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I took the Earth Science Regents this afternoon. It was fairly easy, which shocked me and I got a 16 out of 16 on the performace test so I got a nice head start to a high grade ... My global teacher also stopped me in the hallway and congratulated me and told me that I got a 96 on the Global Regents! :o (turns out I scored the highest out of everyone in my year, which is about 225 ppl, even better than the honors kids, which is more shocking...) I took it on Wednesday and today is Friday, I'm really surprised that they were graded so quickly, especially with the amount of ppl that took it...

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I took the Earth Science Regents this afternoon. It was fairly easy, which shocked me and I got a 16 out of 16 on the performace test so I got a nice head start to a high grade ... My global teacher also stopped me in the hallway and congratulated me and told me that I got a 96 on the Global Regents! :o (turns out I scored the highest out of everyone in my year, which is about 225 ppl, even better than the honors kids, which is more shocking...) I took it on Wednesday and today is Friday, I'm really surprised that they were graded so quickly, especially with the amount of ppl that took it...



Damn. They're graded already? :o We just took them yesterday.


Anyway, congratulations, man. :)

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So I'm waiting by the M2 stop today when I see this van comes barreling towards me. I just stare at him in this daze until I realize, hold up, he's not stopping. I jump back and my man drives straight into the back of a parked Nissan, missed me by about a foot. Keeps you on your toes...

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Regents, Regents, Regents... I actually remember all of my scores so I'll share

U.S History-99

Global History-98

Spanish-98 (I honestly forgot most of the Spanish I learned) :(




Algebra- 86

Living Environment- 85

Algebra 2 and Trig- 84

Chemistry-82 (my lowest AP Exam score was also in Chemistry)

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Regents, Regents, Regents... I actually remember all of my scores so I'll share

U.S History-99

Global History-98

Spanish-98 (I honestly forgot most of the Spanish I learned) :(




Algebra- 86

Living Environment- 85

Algebra 2 and Trig- 84

Chemistry-82 (my lowest AP Exam score was also in Chemistry)



You're really smart, lol.

I'm only a sophomore so I haven't taken much regents

Algebra - 80

Living Environment - 85

Global History - 96

Earth Science - hopefully in the 90s

There is no more language regents so I have to take 3 years of Spanish for regents credit, and I'm taking AP Spanish next year (I'm a year ahead in spanish)

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You're really smart, lol.

I'm only a sophomore so I haven't taken much regents

Algebra - 80

Living Environment - 85

Global History - 96

Earth Science - hopefully in the 90s

There is no more language regents so I have to take 3 years of Spanish for regents credit, and I'm taking AP Spanish next year (I'm a year ahead in spanish)



I could've sworn some of my friends said they were taking the Spanish Regents. :wacko: Maybe they restored it, but your school didn't get the memo. :P


Anyway, I think I remember all my Regents scores.


Algebra I: 88

Geometry: 87

Living Environment: 93

English: 100

Italian: 100 (the advantages of being born in a Spanish-speaking country. B) )

Algebra II: 97

Global History: 98


US History & Physics I took this year, so I'll have to see what I got. They post up the grades on a board near the front desk at my school (But they use your student ID number so you're the only one who knows what you got), so if I pass by, maybe I'll take a look. Or maybe I'll just wait until I get my report card. I probably got in the 90s on both (History I might have gotten 100, but Physics I know I definitely got a question or 2 wrong, so there goes my perfect score...)


I'm still trying to figure out what I got wrong on the Algebra I and Geometry Regents, since they were both pretty easy. I must've just made some careless mistakes. The thing is I thought you got a special diploma at graduation if all your Regents scores were over 90, but it turns out that they have to average out to a 90, which is better. But that's why I was worried (well, not really worried, but whatever) about the Algebra I & Geometry, because it sucks to be 2-3 points away from getting something and then missing out on it. I was curious about what mistake I made on the Algebra II Regents, but I guess I'll never know...

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I could've sworn some of my friends said they were taking the Spanish Regents. :wacko: Maybe they restored it, but your school didn't get the memo. :P


Anyway, I think I remember all my Regents scores.


