Edited by Via Garibaldi 8
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Exactly... While I "prefer" Latins, I've certainly seen some good looking Asian chicks (some Korean and Japanese chicks aren't bad looking at all) and Trinidianian women of (Indian mixture) and yes I was busted checking out the goods.  :lol:



Asian honeys are the best I tell you. You know it.

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Woah look at this. There is a very strong possibility that there may be a pending US Military attack on Syria as early as this Thursday:



Military strikes on Syria 'as early as Thursday,' US officials say


By Jim Miklaszewski, Courtney Kube and Erin McClam, NBC News

The U.S. could hit Syria with three days of missile strikes, perhaps beginning Thursday, in an attack meant more to send a message to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad than to topple him or cripple his military, senior U.S. officials told NBC News on Tuesday.

The State Department fed the growing drumbeat around the world for a military response to Syria's suspected use of chemical weapons against rebels Aug. 21 near Damascus, saying that while the U.S. intelligence community would release a formal assessment within the week, it was already "crystal clear" that Assad's government was responsible.

Vice President Joe Biden went even further, bluntly telling an American Legion audience in Houston: "Chemical weapons have been used."

Vice President Joe Biden addresses the use of chemical weapons in Syria and the president's response in a speech to the American Legion.

"No one doubts that innocent men, women and children have been the victims of chemical weapons attacks in Syria, and there's no doubt who's responsible for this heinous use of chemical weapons in Syria: the Syrian regime," Biden said.

White House press secretary Jay Carney repeated Tuesday that the White House isn't considering thedeliberate overthrow of Assad.

"The options that we are considering are not about regime change," said during a daily briefing with reporters. "They are about responding to the clear violation of an international standard that prohibits the use of chemical weapons."

But Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., an influential voice on military matters, pressed the administration to go further, calling for the U.S. and its allies to provide weapons to "the resistance on the ground."

"The important part of this whole situation is, is this just going to be just a retaliatory strike that has no lasting impact or something that changes the momentum on the ground in Syria?" McCain told reporters in Mesa, Ariz., after an event on immigration reform.

Senior officials told NBC News that Defense Department planning had advanced to the point that three days of strikes were anticipated, after which strategists could run an assessment and target what was missed in further rounds.

U.S. missile strikes would almost certainly be launched from Navy destroyers or submarines in the Mediterranean Sea. The U.S. in recent days has moved destroyers closer to Syria, which sits on the sea's eastern edge, but that was mostly a symbolic move. U.S. Tomahawk missiles are so precise that they can hit not just buildings but also specific windows, and they could hit Syrian targets from far farther west in the Mediterranean.

Navy officials said four destroyers are lined up ready to strike: the USS Barry, the USS Mahan, the USS Ramage and the USS Gravely.

Tuesday, a fifth guided-missile destroyer, the USS Stout, also entered the Mediterranean, through the Straights of Gibraltar, but officials said it wouldn't take part in any cruise missile attack.

"The four destroyers now in place have more than enough cruise missiles," one official said.

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Our military aiding other countries that mean nothing to us or our allies needs to stop now. Human rights blahblahblah we have enough of our own problems to worry about right here at home.


Especially when much of these "rebels" are associated with Al Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood.

Edited by Orion VII 4 Life
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2) They aren't but you of all people should know that some people would be foolish enough to believe otherwise. lol

That entire post you directed at me seems as if you did too..... lol....


I should hope that you aren't as foolish as the same said foolish people you say believe otherwise.....


I can see where you're coming from, but as others like B35 and VG8 depicted, you can't really call that selective racism.


So what if I don't date a particular race, but am friends with a lot per say in that particular race category, does that make me a selective racist?  Hell no, it's just preference in my eyes.  I just prefer another race over another, it's not like I completely despise them.



Exactly... While I "prefer" Latins, I've certainly seen some good looking Asian chicks (some Korean and Japanese chicks aren't bad looking at all) and Trinidianian women of (Indian mixture) and yes I was busted checking out the goods.  :lol:

pfft, What are you supposed to do, look away, & whistle dixie....


now if you're the loser whipping out cell phones (and something else) to record these MF-ers, well that's on some other shit I'm not goin get into on here.....


As far as just getting caught checkin some broad out.... Shit, I just keep staring, IDGAF anymore.....

