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Off-topic Random Thoughts Thread

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W Hempstead is okay, it is safe and quiet (I don't hear gunshots and police sirens every night, so I mean that's a plus) and that n15 is a reliable line, I haven't had any headaches with it. I'm kind of shy to go outside and explore and make friends though, so I've been going back to Queens to hang out. (Thank god I'm still going to school in Queens!) Thanks for asking! lol

I wouldn't even deem that as shyness; that's to be expected fam.... Even the most sociable of people won't make friends they'll hang out with (after moving to some new area) overnight..... Then again, I don't use the term friend loosely, so you can take that into consideration as well...


That, and it goes w/o sayin that you won't know where the spots are in W. Hempstead anyway

(compared to the part of Queens you moved from, or Queens in general for that matter)....


To hell w/ the person in the quoted post sayin he's a virgin; I'm not gonna shame him for that....


I am smh at the OP of that thread though.... Wine & dine some chick, take her back to your place to "make out", get her worked up, let her feel that you hard, then withhold sex? Now nzzzz's is teasin bitches? what part of the game is that......


This is what I'm talkin about w/ a lot of these dudes out here.... lmfao at this cornball shit !

Drive her nuts? She WINS in that deal - You just gave a bitch you don't intend on screwing a free goddamn meal (not to mention lettin her know where you live).....  Jesus christ.... You don't ever take some bitch back to your spot you tryna play games like that with...


You wanna so-call withhold sex, work the shit backwards - Have the chick take YOU out, have HER pay for the meal, THEN get her hot & bothered at her place (or the motel 6... lol), then dip the hell out....


.....Of course, you wont hear of most dudes attempting this because they can't get the chick to take them out.

Edited by B35 via Church
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I dunno, i kinda think they are 2 separate kids, but since those 2 are so 'close' it wouldn't surprise me anymore. Either way good god... someone get the white straitjackets for them/him.


I could be offended since both of them essentially called me a 'bastard' as a reason why they were both kicked off, but I chose to let it go because good lord, that could be me right now in that stupid back and forth crap. I apologize in advance for hijacking this thread to post about them, but I do think I am doing folks a favor in showing how justified it was banning them both. Do we really need that crap here? I certainly say no.

Edited by Grand Concourse
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B35: not so much what his 'status is', but some stuff should be kept to themselves. It's not something that should be blurted out for others to ridicule. I mean is there a line anymore about what is said and not said? It shows lack of self control and attention seeking, imo.

He says he's 20. Unfortunately since his credibility is in the toilet...

Yup, he starts it and then tries to turn the tables playing the victim. I will say this, i don't think I've ever seen anyone piss off gold that much ever. And it's even worse when other folks start to gang up on him.


I thought that way when I was his age, too.  Oh, how bad puberty will slap him in the face - If he ever hits it, that is.

Well if you mean the need for attention, perhaps, but is there any self control these days or is everything fair game now? Not everything needs to be made public.


At least he's not our problem anymore ;)

Very true. They can keep saying they want back, but based on the shit going on there in what 1 week now? Not a chance (please keep the door locked!)

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To hell w/ the person in the quoted post sayin he's a virgin; I'm not gonna shame him for that....



I am smh at the OP of that thread though.... Wine & dine some chick, take her back to your place to "make out", get her worked up, let her feel that you hard, then withhold sex? Now nzzzz's is teasin bitches? what part of the game is that......


This is what I'm talkin about w/ a lot of these dudes out here.... lmfao at this cornball shit !

Drive her nuts? She WINS in that deal - You just gave a bitch you don't intend on screwing a free goddamn meal (not to mention lettin her know where you live).....  Jesus christ.... You don't ever take some bitch back to your spot you tryna play games like that with...


You wanna so-call withhold sex, work the shit backwards - Have the chick take YOU out, have HER pay for the meal, THEN get her hot & bothered at her place (or the motel 6... lol), then dip the hell out....


.....Of course, you wont hear of most dudes attempting this because they can't get the chick to take them out.

Of course you won't hear much about that, it's because it ain't easy lol...


I agree with what you're saying here!

Edited by NYCtrainfan01
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I could be offended since both of them essentially called me a 'bastard' as a reason why they were both kicked off, but I chose to let it go because good lord, that could be me right now in that stupid back and forth crap. I apologize in advance for hijacking this thread to post about them, but I do think I am doing folks a favor in showing how justified it was banning them both. Do we really need that crap here? I certainly say no.

There's nothin for you to apologize for.... This is off topic, after all :D


B35: not so much what his 'status is', but some stuff should be kept to themselves. It's not something that should be blurted out for others to ridicule.

I mean is there a line anymore about what is said and not said? It shows lack of self control and attention seeking, imo.

- The second question is an easy one to answer.... No, there is no (more) line of demarcation as to what people say, because folks in general nowadays wanna be seen & heard for all the wrong reasons..... Goes back to the slut culture we continue to live in.... 


- As far as the first statement..... I don't see someone stating that they're a virgin, in a thread that deals with sex as being TMI.....

