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Had to unload a truck today in this 90+ degree weather. And it decided to come 5 in the afternoon (it usually comes at like 9:30 pm). Also had to work in the basement for a good 2 hours and it was damn near 120 degrees in there. So as a relief, I locked myself in the walk-in freezer a few times today where it was about -20


120? :eek:

Good thing you had that freezer. Keep on truckin'!

I haven't used that move in years...its gotten to the point where I forgot how to do it lol


I finally understand the how En Passant thing.

I was a chess noob. I mean, I had so many misconceptions about the game. Namely:


- I always thought the king was not allowed to capture other pieces. Moreover, I thought that when you were in check, you had to move the king out of the way. Imagine how dumb I felt when I learned that you were perfectly allowed to capture the attacking piece.


- I always confused the bishop and knight's places. Also, I thought the king was supposed to face the other color's queen, and vice-versea, but now I know the king and queen are supposed to face the other color's king and queen.


- When you promote a pawn, I thought you could only promote it to a piece your opponent captured. And then I learned you could take any piece. Potentially having two or more queens is awesome.


I can't wait to have 3 queens and use En Passant on someone.... :(

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What do I do? Man up and play Call of Duty.


I get queasy when I see blood, so no thanks, keep your CoD. I don't even play Pokemon, I just felt like typing something random.


(I prefer 2d platformers, if you want to know)

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Original Pokémon >>> Post-Johto Pokémon


Oh yeah, the first 251 were the greatest! Sure, there are only 4 Dragon-types and 4 Ghost-types, but it doesn't matter because the original 251 are just better!


I see it as older and newer Pokémon both having pros and cons.

Nostalgia aside, I don't really feeling like choosing favorites.

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Original Pokémon >>> Post-Johto Pokémon


If you mean the cartoon show, then I agree. after Johto, i stopped watching regularly. Yugioh gx, didn't bother finishing that show after seeing the 1st half. They need to just end the show and stop with the lame spinoffs. But then again they gotta whore out the shows for the cards and such...

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Oh yeah, the first 251 were the greatest! Sure, there are only 4 Dragon-types and 4 Ghost-types, but it doesn't matter because the original 251 are just better!


I see it as older and newer Pokémon both having pros and cons.

Nostalgia aside, I don't really feeling like choosing favorites.

They were very easy to memorize, thanks to the 2 Pokeraps I saw on TV. Nowadays, it's too hard to memorize 600+ monsters... I have to give kudos to Nintendo for not creating evolutions for old monsters, as the previous generation did that.


If you mean the cartoon show, then I agree. after Johto, i stopped watching regularly. Yugioh gx, didn't bother finishing that show after seeing the 1st half. They need to just end the show and stop with the lame spinoffs. But then again they gotta whore out the shows for the cards and such...
Yep. I actually saw post-Johto (ashamed to say this) and it was really horrible. As much as I gave it another chance, I just couldn't bear up with the cuteness I call it "Pokemon contests". And to top it off, the Sinnoh saga was solely based on remakes of past episodes, and I gave up watching the show at that point.


I never saw Yu-Gi-Oh, but I have to agree. Pokemon is like that. Remaking episodes based on previous ones, new characters, repetitive storyline means more money and new faces (fans).

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Yep. I actually saw post-Johto (ashamed to say this) and it was really horrible. As much as I gave it another chance, I just couldn't bear up with the cuteness I call it "Pokemon contests". And to top it off, the Sinnoh saga was solely based on remakes of past episodes, and I gave up watching the show at that point.


I never saw Yu-Gi-Oh, but I have to agree. Pokemon is like that. Remaking episodes based on previous ones, new characters, repetitive storyline means more money and new faces (fans).


Y you no liek Pokemon Johto?




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LOS ANGELES – Justin Bieber has made his last record.* He wants out of the music business and will only focus on film, TV* and perfume from now on.



Justin Bieber will make a major announcement to his fans on Monday.* He is tired of touring and making records.* He is hanging up his drumsticks, his guitar, his microphone.* His perfume, “Someday” is a smash hit and Justin feels that he should focus more on perfume and a new clothing line for teen girls, rather than music.


“He’s done it all already in music,” said Bieber’s manager, Scooter Braun, “Justin is tired.* He wants to expand into other areas.* He has a TV series that he is developing with HBO, he’s got 3 to 4 new films in development and he’s thinking of buying Starbucks.* The Biebs loves his frappuccino.”


"Fans around the world are in complete and total panic.* “How will I survive without new music from Justin.* I’ll die!” said Lyndsey Morgan of Allentown, PA.* “Justin is the greatest artist to ever live.* He’s much better than Michael Jackson could ever be.* He needs to make more music.* Justin, please, don’t quit!” said Taylor Brandywine on her Facebook page.


Others speculate that Justin is quitting music because he wants to focus on being a good father.* It has been reported from multiple sources that Justin Bieber is having a baby with Selena Gomez.* “The baby is due sometime in January,” said Scooter.


Well, perhaps there will be a new Bieber on the Block soon to take Justin’s place in the music business."


Click Here For It

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Biebs had talent, prospect, potential, and then flushed it down the drain as he got more and more popular. Many of his songs became watered-down or just flat-out bad. He could've been the next Beatles, but I don't think that he will stand the test of time. Too bad.

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