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Off-topic Random Thoughts Thread

EE Broadway Local

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With the subway, there's a very limited amount of reasonable proposals that people can come up with, since there's a limited number of tracks and tunnels. That's why you get plenty of crazy and far-fetched subway proposals, but they're obviously impractical and can be fairly easily ignored. And, coming up with subway proposals gives you boundaries and challenges to solve, e.g. making sure there aren't too many trains on one track.


WIth buses, though, you can theoretically put a bus on almost any street. So, naturally, someone's going to suggest it. In addition, unlike with the subway, it's harder to argue against proposals because there are fewer boundaries. Almost everything seems to get into an argument about what riders want, not what is feasible, since almost any route is feasible. Busfans (and railfans, for that matter) always seem to think they are experts on ridership, and there's hardly anything more pointless than a "Riders want this!" "No, riders want that!" debate.


I love the bias & ignorance being shown here......


On the busfan's end, almost everything seems to get into an argument & we seem to think we're experts on ridership, but proposals are easily ignored (a big yeah right to that one) on the subwayfan's end..... As if those that make subway proposals don't think they're experts on subways & don't get into arguments about what line should be extended where & what trainsets should run on what line in the process..... You have foamers on both ends of the spectrum & neither is worse off than the other, so please stop it.



Well, at least there are fewer subway proposal threads. The subway proposals are more ridiculous, but the bus proposals NEVER end.



Because there's one subway system.... When threads are made in the subway section, discussions aren't broken up into what individual boroughs they serve like in the bus section..... Plus there are far more bus routes than subway routes, so what do you expect...... Although I don't care for the foamers in the bus section, we need more ppl. talking about buses in general, since people (by that, I'm referring to people outside of the transit community) have a general hatred for buses.....


Buses (small scale) take people to subways (large scale).... I don't understand why there have to be this *us vs them* or the *we're better than them* mentality..... Last thing we need in this community is division b/w transit fans......

Edited by B35 via Church
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I love the bias & ignorance being shown here......


On the busfan's end, almost everything seems to get into an argument & we seem to think we're experts on ridership, but proposals are easily ignored (a big yeah right to that one) on the subwayfan's end..... As if those that make subway proposals don't think they're experts on subways & don't get into arguments about what line should be extended where & what trainsets should run on what line in the process..... You have foamers on both ends of the spectrum & neither is worse off than the other, so please stop it.

I guess you're right that I'm a little bit ignorant about this topic, because I'm not very knowledgeable about bus routes. Maybe that means that I shouldn't even be commenting on this matter, but I still think some of my points were valid. I wasn't trying to say that busfans think they're experts and railfans don't. There are both busfans and railfans who think they're ridership experts, but my point was that most subway proposals are simply unfeasible, so fewer ridership arguments start. As far as subway proposals being easily ignored, I hope you understand what I mean: if someone were to suggest building a whole new tunnel and creating the (P) train for example, nobody would take it seriously. But with buses, you can create a whole new route without building a new tunnel, so many more proposals have to be taken seriously.


My point is definitely not that busfans are foamers more often than railfans. Rather, I was trying to say that busfans have more freedom to propose their fantasy ideas without immediately being rejected as ridiculous.

Because there's one subway system.... When threads are made in the subway section, discussions aren't broken up into what individual boroughs they serve like in the bus section..... Plus there are far more bus routes than subway routes, so what do you expect...... Although I don't care for the foamers in the bus section, we need more ppl. talking about buses in general, since people (by that, I'm referring to people outside of the transit community) have a general hatred for buses.....
Buses (small scale) take people to subways (large scale).... I don't understand why there have to be this *us vs them* or the *we're better than them* mentality..... Last thing we need in this community is division b/w transit fans......


