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Everything posted by XcelsiorBoii4888

  1. This is sooo jacked up...they cannot go through with this. There has to be someone above the BusTime team that can override this quickly. I wonder if the union can fight against this change supposedly about to take place. Lafayette Ave has been removed from the BusTime list for the S94, but the street signs still exist and all buses still stop there. I think the S94 should continue to serve it and let the S90 go back to bypassing it (especially given the growth the S90 has received over the years). The BusTime team is so lost and outdated its sickening. Every limited route out here has routing issues on Bustime. The S90 is outdated, the S86 is a copy/paste version of the S76 (they're gonna probably tell me the sole purpose of the S86 is to run local like the S76 with that S90 logic they've provided). The S81 stops are wrong on Bay Street and the Bay St/Townsend Ave stop is missing, the S91/92/96/98 all DO NOT stop at Bay St/Nick Laporte Pl after leaving the ferry. The S93 is missing the Wagner college stop Clove Rd/Howard Ave. The S94 is missing the Lafayette/Richmond terr stop. The S98 is missing the Forest/Decker Ave stop. Its just a mess, but I don't even wanna report issues anymore because they might f**k around and adjust all the routes to reflect the outdated BusTime lists.
  2. This shit needs to completely fall apart and be built from scratch from people who are actually willing to listen to the customers and fix this shit in its entirety. And funny how you have transit buffs over here confused on my post...what are you confused about? I thought you knew the MTA inside and out. To clarify...the S90 route in Staten Island is a limited variant of the S40 bus. For YEARS now...the S90 has been running limited from St George Ferry to South Ave/Richmond Terr (9 stops) then all local west to Gothaels/Matrix Park. The schedules reflect this service pattern, the paddles reflect this pattern, and even the stops along the streets reflect this pattern. When I started riding the S90, the BusTime app was never updated to match this pattern, even after they changed the route to terminate at Amazon, and when the ADA screens were installed on the LFS buses out here in Staten Island, it became irritating hearing the bus announce all the local stops after Richmond Terr/Park Ave (which are an extra 10 stops that the S90 doesn't stop at). Once I found out that you can report BusTime issues, I decided to report the issue because drivers were getting verbally assaulted for bypassing stops because the screens announced it, but everything else indicates that those stops aren't S90 stops (especially the street stops). So I never understood why they let these inconsistencies run so long so I emailed BusTime to address the issue and they got back to me stating that the "Service Plan" for the S90 is to ONLY run limited between St George Ferry and Richmond Terr / Park Ave (5 stops) ...and not limited all the way to South Ave / Richmond Terr. They then therefore stated that the official PDF schedules on mta.info are wrong, and ALL of the lollipop bus stop signs are wrong and will send updates to the DOT to have them ADD S90 plaques to ALL of the stops after Richmond Terr/Park Ave (10 extra stops). All I asked was for BusTime to remove the excessive stops being announced and listed on the app to match the schedule and street signs and they do the absolute most by restructuring the route to run it more slower. That doesn't make sense at all....all these years and you're telling me road ops NEVER saw that so many stops were incorrect. Why would they even consider slowing down the line by adding all of those extra stops? Is the BusTime service plan outdated and they just don't want to admit that? Why does the MTA PDF schedules reflect that the S90 is running limited all the way to South Ave /Richmond Terr if that's not the case? Why would road ops allow this to happen for SO LONG if that's the case? Shit doesn't add up and its just f**ked up how when you try to do the right thing, this agency just finds a way to f**k up service even more.
  3. The MTA sucks, the BusTime team sucks, and NYC sucks. I completely give up and I refuse to spend anymore time volunteering to help improve and address service in this city. Transit in this city will NEVER EVER improve with the current people running the show...this is a clown city filled with clown "leaders". After providing evidence of the S90 issue on Bustime, the BusTime team got back to me stating that the service plan is for the S90 to ONLY run limited from St George to Richmond Terr/Park Ave. They said the PDF schedules are wrong, and the stops are wrong, so now they are in the process of fixing the PDFs to reflect the S90 only running limited between St George Ferry and Richmond Terr/Park Ave, and will have the DOT add all S90 markings to all of the local stops west of Park Ave. f**k all this shit.
  4. Funny how 9123-9124 entered service so quickly but you still have 9013-9014, 9081-9082, 9087-9088 still testing. Seems to be that the latter sets that are being improved before delivery will be in-service before the existing testing sets are fully approved.
  5. Enforce homelessness by providing legit shelters, securing tunnels, and kicking all homeless out the subways 24/7. Enforce crime by adding more moving officers on trains and stations. Its possible, but with how stupid these citizens of NY are with voting in these corrupt politicians and supporting to defund the police, you will be stuck in the 19th century until the city cripples all in one. It only seems impossible because of all the NEGLECT you see take place in this city. Anything is possible in this city, especially if it's done in other parts of the world.
  6. The doors are slightly staggered, not like the R142s though. Not sure about the door size next to the cab. Looking at the public comments on social media / news, everyone was questioning where is the open gangway, lol.
