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Off-topic Random Thoughts Thread

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Wirelessly posted via (BlackBerry8520/ Profile/MIDP-2.1 Configuration/CLDC-1.1 VendorID/100)


If we are talking about diarrhea then this pic shows this guy's dedication cuz he keep running even when something else was running:




Damn I bet his trip home afterwards was type sh***y ;)

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Seriously, did you really need to post the pic? I like toilet humor, but I have to draw the line. And it's around lunch time.


I didn't originally post that pic...besides, when I made my post, it was 4:31 in the morning. You didn't have to read it around lunchtime

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How do you like that, you can't do much at all lol. Can't wait for March to end.


I want to move so bad.


After dealing with Summer 2010, I was waiting for the Winter to hit so bad! Despite the several occurrences of snow, this is how Winter should be.

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After dealing with Summer 2010, I was waiting for the Winter to hit so bad! Despite the several occurrences of snow, this is how Winter should be.


incorrect (this time I really mean it)


Random thought: I hate it when people ask for your camera settings. Don't copy off of my way of taking photographs, learn your own.


Believe me, I wouldn't mind some photography tips from Fred G.

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My camera doesn't work when it's below 32 degrees.

That doesn't sound normal. My camera works in sub zero temperatures.

Tell me how you take photographs. :D








Personally I could care less about the heat or cold. As long as the ground is dry so I can skateboard, be it Winter or Summer, I'm good.


Ahem... :D



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