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Grade your home NYCT bus line

EE Broadway Local

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B12 GRADE: D-. its always crowded and late.


B16 GRADE: C-. needs more buses because its a long route from Bay Ridge to Lefferts Gardens.


B35 GRADE: B-: Extreme Crowded Buses.


B41 GRADE: B-: Crowded Buses during rush hours.


B44 GRADE: B. Crowded Buses.


B49 GRADE: C+: Service to operate 24/7.

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S40: B

Reliable, Fast & Clean Buses. Just needs some service adjustments to connect with the ferries better.


S44: D-

Shows up whenever it wants to! Crowded buses & Very Unreliable! Needs more service overall.


S46: B-

Ok. Reliable for the most part, but can be very slow! Used to have 8-10 minute headways during the day before 2005, and desperately needs that back.


S53: A

Reliable, Frequent, & Good service overall!

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Sounds more likt t/a Report cards :) ! like in prevous Rail one, i won't use rating but an overview.


Bx9- Takes a bit long to show up


Bx19- A bit slow when stopping at Tremont avenue since B/Os switch or put it to relay there, though I'm happy it runs 24/7


Bx21- Very Frequest around West Farms :tup:


Bx36- Love the LTD service but it takes too long to wait for it same for local, It's like LTD comes first then 10min after Local and then LTD 10min more, continues..


Bx40/Bx42- way to crowded during AM Rush houts Eastbond, I think it should become BRT in future. During PM rush, it gets annoyed at West Farms with people entering thru the back and avoiding the fare, even if its packed..


Q44- Too Slow to head to Bronx from Jamaica, which LTD isn't running during late nights when Q20A/B isn't running, a bit Slow from E177th St/Tremont to Parkchester, it would be cool to see it LTD and the Q20 ran in the Bronx..


Routes I don't live near but Enjoy:


Bx12+SBS- faster then an LTD, cheaper then an Express bus lol, use it when i go to Inwood via the (1) instead of Manhattan bound (2) to 96th Street for Van Cortland bound trains.


Bx15/M60/M100/M101 via 125th St Local[Ether]- way too slow during PM Rush, takes like 1 hr an hour to get from West 125th St MorningSide Ave to 2nd Avenue[Except M100/101], but M60 too slow for Queens bound. BRT or a *SPECIAL* bus lane is needed!


M3- When heading downtown starting at 125th St on Saturday Night, super fast and empty, takes me less then 30min to get to my destination:tup:


M42- Fast crosstown bus, though I hate when it gets packed when it starts after 12th Ave/42nd St Eastbond, and when we are at TSQ or near very slow east or west.

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S51 :tup: Fast, reliable, but can get crowded


S52 :tdown: Very slow during am rush hours when going to the ferry, but coming home, B-


S62/S92 :C/C- needs to follow schedule and gets stuck of traffic a lot. S92 needs to be more frequent.


S74 :tdown: Always crowded, not frequent enough espesially during rush hour hours


S78 :tdown: Same as S74, other times, pretty good


X1: B-/C+ Could be a little more frequent during midday hours


X10 :tup: Never too crowded, fast, but also could be a little more frequent

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S79: A. I take this bus leaving college (15 minute skate from CSI to the mall) heading to Brooklyn and the service runs frequent enough, especially on weekends. I never have to wait longer than 10 minutes for a bus. (If it rains, I take the S61 or S62 back to the ferry instead but on some instances I miss the ferry before either one of those buses get to the terminal.) I especially love the run over the bridge.

S62: A+. I take this bus on Saturdays from the ferry to my school, and since I always catch the 7:00 bus, I'm happy with this bus. I just wish it ran a little faster. Sometimes I get the 7:30 bus because I miss the 6:30 ferry and take the 7:00 ferry instead.

S61: A. I take this bus on Sundays since the school has a back exit on Forest Hill Road since the back exit isn't open early enough on Saturdays.

S93: B+ I take this bus on Monday mornings. The bus service is okay, but sometimes the (R) train short-turns at 59th Street and I often end up taking the 9:15 bus and it annoys the heck outta me.


I have the option of taking the daytime X1 or X10 buses, but I've never taken them to or from school yet. The last time I took the X1 (which is the only express bus I've ever taken and I'll give it a grade of (A)wesome!!!) was in September when my classes were not held because of Rosh Hashanah.