  7. Two citizen reporters said 8719, if you meant to say 8700**.
  8. Listen to the audio. The officials report "Bus Eight Seven One Nine". The title does say "small MTA bus fire" so idk how bad. https://go.citizen.com/1Z4kQtNfwhb
  9. 8719 had an engine fire on the West Shore Expressway as a deadhead this morning around 11:20am. Bus fire extinguisher put the fire out. That one particular bus is ALWAYS in service. Like 8719 is ALWAYS on the road, and this heat doesn't help.
  10. WMATA has 600 ft trains with one operator at the front (and those operators manually operate the train AND manually close the doors...two MTA jobs in one), BART has 700ft trains with one operator at the front (basically doing OPTO with a full length train. Those issues are clearly addressed in those cities, why not NY? These damn unions and politicians are the reason why the MTA is so far behind. All in the name of "safety". Safety = Control. They don't want technology taking over human manpower. We all know that and that's why they didn't like Byford. Byford was ready to turn this city around and make it efficient AND safe as possible with the current resources. Then he was planning on future implementations to make all projects consider efficiency AND safety to allow the MTA to modernize and maximize capacity. The MTA is now going backwards again. And this massive employee shortage is a prime example of what happens when you rely on people to make every single aspect of the system work. Had years of prior modernization and less political neglect not happen, and transportation in this city was equally modernizing as fast as the business, real estate and gentrification was/is taking place. The subway would be 10x modern and more reliable. Its 2021...and even before COVID...below is what should have been already implemented. Full Second Ave subway with from Hanover - 125st by 1980. Rogers Ave Junction on restructured by 2000. CBTC first implemented in 2004 on . OPTO during non rush hour starting in 2009. Restructuring of all platforms to account for platform doors 2005-present. CBTC/ATO on entire an under Queens Boulevard on and all of the by 2009-2015. CBTC/OPTO on the SIR with R160s to railroad specs in 2010. OPTO on all CBTC lines during non rush hour times by 2017-2018. R179 order with a few open gangway sets. R211 with ALL 5-car fully-open gangway sets. Full Driverless Automation on the by 2014 (with platform doors designed for R160 2012-2014). Full Driverless Automation on the by 2020 (with platform doors designed for R188 2018-2020). You improve service, you improve the quality of life, and you improve the behaviors of riders. Frequent, on-time, clean, accurate, fast service will lead to much less animosity between riders & MTA. Obviously politicians need to do their part in enforcing/maintaining homelessness, crime, and vandalism. But none of this is happening because of greed from these dirty far left/far right politicians, and a artificial intelligence complacent MTA agency.
  11. I laughed because it was posted already and he approved the original post, then goes on and posts it again. Everyone else just followed me. That's my way of replying without commenting anything irrelevant to an actual move.
  12. They did just that... I opened up YouTube 13mins ago completely shocked and had to come to the forums to catch up.
  13. Yeah, this was before the pandemic. I'm not sure if they're still doing it now with COVID. I remember waiting for the S90 a few times and a dispatcher would be at the door announcing "Amazon only, this bus is only stopping at Amazon". This is when there's two S90s scheduled to leave the ferry at the same time and around the start of the PM Amazon shift schedule.
  14. Ahh thanks, I saw the large gap in the schedule, they should make those extras permanent. I also wish they can incorporate some of those "Amazon Only" 90 buses into the schedule. That is soo clutch making one stop from the ferry to Amazon. I hope that North Shore BRT service comes into play by 2023.
  15. 5:30am, all S90s are not Castleton buses. 8184, 8295, 8171 and 8131. SHEESH.
  16. Exactly, I had a feeling that was going to happen with the newer XD40s. I'm surprised the 2019 LFS diesels didn't get the extra roof mounts option for the LFS, especially 8755.
  17. I'm waiting for the day I see 100+ people show on the passenger counter for an SBS artic. An S79 got 56 people on board right now.
  18. Yeah I can't imagine operating the S86 and its announcing every single local stop, then you got passengers arguing all the time thinking it's a stop for the 86, etc. Obviously they'll assume the announcements are right at first, but it gets annoying after a while. I've made several reports so hopefully a fix is coming soon. Another issue is the S52 stops on Father Capp, the stops are all mushed together on the map, so that explains why the announcments overlap each other and are out of sync with the physical stop locations. They're so slow with this stuff but I'm hoping to get the main issues resolved this year.
  19. @SevenEleven Why do no B/Os report about BusTime errors?? Like the S86 and S90 are obviously to ride/drive with an LFS. I noticed more 7000s on those two routes and I'm assuming it's because of the announcements.
  20. If I wanted to see old NYCT bus schedule PDFs, from 2007-2015, how would I go about doing that?
  21. M9 Update 9001-9116 are all delivered and have been spotted on property. 9099-9102, 9107-9108 are the newest three pairs that entered passenger service. 9013-9014, 9081-9084, 9087-9090, 9093-9096, 9103 9104, 9109-9116 aren't in the passenger rotation yet. I have yet to see 9117-9202.
  22. Since no one wants to say anything, that's my conclusion. When the time comes we'll see.
  23. He said the Williamsburg charger will be replaced...which is the Proterra charger. That means it'll be all New Flyer.
  24. These buses look GORGEOUS. European buses always look so exotic.
  25. Bruh you could've answered that earlier when the first guy mentioned the leases might be up, haha.
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