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I'm getting a sandwich at Subway, and someone comes up to me, and gives me the whole schpeel about she needs something to eat, etc. I originally wasn't going to give her anything, but of course she came in the moment i'm talking to the cashier about the cookie, so as a gesture, I gave her 15 cents, but then she's like "I'm trying to buy a sandwich here." And i'm like "Jesus Christ, whaddya want me to do, buy you the whole thing? Yeah, I have SOME money, but I got stuff to do like GET HOME." I regret even giving her the 15 cents now. <_<

Edited by CDTA
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Because our "gubment" is full of contradictions... <_<


yup, tax and spend... How sad being in America, will owning property be worse than being a renter. The govt can't even commit to spending cuts till 2 months after the deadline if a deal is reached. And I'd like to see those politicians live in NYC or San Fran with just $400k. Seriously, we have people like bill gates, what is this fixation on $400k? Why not $750 k or $1 mil+? Edited by Grand Concourse
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I'm getting a sandwich at Subway, and someone comes up to me, and gives me the whole schpeel about she needs something to eat, etc. I originally wasn't going to give her anything, but of course she came in the moment i'm talking to the cashier about the cookie, so as a gesture, I gave her 15 cents, but then she's like "I'm trying to buy a sandwich here." And i'm like "Jesus Christ, whaddya want me to do, buy you the whole thing? Yeah, I have SOME money, but I got stuff to do like GET HOME." I regret even giving her the 15 cents now. <_<


I swear, people these days are becoming more demanding by the day. It's bad enough that I can barely scrape by buying for myself, so it infuriates me when people think I can award all the money in the world to them. There are places which I don't even go to eat now because of rude beggars.


Hell, I stopped frequenting one specific restuarant (this Church's Chicken) because it was such a hellhole. There I've been asked for money/food at the adjecent bus stop (once I ended up buying for the person because I would get bitched at while waiting for the bus), asked for money while I was waiting to order/while ordering (multiple times), asked for money while dining (once I gave this dude a shitload of coins to shut him up because he wouldn't leave my table), and have been nearly robbed outside (I slammed the motherf****r into the front windows). The oddest were these women asking me if I could split my "EBT" (did I mention the CA State goverment pays for select patrons orders here) with them, then I showed them the card and they saw it was debit.


It's no wonder that place has their staff behind prtective glass. But enough with my rant, moving on...

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Yeah, apparently this also happened to an aquantince (<-- how the hell do you spell that?) of mine. She had just finished shopping, and this person asks her if she can spare any food, so she gives him an apple. Then the guy goes "But I want a sandwich." So she says, "I already gave you an apple. Now go away."

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Yeah, apparently this also happened to an aquantince (<-- how the hell do you spell that?) of mine. She had just finished shopping, and this person asks her if she can spare any food, so she gives him an apple. Then the guy goes "But I want a sandwich." So she says, "I already gave you an apple. Now go away."





I guess you could remember it like Ac-quaint-ance if it helps.

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yup, tax and spend... How sad being in America, will owning property be worse than being a renter. The govt can't even commit to spending cuts till 2 months after the deadline if a deal is reached. And I'd like to see those politicians live in NYC or San Fran with just $400k. Seriously, we have people like bill gates, what is this fixation on $400k? Why not $750 k or $1 mil+?


The goal was really $250k... The Republicans didn't want the tax hikes to affect what are in essence middle class families and small businesses, albeit upper middle class in some cases, so as a compromise it was raised to 400k. The problem is that won't be enough to deal with the debt issues, which is why Obama wanted the hit at 250k. As for the folks at the top, don't worry. They will be paying some serious high taxes with the bill that was just passed last night in the house. It's just a question of how many loop holes were closed for them.
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Damn it, that's the last time I do a favor for my sister. She needs batteries for her XBOX controller, and since the ones for my camera are rechargeable AA's, so she likes to use mine, and last time she refused to give them back because I "wasn't using them right away", even tough I told her that they need to charge, and there's no way in hell you'll be lucid enough at 6AM to be able to give them back then, so I ended up after a long feud getting them back. Well anyways, this time her friend asked, and this friend is generally ok, and she said an hour, so I said OK. Well anyways, it occurred to me roughly 30 minutes ago, that I need to charge them, and the morning thing, because I want to go fan tomorrow while there's still snow on the ground. (It's not really going anywhere tough, it's been roughly 0-16 all week.) So anyways, when I ask for my batteries, she gives me the whole run-around, like why do you need them etc. and then she finally says "I don't know if they're in here". So after another long feud debate, she lets me check her room, and I see ONE battery of mine in the controller. (The other was a regular disposable AA, which pretty much kills the battery) And of course, the other battery is no where to be found, and the friend left already. :rolleyes: So for now, i'm borrowing the other battery from the TV remote. I'm going to see if she'll call her friend, but I need to wait before asking, because I know if I ask her right now, she'll tell me to go away, because iv'e been "bothering her too much." Oh, and if I can't find my battery, I know she's going to refuse to pay me the money to replace it, because she didn't lose it, batteries don't cost that much, etc. Oh and that's another thing, they keep forgetting it's rechargeable. Wait, that gives me an idea. Be right back. Oh of course, she's refusing to cooperate, because her TV is to loud, and she can't hear me. I trust the friend enough that I think she'll cooperate, so hopefully i'm right about that. And if they think they're ever borrowing my batteries again.... <_<