I live near the B25, B26 and B46 buses, but I rarely take them. If I need to travel along Fulton, I'll take the (C) (cuz it runs R32s!) heading to Downtown Brooklyn to run an errand and I'll take the B26 back. I'm not too keen on taking the B25 as the service is not so great and I don't really like Fulton Street.

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My Home Route:


Q85 - Rush Hours: D, it's always packed to the brim to the point where 2 buses skip my stop and then the 3rd is crowded but the 4th is mostly empty. It takes me a while to catch a Q85 in the morning. Also the rattly RTSs that dominate the line, if it weren't for the NGs coming in (even though I only rode one once) I'd give it a lower grade.


Q85 - Mid-Day: B, it takes a long time to come and the bus ends up packed a lot of the time. There's no Limited during mid-day which sucks. The rattly RTSs are a minus as well.


Story: I remeber it was between 95-105 degrees on one of the last days of school, I had to ride this packed Suburban RTS with no AC, after we passed Jamaica Depot the bus broke down and rolled at literally 2mph about 5-6 blocks, it was the worst and I was in the middle of the aisle with no ventilation with a huge backpack on. I wanted to jump out the window.



My Secondary Route:


Q20/Q44 - Rush Hours: F, Where do I even begin with this one, it's constantly packed to the point where nobody can get on passed the third stop. This route needs artics so badly it's not even funny, it's a limited (the Q44 anyways) but it seems to make 3,000 stops (the Q20 is even worse), the NGs save it from getting an F- or a Z.


Q20/Q44 - Mid-Day: C, most of the time it's still crowded during mid-day, it goes a little faster though. Sometimes it's not crowded and on those days I'd give it a B+/A- depending on if it has an NG or not lol.


Story: One time I rode the Q20 during the onset of a big snowstorm, I was trying to get home before it really started but the Q20 took it's sweet time and then something happened because it took about 25 minutes to go 1 block, it was like torture because I had to stand up with a filled up backpack on and it was crowded too. It was the worst especially when you see the Q44 infront of us just make it past Union Turnpike right before that huge slowdown.

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B71- C; Great when it comes, but 30 minute headways are aggrivating

B63- C+; Good headways, convienet route, but SO very slow.

B41- A; Though crowded, my favorite route and probably the most useful in Brooklyn

B67- B; Nice ride on weekedays when the headways are better

B37- B+; If headways were better, would probably be my favorite route in Brooklyn.

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B1 via 86 street, gets a B+ for frequency but the buses are dirty.


B4, via Bay Ridge Avenue is a B, frequency can imprve.


B68 via Coney Island Avenue is a good ride, but its packed sometimes. I give it a A-.


B49 via Ocean Avenue gets a A+ for frequency and performance.


B41 via Flatbush Avenue gets a A for serving two southern terminals, The buses are on time for me.


B3 via Avenue U gets a B+ for frequency, but the crowding is an issue.


B6 via Bay Parkway/Flatlands Avenue gets an A-


B11 gets an A+ for frequency, and crowding is rarely an issue for me.



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For my lines


Bx6: too crowded, especially from Yankee Stadium to Southern Blvd.

Many get on through the back Eastbound at Morris Av, and Westbound at 3rd AV

At Morris Av, too many people get on the bus just to get off two stops away at the (4) and (D) trains (although it is 6 blocks away)


Bx15: abysmal service northbound during rush hrs (7-8am exactly), but great overall, especially on Sundays

Only downside are the delays in Harlem


Bx17: too infrequent and crowded since there are many schools and senior citizens around the route.


Bx21: runs pretty good, but many take it to avoid the hill climb on Boston Rd


Bx35: too crowded and runs through congested 167th St and Washington Heights


Bx55: service is pretty great except for bunching northbound during AM rush

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My lines:


B83: A-. Very good service usually, and when the (3) is out, this is my route to the (J). Usually on schedule, and has a mix of RTSs and O7s usually. And, for a short route, it sure does its job. Points go to the extension a year ago to Gateway Center Mall. The B13 was terrible being the only bus there.


B15: C. Bunching happens way too often on this line because of the two terminals. I'm glad it switched back to ENY, so now the short turns at Pennsylvania Avenue have come back, but this line is subject to way too many delays because of its length. I've just noticed that ALL midday and evening trips now serve both terminals. That will definitely help this route get better. Although I do believe that alternate trips should just skip the Mail Facility, there's not much over there.