FWIW, more often than not, I get either smiles, winks, or that "yeah, uh huh" face (can't really describe it), moreso than smirks, sucking of teeth, or any type of sardonic expression.... Sometimes you can spark up a conversation that way, but I never do (but have seen other MF-ers do it).... All in all, These broads want any attention they can get.... I have gotten a few snarky remarks from women that have seen me checkin out their well-framed & conspicuous cleavage (eh, I'm a titty guy, sue me) and I flip whatever they say right back at them....


My attitude is, I am not in the wrong for looking at anything that so happens to be in my surroundings......

It isn't anymore rude for me to stare, than it is for you to wear such revealing (or accentuating) clothing in the first place.....

Edited by B35 via Church
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That entire post you directed at me seems as if you did too..... lol....


I should hope that you aren't as foolish as the same said foolish people you say believe otherwise.....




pfft, What are you supposed to do, look away, & whistle dixie....


now if you're the loser whipping out cell phones (and something else) to record these MF-ers, well that's on some other shit I'm not goin get into on here.....


As far as just getting caught checkin some broad out.... Shit, I just keep staring, IDGAF anymore.....

FWIW, more often than not, I get either smiles, winks, or that "yeah, uh huh" face (can't really describe it), moreso than smirks, sucking of teeth, or any type of sardonic expression.... Sometimes you can spark up a conversation that way, but I never do (but have seen other MF-ers do it).... All in all, These broads want any attention they can get.... I have gotten a few snarky remarks from women that have seen me checkin out their well-framed & conspicuous cleavage (eh, I'm a titty guy, sue me) and I flip whatever they say right back at them....


My attitude is, I am not in the wrong for looking at anything that so happens to be in my surroundings......

It isn't anymore rude for me to stare, than it is for you to wear such revealing (or accentuating) clothing in the first place.....


..... girls who when they take notice of you and thinks your cute starts innocently playing with her hair, starts the eye flirting, crossing their legs and trying to act cute flexing their feet pointed towards you, trying hard to hide the smiles, starts 'mirrored" movements (if I have my laptop all of a sudden she wants to pull out her iPhone, stuff like that or if i am reading a book all of a sudden she pulls out her kindle) it's all hardwired into their brains. When a woman sees an attractive man they become self conscious and at the same time that's they way women will subconsciously behave, they cannot exactly control that. 


Our military aiding other countries that mean nothing to us or our allies needs to stop now. Human rights blahblahblah we have enough of our own problems to worry about right here at home.


Especially when much of these "rebels" are associated with Al Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood.


To start we know the purpose of this is so the US can build on their western bloc by creating new satellite states, term coined "regime change" by former president George W Bush. Also to cover for allies in the Middleeast such as Israel, Kuwait, or Iraq, also to set the stage for invading Iran, -plus- to set the stage again for neo-colonization of Africa, trying to stop Chinese investments into African provinces, that's the goal.  


On top of that the strongest manufacturing industry we have is in the building of arms. War is big business. What's more the CIA created the Al Qaeda demon to fight the Soviet Union in the Soviet Afghan war and it backfired (supposedly, we still have unanswered questions as to why the DoD could not stop the 9/11 terrorist attacks when they COULD HAVE!)

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To start we know the purpose of this is so the US can build on their western bloc by creating new satellite states, term coined "regime change" by former president George W Bush. Also to cover for allies in the Middleeast such as Israel, Kuwait, or Iraq, also to set the stage for invading Iran, -plus- to set the stage again for neo-colonization of Africa, trying to stop Chinese investments into African provinces, that's the goal.  


On top of that the strongest manufacturing industry we have is in the building of arms. War is big business. What's more the CIA created the Al Qaeda demon to fight the Soviet Union in the Soviet Afghan war and it backfired (supposedly, we still have unanswered questions as to why the DoD could not stop the 9/11 terrorist attacks when they COULD HAVE!)