Well, this started when Trainmaster5 suggested that the subway section generally contains more fantasy foam. My point was that the subway section is less friendly to foaming because there are more limitations on what people can propose. I'm not trying to start a bus vs. subway war, but I just personally prefer the subway discussion so I expressed my opinions on it. I'm not pretending to be unbiased.
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I guess you're right that I'm a little bit ignorant about this topic, because I'm not very knowledgeable about bus routes. Maybe that means that I shouldn't even be commenting on this matter, but I still think some of my points were valid. I wasn't trying to say that busfans think they're experts and railfans don't. There are both busfans and railfans who think they're ridership experts, but my point was that most subway proposals are simply unfeasible, so fewer ridership arguments start. As far as subway proposals being easily ignored, I hope you understand what I mean: if someone were to suggest building a whole new tunnel and creating the (P) train for example, nobody would take it seriously. But with buses, you can create a whole new route without building a new tunnel, so many more proposals have to be taken seriously.


My point is definitely not that busfans are foamers more often than railfans. Rather, I was trying to say that busfans have more freedom to propose their fantasy ideas without immediately being rejected as ridiculous.True.Well, this started when Trainmaster5 suggested that the subway section generally contains more fantasy foam. My point was that the subway section is less friendly to foaming because there are more limitations on what people can propose. I'm not trying to start a bus vs. subway war, but I just personally prefer the subway discussion so I expressed my opinions on it. I'm not pretending to be unbiased.


Your points weren't invalid, however it was the bias/ignorance I was commenting on.... There was this "subway fans are more calmer/civilized & less argumentative than busfans" undertone that your post exuded; that may not have been your intent necessarily, but that's how it came off to me.... We don't discuss bus routes just for the sake of arguing, I mean ridership is the main factor you have to judge the usefulness of the (many) bus routes in the boroughs on..... With the subway, that's not a problem b/c the (many) bus routes take people to subways..... Low subway ridership (well, outside of the Rockaway park shuttle, which is miniscule compared to the rest of the subway lines) isn't near as much a problem as low ridership on certain bus routes..... You have to understand the nature of the commentary in the bus section; but I suppose I could see where an outsider would have similar views as you might..... Also, at least you admit you don't understand as such.....


I'll be honest here, the discussions in the subway section are FAR more comprehensive b/c there's a lot more you have to know about the subways & the subway system (which is more your point, which by no means am I disagreeing with)...... with the bus section, the majority of the discussions center around where the bus routes currently go/should go & how well used they are because there's more of them in each individual borough that have to take ppl. to the subway - As well as w/e physical establishment (business/school bldg) ppl. are tryna get to....


The subway system is unique in & of itself - Whereas, the buses run on the streets (which is often why discussions involving certain neighborhoods & the ppl. that reside in 'em also arise in the bus section)..... If you want to talk about the streets/neighborhoods themselves, you may as well do that here in the O/T section..... lol...


I call out busfans that are quick to dump on subwayfans just as much as the other way around..... I tend to look at things from a broad scope at times, so I'm like, why (re)create this division when we as transit fans are seen as losers, transit geeks/nerds/insert derogatory adjective here, anyway..... I don't care much for the "infighting" (so to speak), and I'm glad that desisted ever since I jumped ship from RD here to NYCTF......


Anyone can personally favor one facet over the other (hell, I'm more of a busfan).... That's cool in my book, just as long as they don't crap on other fellow transit fans b/c they aren't as well versed or as interested in the same mode of transit one is interested in......



As far as foamer-ific (lol) bus proposals vs subway proposals themselves, I see your point; busfans do indulge a lot more in addressing (obvious) BS proposals..... Me personally, I like discussing the bus routes & reading ppl's ideas & I shouldn't be dismissed as some argumentative person that seems to think I'm an expert on ridership (I'm QUICK to tell people that I am no expert & my opinion aint anymore important than yourn (not a typo)..... That's an ultimate slap in the face to someone who has an interest in routefanning (as I call it) for well over a decade now......


.....and btw, it's not so much a "riders want this, riders want that" (I think that's more, the subway proposals) as much as it is "this route should go here, no it should go here"... lol.... not that that's any better, but it's a more accurate description, to be fair...... Almost any route (proposal) is not feasible (and tolerated) in the bus section at all - just ask QJTransit______ & the many suggestions he's made & the backlash he's gotten ever since he's been on the board.... LMAO !