B20: B-. Needs more service to Ridgewood on weekends, 34 minute headways out there is not good. Otherwise, service is fine.


B6 LTD: B. I can see buses every 5 minutes leaving New Lots while walking to the train station, seems to do fine out here. I don't know how it does south of ENY though.


Those are my home bus routes.

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b41 B+ alot of ngs,but it gets too crowded,and their are more limteds than locals.


b49 D slow,always off schedule, and too long,and they need to extend the limited to more hours


B23 b its alright, just takes too long to come


B103 A- fast,convient, and i love the orions with the coach seats.


B35 d slow,always crowded, and the limited makes too much stops.take away the rogers ave stop.


B44 c+ alot of ngs,passes by many schools so theres alot of rowdy school kids.


B8 d always off schedule and so slow, this route needs a limited.

routes i take to school

S53 A its a great route,and always come quick,but get crowded during rush hour, and at the 1st stop in brookyn the people line up in a long line to get on the bus.wooooow


S62/92 C- sometimes off schedule, but can be fast,and the bus needs more weekend service from csi


S93 A fast but comes like every hour,and doesnt come durring middays when i need it.

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b41 B+ alot of ngs,but it gets too crowded,and their are more limteds than locals.


b49 D slow,always off schedule, and too long,and they need to extend the limited to more hours


B23 b its alright, just takes too long to come


B103 A- fast,convient, and i love the orions with the coach seats.


B35 d slow,always crowded, and the limited makes too much stops.take away the rogers ave stop.


B44 c+ alot of ngs,passes by many schools so theres alot of rowdy school kids.


B8 d always off schedule and so slow, this route needs a limited.

routes i take to school

S53 A its a great route,and always come quick,but get crowded during rush hour, and at the 1st stop in brookyn the people line up in a long line to get on the bus.wooooow


S62/92 C- sometimes off schedule, but can be fast,and the bus needs more weekend service from csi


S93 A fast but comes like every hour,and doesnt come durring middays when i need it.


You're right...the B35 limited does make too many stops...they need to reduce some of the stops on the route (e.g. have Nostrand Avenue as a LTD and New York Avenue as the local).

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Q20/Q44 - Rush Hours: F, Where do I even begin with this one, it's constantly packed to the point where nobody can get on passed the third stop. This route needs artics so badly it's not even funny, it's a limited (the Q44 anyways) but it seems to make 3,000 stops (the Q20 is even worse), the NGs save it from getting an F- or a Z.


Q20/Q44 - Mid-Day: C, most of the time it's still crowded during mid-day, it goes a little faster though. Sometimes it's not crowded and on those days I'd give it a B+/A- depending on if it has an NG or not lol.


Story: One time I rode the Q20 during the onset of a big snowstorm, I was trying to get home before it really started but the Q20 took it's sweet time and then something happened because it took about 25 minutes to go 1 block, it was like torture because I had to stand up with a filled up backpack on and it was crowded too. It was the worst especially when you see the Q44 infront of us just make it past Union Turnpike right before that huge slowdown.


STOP WITH THE ARTICS you will never see them in Queens get over it!

And why should I rush in a snow storm ? Take the train!

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I've been screaming that for quite some time now about the B35 ltd... but anyway....



B35: Very frequent service, but still buses are always crowded... reason why I don't give this route a higher "grade" is b/c buses do crawl up/down church av.... I give it a B-


B12: I don't care about the # of turns it makes, My problem w/ this route is that it comes in bunches (even on the weekends), and is just about never on time... forget about reliability.... God help you if you're waiting over there @ that Alabama av stop heading westbound.... I always walk one stop back (where the employee entrance for ENY depot is; it's on a side street)... problem w/ that is, those are buses coming from Sheridan av; which there's like every third bus that goes out there (as opposed to the short turns that begin on Alabama)... pick your poison, I suppose.... C I give this route....


B46: Has its moments, but all in all, this is the most reliable route (IMO) that runs out of Flatbush... I won't say it's always on time, due to the length of the route... unlike the B35 ltd, the B46 ltd service makes a huge difference... example: b/w Av. H & Church av (only stop in b/w those 2 points is Av. D)... The route bunches, but when you any of the bunched buses, there's another one often w/i minutes behind (unlike the B12 where if you miss one of the bunched buses, you'll be waiting for another 10+ minutes).... Along Broadway, you'd expect it to crawl, but it travels at a steady pace... never really getting (constantly) stuck in traffic under the el there.... I'll give this route an A-....