Please...  <_<


If only Mr. Obama actually did all that. Instead, it's help out the "rebels" because NATO or the UN told us to and leave them be once the military action is over, we were only there to help out the rebels in their military action because NATO and the UN said so. Let's also not forget what happened last time we helped these Al Qaeda rebels out (cough BENGHAZI cough). And think what you want about how Al Qaeda started, but the fact is today they are enemies of this nation, they have proven that, and there is absolutely no excuse for providing military aid to our enemies just because some bigshots who have nothing to do with running OUR country over at UN Plaza said so especially when we've done it before and have seen the deaths of US citizens because of it. We can't afford another Benghazi-style attack.

Edited by Orion VII 4 Life
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Please...  <_<


If only Mr. Obama actually did all that. Instead, it's help out the "rebels" because NATO or the UN told us to and leave them be once the military action is over, we were only there to help out the rebels in their military action because NATO and the UN said so. Let's also not forget what happened last time we helped these Al Qaeda rebels out (cough BENGHAZI cough). And think what you want about how Al Qaeda started, but the fact is today they are enemies of this nation, they have proven that, and there is absolutely no excuse for providing military aid to our enemies just because some bigshots who have nothing to do with running OUR country over at UN Plaza said so especially when we've done it before and have seen the deaths of US citizens because of it. We can't afford another Benghazi-style attack.


In the case of the Iraq war it was deemed an illegal war by breaking the Geneva Convention clause as per the United Nations where Saddam Hussein did bind an aggreement with the UN to initiate a ceasefire. According to the rules of engagement the former secretary of state and the former president had no basis to declare war on Iraq, Iraq was not a credible threat to the US homeland. Besides, that was the responsibility of NATO to handle the issues with Saddam Hussein and the US was supposed to play a supplementary role to the NATO forces. 


Remember the Anthrax claim?


Now NATO investigators already made the discovery of chemical weapons in regime strongholds in Syria yet the US is still conducting it's own investigation and acting trigger happy on the missile deploy button. Again the Syrian government to my knowledge is not a direct threat to the United States, only a threat to the US foreign policies and alliances with the satellite states in the Middleeast. Should it concern us then? As usual Obama playing war monger like all presidents, I'm certainty against Obama's policy on this matter.


Chemical weapons.... fun fact: The US Military used phosphorus chemical weapons which is an exceptionally cruel method of chemical warfare in the Gulf War and particularly Vietnam. And now all a sudden they are concerned about chemical weapons in Syria? Pot calling the kettle black? Thats what it looks like to me.


What Obama should be doing is focusing on domestic problems from within our own country that's what a president should do. But no president has done that I imagine since JFK for all I know.

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In the case of the Iraq war it was deemed an illegal war by breaking the Geneva Convention clause as per the United Nations where Saddam Hussein did bind an aggreement with the UN to initiate a ceasefire. According to the rules of engagement the former secretary of state and the former president had no basis to declare war on Iraq, Iraq was not a credible threat to the US homeland. Besides, that was the responsibility of NATO to handle the issues with Saddam Hussein and the US was supposed to play a supplementary role to the NATO forces. 


Remember the Anthrax claim?


Now NATO investigators already made the discovery of chemical weapons in regime strongholds in Syria yet the US is still conducting it's own investigation and acting trigger happy on the missile deploy button. Again the Syrian government to my knowledge is not a direct threat to the United States, only a threat to the US foreign policies and alliances with the satellite states in the Middleeast. Should it concern us then? As usual Obama playing war monger like all presidents, I'm certainty against Obama's policy on this matter.


Chemical weapons.... fun fact: The US Military used phosphorus chemical weapons which is an exceptionally cruel method of chemical warfare in the Gulf War and particularly Vietnam. And now all a sudden they are concerned about chemical weapons in Syria? Pot calling the kettle black? Thats what it looks like to me.


What Obama should be doing is focusing on domestic problems from within our own country that's what a president should do. But no president has done that I imagine since JFK for all I know.

For the record, I don't like Bush either.

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After months of debating it, I'm ready to downgrade to Windows 7.  I'd rather use an OS I know works, but has no support and takes forever to boot than use an OS that is supported all the time and boots quick but fails every other month.  Never mind how M$ tried to force it so hard on people even though Metro was tailored for touch screen devices (and even on those, I doubt its integrity).


I do remember the last time I tried it, it didn't work (realizm, I forgot the name of the program you told me to D/L) because of some GPT thing.  I do have two drives to back things up onto and a handy Office 2010 installer and Windows Loader.... but something in the back of my mind is telling me that on the simplest step, it'll fail.

