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Off-topic Random Thoughts Thread

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I will start a thread so people may make a proper farewell.
The thing is, farewell threads aren't needed at all. Say if someone here creates a farewell speech stating "I'm going to leave here because of X, Y, and Z...", and later on (s)he comes back days, weeks, etc... later. That's just seeking attention.
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Random thought (segment) #1:

(*after having checked out a subchat thread*)


I didn't know I was the most popular person on here....

I didn't know this was a popularity contest....

I didn't know people actually gave a s*** either way....



-1 (minus one) for attention whores.... and those that have/do/need to post on forums for that reason... smmfh...



Random thought #2:

Don't know if anyone else feels like this, but I'm findin it's gettin harder to want to participate in threads on here.... almost like I have to force myself to want to post....



Random thought #3:

Why people wanna sit around you, when there a whole empty a** bus or train you can have to yourself (for the time being, anyway)....


I'm gonna start cursing out people that do that for the sake of starting conversations with me... I don't care if it's a dude, or a perfect 10 chick....



(emphasis on the 'F' part)



Random thought #4:

You ask me something, get mad when you don't like the answer, that's YOUR problem.... not mine.

There is a reason people need and value their space....



Random thought #5:

Smoking.... It's bad for my health...


....and I don't smoke.

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Random thought #2:

Don't know if anyone else feels like this, but I'm findin it's gettin harder to want to participate in threads on here.... almost like I have to force myself to want to post....



Random thought #3:

Why people wanna sit around you, when there a whole empty a** bus or train you can have to yourself (for the time being, anyway)....


I'm gonna start cursing out people that do that for the sake of starting conversations with me... I don't care if it's a dude, or a perfect 10 chick....



(emphasis on the 'F' part)



Random thought #4:

You ask me something, get mad when you don't like the answer, that's YOUR problem.... not mine.

There is a reason people need and value their space....



Random thought #5:

Smoking.... It's bad for my health...


....and I don't smoke.


2] I agree, even the threads are getting too O/T for O/t

3] The paranoid in me always questions why anyone other than if I know the person would sit near or next to me on a near empty train/bus as well. I always go into the thought process of the person probably sizing me up as if he might try to rob me or such.


4] truth, applies to online mostly for me. I just say what's on my mind, ain't my problem the other person doesn't like it. I don't give a damn what the other person 'hates me' for not having the same 'likes'

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Lol...I'm the same way. I hate when I'm on the bus and someone sits a seat or two away from me and they try to strike a convo with me.


I remember I was on the S79 bus back in July and someone was sitting two seats away from me in the front section and were trying to get my attention for most of the ride. Good thing I had my headphones and shades so I wouldn't have to give them any of my attention at all.


To add on, I remember two Decembers ago my friend and I got on the S79 at Eltingville TC and at Hylan/Winchester these two 11th grade girls from Tottenville got on and sat in the back. It was a NG and on low-floor buses I normally sit in the back of the bus anyway. They were talking and laughing and somehow my friend got into the conversation. Next thing you know my friend got me into the conversation with the two girls. It was a good thing they were hot (too hot) otherwise I would have just kept to myself throughout the whole bus ride.

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Damn it, I always had that "multiple thoughts in a single post" idea, but I keep thinking it'll be too much...


I love it when I end up tired at 10:00, only to not be able to sleep until 3:00 AM.


I know buses are supposed to stick to the speed limit, but that comes at the cost of time... on the other hand, I've had bus operators that drive the underpowered Orion V CNGs like they would their car.... way too damn fast. Perhaps if they could stay at 30 at least for longer, it would be nice.


I've never been on a bus during a storm. I've been on plenty of car rides through them, but never a bus or train... LIRR trains would probably be FUBAR by the storms, anyway.

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Lmao! Sure you did!!!


LMFAO! I swear. Type in "Leroy meme" on google images :)


And as for the whole seat discussion, I hate it when I'm on a bus or a train car that is mostly empty and for some reason old people just sit right next to you. Like wtf. Same thing for movies theaters. -sigh-


Once I got on the S79 by the mall. It was an Orion V btw. And it was just me and my friend sitting in the back and then 2 crackheads, i mean literally just did crack get on and try to start talking to us about weird shit and they were trippin. Good thing they got off soon after lol.


Hot chicks? DO NOT MIND AT ALL! lol... its happened a few times, got a number or 2. lol.

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2] I agree, even the threads are getting too O/T for O/t


3] The paranoid in me always questions why anyone other than if I know the person would sit near or next to me on a near empty train/bus as well. I always go into the thought process of the person probably sizing me up as if he might try to rob me or such.


4] truth, applies to online mostly for me. I just say what's on my mind, ain't my problem the other person doesn't like it. I don't give a damn what the other person 'hates me' for not having the same 'likes'

2- Which is why threads are going.... o/t.... lol...


3- To be honest with you, I don't really think about why someone wants to sit around me... it's the surrounding circumstances; in other words, I get miffed at the idea that they're around me, when there's sooooo much open space available... it's the principle of the matter.... Ever since I was a kid, I noticed that people are drawn to me... I am the last person to want to strike up a conversation w/ anyone.... Yeah, opposites attract, but damn...


But I do have that "I wish a mothaf**** would" type of mindset....


4- It goes on & offline for me...