B44:... Southbound buses tend to come in droves (be careful though, there's like 4 SB terminals on the B44... and @ times, b/o's have the Knapp st sign up, when they're only going as far as Av X)... Northbound buses, well, not so much... it's a little less reliable than the B46, b/c there have been times (plural) I've been waiting for a B44 & ended up walking from the Junction (to Snyder av)... What kinda baffles me about this route are all the patterns... one bus may be a ltd going to flushing av, another bus may be a ltd going to WPB, another bus may be a local going to flushing av... just b/c the destination reads flushing av doesn't necessarily mean that the route WILL be a local.... (i.e. when you see a B46 ending @ dekalb, 99 times out of 100 that's not a LTD).... for the B44, eh, I'll give it a B....





* I didn't factor in the types of riders & how they behave, b/c I don't feel that's relevant.... if that were the case, the B35 would easily get a F double minus {F--}... lol...

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b41 B+ alot of ngs,but it gets too crowded,and their are more limteds than locals.


b49 D slow,always off schedule, and too long,and they need to extend the limited to more hours


B23 b its alright, just takes too long to come


B103 A- fast,convient, and i love the orions with the coach seats.


B35 d slow,always crowded, and the limited makes too much stops.take away the rogers ave stop.


B44 c+ alot of ngs,passes by many schools so theres alot of rowdy school kids.


B8 d always off schedule and so slow, this route needs a limited.

routes i take to school

S53 A its a great route,and always come quick,but get crowded during rush hour, and at the 1st stop in brookyn the people line up in a long line to get on the bus.wooooow


S62/92 C- sometimes off schedule, but can be fast,and the bus needs more weekend service from csi


S93 A fast but comes like every hour,and doesnt come durring middays when i need it.


At least someone else sees the joke that is the B49.... easily the least reliable of the Flatbush routes (can't say the B2 b/c it has high headways to begin with)... Ltd's that only run in one direction (southbound), pfft.....


I agree w/ you on the B8... whenever I do some SI fanning, I take the S79 or the S53 to the B8... there's been times where I got on @ 92nd st, and took a nap where I felt like I've been sleeping for an hour... wake up in a cold sweat like oh s***, I hope I didn't miss my stop (which would be brooklyn/Av D, a long walk from where I live but wth).... I look out the window, and the bus don't even be @ Coney Island av yet... lol....


Iono, I don't think that's fair to grade the B44 that low based on the people (namely, school kids) that ride the route....


I feel where you're coming from w/ the B35... only reason I gave it a much higher grade than you did, is b/c there are people all over the boroughs that wish they had the service that the B35 gets (if they know of it, that is)... you just can't overlook that....


I agree w/ your assessment of the S53... far more reliable (and flat out quicker) than the S79.. the stint b/w Forest av & Richmond rd; the bus makes good time...


The S93 I only been on like, 3 or 4 times... not near enough rides for me to make any kind of accurate judgment...


All those S6x routes run like crap.... I don't member the last time I've rode the x31 (coming from manhattan) where I've seen an S61 (in either direction)... like, how often do these buses run... and when do they run.... the S60 is, what it is.... the S66 shouldn't even exist... and you'd think w/ the number of ppl. that use the S62, they'd decrease headways on that route... take those runs off the 66 & put them on the 62...


Although I have seen somewhat of an increase of ppl. that use the B23 out of Flatbush (flatbush av, not the depot... haha) lately, I still think the route should be gone w/ the wind... either that or revamp the routing... I see more ppl embarking/disembarking on express buses than I do see waiting for the B23 (along cortelyou)... on the other half of the route (the southern portion), those riders are bombarding the B9 & the B11; the 23 doesn't take said ppl. where they need to get to.... it's a tale of two halves w/ that route....


missed what you said about the B41... now that I sit & think about it, that is true... you don't see many locals along the B41... I'd say 1 in every 3rd bus is a local.... then again, sitting in bumper to bumper traffic along livingston st & flatbush av whilst in downtown, I guess it doesn't make too much difference whether one's a local or a LTD :(

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<Q>28 <Q>13 (C) they are always full even late-nights:tdown:


...is why when I get off the QM2 over by the library (the Q28 terminal) [around 7:15/7:30 PM by time I get out there], I don't bother catching the 13 b/c a] I don't feel like crossing the street to get to the 13... b] there's almost always a bus (a Q28) waiting @ the terminal there... may as well wait til the bus gets ready to leave... c] the Q13 will end up being more crowded than the 28... figure the chance of the ppl. I'll have to maneuver around to get off the bus @ the last stop in Flushing, will be much less...