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After months of debating it, I'm ready to downgrade to Windows 7.  I'd rather use an OS I know works, but has no support and takes forever to boot than use an OS that is supported all the time and boots quick but fails every other month.  Never mind how M$ tried to force it so hard on people even though Metro was tailored for touch screen devices (and even on those, I doubt its integrity).


I do remember the last time I tried it, it didn't work (realizm, I forgot the name of the program you told me to D/L) because of some GPT thing.  I do have two drives to back things up onto and a handy Office 2010 installer and Windows Loader.... but something in the back of my mind is telling me that on the simplest step, it'll fail.


You mean on the same Lenovo ideapad P500 Touch on Windows 8? Cant exactly remember at the moment but it was a patch from the Lenovo website for a glitch on the FN toggle where your screen goes blank? And now you're getting general protection faults? Now I'm starting to wonder if this is not a driver issue but actually a hardware issue after all?


Do you still have a warranty on the laptop?


It can be done, sure, but at this point I would not suggest you downgrade back to Windows 7 because some of the updated drivers and apps running on Win 8 will not be compatible with Win 7, you might be putting yourself out from the frying pan into the fire.


With Windows 8 just touch to get the sidebar > start > then scroll and hit computer on the touchscreen.... or hit CTRL + ALT + DEL to bring up task manager, that will bring you to the classic desktop, then navigate by mouse. On the taskbar you will fee a folder icon. Thats the equivalent of "computer" in Windows 7. I can teach you more on the differences between Win 7 and 8, it's not as hard as you think navigating through Windows 8. You should leave it the way it is if were talking about the ideapad, or else downgrading it to Win 7 if you dont have the appropriate drivers and patches, will f**k it up.

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..... girls who when they take notice of you and thinks your cute starts innocently playing with her hair, starts the eye flirting, crossing their legs and trying to act cute flexing their feet pointed towards you, trying hard to hide the smiles, starts 'mirrored" movements (if I have my laptop all of a sudden she wants to pull out her iPhone, stuff like that or if i am reading a book all of a sudden she pulls out her kindle) it's all hardwired into their brains. When a woman sees an attractive man they become self conscious and at the same time that's they way women will subconsciously behave, they cannot exactly control that.

yup, well aware of that....

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I'm quite pissed off right now.


My sister has gotten this idea into her head that she wants a hamster. For two years now, she has been consistently bugging us that she wants it, and even though my mom adamantly opposes it, she eventually told her she could get it, as long as she did not have to see it at all. I don't know if she was using reverse psychology to try to talk my sister out of the idea, or if she eventually caved in order to teach her a lesson, but she got it. We also have a cat, and she was already camping outside my sister's door while she and my dad were setting everything up last night. And my sister being the goody goody she is, all I've heard since the thing arrived is "sorry, sorry, please don't hate me, sorry, sorry" which frankly I can't stand!


Anyways, my mom has been ranting around since she woke up this morning, pointing out that the reason my sister got the hamster is because she really wanted it and went to my dad, who is known to give people whatever they want so long as it pisses my mom off. Meanwhile, MY trip to New York, which I have been planning for the last 10-11 months and really wanted to go on, has been cancelled due to a lack of finances, and if I started demanding such a thing out of my dad, he probably wouldn't take me and would call me ungrateful, bringing up all the times he's taken me transit fanning as I am not old enough to drive wherever yet. Only God knows when I'll get to go now, and with my luck the SF loop will be closed and the entire fleet of R42s retired! Never mind that he can throw out $100+ dollars for a hamster and facilities! Jesus Christ!

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I'm quite pissed off right now.


My sister has gotten this idea into her head that she wants a hamster. For two years now, she has been consistently bugging us that she wants it, and even though my mom adamantly opposes it, she eventually told her she could get it, as long as she did not have to see it at all. I don't know if she was using reverse psychology to try to talk my sister out of the idea, or if she eventually caved in order to teach her a lesson, but she got it. We also have a cat, and she was already camping outside my sister's door while she and my dad were setting everything up last night. And my sister being the goody goody she is, all I've heard since the thing arrived is "sorry, sorry, please don't hate me, sorry, sorry" which frankly I can't stand!


