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Coughing up a storm over here. I'm thinking "Great, I got rid of the runny nose". Then I get the chest pains I mentioned earlier, and now I can't stop coughing. I'm wondering what the hell it is. Sometimes I cough up phlegm, but other times I don't. I hope it isn't pneumonia or anything like that. (Out of curiosity, is pneumonia something you can get from somebody who doesn't show any symptoms?)


Edit: Looks like it can't be pneumonia, but it could be bronchitis, which I've had before (though I don't really have wheezing or shortness of breath). I remember I was about 8 years old and I woke up one morning coughing like crazy. But it looks like it just goes away on it's own, so there's nothing to do but wait it out.


If it were pneumonia, you wouldn't be on here typing..... I've never heard of pneumonia being contagious.....


Sounds like you got a summer cold....



Is it me or is it that as Blacks we tend to look more muscular and build muscle faster?


*Edit* Just did a search and it seems to be a common question. So it isn't just me...


The building muscle faster part is an unproven myth that's been out the for the longest....


The looking more muscular (albeit in the eye of the beholder) part, I find to be true..... Many women (in general) do as well.... A lot of white fighters/wrestlers/bodybuilders, etc. don't want to come to grips to this, but darker skinned fighters/wrestlers/bodybuilders, etc. do appear more masculine..... Defined bone & muscle structure is more prominent on darker skinned ppl, since light sources are brighter than they are darker.....

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If it were pneumonia, you wouldn't be on here typing..... I've never heard of pneumonia being contagious.....


Sounds like you got a summer cold....



Since pneumonia is a bacterial infection, I assumed it could be transferred when somebody coughs or sneezes. I've heard of colds turning into pneumonia (people talk about how people with AIDS have to be careful not to even catch colds, because they could turn into pneumonia and kill them), but like I said, I'm not showing any symptoms besides coughing.


Yeah, it's probably a summer cold. The weird thing is that the runny nose & coughing didn't happen simultaneously. First it was the runny nose, then the coughing fits.

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The building muscle faster part is an unproven myth that's been out the for the longest....


The looking more muscular (albeit in the eye of the beholder) part, I find to be true..... Many women (in general) do as well.... A lot of white fighters/wrestlers/bodybuilders, etc. don't want to come to grips to this, but darker skinned fighters/wrestlers/bodybuilders, etc. do appear more masculine..... Defined bone & muscle structure is more prominent on darker skinned ppl, since light sources are brighter than they are darker.....



True since light-skinned bodybuilders do tan their skin to show defenition...

Edited by Jamaica Line
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Since pneumonia is a bacterial infection, I assumed it could be transferred when somebody coughs or sneezes. I've heard of colds turning into pneumonia (people talk about how people with AIDS have to be careful not to even catch colds, because they could turn into pneumonia and kill them), but like I said, I'm not showing any symptoms besides coughing.


Yeah, it's probably a summer cold. The weird thing is that the runny nose & coughing didn't happen simultaneously. First it was the runny nose, then the coughing fits.


As a kid, my great granma would always tell me to "put on that jacket before you catch pneumonia"...... It was always pneumonia she said, never a cold..... Me liking cold weather, sometimes I would go outside in the snow w/ a short sleeve shirt or, or a flimsy long sleeve shirt while shoveling & what not.......


Now that I think about it, you could've had an allergy of some sort also.... I know when I start sweepin up outside in the fall, if I don't wear a mask, I start gettin nasal drips (that's how it usually starts), then I wake up the next morning & start coughing out of nowhere... during the day, I start hacking up yellow-green shit.... symptoms last for no longer than a week......


(I'm allergic to dust.... same reason I can't vacuum w/o a mask - ^^ same thing happens if I don't wear one)



In any case, I found this pic too:




Thanks.... I know of two forums where that gif will come in very handy....



True since light-skinned bodybuilders do tan their skin to show defenition...


Funny you mention that..... I used to watch those bodybuilder competitions years ago on ESPN2, just to laugh at how goddamn orange a lot of those bodybuilders were..... I mean I know they got those spray tans or w/e, but I wonder how long does it take them to get that color? All bugs bunny ate were carrots, and he was still grayer than a muhh...... lol.....