Algebra I: 88

Geometry: 87

Living Environment: 93

English: 100

Italian: 100 (the advantages of being born in a Spanish-speaking country. B) )

Algebra II: 97

Global History: 98


US History & Physics I took this year, so I'll have to see what I got. They post up the grades on a board near the front desk at my school (But they use your student ID number so you're the only one who knows what you got), so if I pass by, maybe I'll take a look. Or maybe I'll just wait until I get my report card. I probably got in the 90s on both (History I might have gotten 100, but Physics I know I definitely got a question or 2 wrong, so there goes my perfect score...)


I'm still trying to figure out what I got wrong on the Algebra I and Geometry Regents, since they were both pretty easy. I must've just made some careless mistakes. The thing is I thought you got a special diploma at graduation if all your Regents scores were over 90, but it turns out that they have to average out to a 90, which is better. But that's why I was worried (well, not really worried, but whatever) about the Algebra I & Geometry, because it sucks to be 2-3 points away from getting something and then missing out on it. I was curious about what mistake I made on the Algebra II Regents, but I guess I'll never know...


It's not a special diploma that you get. The Advanced Regents is the highest. If you average 90 or over on your regents you are exempt from any introductory classes at CUNY or SUNY schools. In other words you can skip all the nonsense classes and go to work on your major unless your school is Baruch which has this weird 'core' all students have to take and only AP credits and transfer credit from some schools will get you out of the classes.
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It's not a special diploma that you get. The Advanced Regents is the highest. If you average 90 or over on your regents you are exempt from any introductory classes at CUNY or SUNY schools. In other words you can skip all the nonsense classes and go to work on your major unless your school is Baruch which has this weird 'core' all students have to take and only AP credits and transfer credit from some schools will get you out of the classes.



In my school, they told us that you get an advanced regents diploma if you pass 3 math regents, 2 (or 3, I don't remember) science ones, the 2 history ones, the english one and did 3 years of a language... Idk if thats true, but I'm on track to get it if thats the case. Im also taking AP Spanish and AP Psychology next year, and most likely College English in senior year (depending on how I do on the english regents next year)

Edited by MTAFanBoy512
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It's 2 science Regents for the advanced. What they like to do with the good science students is Living Environment (freshman year) -> Honors Chem (sophomore year) -> AP Bio or Chem (junior year) and then senior year you get the other AP. I actually had the choice of Bio or Chem junior year being that my school offers them the same periods (in my school AP classes are double period) and I chose chem. Being that AP Bio couldn't fit in my senior year schedule I got Physics instead and that's where my third science regents comes.


With English my school only offers AP for seniors who are selected from the 2 honors classes that juniors get placed into. I don't see how there can be an AP exam in an area as subjective as English but it's worth the try to pass it and avoid taking in college where the professors usually go bonkers.

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It's 2 science Regents for the advanced. What they like to do with the good science students is Living Environment (freshman year) -> Honors Chem (sophomore year) -> AP Bio or Chem (junior year) and then senior year you get the other AP. I actually had the choice of Bio or Chem junior year being that my school offers them the same periods (in my school AP classes are double period) and I chose chem. Being that AP Bio couldn't fit in my senior year schedule I got Physics instead and that's where my third science regents comes.


With English my school only offers AP for seniors who are selected from the 2 honors classes that juniors get placed into. I don't see how there can be an AP exam in an area as subjective as English but it's worth the try to pass it and avoid taking in college where the professors usually go bonkers.



Thank god! If I pass my Earth Science regents that i took yesterday (as it is saturday now lol) then Im set for science. I wish I had taken chemistry this year tho, would've been easier for me in the long run... And my school only offers college english (no ap english) and they give you official college credits (same for all APs)

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Switching gears to a random thought, the song "Call Me Maybe" from Canadian singer Carly Rae Jepsen is catching on like wildfire right now. It stands at #1 on the charts. I wonder what you guys think of it.



The song was okay at first, then got annoying really quick... The music video is funny tho lol

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It's not a special diploma that you get. The Advanced Regents is the highest. If you average 90 or over on your regents you are exempt from any introductory classes at CUNY or SUNY schools. In other words you can skip all the nonsense classes and go to work on your major unless your school is Baruch which has this weird 'core' all students have to take and only AP credits and transfer credit from some schools will get you out of the classes.



But it's an average of 90, right? Not 90 on each.