Anyways, my mom has been ranting around since she woke up this morning, pointing out that the reason my sister got the hamster is because she really wanted it and went to my dad, who is known to give people whatever they want so long as it pisses my mom off. Meanwhile, MY trip to New York, which I have been planning for the last 10-11 months and really wanted to go on, has been cancelled due to a lack of finances, and if I started demanding such a thing out of my dad, he probably wouldn't take me and would call me ungrateful, bringing up all the times he's taken me transit fanning as I am not old enough to drive wherever yet. Only God knows when I'll get to go now, and with my luck the SF loop will be closed and the entire fleet of R42s retired! Never mind that he can throw out $100+ dollars for a hamster and facilities! Jesus Christ!


The danger with rodents as pets is that they can spread Salmonella, one of the culprits behind food poisoning. Snakes and lizards pose an equal danger to humans with the same pathogen. You need to point that out to your sister and mom. If you see to it you keep the cage clean, change the bedding regularly, and always, ALWAYS wash your hands after handling the hamster, gerbil etc, you should be fine but that's not a guarantee.


There's also a way you can give hamsters baths, using baby shampoo (only baby shampoo) heavily diluted in water so they do not get adverse reactions from the chemicals from shampoo. With all these tips your family should be fine with the hamster. make sure your sister does this in terms of proper hamster care so the salmonella doesn't start spreading around getting everyone sick with GI symptoms (vomiting, diarrhea, etc.)


A doctor will tell you exactly this concerning rodents as pets such as hamsters, rats (yep some keep them as pets, no idea why but technically they are as smart as dogs as higher intelligence animals, proven by vets), guinea pigs or in rare cases, rabbits.


On the SF loop you got a 3 year window ..... just plan for it.


Put you sister in the know about this, so she can minimize the risk.

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The danger with rodents as pets is that they can spread Salmonella, one of the culprits behind food poisoning. Snakes and lizards pose an equal danger to humans with the same pathogen. You need to point that out to your sister and mom. If you see to it you keep the cage clean, change the bedding regularly, and always, ALWAYS wash your hands after handling the hamster, gerbil etc, you should be fine but that's not a guarantee.


There's also a way you can give hamsters baths, using baby shampoo (only baby shampoo) heavily diluted in water so they do not get adverse reactions from the chemicals from shampoo. With all these tips your family should be fine with the hamster. make sure your sister does this in terms of proper hamster care so the salmonella doesn't start spreading around getting everyone sick with GI symptoms (vomiting, diarrhea, etc.)


A doctor will tell you exactly this concerning rodents as pets such as hamsters, rats (yep some keep them as pets, no idea why but technically they are as smart as dogs as higher intelligence animals, proven by vets), guinea pigs or in rare cases, rabbits.


On the SF loop you got a 3 year window ..... just plan for it.


Put you sister in the know about this, so she can minimize the risk.


My sister is 11, and she can't even keep her room clean, never mind take care of a hamster. I will inform her either way, however, and make sure that someone is breathing down my dad's neck 24/7 to keep everything clean... I'm not touching it. Thanks for the info, I knew rodents were less than clean but was not aware they could spread Salmonella. Lovely. :angry:


As for the SF loop.. I know I have a 3 year window, but Murphy's law always gets in the way of nice things. Plus, you never really know what's going on with the R42s. My mom, however, has said that she approves of me trying to guilt trip my dad for the whole situation (if my sister can get a hamster, for which she didn't pay a single cent, why shouldn't I get to go to New York, for which I will sacrifice my entire piggy bank of almost $300?), so I'm going to try for that. ;)

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That entire post you directed at me seems as if you did too..... lol....


I should hope that you aren't as foolish as the same said foolish people you say believe otherwise.....


Well in the overall big picture in terms of how the US has categorized people, obviously they aren't, but I can understand why some feel like they are.  I think part of it is a pride factor and a sense of uniqueness that said background isn't like any other.  Take the phrase "La raza mexicana" for example.   There was this pride in identifying with the Native people in Mexico and rejecting the Spanish aspect due to what occurred when Spain invaded Mexico and you have some Mexicans that really view their people as a race and ignore their mestizo (Spanish mixed with Native American (Indian)) OR even more common  (in terms of rejection), their trigueño mixture (Spanish, Black and Native American mixture) which I find rather funny.  


