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Everything posted by XcelsiorBoii4888

  1. Version 2: 191, 195, 224, 227, 326, 336, 345, 496, 500-502, 504, 511, 525, 528, 535 7441, 7460, 8005, 8034, 8037, 9416-9499 Version 3: 7380, 7402, 7417, 7426
  2. Have they started repainting/rewrapping any of the new scheme buses? I know they did a few SBS>LOCAL or LOCAL>SBS transitions but any fresh coats for buses in the standard new scheme? I don't see anything reflected in this thread but the first new scheme buses are 6-7 years old now, way past due for repaints/rewraps. 5364-5438? 5987-6125? 673-810?
  3. No, only diesel, hybrid and electric until the fleet is all electric.
  4. The Prevost delivered after the pause to address legroom issues still have the same number of seats (57). Don't expect an improvement on legroom.
  5. I like this Governor. I wish she could've been here a few years ago, before Cuomo made them build that dumb-ass Elmont station instead of using the existing Belmont station and creating permanent crossovers like the Babylon branch has over the main line. I am excited for both of these phases. Its just unfortunate that there's no transfer points for Harlem Line customers. I wonder if that West Side project is justification to have phase 3 of the run west to the Hudson Line at 125th...
  6. YESS!! The B15 and Q10 should be the middle transfer bus. If you transfer onto the B15 or Q10, you should get a second transfer to the Q3.
  7. I don't see this being permanent, because the PA wants the MTA buses to come into the airport, since it saves costs on them running their buses to outer locations. They PA wants their buses to serve all areas of the airport, and the Airtrain to serve the main terminals and Jamaica/Howard Beach. and want the MTA to bring the revenue and the airport workers via their buses. The MTA would try to get away with making it permanent, but the outcry will force them to bring the buses back, especially since PA is building a brand new bus terminal (most likely big enough for both PA and MTA buses). The MTA and PA probably had an agreement for how much bus space to create within the Central Terminal Area, and once that's done, MTA cannot object. Question @BM5 via Woodhaven, where did you find this document? I didn't know they had monthly committee meetings.
  8. They seem to care about implementing something, but at the same time it seems like all their ideas lead to people being targeted or singled out. If you have a standard rule of just having police present just watching to see if you pay, if not get off, then its not going to lead to subjection. Don't want to get off, then pay. Its like the subway. The cops be at the turnstile, if you pay, you're good, if not, keep walking. Most people who do try to fare-beat end up having a valid card and pay on spot. Its a simple policy that can be enforced easily, just requires enough labor and consistency. I already don't like Adams with his whole emphasis on emphasizing Vision Zero and turning NYC into a personal vehicle-less city, and allowing pedestrians and bikes to do whatever they want to do in streets without any enforcement. I support pedestrian safety, but pedestrians and bikes need to be held accountable too. Anyways, if he is truly about law and order, then I don't see why he wouldn't try to implement a strategy like this to combat fare-beating. Proof of payment is just another way to target people, its impossible to check everyone's ticket on crowded buses. It would only lead to police and agents subjecting to who they want to check during their limited time, which can lead to issues. You can only start proof of payment when its rooted in the customers mentally that paying is required and strictly enforced. If that mindset is not there yet, then proof of payment should not be started. I be talking shit when I see people not pay on the bus. I can be in the back near the door, and I'll start a fake conversation on the phone, watch people get on and not pay, and then I'll make comments out loud like "Yoo its crazy how many people cannot afford a $2.75 bus fare, its sad how many poor people there are in 2022." People that didn't pay look at me embarrassed, but I don't feel bad. I few people made comments back saying "I can afford it I just don't pay because why pay if others don't pay", "Service sucks so I aint paying for this shit", "OMG no I can afford it I just don't pay because it takes extra time and it doesn't really matter". Being poor is not an excuse to break the law and steal, and with all these government programs and MTA fare programs, everyone in that category should be eligible. Most people do it out of entitlement, and make excuses that service sucks so they shouldn't pay for it.
  9. I've been telling the folks at the MTA that there's no type of subjection because the rules apply to anyone. Its not picking who they want to fine, its not stop and frisk. If you board and pass the driver without paying, you have the option to either to pay per the cops request or automatically be removed from the bus if you don't have the proper form of payment (Metrocard, coins or OMNY). The only issue is the police have been relaxed with small crimes as of late, so if police can't keep the streets under law and order, this pilot can create animosity on buses. The no bus paying culture is rooted so deep across the city, any implementation across the board would have to be heavily and consistently enforced, so people do not feel "targeted". It needs to be publicized across the media, advertised, and all the above, so the word can go around that shit is getting real. That's the only issue with launching this right now, getting enough labor to start this pilot in full force. But I'm working on it to start this year, hopefully to be implemented by Summer or Fall.
  10. Currently in the process of getting the MTA to start a pilot to have 20 transit cops patrol buses all day on Staten Island, riding various routes, then returning for their "swing" at the ferry. Cops will be present on local buses (for now), riding up and down the lines. Anyone who gets on and tries to walk on will be confronted by the cop and needs to either a) pay on spot to continue riding, or b) get off the bus. Can be applied to groups or any individuals trying to board. Pay or walk off. No tickets, no summons. Just allow people too see what's goin on, and have this continue for an entire year. Once its consistent, people will board with proper fares. After one month, expand to The Bronx, then Brooklyn, then Queens, then Manhattan. 100 cops patrolling buses throughout NYC on a daily basis. That's all, that's it. Keep this system on a test phase for a year, watch how fast lost farebeating revenue decreases. It needs to start this year, enough with the BS.
