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EE Broadway Local

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Did you do the same route there and back?



It's close. The route going back is marginally longer, but definitely not long enough to add a good 15+ minutes to the walk.


To give you an idea, here's the route I take going there: http://www.google.com/maps?saddr=forest+avenue+at+richmond+avenue&daddr=40.6327927,-74.1299749+to:henderson+avenue+at+broadway&hl=en&ll=40.62936,-74.122052&spn=0.019412,0.057678&sll=40.630826,-74.132953&sspn=0.019411,0.057678&geocode=FQnkawIdhZSU-ylNOYIKtk3CiTEnLjGlDlyjUg%3BFdgBbAIdyt2U-ynjSuKn3k3CiTHk80IieQol-A%3BFTASbAIdQw6V-ykN_luYDE7CiTGLO6srB1BvXQ&dirflg=w&mra=dpe&mrsp=1&sz=15&via=1&t=m&z=15


here's the route I take going back: http://www.google.com/maps?saddr=henderson+avenue+at+broadway&daddr=40.631983,-74.122528+to:40.6299503,-74.1368375+to:40.6291062,-74.1395182+to:40.6286,-74.14064+to:forest+avenue+at+richmond+avenue&hl=en&ll=40.629425,-74.120936&spn=0.019412,0.057678&sll=40.627862,-74.129648&sspn=0.019412,0.057678&geocode=FTASbAIdQw6V-ykN_luYDE7CiTGLO6srB1BvXQ%3BFa_-awId4PqU-yknc2rDdU7CiTEIHWsw2Sq4uQ%3BFb72awId-8KU-ylvELg6xU3CiTGVMaeK2W2UdA%3BFXLzawIdgriU-yklxUWPxU3CiTF0101PqS8d5g%3BFXjxawIdILSU-yk5EWxfz03CiTGJWjsjofOHvQ%3BFQnkawIdhZSU-ylNOYIKtk3CiTEnLjGlDlyjUg&dirflg=w&mra=dpe&mrsp=4&sz=15&via=1,2,3,4&t=m&z=15


(I'm not going to give my exact starting address for obvious reasons, but that's the route I take once I hit Forest Avenue. Sometimes I take Post instead of Castleton in the morning, but it's the same distance anyway).


I think most of it is due to me being in a hurry in the morning, so I walk a little faster.


In any case, I ran into one of my old students when I was at Western Beef. I asked her "Is your name _____", and she said yes. Her grandmother was staring at me and I told her I tutored her granddaughter about a year and a half ago and wasn't just some random guy going up to a 7 year-old girl. :o She actually said the girl was in summer school, and it was at the site I wanted because it was closer to home, but they sent me to the other site. :angry: (so in other words, I could've still tutored that girl). I actually pass by the other site on my way there (well, more like passing a block away, but still).

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How did you do that?



First you need a tow truck....


Next, Go to the long bridge that has the rail line at the same level as the road... It's near your HQ


Blow up the lead subway car with a rocket launcher then hook up your tow truck to the second subway car... (As odd as that sounds, you can tow a subway car on the streets)


Take your new subway car anywhere you want too! :) However you can't store it in the garage... Also no way to operate it... I just did it for fun....


By the way, the game is Saint's Row 2.

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Went to go get some change for my fanning trip, so i went to the bank at the corner of my block & Merrick Avenue, butt they said you could not do ANYTHING without an account. B-freaking s...

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Sounds pretty neat. Does the car handle like a trailer or does it sway around like it weighs nothing? GTA SA, the trains were just weird. You can't blow them up (can only derail) and when the trains are off the tracks, you can push them as if they were made of air.



It will sway around on tight turns but other than that, It's similar to the trailers in GTA SA...


I hated how trains were invincible in SA.... Even to tank RPGs........ Even when they were off the rail, They were still invincible lol...

Edited by NYCtrainfan01
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Yeah. I used the hydra and kept shooting at the train and nothing. But when the train was off the tracks i can move them by just pushing them. Such a weird glitch... Cool to know it handles like a trailer.

Lol, In GTA SA, I hated those truck missions especially when being chased by cops. They'd always knock the trailer off or it'll explode...

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Yeah. I used the hydra and kept shooting at the train and nothing. But when the train was off the tracks i can move them by just pushing them. Such a weird glitch... Cool to know it handles like a trailer.