I favor the ride on the Q28 over the Q13 anyway... it's quieter.... the trek on the 28 is more residential before it gets to northern.... the Q13 around the LIRR station there (LIRR Bayside I think that station is) is rather commercial, and gets caught in traffic along Bell Blvd before the bus even hits northern... ehh, no thanks... I'll stick w/ the 28... haha....

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Lines I currently use:

Bx10 D-/E+: This bus line is excessively crowded during rush hour. However, an even worse problem is the fact that THIS BUS NEVER STICKS TO ITS SCHEDULE. NEVER!:mad::tdown:. Another annoying thing is that during P.M. Rush at 231st Street & Broadway, there is always a load of people waiting. AND THEN, after 5 or more minutes of loading time, as the bus is about to pull away, the (1) pulls in, and 5-10 people come running from the station. This causes even greater delays. There are also a lot of elderly people who insist on wasting everybody's time by riding the bus, when they really should be using Access-A-Ride, or have their relatives drive them around. This doesn't apply to all the elderly, however. It's only those who have great difficulty performing daily functions such as walking or moving around, etc.


Bx20 E-: This line is nowhere near as crowded as the Bx10, but has the same level of schedule issues. And considering that it runs far less frequently than the Bx10, waiting for it to show up can be a nightmare. I'll never forget that cold day in late February when I had to wait 25 minutes at 207th Street-Inwood for that bus to finally show up.


As for the fleet of both lines, I thought that only a small number of Orion

VII NGs was supposed to come and help out the Orion Vs. By now, the Bx10/Bx20 routes have become swamped with the Hybrids. What is up with that? Now I can't say that I'm nuts about the Orion V (I prefer the RTS and certain Eastern European buses of the 1980s), but I CAN'T STAND the site of those NGs on my home lines.

Well, I just wanted to get the dislike of my current everyday bus routes off my chest, that's all.

(My former everyday bus routes: Q38 and Q67. Great lines)

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Q20/Q44 - Rush Hours: F, Where do I even begin with this one, it's constantly packed to the point where nobody can get on passed the third stop. This route needs artics so badly it's not even funny, it's a limited (the Q44 anyways) but it seems to make 3,000 stops (the Q20 is even worse), the NGs save it from getting an F- or a Z.


Q20/Q44 - Mid-Day: C, most of the time it's still crowded during mid-day, it goes a little faster though. Sometimes it's not crowded and on those days I'd give it a B+/A- depending on if it has an NG or not lol.


Story: One time I rode the Q20 during the onset of a big snowstorm, I was trying to get home before it really started but the Q20 took it's sweet time and then something happened because it took about 25 minutes to go 1 block, it was like torture because I had to stand up with a filled up backpack on and it was crowded too. It was the worst especially when you see the Q44 infront of us just make it past Union Turnpike right before that huge slowdown.


STOP WITH THE ARTICS you will never see them in Queens get over it!

And why should I rush in a snow storm ? Take the train!

Thats sad if a bus route get a grade of Z,might as well give the poor route an E+. for effort.LOL
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(MTA)Q12 - I don't ride this line much but it always seems to run 24/7 except the weekends, that's where it really slows down. Casey Stengel should have maintained their Orion V's a little better. Reliable when I need to get home fast when the 27 fails to show up on the weekdays. *B+


(MTA)Q15 - I don't know much about this bus. It runs somewhat frequently on the weekdays and I've seen as little as 2 buses working the line on weekends since the route is so damn short (Flushing - Beechhurst). I think it's just used by the majority of people who live on 41st Av to get to Main Street and back, as that street is apartment city. *B


(MTA)Q17 - This bus runs like water on the weekdays. On Main Street up to two buses leave Flushing every so often. This would be my bus to Jamaica every time I needed to go there but I dislike the route it takes on the way there. Also, Jamaica Depot could probably learn a few things about maintenance from QV... *C+


(MTA)Q26 - This line doesn't run as frequent as the other nearby lines as the route is pretty short. Good thing is it stops on the opposite corner from my block, so if I don't feel like walking all the way from Kissena Blvd this is my bus! *B


