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We talking bout practice man....best post game interview in NBA History next to Ron Artest Finals post game interview. Ill never forget watching this live.


This is just EPIC! And the reporters in the backround could not hold the laughs any longer hahahahha




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I was flipping through the channels at 1 AM when I stumbled upon this reality show on VH1 called You're Cut Off. It's a show about a group of spoiled rich girls whose families are tired of paying for their extravagant lifestyles. This one character, Jenn, reminds me of Paris Hilton.


MTV,VH1, etc. are all shit. I skip those channels altogether. paramont's garbage. It's no wonder why kids these days are all f'ed up.

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Crap, my laptop got messed up and I lost many BVE content including the R32 which was my fav to operate and its not on the internet anymore. :mad::mad::mad:

I still have all my BVE stuff - from the new stuff to the oldies that I downloaded in 2004


MTV,VH1, etc. are all shit. I skip those channels altogether. paramont's garbage. It's no wonder why kids these days are all f'ed up.


HEY - I don't watch that bullshit.


I skip all network television channels since commercials annoy the sh*t out of me. Hell, edited material is nowhere near good anyways.


:eek: I see I'm not the only one. I mute my TV till the comms are over.

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Everyone says, "Oh, there's the Internet for TV" when most outlets take down anything with a cable network logo in it in a heartbeat. If there's an official channel, 90% chance of a commercial beforehand... and it's probably going to be edited/different from the TV version.




Screw regular TV and screw Internet TV. I don't watch it ;)

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I used to do that whenever I saw CN, Nickelodeon, Kids WB!, etc etc... now that I watch movies on Cinemax, watching them on network tv is a moot point for me. As for the programming, I can care less.


Nice as a premium channel is, they don't have all the movies. Like Showtime or Starz would have rights and HBO would have its own stuff. But movies for the most part should be seen intact,unedited.


Networks still have regular shows, but if hulu airs them then even better [fewer commercials, but quality sucks].

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I don't really watch TV like that anymore either. I went without it for so long that it's just like ehh.


I'll watch the Science Channel or something like that, and I watch Jersey Shore and stuff but that's really it. I've even been missing Family Guy and stuff like that because it doesn't really cross my mind anymore, I always forget.

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Wirelessly posted via (BlackBerry8520/ Profile/MIDP-2.1 Configuration/CLDC-1.1 VendorID/100)


I think I have an addiction to a video game lol. For some odd reason, I'm always playing Black Ops every night after work. Maybe cuz its the first online game I actually decided to play online ;)


I don't really watch TV like that anymore either. I went without it for so long that it's just like ehh.


I'll watch the Science Channel or something like that, andI watch Jersey Shore and stuff but that's really it. I've even been missing Family Guy and stuff like that because it doesn't really cross my mind anymore, I always forget.


You sicken me B)...I'm the only person in my house (there's 7 of us here) who doeant watch it. To me its just another reality show that bringd out the negative stereotypes about everyone.

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Nice as a premium channel is, they don't have all the movies. Like Showtime or Starz would have rights and HBO would have its own stuff. But movies for the most part should be seen intact,unedited.


Networks still have regular shows, but if hulu airs them then even better [fewer commercials, but quality sucks].


With Netflix and On Demand, you can't go wrong! It (On Demand) makes Showtime, Starz, HBO and Encore, and Cinemax worth subscribing to. Only network or cable TV I watch is Real Housewives of Atlanta, Law & Order: SVU, and the news.

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I don't really watch TV like that anymore either. I went without it for so long that it's just like ehh.


I'll watch the Science Channel or something like that, and I watch Jersey Shore and stuff but that's really it. I've even been missing Family Guy and stuff like that because it doesn't really cross my mind anymore, I always forget.


Waaaa ...The cabs are hereeee

Oh yeahhh alarm clock yeahhh

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Waaaa ...The cabs are hereeee

Oh yeahhh alarm clock yeahhh


LMAOOOOO I love this show.


No, Whoresey Bore


Wirelessly posted via (BlackBerry8520/ Profile/MIDP-2.1 Configuration/CLDC-1.1 VendorID/100)


I think I have an addiction to a video game lol. For some odd reason, I'm always playing Black Ops every night after work. Maybe cuz its the first online game I actually decided to play online :P



You sicken me ;)...I'm the only person in my house (there's 7 of us here) who doeant watch it. To me its just another reality show that bringd out the negative stereotypes about everyone.



Up until last season I used to be just like you two, I used to hate the show but I love it now. Jwoww is my fav.


Black Ops zombies ftw. :tup:


Oh and World Star got shut down :tup::tup::tup:

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If I knew, I wouldn't be asking, would I? :P


Welp for those who don't know it's just a video website but it's also very "ignant". They post funny clips (ex: a lady on Angel Dust dancing inside a restaurant in the Bronx), they also post a lot of unsigned talent and...fights. ;)


How does Flickr rate your most interesting photos? It does a surprisingly good job at it and it's almost instantaneous, very nerve racking.

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