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Off-topic Random Thoughts Thread

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Last night was hilarious... Had a good time at the MoMA looking at whacky sh*t, which included some transit photos. Afterwards I had a swank dinner at this fancy French place (one of Alain Ducasse's restaurants) and then stopped by a store there in Midtown to pick up a few things before getting the X10. As I was walking around the store, I overheard this Italian chick slamming American food.


Italian chick [in Italian]: "Ma io vorrei sapere che cazzo è?!?!?"

[English translation]: I would like to know what the (with special emphasis lol) f*ck this is?


I normally don't say anything when I overhear folks talking in Spanish or Italian, but sometimes I can't help it. I had to laugh out loud because that was f*cking funny. Then she asked me in Italian if I spoke Italian, to which I replied "Sì, certo" ("Yes, of course"). She then replied "Ma, molto strano il cibo americano" ("American food... Very strange".) We both laughed and I said "Sì, è vero." ("Yes, it's true."). lol

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My favorite number is 8, and here's why:


I was born in 1988. If you add 1+9+8+8, you get 26.


If you add 2+6, you get 8.


I was born on the 27th of some month in 1988.


If you add 2+7+1+9+8+8, you get 35.


If you add 3+5, you get 8.


Now, the month I was born on was September.


So, if you add 9+2+7+1+9+8+8, you get 44.


If you add 4+4, you get 8.



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lol, ah.. I've been wondering about the bike thing too. Then again ash could've given her one of his pokemon as 'payment'. Man all those creatures he caught and just let go... what an idiot. What happened to his charizard? Is it still 'free' or is it back in ash's collection again?


Plotholes, plotholes everywhere... B)

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Charizard started listening to Ash during the Orange Islands episodes after he was frozen solid and he saved him from dying.
been so many years ago, I forgot all the details.


Charizard's battle in the Johto league was awesome imo, especially with Gary.


Hem, probably missed that. I think i remember the orange island season where he battled a dragonite in the finals.

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