Lol, In GTA SA, I hated those truck missions especially when being chased by cops. They'd always knock the trailer off or it'll explode...



I tried ramming the train with my tank and nothing.... Yet everything else I rammed into with my tank, went boom lol...


The trucking missions were pretty fun in my opinion but like you said, The cops made it more annoying.... I got a really bad glitch the last time I did a trucking mission.... It seem to happen after I did one of those missions... All the cars in SA drive like they had the Flash behind the wheel.... If I wanted a car, I'll have to stand in the middle of the road.... The car will stop instantly but the cars behind it will end up crashing into it.... One of two things would happen from there:


1. The lead car and the car that hit it would do what I call a "Car fusion" Because of this, they blow up in seconds....


2. The car that hit the lead car won't fuse but it will cause a massive pile up due to the other cars hitting them at blinding speeds... Causing bad lag....


That glitch made my SA almost unplayable.... Planes and boats seem unaffected by the glitch thank goodness..... I tried alot of things to fix it but nothing works..... If I want to play SA, I have to only use planes or boats.... I can still drive cars but I'll get hit by cars going at blinding speeds every five seconds.... If you know how to fix it or anyone else, Please let me know.... My SA is on the PS2...

Edited by NYCtrainfan01
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Car fusion? Hem, I don't think i ever had that problem. Then again I never finished all the trucking missions. Damn that sucks about that problem. As for the worst roads to drive on, it has to be the highways in Las venturas where the cars are always speeding.


Yeah... Basicly a car rear ends another one but at the same time, It goes into the first one which makes both cars stuck into each other....After a few seconds, They both catch fire and blow up....


I've had the trucking mission completed by that time but I would replay them for fun.... That's when the damn glitch started....


In my SA, All cars drive like they're on the highway but they go much faster..... It's ridiculous....

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Annoys the shit out of me seeing these dudes with their fat, flabby arms, wearing nothing but tank tops and walking around as if they're built. With their arms spaced out from their sides, trying to intimidate others. Don't think they know real muscle is suppose to show tone or definition. You ain't fooling no one...

Edited by Jamaica Line
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How about this for a random thought? I had a teacher way back in those prehistoric times (1960's) who decided to discuss computers and their pros and cons. This was back when there were those huge IBM mainframes and the like. The PC wasn't even a thought at the time. The class automatically was gung-ho for the computers. They would make life easier, schoolwork a snap, and we'd all have all this free time to travel and such. Life would be sweet, or so we thought. We bought into the scenario hook, line and sinker. Then he threw a monkey wrench into the equation. Back then most of our parents were civil servants or in the manufacturing field somewhere. The others were into sales or worked in banking or newspapers and magazines. A few were small business people. Many women were housewives and raised the kids. His monkey wrench was a question. If computers could do so much and replace people how would our parents earn the money for us to enjoy all this free time we would have for ourselves and our families? It's taken 50 years or so but his question is as valid today as it was back then. Most manufacturing has left the metropolitan area. Banking and service jobs use less people than they did years ago. The bigger places like Grumman, GM Tarrytown, Republic aircraft, the Brooklyn Navy Yard are history. Newspapers like the Herald Tribune,Journal American, the Mirror, and the like have bit the dust. Even the banks have merged wuth each other causing job losses from tellers on up. Even department stores have folded or merged with each other which costs jobs. Heck, there was a time not long ago where every gas station had guys pumping gas and a service department. I could go on and on but the central question remains, with the ever increasing population in this area, and country, and the increasing reliance on computers to do our work, how will people support themselves in the future? The health field, trucking, education and the like can only absorb "X" amount of people. Many of the service (help) desks have already been out-sourced to other countries. Re-training takes time and a commitment from our government(s) to make it worthwhile. What do people do in the interim to survive? I'd like to know what you think. Carry on.

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Fantastic topic. Sadly there will always be problems with progress. New solutions making new problems... Obviously it's great to have a computer do trillions of calculations in seconds, but as you said, it makes people obsolete.


New medicine has extended human life by killing off most diseases as well as giving us better immunity. Over population combined with poverty and it becomes a vicious cycle leading to a wider gulf b/w the rich and the poor.

Edited by Grand Concourse
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What do people do in the interim to survive? I'd like to know what you think. Carry on.