On another, much better note, it seems as if for some reason, i've been immune to cold recently. It's 0 up here most of the time, and I find it to be good walking around weather. As a matter of fact, when waiting for the bus this afternoon, I actually took my jacket off and was fine. Probably has something to do with the fact that I was fanning the (H) during Euclid, so everything else seems minimal. (As long as I remember my gloves tomorrow, i'll be fine.) We even had a snowball fight, and I kept getting hit by snow, and I was fine.


And on a third note, my hand has been getting alot of cuts on it recently.... I'm wondering what they're from, but i'm pretty sure it has to do with the fact that I keep forgetting gloves.

Edited by CDTA
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Why not just buy a pair of batteries from the local lotto store and give them to her and hide your camera batteries?


Yeah despite the cold, I'm still fine (occasional sneeze, but nothing serious). Meanwhile people I know who takes vitamins and probably had their flu shots are sick. Natural immune system ftw!



Edited by Grand Concourse
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04/06:04pm 40.2 33.5 9.6 16 18.1 N 35 57 19 31 997.8 - 0 04/06:00pm 40.2 33.6 8.6 15 18.4 NNW 33 52 18 28 997.9 997.9 0 04/05:30pm 41.7 33.1 6.5 12 20 NNW 41 69 22 37 998 - 0 04/05:00pm 44.1 36 7.1 11 21.3 NNW 39 70 21 38 998 - 0 04/04:37pm 47.2 38.2 6.5 9 23.6 NNW 43 63 23 34 998 - 0 04/04:30pm 44.8 35.8 6.2 10 22 WNW 43 65 23 35 997.9 - 0 04/04:26pm 44.5 36.2 6 10 21.9 WNW 39 82 21 44 998 - 0 04/04:23pm 49.9 41.7 6.7 8 25.4 WNW 39 82 21 44 997.7 - 0 04/04:22pm 54.9 47 6.1 6 29.1 WNW 37 82 20 44 997.9 - 0 04/04:00pm 38.5 30.1 7.3 15 17.6 WNW 41 63 22 34 998.4 - 0 04/03:30pm 38 28.2 6.9 15 17.4 W 48 78 26 42 997.9 - 0




54c(130F) in Tasmania.....Don't think so!

Here's the culprit:



In fact within that minute the temp was recorded at 59.9c(139.2F)


You can tell somthing is not right with the Min being 37c recorded 20 minutes ago!


It's not good news in Tasmania. Two fires are still classed as EMERGENCY WARNING. The one that's causing the main issues is East of Hobart. 80 Homes have been destoryed and the A9 Arthur Highway has been blocked. The issue with this is it's the only road south to the tasmanian peninsula. The other fire is North of Hobart near the A3 Tasman Highway near Bicheno.

Edited by Pakenhamtrain
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lol, I love the contradictions from the sale of Al Gore's Current tv to Al jezzira. Mr. Inconvenient Truth decides to sell his network to a oil rich country Quitar? And Joy Behar would rather work for an Islamic group than for supposedly Glen Beck. Lol, if she is forced to wear a burkah, then perhaps Al Jezzira will have done the world a favor.

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Yeah, how much of a tax break does Gates get for giving away money to Africa than the poor people on the streets here in America? Just watch in 2 months they take the cop out and make major cuts to the military and almost none for the social programs.


Exactly... More Obama bucks for the welfare recipients...
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