(MTA)Q27 - The line I ride to my community college in Bayside. From reading the schedules the buses are supposed to leave Main Street/Cambria Heights at roughly 5 minute intervals. Sometimes it's a little longer on really busy/slow days. It really sucks to catch this bus on the way home in the winter evenings due to the amount of people going to Flushing from Queensborough (Believe me, I've seen it all) because it gets REALLY, REALLY crowded. At least this line offers limited stops. *B


There's lots more, but I dont want to bore you all. :o

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More lines that I take, but don't live near them;


Bx3: If you thought that the NGs would be great for this line, think again. The biggest crowds on that bus from Bronx Community College to Fordham Road alone. It is also pretty crowded south of BCC as far as 174th Street. However, service is pretty frequent, despite some bunching here and there.


Bx12: in the rush hours, there is bunching galore on both the local and SBS routes. The SBS's are more crowded, especially between Fordham Plaza and University Avenue. The biggest pet peeve about the Bx12 is that many people get on westbound just to get off at Grand Concourse/Valentine Av. And just like the Bx40/42, most get off through the front and those that get on want to get on at the front for some reason.


Bx19: two words describe this bus, delays and wheelchairs. There are many wheelchairs and elderly riders on this long route. Not to mention the biggest crowds use the Bx19 from 3rd Avenue to Harlem (any stop along 145th St). Add the traffic along the Bx19 route and you get a big stinker.


Bx36: the LTD service is pretty great. However, the locals aren't so great during the rush hours since LTDs leave plenty of people behind at local stops (especially Boston Rd/180th St, Harrod Av/174th St, Grand/Tremont Avs, and 176th/University Av). But other than that, both services aren't too bad.


Bx40/42: very slow and inconsistent. There are stops every two short blocks and are filled with people who don't want to walk. To make matters worse, at Grand Concourse and Jerome Av, everyone wants to get off at the front of the bus, which frustrates me since there's a back door.

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Lines I currently use:


Bx10 D-/E+: This bus line is excessively crowded during rush hour. However, an even worse problem is the fact that THIS BUS NEVER STICKS TO ITS SCHEDULE. NEVER!:mad::tdown:. Another annoying thing is that during P.M. Rush at 231st Street & Broadway, there is always a load of people waiting. AND THEN, after 5 or more minutes of loading time, as the bus is about to pull away, the (1) pulls in, and 5-10 people come running from the station. This causes even greater delays. There are also a lot of elderly people who insist on wasting everybody's time by riding the bus, when they really should be using Access-A-Ride, or have their relatives drive them around. This doesn't apply to all the elderly, however. It's only those who have great difficulty performing daily functions such as walking or moving around, etc.


Bx20 E-: This line is nowhere near as crowded as the Bx10, but has the same level of schedule issues. And considering that it runs far less frequently than the Bx10, waiting for it to show up can be a nightmare. I'll never forget that cold day in late February when I had to wait 25 minutes at 207th Street-Inwood for that bus to finally show up.


As for the fleet of both lines, I thought that only a small number of Orion

VII NGs was supposed to come and help out the Orion Vs. By now, the Bx10/Bx20 routes have become swamped with the Hybrids. What is up with that? Now I can't say that I'm nuts about the Orion V (I prefer the RTS and certain Eastern European buses of the 1980s), but I CAN'T STAND the site of those NGs on my home lines.

Well, I just wanted to get the dislike of my current everyday bus routes off my chest, that's all.

(My former everyday bus routes: Q38 and Q67. Great lines)


That sounds about right w/ the Bx10.... it's sorta frustrating when you're in riverdale (heading SB) waiting for the damned thing, and you see 2 bx7's that arrive about 3-5 mins apart, w/ no sight of a bx10... up until you look across the street 5 mins. after those 2 bx7's passed ya, and see a bx10 heading towards 246th st....


I say to myself, great, now it's 10 more mins. I have to wait... and you'd think there'd be a bx10 right behind those bx7's.... nope... all part of the reason why I don't fan the bxm2 & the bxm18 during the pm hrs... although I do miss that ride on the 1 from 231st to Chambers... there be some honies @ 137th & @ 96th around 9-10pm @ those stations too.... but annnyyywaayyy....





* But what constitutes a grade of an E-/E+.... I hope it's not excellence... lol...

Seriously though, after a 'D', the worst you can get is an 'F', bro...

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