It's 2 science Regents for the advanced. What they like to do with the good science students is Living Environment (freshman year) -> Honors Chem (sophomore year) -> AP Bio or Chem (junior year) and then senior year you get the other AP. I actually had the choice of Bio or Chem junior year being that my school offers them the same periods (in my school AP classes are double period) and I chose chem. Being that AP Bio couldn't fit in my senior year schedule I got Physics instead and that's where my third science regents comes.


With English my school only offers AP for seniors who are selected from the 2 honors classes that juniors get placed into. I don't see how there can be an AP exam in an area as subjective as English but it's worth the try to pass it and avoid taking in college where the professors usually go bonkers.



For me, I took Living Environment/Biology as a freshman, Chemistry as a sophmore, AP Biology as a junior, and I'm taking AP Phyics next year.


For English, there's actually "Language & Composition", which seems to focus on things like rhetorical strategies, and "Literature", which I guess analyses full pieces of literature. I took the former this year, and I'll take the latter next year.


Thank god! If I pass my Earth Science regents that i took yesterday (as it is saturday now lol) then Im set for science. I wish I had taken chemistry this year tho, would've been easier for me in the long run... And my school only offers college english (no ap english) and they give you official college credits (same for all APs)



If they give you college credit automatically, it sounds better than an AP class. There are people who get decent grades (like 85-90) in the class, but end up failing the AP test, so they don't get the college credir.

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Me and another kid in my class didn't get answer sheets for the Spanish final. (SCANTRON) So the teacher said to get blank ones and write our names on them. So we did. Yesterday everyone got their grade for the Spanish final. Somebody else got a 1 on their essay even tough it was supposed to be a 20. It bought her grade on the final down to a 78. Without the error her grade is a 96. But more importantly me and the girl who didn't get answer sheets, don't have grades for the final. Not even like one part was missing, but our names aren't even on the list. Seriously what the hell? And its obvious the district saw them, because they came back with all the other tests..... Iv'e been in the same class all year, (the girl transferred into honors mid-year, but she was with the district the whole year,and we weren't on the list for any class.) Our tax dollars at work.

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Lol @ chris brown & drake scrapping over Rihanna..... This is why a lot of dudes are ending up in prison or dead, defending the honor of a piece of pu*** that's been around the block...... Too much overglorifying of scuzzbuckets in our culture..... Not surprised it happened at a nightclub either.....


Speaking of which..... I never got what was so damn enjoyable about hitting up nightclubs; they're grossly overrated IMO..... the lame "game" that PUA's (pick up artists) hurl at chicks that frequent nightclubs (most of which be flat broke anyway) only make it that much harder to pull a broad.... top that off w/ females that only go to such places to fill an emotional void (attention) & intentionally cockblock (which is the female version of a wingman) for each other so it can remain a "girls night out", and your success rate will be damn near zero - Except if you're some baller and/or some simp flashing wads of cash in hopes of gettin "some"..... Gotta love the females that got the gall to act all stuck up & pretentious when they go to nightclubs, truly is funny to me - especially considering the atmosphere of a nightclub..... It's like asking for honor roll student treatment while you're sitting up in detention.....


Your chances of a heated argument or a fight breaking out at a nightclub are pretty high, especially the younger the crowd it is.... too much testosterone & too much estrogen packed into one hot, sweaty establishment during the night time hours, man that's grounds for trouble no matter how you slice it.... I've lost friends b/c I aint no party-goer, but I don't see it as a loss for me at all.....


Save myself the trouble & headache.....

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There's a Bob Marley Blvd in east flatbush....


I seriously doubt the man ever stepped one foot in brooklyn.



Lmao right?


Everytime I see that sign on Church n Nostrand I say the same...


Speaking of East Flatbush/Flatbush, I miss it there... Im forced to live where I live now (Cypress Hills) because of a certain situation...


Wanna be back around my Black Carribean folks!



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^ Gotta say I miss East FB too, used to spend my summers there. Good place and knew a lotta alright people there, haven't seen everybody in years now.




Surprised at how hard I'm laughing at Key & Peele. Show's been really funny, just watching the first two episodes, and Vandaveon and Mike I'm practically crying. Comedy Central'll never match the Chappelle Show for sketches, but this is some good stuff.


Stupid but funny... 1:18... "black people ain't meant to be in the sky!!"




Another quick pretty amusing one, the phone call:



[/media] Edited by MHV9218
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