The black population in Mexico isn't huge as say in the Caribbean, but it's still sizable in some parts though they are in obscure areas, and most of them have mixed in with the population, so it may not be as evident, but you can usually tell by the facial features.  

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Well in the overall big picture in terms of how the US has categorized people, obviously they aren't, but I can understand why some feel like they are.  I think part of it is a pride factor and a sense of uniqueness that said background isn't like any other.  Take the phrase "La raza mexicana" for example.   There was this pride in identifying with the Native people in Mexico and rejecting the Spanish aspect due to what occurred when Spain invaded Mexico and you have some Mexicans that really view their people as a race and ignore their mestizo (Spanish mixed with Native American (Indian)) OR even more common  (in terms of rejection), their trigueño mixture (Spanish, Black and Native American mixture) which I find rather funny.  


The black population in Mexico isn't huge as say in the Caribbean, but it's still sizable in some parts though they are in obscure areas, and most of them have mixed in with the population, so it may not be as evident, but you can usually tell by the facial features.  


They are categorizing people that's why many feel that they are being put in categories based on race . 


Employment, government, and university applications for example. They ask for racial specifics. To me at least that says alot about why there is an unwritten code of racial hierarchy in American society. Which I despise. In fact the word 'race' and the idiotic universal concept behind it should be obliterated. Then we wouldn't as Americans have problems where it comes to racial prejudice to begin with let alone the interracial dating scenario among the White American/Afro-American community, Latino American community and the Asian American community as well , and the due to overt/reverse racism or extremist racial pride, misandry and misogyny which is where this conversation started from a hate crime incident posted in the first place.


We are unfortunately not living in an Utopian paradise, we are living with a country with problems, like all countries in general. But the US is a unique society with unique problems as we are a multicultural society. A blessing indeed but we have the haters who do not see it that way (i.e Ku Klux Klan and the Knights party, American Neo Nazis and other extremist groups, even criminal gangs where many reverse racists reside in, who ruin it even more, not to mention the elitist special interest groups who influence American politics and the fabric of American society for the worse many times more then for our benefit)

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After months of debating it, I'm ready to downgrade to Windows 7.  I'd rather use an OS I know works, but has no support and takes forever to boot than use an OS that is supported all the time and boots quick but fails every other month.  Never mind how M$ tried to force it so hard on people even though Metro was tailored for touch screen devices (and even on those, I doubt its integrity).


I do remember the last time I tried it, it didn't work (realizm, I forgot the name of the program you told me to D/L) because of some GPT thing.  I do have two drives to back things up onto and a handy Office 2010 installer and Windows Loader.... but something in the back of my mind is telling me that on the simplest step, it'll fail.


I'd wait for the roll out of Windows 8.1 before thinking about a Windows 7 downgrade.  Secondly, must be a misfortune on your system because my L502x (2012 XPS 15) is running Windows 8 just fine with no problems.  The only problem I have is that my screen is obviously not a touch screen and of course it would of been even better with a touch screen.


I'm quite pissed off right now.


My sister has gotten this idea into her head that she wants a hamster. For two years now, she has been consistently bugging us that she wants it, and even though my mom adamantly opposes it, she eventually told her she could get it, as long as she did not have to see it at all. I don't know if she was using reverse psychology to try to talk my sister out of the idea, or if she eventually caved in order to teach her a lesson, but she got it. We also have a cat, and she was already camping outside my sister's door while she and my dad were setting everything up last night. And my sister being the goody goody she is, all I've heard since the thing arrived is "sorry, sorry, please don't hate me, sorry, sorry" which frankly I can't stand!


Anyways, my mom has been ranting around since she woke up this morning, pointing out that the reason my sister got the hamster is because she really wanted it and went to my dad, who is known to give people whatever they want so long as it pisses my mom off. Meanwhile, MY trip to New York, which I have been planning for the last 10-11 months and really wanted to go on, has been cancelled due to a lack of finances, and if I started demanding such a thing out of my dad, he probably wouldn't take me and would call me ungrateful, bringing up all the times he's taken me transit fanning as I am not old enough to drive wherever yet. Only God knows when I'll get to go now, and with my luck the SF loop will be closed and the entire fleet of R42s retired! Never mind that he can throw out $100+ dollars for a hamster and facilities! Jesus Christ!


