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Off-topic Random Thoughts Thread

EE Broadway Local

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Kudos to you. I never had the balls to ride the big guy rollercoasters like the Cyclone even thou it's pretty much the same as the Sling Shot. But true, I heard the ride is $20. Add just a few more bucks and I can get me a good-looking American Eagle shirt. Yea, I'm cheap.


Cyclone is kinda 'tame' compared to the other stuff I've been on [Nitro, Kingda Ka, etc.], the main problem is the lack of a head rest and the 'whiplash' you get when your head is 'pulled back'. Ever since my ride on that, my neck hasn't been the same.

Lol, totally, I'm very cheap. If I'm plunking down over $30 for the park, I don't want to pay another $10-20 for a single ride that I can go elsewhere for. Plus the food they charge is also crazy. That's why I resort to drinking from the water fountains [well theme parks, probably not CI].

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Kudos to you. I never had the balls to ride the big guy rollercoasters like the Cyclone even thou it's pretty much the same as the Sling Shot. But true, I heard the ride is $20. Add just a few more bucks and I can get me a good-looking American Eagle shirt. Yea, I'm cheap.


$20 for Kingda Ka excitement ... Pass!

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I swear, I go through headphones like I go through socks. Only had these iPod headphones for about 3 weeks and already I blew the right one out


$20 for Kingda Ka excitement ... Pass!


Word...for all that, I'll just go to Six Flags, spend $61 and go on every single ride all day over and over again


But then again, I'm going there on Tuesday (my bday :cool:), but I aint spending $20 just to go on that ride only once

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Guest lance25
Chris R16/R27 30 is by far the biggest racist at Subchat. He gets on my damn nerves.


Why don't you just ignore the people you don't like on that site, or better yet, just ignore the whole site altogether? I swear, I see you and several other members here always bitching about certain members on SubChat, but if you guys just ignored some of the posters there, you wouldn't have to worry about the racist, insensitive, anti-Semitic, etc posts said posters make.


I swear, I go through headphones like I go through socks. Only had these iPod headphones for about 3 weeks and already I blew the right one out


You're not the only one. Luckily mine lasts for a couple of months rather than weeks. Just remember to always have a backup pair.

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I don't like when my friends start saying they want to kill themselves because other friends don't want to hang with them....


It makes me feel useless and like my friendship means nothing to them....


some may know who/what I'm talking about

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k but how about adding 1999 Novas to Fresh Pond? I'd love to see 4973 or something like that on the B38 coming from school someday.

FP will run those buses to the ground,they're better off an all HEV depot!


Chris R16/R27 30 is by far the biggest racist at Subchat. He gets on my damn nerves.



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I don't like when my friends start saying they want to kill themselves because other friends don't want to hang with them....


It makes me feel useless and like my friendship means nothing to them....


some may know who/what I'm talking about


I know EXACTLY who you're talking about...but I'm keeping quiet with the name!

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Oh God, that Subchat thread is gonna get wild.


I'll get the popcorn, you get the soda. Oh yeah, things are gonna get interesting!!!


Weinberg, his boyfriend Will D, and Chris are all a bunch of douchebags. There's a reason why I'm basically a part time poster at Subchat.


Man, to hell with all of them, they can go choke on a footlong for what it's worth.

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I'll get the popcorn, you get the soda. Oh yeah, things are gonna get interesting!!!




Man, to hell with all of them, they can go choke on a footlong for what it's worth.


They just did!! Subchat and on facebook. I have him blocked but I can still see his posts on the event page of the vintage bus trip he's mad about. lol

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So he made a note about how he hates the NYC transit fan community...

I still say cut the bad people loose and keep it moving... but he's ignoring me too... I feel like he views me as invisible and cares more about people who don't care about him... [/rant]

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Trolling people from a neighboring state does get annoying after a certain point.


I got the enclosure Saturday and my old hard drive back as well. I couldn't get it open, so my uncle, who was holding onto my old laptop with the HDD in it, did while he was having a smoke. I asked him if he got it after 15 minutes and there it was, open. He said he'd used a dime to get it open.


My only gripe with this is that I understand that it requires two USB ports, one for power and the other for the increased transfer speed, but my laptop only has three USB ports, and the third is reserved for my Logitech wireless receiver, and that receiver is about an inch long... I already broke my old receiver because it fell against something and had to get an entirely new mouse because of it.

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Happy 21 Birthday to Fresh Pond...he's so awesome, its like he emits awesome radiation into the air :)


(It says August 29 here but I never got the chance to change it lol)


Weinberg, his boyfriend Will D, and Chris are all a bunch of douchebags. There's a reason why I'm basically a part time poster at Subchat.


If 33rd Street still post on there, he's the biggest one of all. He got mad at me cuz I actually supported the (M) and yapping and complaining that a 2nd train isnt gonna stop at his home stop or something like that...even blocked me on fb cuz of it


But I digress

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Happy 21 Birthday to Fresh Pond...he's so awesome, its like he emits awesome radiation into the air :(



Don't flatter yourself :P



If 33rd Street still post on there, he's the biggest one of all. He got mad at me cuz I actually supported the (M) and yapping and complaining that a 2nd train isnt gonna stop at his home stop or something like that...even blocked me on fb cuz of it


But I digress


Why are all of you people constantly fighting? It's like one giant f*cked-up marriage :P:p

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Why are all of you people constantly fighting? It's like one giant f*cked-up marriage :(:P


HAHAHAHAHAHA tell me about it...and no he doesn't post on there anymore.


Besides the way a lot of people were behaving on the vintage train in December were like a bunch of children with soiled diapers, but that's a discussion for another time.


On other issues, Lol @ this guy on the subway brawl thread...for thinking I'm racist cuz the black guy was beating up on the white guy. For what it's worth both those people need to be locked up for disorderly conduct on the subway. Doesn't matter who provoked the fight or not.

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Don't flatter yourself :(





Why are all of you people constantly fighting? It's like one giant f*cked-up marriage :P:P


There's one cancer, Terrapin Station, who is a 5"7" loser in real life. He deliberately starts flame wars for his own amusement. The sad thing is that the vast majority of Subchat members are serious railfans who simply want to talk about their hobby. It's only a few people like Weinberg, Will D, and Chris who ruin it for everyone.


HAHAHAHAHAHA tell me about it...and no he doesn't post on there anymore.


Besides the way a lot of people were behaving on the vintage train in December were like a bunch of children with soiled diapers, but that's a discussion for another time.


On other issues, Lol @ this guy on the subway brawl thread...for thinking I'm racist cuz the black guy was beating up on the white guy. For what it's worth both those people need to be locked up for disorderly conduct on the subway. Doesn't matter who provoked the fight or not.


Of course this wouldn't have happened on an express bus.

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Of course this wouldn't have happened on an express bus.


Lol...the express passengers would probably have settled the dispute like adults and not children like the ones in that video. Flip a coin, rock paper scissors...something. But it's just a seat for crying out loud.

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