That's exactly why I went to see what the original post was all about..... The OP blatantly says "he's never having sex again" (then goes on to post his future plan of how he'll commence dealing with women... lmao).... The kid in the post you linked, all he's sayin is that he's never had sex to begin with.... I'm not gonna shame him for that.... I don't see that as a lack of self control & an attempt at seeking attention....



Of course you won't hear much about that, it's because it ain't easy lol...


I agree with what you're saying here!

That's exactly the point - Dudes spend too much time chasing chicks that don't want them.... "like that" :lol:

(this is why I can not stand PUA's... they think the ultimate way to land any woman is by getting into her head, psychologically speaking, while reading body language/picking up on mannerisms & reacting accordingly - "Game", as it's called.... The chick that wants a 1-nighter, is gonna oblige regardless - All you as a man have to do is not dramaticlally/drastically f*** up along the way.... PUA's tend to think they're in such control, when they're really not........ PUA's compared to your average dude, does do a better job at not f***in up their chances, I will give them that (although their overall numbers [which they love to brag about] are still low because after all, they're still chasing)....


I have had more females ask me out, than me having asked some female out... The first right to refusal is on MY hands, not theirs... Some women have this thing where they get off on rejecting men - because it lets them know either way that they're still wanted (which is what most women ultimately want anyway).... Now whether they want to BE with some dude/that dude, is another story.....


See, men in general automatically equate being with someone, with being wanted.... Women DO NOT...

If we (men) want a woman, we're gonna wanna be with them (this is where some women will tell you that men are actually the ones that get too emotionally attached to the opposite sex too quickly... and I'd have to actually agree)....But I'm not handin out too many attagirl's either because women are on the opposite side of this coin - They play this hard to get, puttin dudes through a bunch of shit tests, etc etc.....


I'll stop here.

Edited by B35 via Church
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The karts at CI was ok, never rode the one it replaced, but it was a decent course. I didn't dare put the pedal to the floor in fear the thing would flip on its side. Anyway everyone kept their distance and no one tried to over take me or i overtaking another person.

The steeplechase and eagle ride were soso. Once and done, not worth riding more. The skyscraper thing, the hell? I was charged 12 creds on that thing, did they raise the price today (listed as 10)? bs. 

Did a few rides at luna park: the disko, air race (still my fav flat ride).

Finally did 2 rides on the Cyclone. 1 ride was in the very 2nd row and the other was the 3rd row in the 2nd car. Both rides were much better than that insane back row, last car ride. No violent ejection and slamming feeling. So it redeemed itself a little.

Total: $60 for 70 credits. Of course going to Six flags is worth it over CI, pity it's a pita to get there.

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The karts at CI was ok, never rode the one it replaced, but it was a decent course. I didn't dare put the pedal to the floor in fear the thing would flip on its side. Anyway everyone kept their distance and no one tried to over take me or i overtaking another person.

The steeplechase and eagle ride were soso. Once and done, not worth riding more. The skyscraper thing, the hell? I was charged 12 creds on that thing, did they raise the price today (listed as 10)? bs.

Did a few rides at luna park: the disko, air race (still my fav flat ride).

Finally did 2 rides on the Cyclone. 1 ride was in the very 2nd row and the other was the 3rd row in the 2nd car. Both rides were much better than that insane back row, last car ride. No violent ejection and slamming feeling. So it redeemed itself a little.

Total: $60 for 70 credits. Of course going to Six flags is worth it over CI, pity it's a pita to get there.

NJT has a deal for Six Flags. Only $61 (last time I went lol) from PABT to the park and back, plus admission ticket

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I happened to be looking at Subchat today, thought this was funny (yes, posts from the two morons):




and this



The f**k man?


NJT has a deal for Six Flags. Only $61 (last time I went lol) from PABT to the park and back, plus admission ticket

I thought that was a combined bus/park ticket...

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Breaking news, 12 year old allowed to join transit museum, now convinced he can tell them what to do.


I used to work there and I couldn't convince them of anything. Took a kid nearly getting hurt for them to take up my suggestion to ban heelies in the station.


And he wants them to save his specifically chosen O5.

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NJT has a deal for Six Flags. Only $61 (last time I went lol) from PABT to the park and back, plus admission ticket

What time does the bus get to the park and what time must you leave? For me if I am not there before the rope drops like 10:30am, then it's a lost cause. There's no way to finish the park unless you get Kingda Ka out of the way first thing in the morning. I dunno what the line is like for Green Lantern as I heard it takes a while because they have to adjust people to stand on it.


Speaking of the parks, if all goes well, I'm heading to Hershey and Dorney park for the first time in maybe 20years. I barely remember the parks before, but can't wait to ride the coasters at both places. Coaster credits :) My eventual goal: Cedar Point and Six Flags Magic Mountain. 




Breaking news, 12 year old allowed to join transit museum, now convinced he can tell them what to do.


I used to work there and I couldn't convince them of anything. Took a kid nearly getting hurt for them to take up my suggestion to ban heelies in the station.


And he wants them to save his specifically chosen O5.

Oh god... I just hope it was for his mom, but if they actually take him seriously, then I have lost all respect for them. Also smh at the 'relationships/girls' comments by the 2 kids there. I guess tmi doesn't register?

Edited by Grand Concourse
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