Edited by B35 via Church
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Your points weren't invalid, however it was the bias/ignorance I was commenting on.... There was this "subway fans are more calmer/civilized & less argumentative than busfans" undertone that your post exuded; that may not have been your intent necessarily, but that's how it came off to me.... We don't discuss bus routes just for the sake of arguing, I mean ridership is the main factor you have to judge the usefulness of the (many) bus routes in the boroughs on.....

I understand what you mean. I wasn't trying to say that busfans are more argumentative people, but rather that the topic of bus proposals can lead to boring arguments.
With the subway, that's not a problem b/c the (many) bus routes take people to subways..... Low subway ridership (well, outside of the Rockaway park shuttle, which is miniscule compared to the rest of the subway lines) isn't near as much a problem as low ridership on certain bus routes....
That's a good point that I hadn't really thought of.
As far as foamer-ific (lol) bus proposals vs subway proposals themselves, I see your point; busfans do indulge a lot more in addressing (obvious) BS proposals.....
Or, as I was trying to say, most people don't even bother to post "foamerish" subway proposals because they're considered so obviously ridiculous.
Me personally, I like discussing the bus routes & reading ppl's ideas & I shouldn't be dismissed as some argumentative person that seems to think I'm an expert on ridership (I'm QUICK to tell people that I am no expert & my opinion aint anymore important than yourn (not a typo)..... That's an ultimate slap in the face to someone who has an interest in routefanning (as I call it) for well over a decade now......
My post was definitely not directed at you, and I didn't mean to imply that people were argumentative simply because they're busfans. I guess this leads back to my general lack of bus knowledge, since I'm realizing that my judgements of bus proposal threads were based on much less experience than your judgements for example, since you actually follow the threads :lol: . Part of my frustration with bus proposal threads probably just comes from the fact that I'm a subway fan, and when I'm bored and looking for new content, and the only stuff that comes up is bus proposals, I can't find anything interesting to read :lol: . As I said, I realize that I'm quite biased...
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I guess you're right that I'm a little bit ignorant about this topic, because I'm not very knowledgeable about bus routes. Maybe that means that I shouldn't even be commenting on this matter, but I still think some of my points were valid. I wasn't trying to say that busfans think they're experts and railfans don't. There are both busfans and railfans who think they're ridership experts, but my point was that most subway proposals are simply unfeasible, so fewer ridership arguments start. As far as subway proposals being easily ignored, I hope you understand what I mean: if someone were to suggest building a whole new tunnel and creating the (P) train for example, nobody would take it seriously. But with buses, you can create a whole new route without building a new tunnel, so many more proposals have to be taken seriously.


My point is definitely not that busfans are foamers more often than railfans. Rather, I was trying to say that busfans have more freedom to propose their fantasy ideas without immediately being rejected as ridiculous.True.Well, this started when Trainmaster5 suggested that the subway section generally contains more fantasy foam. My point was that the subway section is less friendly to foaming because there are more limitations on what people can propose. I'm not trying to start a bus vs. subway war, but I just personally prefer the subway discussion so I expressed my opinions on it. I'm not pretending to be unbiased.


Maybe the gist of my post was misunderstood. If I worded it wrong I'm sorry. The fact is being the ancient one out here makes me try to see things in a more realistic manner than many. Bus vs subway wars are far removed from my ideas. My point is simply that the physical and fiscal realities of the state and the MTA should be taken into account before some people make these posts. For instance take the SAS thread. The state and the MTA had a plan to build a Second Avenue Subway. Parts of it are under construction today. IMO that's the focus that thread should be about, the SAS, yet it has become a thread about tunnels to BK, the BX, Culver, Fulton St, Astoria and the like. I personally think the plan they came up with wasn't ambitious enough at the start but ,given the financial reality, why not accept that reality and move on. Someone posted that the plan ignored the outer boroughs yet from what I see the Q is the focus of phase one. In the bus forum we had a lively discussion on the merits of the B44 SBS which has died down now with the upcoming bus service restorations in the borough taking center stage in the bus forums. With all the talk about buses and routings and such I'm still waiting for someone to point out the relationship between the local buses and this SBS, if there is one. Those are the types of discussions that pique my interest as a transit fan, things like the CO-OP City bus routes, Main St Flushing, Woodhaven/Cross Bay, Far Rock, Lower Manhattan, NICE, things that fans can show their ideas for improving bus service in the area. The SAS plan is set in stone so, IMO, any changes to it, however sensible, are fantasy and should be discussed in a Fantasy forum. No offense toward anyone/ Just my opinion. Carry on.

