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I do hope they get it running. It looks absloutly smashing at night. In the article they've got photos from two different eras. The top one is after they refurbished it and the one below it was before. Before they did it up it had a habbit of being wrong. 31 degrees in winter......dream on clock!

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^ Show off. :D


Yep... Fancy.... Wouldn't have it any other way. :D However, tomorrow will be a pain... No internet until Verizon decides to show up. <_<



On a side note, this smokin' Latina was eyeing me while I was on MetroNorth this morning. Unfortunately for me we were going in opposite directions, but maybe I'll have to start making special trips on MetroNorth from now on to bump into her. :lol:

Edited by Via Garibaldi 8
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On a side note, this smokin' Latina was eyeing me while I was on MetroNorth this morning. Unfortunately for me we were going in opposite directions, but maybe I'll have to start making special trips on MetroNorth from now on to bump into her. :lol:



Definitely a rouse. :lol:

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You guys are so lucky... During my school days, they'll start b---hing about my books if I left it at home... I couldn't leave my stuff in my desk because all my classes had a bunch of thieves... Some of my stuff would disappear if I left my stuff at my desk... I had to carry about 4 heavy textbooks every day...


Every few months, my bookbag's straps would start to rip causing me to by new bags...



Yeah, that's part of the reason I made a special attempt to lighten the load in my bookbag: The straps and bag were starting to tear and I had to sew it up, but there's only so many times you can sew it up before it's just not worth it.


I dunno. The way my school does it just seems like the common sense way. I mean, most of the classes I'm in don't even use the textbooks in class (we just get homework from them), so they don't even have to spend money on an extra set of books or anything. (Of course, they waste so much money on other crap that it wouldn't even make a difference). There's no point in having to lug around the textbooks.


On a side note, I finally managed to check out the Elm Park station of the North Shore Rail Line (or what's left of it anyway). It's amazing that in Google Streetview, it's all obscured, but in person, it's right there, plain as day.


On another side note, the prices were at that Entenmanns outlet I went to were really low. They had loaves of bread for $1 each that normally cost around $4, and they had cakes for like 3/$5. (It's the one by Forest & South in case anybody's wondering). I wonder what the logic is behind these stores as to why their prices are lower than the supermarket prices. The bread was a few days from expiration (but even in a regular store, you wouldn't get it for less than $2), but the cakes were at the regular price. I guess any excess that they didn't sell to a supermarket they just bring over there.


It looks like there's one in each borough: http://www.google.com/maps?q=Entenmann's+Bakery+Outlet+loc:+Brooklyn,+NY&hl=en&ll=40.638642,-73.937559&spn=0.038362,0.077162&sll=40.643917,-74.058151&sspn=0.153436,0.308647&geocode=CcPQ0gdxT5pMFZPnagIdY5mU-yk7ATv8ZO3CiTHVX-8RLrWVEg&hq=Entenmann's+Bakery+Outlet&hnear=Brooklyn,+Kings,+New+York&t=m&z=14

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Ridiculous. People say I always have an attitude. Well today, I was having a great day. Then everyone starts hating on me and getting an attitude at school. I brush it off and go on with my day. Last period of the day, and some homies decide to f**k around, so the teacher gets all pissed, annoying me more. So I walk 1 mile to the bus stop. After, I get off at Circle K (convinience store). I walk in planning to buy a drink (it's hot as hell), then I get this lady bitching at me to remove my backpack, and leave it by the door. Being pissed I just ignore her. Then she starts yelling and I lose it. I ask her what's the problem. Then all hell breaks lose. I ask why I'm being yelled at. I have never been treated like that in any other Circle K, I ask was it because the store is in a high risk. She just tells me to leave. I tell her to be quiet. She replies she doesn't want to see me in the store again. IDGAF. I should have suspected B.S. From the get go, with the tight ass manager, crappy area, and poor sanitary conditions. God, why do I even bother. Sorry, just needed to rant. I'm still mad, and hot as hell though.

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Three more Star Trek Online ships




USS Tappan Zee

Mirror Universe Soverign class


ISS Brookhaven

Mirror Destiny Class (deep space Science ship)


these ships were stolen by the tholians and captured by the Federation. Between getting the two, the game devleopers allowed you to stick ISS in place of USS.


USS Nieuw Amsterdam

Odyssey Class


new "star" ship. class inculdes the NPC USS Enterprise NCC-1701-F.