The thing is that throughout history, technology has slowly been replacing people, but people still managed to find ways to make a living. For instance, farming has always become more automated. You used to have half the world's population producing food for the other half, and now it's like 2% producing for 98% of the world. Plus, you used to have a bunch of skilled craftsmen, and then cities became more industrialized, so you could produce quantities of things much faster and cheaper. And then you had things like subway turnstiles replacing those people who collected the tickets back in the early days of the subway, and suburbanization caused a decrease in transit ridership, which led to people being laid off because more people were driving (without pay). Every time, there was a net loss of jobs, but people still managed to find ways to earn a living.


I mean, with the money big businesses save by replacing people with technology, they could use it to employ people in other fields. For instance, when the MTA saves money with SmartCards and everything, they could use the funds to run more service or take on more construction projects, both of which require a human element.

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How about this for a random thought? I had a teacher way back in those prehistoric times (1960's) who decided to discuss computers and their pros and cons. This was back when there were those huge IBM mainframes and the like. The PC wasn't even a thought at the time. The class automatically was gung-ho for the computers. They would make life easier, schoolwork a snap, and we'd all have all this free time to travel and such. Life would be sweet, or so we thought. We bought into the scenario hook, line and sinker. Then he threw a monkey wrench into the equation. Back then most of our parents were civil servants or in the manufacturing field somewhere. The others were into sales or worked in banking or newspapers and magazines. A few were small business people. Many women were housewives and raised the kids. His monkey wrench was a question. If computers could do so much and replace people how would our parents earn the money for us to enjoy all this free time we would have for ourselves and our families? It's taken 50 years or so but his question is as valid today as it was back then. Most manufacturing has left the metropolitan area. Banking and service jobs use less people than they did years ago. The bigger places like Grumman, GM Tarrytown, Republic aircraft, the Brooklyn Navy Yard are history. Newspapers like the Herald Tribune,Journal American, the Mirror, and the like have bit the dust. Even the banks have merged wuth each other causing job losses from tellers on up. Even department stores have folded or merged with each other which costs jobs. Heck, there was a time not long ago where every gas station had guys pumping gas and a service department. I could go on and on but the central question remains, with the ever increasing population in this area, and country, and the increasing reliance on computers to do our work, how will people support themselves in the future? The health field, trucking, education and the like can only absorb "X" amount of people. Many of the service (help) desks have already been out-sourced to other countries. Re-training takes time and a commitment from our government(s) to make it worthwhile. What do people do in the interim to survive? I'd like to know what you think. Carry on.



I think we're seeing it right now with the recession and OUTSOURCING. Politicians keep saying oh we can just create new jobs, but you don't replace millions of jobs like that overnight and quite frankly some of these jobs will never be replaced. This country was built on MANUFACTURING and we have lost a ton of jobs in that field. We don't see the loss so much here in NYC because we're the financial center of the US and we've also turned moreso to tourism, but some cities have literally been decimated by losing these jobs because there was no other real economic factor there, so the key IMO is to bring manufacturing jobs back to the US. Look at Germany... One of the biggest exporters in the world... THEY MAKE STUFF and as a result their economy is still holding up. The US has to find a way to become a real player again with what has happened in terms of technology and so on.

Edited by Via Garibaldi 8
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The left side of my chest has been hurting a little. Out of curiosity, I looked up the symptons for a heart attack, and it said that that's one of the symptoms. The thing is that it's happened before, and it looks like it's the only symptom I have, so I doubt it's anything (especially since most men don't get heart attacks until the age of 40, and I'm 17). I mean, I'm young and healthy (but then again, that's what they all say). It's still kind of scary, though.

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Damn. Check this girl's mugshot. http://www.foxnews.c.../#ixzz221MRk8ei


And check this out: http://www.foxnews.com/leisure/2012/07/20/nyc-cafe-is-selling-tap-water-for-250-cup/?intcmp=obnetwork


$2.50 for a glass of filtered tap water? Da fuq???? :wacko:

Edited by checkmatechamp13
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The left side of my chest has been hurting a little. Out of curiosity, I looked up the symptons for a heart attack, and it said that that's one of the symptoms. The thing is that it's happened before, and it looks like it's the only symptom I have, so I doubt it's anything (especially since most men don't get heart attacks until the age of 40, and I'm 17). I mean, I'm young and healthy (but then again, that's what they all say). It's still kind of scary, though.




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