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Maybe the gist of my post was misunderstood. If I worded it wrong I'm sorry. The fact is being the ancient one out here makes me try to see things in a more realistic manner than many. Bus vs subway wars are far removed from my ideas. My point is simply that the physical and fiscal realities of the state and the MTA should be taken into account before some people make these posts. For instance take the SAS thread. The state and the MTA had a plan to build a Second Avenue Subway. Parts of it are under construction today. IMO that's the focus that thread should be about, the SAS, yet it has become a thread about tunnels to BK, the BX, Culver, Fulton St, Astoria and the like. I personally think the plan they came up with wasn't ambitious enough at the start but ,given the financial reality, why not accept that reality and move on. Someone posted that the plan ignored the outer boroughs yet from what I see the Q is the focus of phase one. In the bus forum we had a lively discussion on the merits of the B44 SBS which has died down now with the upcoming bus service restorations in the borough taking center stage in the bus forums. With all the talk about buses and routings and such I'm still waiting for someone to point out the relationship between the local buses and this SBS, if there is one. Those are the types of discussions that pique my interest as a transit fan, things like the CO-OP City bus routes, Main St Flushing, Woodhaven/Cross Bay, Far Rock, Lower Manhattan, NICE, things that fans can show their ideas for improving bus service in the area. The SAS plan is set in stone so, IMO, any changes to it, however sensible, are fantasy and should be discussed in a Fantasy forum. No offense toward anyone/ Just my opinion. Carry on.


I see what you mean. I understand that you didn't mean to start a bus vs. subway argument. I do think that some of the SAS ideas actually did belong in that thread; just because the plan is set in stone doesn't mean that people can't say what they think the plan should have been. Some people had practical ideas that didn't include expensive fantasies. Yes, it's annoying when people say, "Just build a new tunnel to x location", but I don't think that's such a big problem because fantasy foam is basically the "common enemy" of NYCTF :lol:. As I was saying, with a few exceptions, not that many people dare to say anything foamerish because they know they will get bashed a LOT. I think the problem of fantasy foaming is a little bit exaggerated, as there always will be a few people with bad ideas, but it's pretty much understood that they don't know what they're talking about.
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One thing I have noticed with the bus and subway proposals, is that most peeps who post in the bus proposals (not all) post ideas that are outrageous and not the brightest (in a very nice way).. I don't understand... Also a lot of peeps who post in the bus proposals think that they are ridership experts talking about fixing services in areas that they don't even go to or rarely go too... Like you can't say, "The Q85 should avoid ____ street and go down this ___ because a lot of people got off near here the ONE time I took it". No you rode it once, just cuz you rode it once doesn't mean you are a ridership expert and that you understand the patterns, I take the damn route EVERYDAY... All these things are the reason why I don't even mess w/ the bus threads anymore, because I just get frustrated.. People trying to fix the lines that YOU ride everyday and they DON'T... In the subway thread, the (W) discussion got really frustrating, peeps who DON'T take the Astoria Line everyday were trying to tell me that adding (N) service is enough when the (Q) goes to SAS for example, I am a frequent Astoria Line rider (My school is at Ditmars) and I notice the erratic scheduling and ridership patterns, shouldn't you take the word of someone who frequents a particular route (bus OR train) as they would know the most about the route (crowding, buses used, major points, w/e) ? I mean that should be common sense....