Be the bigger brother and forget about it.  Remember kids will be kids no matter what.  And also remember life is never fair, no matter how you look at it.  Sometimes you'll get the things you want and sometimes you will not.  That's life, get over it.


If you were the parent and were financially tight.  What would you have chosen? $200 hamster for an 11 y/o or a $2,000 trip for a (I'm assuming) teenager with a hobby/interest?  Think about it.  Personally I wouldn't have chosen any of the choices, but that's just me.

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Be the bigger brother and forget about it.  Remember kids will be kids no matter what.  And also remember life is never fair, no matter how you look at it.  Sometimes you'll get the things you want and sometimes you will not.  That's life, get over it.


If you were the parent and were financially tight.  What would you have chosen? $200 hamster for an 11 y/o or a $2,000 trip for a (I'm assuming) teenager with a hobby/interest?  Think about it.  Personally I wouldn't have chosen any of the choices, but that's just me.


It's not that I was pissed off about my trip being cancelled - I understand, that's life, sh*t happens sometimes. What outraged me though was that my sister got precisely what she wanted - even though there were people in the family adamantly opposed to it - just by guilt tripping my dad into doing it, and that my dad accepted it. The hamster's presence is, arguably, more problematic than my trip to New York, because of a family situation. My mom currently goes to college from 6 AM to 6 PM starting on Sept 3, and to act as guardian for my siblings (given all the arguments my siblings & I get into, I don't think she would even consider putting me in charge, and I'm grateful for that) my grandmother flies in from Slovakia. She used to sleep in my sister's room through a rearrangement of beds, but with the hamster there there is no way that is going to happen now. So we'll have to find somewhere else to put the thing, and a costly solution that has been suggested is to finish off the basement and leave the hamster there at nights. I asked why we would have to finish the basement in order to leave it there (I never got an answer) but I'll take anything that makes my trip look simple and problem-free by comparison :lol: Additionally, she has pressured my parents into signing her up for various activities, including 2 dance classes and an art class, obtained in much the same way as the hamster was, with my mom putting her foot down about it many times.


It doesn't matter now, though. My dad's reconsidered his position and I'll be able to go to New York after all. I expected to have to really work at it to try to convince him, so this was almost suspiciously easy :huh:

Edited by ttcsubwayfan
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It's not that I was pissed off about my trip being cancelled - I understand, that's life, sh*t happens sometimes. What outraged me though was that my sister got precisely what she wanted - even though there were people in the family adamantly opposed to it - just by guilt tripping my dad into doing it, and that my dad accepted it. The hamster's presence is, arguably, more problematic than my trip to New York, because of a family situation. My mom currently goes to college from 6 AM to 6 PM starting on Sept 3, and to act as guardian for my siblings (given all the arguments my siblings & I get into, I don't think she would even consider putting me in charge, and I'm grateful for that) my grandmother flies in from Slovakia. She used to sleep in my sister's room through a rearrangement of beds, but with the hamster there there is no way that is going to happen now. So we'll have to find somewhere else to put the thing, and a costly solution that has been suggested is to finish off the basement and leave the hamster there at nights. I asked why we would have to finish the basement in order to leave it there (I never got an answer) but I'll take anything that makes my trip look simple and problem-free by comparison :lol: Additionally, she has pressured my parents into signing her up for various activities, including 2 dance classes and an art class, obtained in much the same way as the hamster was, with my mom putting her foot down about it many times.


It doesn't matter now, though. My dad's reconsidered his position and I'll be able to go to New York after all. I expected to have to really work at it to try to convince him, so this was almost suspiciously easy :huh:

And here I was thinking you were a grown man... Explains a lot...  <_<

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I'd wait for the roll out of Windows 8.1 before thinking about a Windows 7 downgrade.  Secondly, must be a misfortune on your system because my L502x (2012 XPS 15) is running Windows 8 just fine with no problems.  The only problem I have is that my screen is obviously not a touch screen and of course it would of been even better with a touch screen.


I've had nothing but issues with 8, MUH BOOT TIMES and the addition of a crappy-looking "Start" button won't change my opinion.  I would have done it last night but I still can't figure out this GPT crap.

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