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Yeah, looking back, I think I know how I got it. I work with little kids, and one of them kept running for the tissues, and he was taking his sweet time throwing them away, so when he got up, I just said "Here, give it to me and I'll throw it away". I tried avoiding touching it as much as possible, but that's probably how I got it (Either that, or just being in close proximity to the kid could've given it to me).


I swear, little kids always seem to get sick. I mean, you should take a look at the absences on my report cards. Kindergarden was like 18 absences, 1st grade was 21 absences, 2nd grade was 28 absences, and then in 3rd grade, it dropped down to 13, and now I just miss a few days a year.


In any case, it seems like I'm over it now. But looking back, it seemed to be worse at home, so it could've been exacerbated by allergies. I mean, I would walk home and only cough a little bit, but at home, especially in the evenings, I would cough up a storm. Even when I walked along Richmond Terrace, it wasn't too bad (but then again, I was taking shallow breaths most of the time).

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Kudos to you, chief.... I can't be around anyone else's children (for a multitude of reasons); the sick factor is one of them.

You catch something like chicken pox at an adult age and it's supposedly much more fatal..... No thanks.


(side note: out of my 4 childhood friends [2 of which I'm still chill with to this very day], I was the only one that had chicken pox..... 1 had the measles, 2 had the mumps, and 1 had something called rubella.....)



Growing up, my great gran'ma used to babysit for family-friends (and friends of family-friends).... Which meant I had to be around some crumbsnatcher I wanted to be nowhere near..... and on top of that, be extra wary/protective of all the toys & video games I had....

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I honestly can't stand kids (in general, and for this case I mean like ones under 7yrs). The germs factor is one I almost forgot about, but mostly because they are so wound up and I just don't want to be bothered to chase them down or tell them not to touch/break this or that. For pets, I totally love them (as long as they are dogs or cats). If I was to be asked to care for anyone else's pet, I'd have no issues with that. Call me anti-social lol, but I'll take pets over kids anytime.

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I honestly can't stand kids (in general, and for this case I mean like ones under 7yrs). The germs factor is one I almost forgot about, but mostly because they are so wound up and I just don't want to be bothered to chase them down or tell them not to touch/break this or that. For pets, I totally love them (as long as they are dogs or cats). If I was to be asked to care for anyone else's pet, I'd have no issues with that. Call me anti-social lol, but I'll take pets over kids anytime.


That, and over-protective parents (which you can't really blame them.... but on the same side of the coin, I don't wanna be used as human target practice either)....


I don't knock anyone with pets (except young women of dating age that uses pets as substitutes for not having children of their own.... that's a sad sad sight..... those types end up becoming like the crazy cat lady in the simpsons.... lol), but I myself wouldn't own a pet...... Don't want that responsibility..... I'd be just as hesitant in wanting to take care of someone else's pet as I would someone else's child.....

Edited by B35 via Church
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When it comes to kids I most likely could manage as I did pretty well at the park when we had a barbcue over there in Long Island. I have an incredibly large tolerance to most things and I have a lot of patience with people in general (there are some I no longer have the patience to deal with, but that's another story). The thing I have had trouble with the most are teenagers, but as I have said I have a lot of patience and tolerance with people, so I didn't let them discourage me from doing what I did best in high school.

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I don't have much trouble connecting with teenagers (well the boys anyway)....


You have to treat em like men, but at the same time, make them realize they're not men yet..... Not a lot of people can (or care enough to) do that.... Most folks think of teenagers as young lost souls (screw it, criminals) on their way to adulthood you can't tell anything to - which isn't the case..... It's like a poker move.... they bet 10, you put down 10 & raise them 100..... Teenage boys see themselves as men (especially these days), and as men, it's our job to show (not necessarily tell) them that, ay, lil homie, you not here yet - take advantage of the youth you got..... You gotta come to them real, none of this intentionally hiding/lying to them about things.... Those years you had to lie to em about Sandy Claus are over.....