Edited by MTAFanBoy512
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One thing I have noticed with the bus and subway proposals, is that most peeps who post in the bus proposals (not all) post ideas that are outrageous and not the brightest (in a very nice way).. I don't understand... Also a lot of peeps who post in the bus proposals think that they are ridership experts talking about fixing services in areas that they don't even go to or rarely go too... Like you can't say, "The Q85 should avoid ____ street and go down this ___ because a lot of people got off near here the ONE time I took it". No you rode it once, just cuz you rode it once doesn't mean you are a ridership expert and that you understand the patterns, I take the damn route EVERYDAY... All these things are the reason why I don't even mess w/ the bus threads anymore, because I just get frustrated.. People trying to fix the lines that YOU ride everyday and they DON'T... In the subway thread, the (W) discussion got really frustrating, peeps who DON'T take the Astoria Line everyday were trying to tell me that adding (N) service is enough when the (Q) goes to SAS for example, I am a frequent Astoria Line rider (My school is at Ditmars) and I notice the erratic scheduling and ridership patterns, shouldn't you take the word of someone who frequents a particular route (bus OR train) as they would know the most about the route (crowding, buses used, major points, w/e) ? I mean that should be common sense....

This is a big part of what I was trying to say. With bus proposals, it feels like almost everything is based on people's personal experiences.
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This is a big part of what I was trying to say. With bus proposals, it feels like almost everything is based on people's personal experiences.


In some instances it can be from personal experiences, but only if you frequent the route of course... Like the Q85 for example, may be off schedule, this happens a lot, not only in my experience, but I am saying this as a frequent rider of the line... It can be personal experience/observation if you a frequent rider of the line, but if you aren't then you shouldn't say anything...

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My post was definitely not directed at you, and I didn't mean to imply that people were argumentative simply because they're busfans. I guess this leads back to my general lack of bus knowledge, since I'm realizing that my judgements of bus proposal threads were based on much less experience than your judgements for example, since you actually follow the threads :lol: . Part of my frustration with bus proposal threads probably just comes from the fact that I'm a subway fan, and when I'm bored and looking for new content, and the only stuff that comes up is bus proposals, I can't find anything interesting to read :lol: . As I said, I realize that I'm quite biased...

Oh I know it wasn't directed at me, but that was just something I wanted to put out there....


Anyway, if you don't have enough of a vested interest in something, I would expect you to find it boring..... You finding bus discussions boring, I don't have a problem with.... Again, least you admit your ignorance stems from your lack of bus knowledge & the fact you're a subway fan (many subway fans I can assure you would not admit the former).... All I can do as a busfan is shed light on things like I did in the prior post......


Thanks for explaining yourself the way you did here though.





In some instances it can be from personal experiences, but only if you frequent the route of course... Like the Q85 for example, may be off schedule, this happens a lot, not only in my experience, but I am saying this as a frequent rider of the line... It can be personal experience/observation if you a frequent rider of the line, but if you aren't then you shouldn't say anything...
This is a big part of what I was trying to say. With bus proposals, it feels like almost everything is based on people's personal experiences.


As opposed to ?


I mean, if you don't go by personal experiences, the only other thing you can go by is stats (or hearsay, but no one really does that in the bus or subway section).... Stats don't tell the whole story (I would go deeper into that, but it would be moot since you aint a busfan... lol)..... But by no means am I defending whoever wants to swear by an idea b/c they rode whatever bus route only 1,2,3,4 times.... Those are the ppl. who get shut down fairly quickly b/c they're easy to spot & they give themselves away w/ their explanations......


With subway proposals, personal experiences don't factor near as much b/c like you said earlier, you can't route a subway every which way but loose, like you can with a bus... Example - I remember when ppl would propose the (M) go through the cemetaries over there by metropolitan av to reach QB (before it ran along QB, of course), and you couldn't help but to smh @ the idea...... Although I do comment in the threads, before the fact, you don't know how much "smh"-ing I do reading proposals in the bus section.....