Speaking from the offline perspective, I find it funny when people wanna claim that I'm some internet tough guy.... yes, my words are harsh... I don't sugarcoat my thoughts - waste of time & effort (yes, effort... lol)... Don't confuse that with the nzzzz mentality, where cats just say any ole disrespectful shit for the sake of "keepin it real" (women, moreso then men, especially).... Don't like what I have to say, too bad.... you know what they say about life being a bitch....


woof woof mothaf****.... lmao....


If you knew me offline, you'd find that I'm MUCH more tolerant of ppl's BS online.... Offline, I don't do all this talking - you wanna talk out the side of your mouth @ me, or otherwise start some shit, prepare for a physical altercation.... Men don't do all that mudslinging face to face...


I go out of my way to avoid people - to risk not being thrown in jail (or end up dead)... This is why I don't go to parties, parades, anywhere where the risk of BS, is high.... I'm that fed up w/ society.


As the scorpion stings on.....



Damn it, I always had that "multiple thoughts in a single post" idea, but I keep thinking it'll be too much...

I was gonna add more, but figured I'd stop at 5....




Yeah, I always get freaked out when people come and sit near me. I don't even hide the feel of disgust. I get up and move immediately and give them the look like WTF are you near me for?

Neither do I.... But I don't get up & move from my seat b/c of it....


I have this thing where (if I'm pissed off enough) it's like, I dare someone to bother me at that moment... and I make it very easy to pick up on w/ my facial expressions & body language - without saying a word..... Guess actions do speak louder than words.....


^^ I've even had people (men or women) actually get up from their seats b/c of it.... Then I give them a look like, "yeah, so that's why your ass came over here"...


Damn crowders.....

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3- To be honest with you, I don't really think about why someone wants to sit around me... it's the surrounding circumstances; in other words, I get miffed at the idea that they're around me, when there's sooooo much open space available... it's the principle of the matter.... Ever since I was a kid, I noticed that people are drawn to me... I am the last person to want to strike up a conversation w/ anyone.... Yeah, opposites attract, but damn...


But I do have that "I wish a mothaf**** would" type of mindset....


4- It goes on & offline for me...


Speaking from the offline perspective, I find it funny when people wanna claim that I'm some internet tough guy.... yes, my words are harsh... I don't sugarcoat my thoughts - waste of time & effort (yes, effort... lol)... Don't confuse that with the nzzzz mentality, where cats just say any ole disrespectful shit for the sake of "keepin it real" (women, moreso then men, especially).... Don't like what I have to say, too bad.... you know what they say about life being a bitch....


woof woof mothaf****.... lmao....


If you knew me offline, you'd find that I'm MUCH more tolerant of ppl's BS online.... Offline, I don't do all this talking - you wanna talk out the side of your mouth @ me, or otherwise start some shit, prepare for a physical altercation.... Men don't do all that mudslinging face to face...


I go out of my way to avoid people - to risk not being thrown in jail (or end up dead)... This is why I don't go to parties, parades, anywhere where the risk of BS, is high.... I'm that fed up w/ society.



3] truth. though thankfully it doesn't happen as often, I would prefer to be by myself than anyone being near me. I guess the 'leave me alone, i leave you alone' rule applies heavily with me.


4] lol, well said! IF you [in general] are gonna say stuff, back it up with some facts and not 'gut feelings'. Folks that gets pissed off about stuff said online are ones that have a thin skin and takes things way too seriously. If your entire 'life' revolves around the internet, then you need to get out more.


Ditto on 'in person'. I don't have much to say, I prefer to let others do the talking. I'm content with being the 'silent' guy.

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While a minor annoyance, it still bugs me that the media still calls the World Trade Center site "Ground Zero". It's probably reached a crescendo because of all the coverage around the anniversary. I get that it's the site of the attacks, but we have construction of several of the towers being built. It's not the same empty pit we had right after the rubble was cleared back in 2002.

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If I have my headphones on, it's for a reason. I don't have any outlet for when I feel like utter crap, so instead I let the music play so that I can feel some other emotions.


I do pause my music or even take my headphones off if I feel that someone wants to talk to me.


On the other hand, imagine if I could channel all this negative ---- into something awesome...

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If I have my headphones on, it's for a reason. I don't have any outlet for when I feel like utter crap, so instead I let the music play so that I can feel some other emotions.


I do the exact same. music always makes me feel better.


Sooooooo......whats going on :P


Nothing much kind of a slow day for me. how about you?

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Time for multiple thoughts in a single post again:


The arrows in the PATH logo form a "P." In the right arrow is NY, and the left is NJ. When I realized this, I just sat for about a minute, dumbfounded.


Every ****ing day, AccuWeather reports "75% chance of thunderstorms." Those were supposed to happen today; I left Nassau at 12:00 PM and it was about 78 degrees Fahrenheit out with the sun shining. And then when it's sunny other days, a pop-up storm appears and it rains for an hour straight.


Now I'm too tired to post. Maybe I'll have more tomorrow.

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Sunday, spent a day at CI. Visited the luna park and scream zone areas and rode 3 rides at Scream zone, cyclone, and the air race at Luna park. Steep for $38, but at least I can add a few more rides on my done list.

Also, never gonna ride the back row of cyclone again, i'm surprised no one has been thrown off that ride in recent years....

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