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Yeah, it looks like the cakes were defective in one way or another, so they can't get full price for them even though they're basically fine: http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/brooklyn/entenmann_brings_defective_cakes_FzugBOQ4zPveVp38qwBN1L


I remember when I found out why they call the South Jamaica Houses "40 projects" (they're across from P.S.40), and thinking "That's dumb". I mean, I'm sure there are plenty of other projects across from schools and you don't see them being named like that (Off the top of my head, P.S.18 is across from the West Brighton Houses, and P.S.14 & I.S.49 are across from the Stapleton Houses, and that's just on Staten Island).


I also think it's a little confusing the way they number the schools. I mean, for example, there's a P.S.18 in every borough. But now that I think about it, if it wasn't like that, you'd have a bunch of schools called P.S. 9XX or something (maybe going into 4 digits), so I guess it's the lesser of two eveils

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Yeah, it looks like the cakes were defective in one way or another, so they can't get full price for them even though they're basically fine: http://www.nypost.co...4zPveVp38qwBN1L


I remember when I found out why they call the South Jamaica Houses "40 projects" (they're across from P.S.40), and thinking "That's dumb". I mean, I'm sure there are plenty of other projects across from schools and you don't see them being named like that (Off the top of my head, P.S.18 is across from the West Brighton Houses, and P.S.14 & I.S.49 are across from the Stapleton Houses, and that's just on Staten Island).


I also think it's a little confusing the way they number the schools. I mean, for example, there's a P.S.18 in every borough. But now that I think about it, if it wasn't like that, you'd have a bunch of schools called P.S. 9XX or something (maybe going into 4 digits), so I guess it's the lesser of two eveils


I'd prefer the campus number rises, but that's just me.


And speaking of those outlets, we had 5 over here until 4 shut down. Honestly, most items were fine, but the damaged equivilent was 50-75% off the regular non damed price.


Also Wonder had a outlet chain and massive distribution center out here until they filed for Chapter 11.

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I had a wonderful experience today....


So i'm in science, and I notice it smells like poop, but think nothing of it, until a bunch of other people notice it too.

(Now, in science I sit next to the window, which had sun shining through it)

And then somebody says to me "Hey, whats that on your shoe?" I look and there it is all over the bottom of my shoe, and it was baking in the sun the whole time. And of course I have one of those shoes that have an elaborate design on the bottom...


But what I really want to know, is how did I not realize I stepped in it? Something like that is normally pretty obvious.

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I had a wonderful experience today....


So i'm in science, and I notice it smells like poop, but think nothing of it, until a bunch of other people notice it too.

(Now, in science I sit next to the window, which had sun shining through it)

And then somebody says to me "Hey, whats that on your shoe?" I look and there it is all over the bottom of my shoe, and it was baking in the sun the whole time. And of course I have one of those shoes that have an elaborate design on the bottom...


But what I really want to know, is how did I not realize I stepped in it? Something like that is normally pretty obvious.


That's happened to me once or twice, with some wacky ass shoe designs. That's what I get for living in horseshit valley.


Anyway, what's the deal with shit lately, literally.


Anyhow, a somewhat simalar experience today. This woman, and what I assume is her BF walk on the bus with their very young daughter. Arriving the routes terminal, the bus is induced with a bad smell. Little does eveyone know that the woman is changing their daughter's diaper. At least we were able to get off. I felt for the B/O, who called another bus over, actually citing hazardous materials over his radio.


Now the disgusting part isn't the fact that you stepped in it, but the fact that you start thinking about what it came out of... :wacko:


Reminds of this lady who was always tripping at my local Walmart. She would lie on a bench, then she urinated/defacated at the enterance of the store. A female worker there actually said that she lived nearby to her, and that she was losing her house. I stopped shopping there after, due to a list of reasons, suprisingly this not being one of them.


The benefits of living pratically in the middle of buttf**k nowhere. ^^^^

Edited by Turbo19
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Apparently DOT can't do anything right. They put up new crosswalks & a stop sign by Van Pelt & Netherland, but there was a ton of wet paint everywhere. My friend says that they left all the empty paint cans and whatever in front of his house, and then as I'm walking, I notice that the area by the curb had a bunch of wet paint that flowed into it, and I almost stepped in it.


On a side note, I ran into LRG today. I was waiting for the bus by Richmond & Monsey and I see him there, skateboard and all.

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Reminds of this lady who was always tripping at my local Walmart. She would lie on a bench, then she urinated/defacated at the enterance of the store. A female worker there actually said that she lived nearby to her, and that she was losing her house. I stopped shopping there after, due to a list of reasons, suprisingly this not being one of them.




But what I really want to know, is how did I not realize I stepped in it? Something like that is normally pretty obvious.



As the saying goes, shit happens....