^^ Not saying that doing that will yield a 100% success rate in turning every teen around, but giving up on teens in general isn't the answer either.... You never know what facet of something you might say (or do) they'll pick up on & use it to propel themselves into being honorable, & productive men in life.... I know that isht worked for me....


teenage girls is on a whole 'nother level.... the way they behave is learned behavior from all the females in their family, more often than not (hey, NYCTrainFan.... if you're reading this - AWALT ;) )...... You'll see more boys "breaking the cycle" (so to speak) than you will teenage girls..... Females are in a rush to get married & have children; that's nature... it validates them as women.....


it isn't nature for a troubled teenage lil homey to become a criminal, young G', etc..... and being a OG triple OG sure as hell doesn't validate any male as a man.......

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I honestly can't stand kids (in general, and for this case I mean like ones under 7yrs). The germs factor is one I almost forgot about, but mostly because they are so wound up and I just don't want to be bothered to chase them down or tell them not to touch/break this or that. For pets, I totally love them (as long as they are dogs or cats). If I was to be asked to care for anyone else's pet, I'd have no issues with that. Call me anti-social lol, but I'll take pets over kids anytime.



lol... Well my first job was a camp counselor at 15 and the kids loved me. For whatever reason I seem to connect with kids and the little ones. I had a group of boys from 7 to 8 I believe. They were a good group overall. Relatively well behaved with a few wild ones of course. At the end though I was tipped well, which to me was a surprise. I was really shocked at how much they enjoyed the summer with me and how much their parents enjoyed me as their camp counselor, and I got a bit emotional when everything was over. Me and my friend Chris at the time who was also a counselor in the camp just broke out to get our minds off of the situation, but yeah, I know what you mean. I tutored a 9 year old bilingual kid for a few months recently and while it was tough, I enjoyed it. Quite frankly I think we never really grow up and there is a kid in all of us so that part of me comes out at times when I'm with kids.


For example, at times he just didn't want to study and wanted to play basketball so I shot a ball around with him for a little bit and it brought back memories for me as a kid growing up. Like B35 said, you have to sort of put yourself in their shoes and go from there. I will say that the kids of today are pretty damn smart that's for sure. With that said though, I'm still not sure if want little ones. I've thought about it here and there and maybe at most two little ones down the road, but definitely not now.

Edited by Via Garibaldi 8
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I honestly can't stand kids (in general, and for this case I mean like ones under 7yrs). The germs factor is one I almost forgot about, but mostly because they are so wound up and I just don't want to be bothered to chase them down or tell them not to touch/break this or that. For pets, I totally love them (as long as they are dogs or cats). If I was to be asked to care for anyone else's pet, I'd have no issues with that. Call me anti-social lol, but I'll take pets over kids anytime.



I could tell... ;)

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I honestly can't stand kids (in general, and for this case I mean like ones under 7yrs). The germs factor is one I almost forgot about, but mostly because they are so wound up and I just don't want to be bothered to chase them down or tell them not to touch/break this or that. For pets, I totally love them (as long as they are dogs or cats). If I was to be asked to care for anyone else's pet, I'd have no issues with that. Call me anti-social lol, but I'll take pets over kids anytime.



Well, the thing is that here, it was in a school, and the teacher was in the room watching over us, so if there were any real problems, I'd just sit back and let them handle it. Generally, I ended up getting the good kids, though. (Now that I think about it, once the program ended, I should've asked some of their parents if I could babysit or something, to get some extra money). TBH, I was wondering why some of these kids were in there, since it was for those who needed extra tutoring, and those kids were doing fine. (Then it occurred to me that the parents probably just wanted free babysitting service)


But yeah, they definitely are energetic. (Though I do remember one kid just dozing off while I was talking to him. I'm like "Am I that boring?" :P )

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I had to cross the street at Magnolia today... Iv'e never realized how long that light is, because normally there's a break in between cars so I can cross. But there was literally a line of people waiting for the light to change... I mean, I know that there aren't cars coming from Magnolia that often, but if there's line of people waiting to cross the street, something needs to be done.

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For God's sake, they don't "drive" a train.