Subway proposal threads I don't even check anymore, b/c there was a point & time on these forums where you'd see like 5 (active) fantasy map threads on the 1st page of the subway section..... Same (sensible) counterarguments are always made, and of course, you have the foamers that catch feelings when you don't agree w/ their maps 100%, down to the T.... While there are more arguments that arise in the bus proposal threads, the arguments in the subway proposal threads I found, get more heated.... and I skim through em & I'm like, why are you getting THAT pissed because people don't/aren't agreeing w/ your ideas...... I know subway fans are more passionate about the hobby, but I'm like, step away from the pc & chill for a minute kid..... lol....


Someone doesn't agree with my commentary regarding bus routes, that's fine.... all I ask is an explanation why.....

The ones that don't offer an explanation, I do not take them seriously & dismiss them accordingly....


You can't learn from someone if they don't give a rebuttal....

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As opposed to ?


I mean, if you don't go by personal experiences, the only other thing you can go by is stats (or hearsay, but no one really does that in the bus or subway section).... Stats don't tell the whole story (I would go deeper into that, but it would be moot since you aint a busfan... lol)..... But by no means am I defending whoever wants to swear by an idea b/c they rode whatever bus route only 1,2,3,4 times.... Those are the ppl. who get shut down fairly quickly b/c they're easy to spot & they give themselves away w/ their explanations......

I see what you mean...What I mean by "going by personal experiences" goes back to the issue that bus proposal debates seem to be mainly about riders and what benefits them. People use their personal experiences to determine ridership patterns.


On the other hand, with subway proposals (as I said), there is more to think about besides what's going to generate ridership. In the SAS thread, for example, I made a proposal to send the (T) train to Brooklyn via Nassau St. This may sound crazy and "foamerish", but I considered sending the (J) to 145 St. I didn't suggest it simply because I thought (J) riders wanted 6 Av service, but because I didn't think there was room for the (T) and (J)(Z) on Nassau St without causing delays. I guess this is what we've just talked about, how there are limitations to subway proposals which present an extra challenge, changing the direction of the discussion.

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I see what you mean...What I mean by "going by personal experiences" goes back to the issue that bus proposal debates seem to be mainly about riders and what benefits them. People use their personal experiences to determine ridership patterns.


On the other hand, with subway proposals (as I said), there is more to think about besides what's going to generate ridership. In the SAS thread, for example, I made a proposal to send the (T) train to Brooklyn via Nassau St. This may sound crazy and "foamerish", but I considered sending the (J) to 145 St. I didn't suggest it simply because I thought (J) riders wanted 6 Av service, but because I didn't think there was room for the (T) and (J)(Z) on Nassau St without causing delays.


I guess this is what we've just talked about, how there are limitations to subway proposals which present an extra challenge, changing the direction of the discussion.


The main thing I wanted to convey in all this is, even if you're more interested in one mode over another, let's not create division b/w subway fans & bus fans w/ comments that (can be taken as) pitting one group of hobbyists as being somehow better over the other......


Which you say you weren't attempting to do, so it's 'sall good.....



I've seen a few sheriff cars crusing around these past few days. I know SI is spread out, but it's not that spread out. :o I always associate sherriffs with rural areas out in the West or something.


Sheriff cars? What happened out in SI lately to warrant that.....

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I've seen a few sheriff cars crusing around these past few days. I know SI is spread out, but it's not that spread out. :o I always associate sherriffs with rural areas out in the West or something.


In most states there's a good amount of municipalities that contract with the county sheriff for police services. They also usually patrol any unincorporated areas of a county. Now as for the NYC Sheriff being out on SI, I can't explain that. Don't they do evictions?

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In most states there's a good amount of municipalities that contract with the county sheriff for police services. They also usually patrol any unincorporated areas of a county. Now as for the NYC Sheriff being out on SI, I can't explain that. Don't they do evictions?



Possibly. Do you think they come out in that standoff stance with the two guns sticking out of their holsters like you see in those old Western movies? :lol:


But yeah, I looked it up and it looks like they deal with financial matters (unpaid fines, child support, evictions, etc), so I guess it's not too big a deal.

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