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Random thought: I never really pondered upon until just now. For quite some time I would see moms with infants walking between the cars asking for change. I'm unsure what to think of it.


One straphanger in so many words was yelling at her saying how stupid you can be crossing between cars with baby in hand just for the sake of peddling for change to get food and ameities for her kid. And that's if she is even genuine about her story as to why she's homeless and in need. His words not mine.


It's understood we are in tough times in a financially very tough city.

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Apparently DOT can't do anything right. They put up new crosswalks & a stop sign by Van Pelt & Netherland, but there was a ton of wet paint everywhere. My friend says that they left all the empty paint cans and whatever in front of his house, and then as I'm walking, I notice that the area by the curb had a bunch of wet paint that flowed into it, and I almost stepped in it.


On a side note, I ran into LRG today. I was waiting for the bus by Richmond & Monsey and I see him there, skateboard and all.


The DOT is F-ed up in so many ways, it isn't even funny.


Random thought: I never really pondered upon until just now. For quite some time I would see moms with infants walking between the cars asking for change. I'm unsure what to think of it.


One straphanger in so many words was yelling at her saying how stupid you can be crossing between cars with baby in hand just for the sake of peddling for change to get food and ameities for her kid. And that's if she is even genuine about her story as to why she's homeless and in need. His words not mine.


It's understood we are in tough times in a financially very tough city.


Doesn't get much sadder than that.

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^^ Welcome to the hood, where it's inhabitants are numb to shit that those living outside of it would be greatly cautious of & affected (mentally) by...... nzzzz's can't aim to save their lives & nzzzz's walkin around aimlessly when real shit's goin down... I forget which comedian said it, but dude was like, when we (meaning blacks) see people runnin out the club, we start runnin & don't even know why we runnin..... But when white people see people runnin out the club, white people will stop & ask questions..... It's funny because it's true... I think it was cedric the entertainer that said it......


Anyway, Now I wouldn't stand there & talk on my phone if I hear bullets ringing out (vast majority of shootouts you hear about on the news that don't involve cops, often involve an innocent bystander gettin hit), but I have walked past someone that was ailing on the floor after having gotten shot (two separate occasions) & someone that got stabbed on one occasion....


And hell, I can't count on two hands how many women I've seen the stew beat out of em by their dude.....I'm not white knighting for these rats out here because quite frankly, lot of these broads I think deserve the ass-kickings they get.... All in all, I'm not really on that "snitches get stitches" tip, I'm more on the "MYOB" tip.....


I would apologize for going off topic... but this is.... the off topic thread.... Lol.



p.s. - For those that may think I'm a "hood dude" (smh).... No, I'm not, or don't proclaim to be (and for damn sure, don't try to glorify it) - I just know how to survive in your average one..... Street smarts enable me to routefan the areas I'm totally unaware of, that I do....


p.s.s. - I was thinkin to myself as I watched the video the first time..... Betty shabazz (which has a reputation of being one of the worst schools in NYC) isn't in lefferts gardens, that's over there in brownsville IINM.... I had to listen to the video again to realize they were referencing two separate incidents

(the mother gettin shot, and this dude standin around smokin & talkin on his cell)....

Edited by B35 via Church
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Random experiment I did...


I go to my friend's house on E. 91 St and Clarkson a lot so today I did an experiment to see how long it would take me. This is what I came up with...


Main walking path

From M. Gaston & New Lots: M. Gaston > Linden Blvd > E. 91 St...total time: 25 mins


Alternate walking path

From M. Gaston & Lott: Lott > Riverdale Av > Lenox Rd > Rockaway Pkwy > Clarkson Av...total time: 24 mins


Walking directions given by Bing

From M. Gaston & Lott: Lott > E. 98 > Lenox Rd > E. 95 > Clarkson...total time: 25 mins

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Random experiment I did...


I go to my friend's house on E. 91 St and Clarkson a lot so today I did an experiment to see how long it would take me. This is what I came up with...


Main walking path

From M. Gaston & New Lots: M. Gaston > Linden Blvd > E. 91 St...total time: 25 mins


Alternate walking path

From M. Gaston & Lott: Lott > Riverdale Av > Lenox Rd > Rockaway Pkwy > Clarkson Av...total time: 24 mins


Walking directions given by Bing

From M. Gaston & Lott: Lott > E. 98 > Lenox Rd > E. 95 > Clarkson...total time: 25 mins


over there by PS 219..... that's about a 10 min walk from where I am (well, with the way I walk anyway).... 15 mins. tops...


* Bing also stated it would take me 25 mins to walk from my crib to that area.... which is funny to me

In 25 mins, I can walk from my crib to utica av subway (3)(4)

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