*fumbles with rumpled up typo riddled map from a street vendor* Heydudee, here do I catch the blue trains that connect with the orange trains? I'm trying to get to this so kewl gig in ummm ... midtown? ... to meet Alice in Wonderland falling into the matrix.

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I honestly can't stand kids (in general, and for this case I mean like ones under 7yrs). The germs factor is one I almost forgot about, but mostly because they are so wound up and I just don't want to be bothered to chase them down or tell them not to touch/break this or that. For pets, I totally love them (as long as they are dogs or cats). If I was to be asked to care for anyone else's pet, I'd have no issues with that. Call me anti-social lol, but I'll take pets over kids anytime.



I don't have much trouble with kids... Although I don't like being around them much... I agree with B35... I wouldn't want to look after a another person's kid or pet.... I do agree with you about taking pets over kids... I do want kids in the future but not anytime soon... I'm a bit anti-social myself....


I don't have much trouble connecting with teenagers (well the boys anyway)....


You have to treat em like men, but at the same time, make them realize they're not men yet..... Not a lot of people can (or care enough to) do that.... Most folks think of teenagers as young lost souls (screw it, criminals) on their way to adulthood you can't tell anything to - which isn't the case..... It's like a poker move.... they bet 10, you put down 10 & raise them 100..... Teenage boys see themselves as men (especially these days), and as men, it's our job to show (not necessarily tell) them that, ay, lil homie, you not here yet - take advantage of the youth you got..... You gotta come to them real, none of this intentionally hiding/lying to them about things.... Those years you had to lie to em about Sandy Claus are over.....


^^ Not saying that doing that will yield a 100% success rate in turning every teen around, but giving up on teens in general isn't the answer either.... You never know what facet of something you might say (or do) they'll pick up on & use it to propel themselves into being honorable, & productive men in life.... I know that isht worked for me....


teenage girls is on a whole 'nother level.... the way they behave is learned behavior from all the females in their family, more often than not (hey, NYCTrainFan.... if you're reading this - AWALT ;) )...... You'll see more boys "breaking the cycle" (so to speak) than you will teenage girls..... Females are in a rush to get married & have children; that's nature... it validates them as women.....


it isn't nature for a troubled teenage lil homey to become a criminal, young G', etc..... and being a OG triple OG sure as hell doesn't validate any male as a man.......



With today's society, Lots of male teenagers do think that they're men... I agree.... Men need to show them that they are no where near adulthood yet...


With female teenagers, not only do they learn from their female family members, they learn that from society too.... Yes, that's definitely AWALT... ;)

Edited by NYCtrainfan01
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This is addicting if you know how to play chess.





Did somebody say chess? ;)


They say the rule is to move to the square from which you have the lowest possible number of moves. I tried doing it quickly, but on the 27th move, I got stuck, so I'll try again later.

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Got to do some house cleaning. I don't think I washed dishes in a week. I have clothes thrown about all over the bedroom. dang which means I need to do some laundry. Hit the bathroom and cook meals for the week. (Thanks guys for the recipies).


That blind date didn't go too well. Girl does too much extasy. Dealbreaker right there. Everyone smokes weed, fine. But hard drugs like that? that will really fry your brain, get you addicted and it's straight up poisonous to her body. I'll keep in touch with her but I'm not down with continuing to date her even though she likes me. I got enough personal problems as it is in my life.


So yeah whatever. Going to clean up this place, it looks like it got hit by a tornado lol.

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This is addicting if you know how to play chess.




Did somebody say chess? ;)


They say the rule is to move to the square from which you have the lowest possible number of moves. I tried doing it quickly, but on the 27th move, I got stuck, so I'll try again later.



Damn 63 moves? I got it in 87 moves rofl. Crap.



Hmm, second try I got it in 67 moves. Damn it.

Edited by peacemak3r
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Sweet! I did it in 63 moves. I am the knight tour master. B-)


So basically, that rule works: Just go for the square from where you have the least possible moves (and if you have the same number of moves available from 2 squares, I think you can go either way). As a rule, work your way towards the center. You should be forming similar shapes (with regards to the red squares) in opposite corners of the board.

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