  11. I see what you're saying. I don't be in this thread so a conversation here and there about the potential fleet assignments is new to me. I can understand yall POV where it's talked about for pages and pages. I see how it can get annoying and irrelevant. I personally would prefer conversations about the actual fleet itself, such as the type of amenities found on the sets. I do hope that the R262 is the opening door for platform door installations along the IRT. I would assume they would have the same staggered door positioning as the R142s.
  12. All sets start with an odd number. So if you saw 9166, it was 9165-9166, if you saw 9167, it was 9167-9168. All sets have been coming in consecutive order so we can assume at least 12 cars after 9148 are delivered.
  13. Whoops long day, meant to write 1545, 1547-1548 (three buses). Thanks for clarifying for others.
  14. Prevosts 1545, and 1547-1578 are now at LGA. If theses buses weren't ones just sitting in NJ prior to the delivery pause, then these buses are probably the first to arrive after the MTA halted the deliveries. These buses would be the ones to evaluate if anyone wants to quickly investigate what changes were made to the interiors of the bus.
  15. Hey its a forum, long as the conversations are peaceful, shouldn't be nothing wrong with it. It's good to use critical thinking skills to analyze car assignments (something that a lot of pple don't have). People shouldn't be silenced for making predictions. Nobody gonna silence me if I'm NOT breaking any rules or spreading false information, even though I know you wasn't directly pointing to me.
  16. This literally makes the most logical sense and i don't even be on this side of the forums. The doesn't need R262s, it just needs an NTT for CBTC purposes. The and will share fleets, are two of the longest and heaviest lines so that's obvious, and the are priority. The is maintaining the new 6-car formation, and the R142/As will be distributed to the and as needed.
  17. Thanks to amazing YouTube video coverage, I figured it out. Q24 stops are now: Archer Av/Sutphin Blvd (confirmed) Archer Av/149 St (removed) Archer Av/158 St (confirmed) Archer Av/Guy R Brewer Blvd (confirmed) Archer Av/160 St (confirmed) Archer Av/Merrick Blvd (confirmed) Q30/31 stops are now: Archer Av/Sutphin Blvd (confirmed) Archer Av/149 St (removed) Archer Av/158 St (confirmed) Archer Av/Guy R Brewer (confirmed) Archer Av/168 St (confirmed)
  18. Question, where does the Q24, Q30 and Q31 stop along Archer Ave heading east? BusTime currently shows for the Q24: ARCHER AV/149 ST (Google Maps showed it was a stop as of 2017, but as of 2018 it is removed) ARCHER AV/158 ST (Google Maps showed that it stopped here as of 2019 but as of 2020 the plaque on the pole is gone) BusTime currently shows for the Q30/Q31: ARCHER AV/149 ST (Google Maps showed it was a stop as of 2017, but as of 2018 it is removed) ARCHER AV/158 ST (Google Maps showed that they stopped here as of 2018 but as of 2019 the plaques on the pole are gone) ARCHER AV/GUY BREWER BL (showed that they stopped here as of 2018 but as of 2019 the plaques on the pole are gone) ARCHER AV/168 ST (showed that they stopped here as of 2018 but as of 2019 the plaques on the pole are gone) For the Q24 is it only Suphin Blvd, and then 160st, Guy Brewer, Merrick Bl? And for the Q30/31, is it only Suphin Blvd, and then no stops until Jamaica Av/168st?
  19. Staten Island should be priority. Population just keeps going up out here and there are limited options out here. The SI redesign should be next before Brooklyn and Manhattan. The biggest issue with SI buses right now is the amount of STOPS on some of these local lines. I wouldn't be surprised if routes have around 30-40% of their stops removed. Stops need to be removed, and there needs to be full length limited routes (like the S79/89) to get across the island quickly since there's no subways. As for these BRT options, what is really needed is a route that connects to that Walmart shopping area in Bayonne!! The S89 should become 24/7 and stop at Bayonne Crossing Mall (stop on 22nd/Crossing Way, and Hook/Crossing Way), then serve 34st as the last stop). And now with Amazon on the island and that whole Matrix Park area getting redeveloped, the proposed BRT route to Arlington would be changed to end at Matrix Park (basically upgrading the S90 at this point).
  20. Service pattern like that would make sense, instead of having buses constantly filling up and leading to bunching. You can use the same service frequencies, just split them between the two branches. I see what you're saying, although I don't think the screens are that loud. The announcements trigger after you leave a stop, so they coded the screens to announce only after the last pick up. For the Vianova screens, they perform two announcements for each stop "Next Stop", and "This Is". What you are proposing is basically getting rid of the "Next Stop" announcement for the first drop off stop, and only keeping the "This Is" portion. Then while in the drop off segment, it'll play both the "Next Stop" and "This is" for each stop. I will talk to someone I know to see if they can program that. I already put in a request to decrease the refresh distance on the Vianova screens. They announce the next stop too late and the arriving stop too early and in a city with congestion and stops with close proximity, you have to request the next stop before it can play the next stop announcement because if you wait, you'll probably miss your stop on a local bus (especially in SI).
  21. This study is now being resumed! https://www.silive.com/news/2022/01/bus-rapid-transit-light-rail-mta-to-resume-outreach-on-west-shore-transit-study.html
  22. I'm just curious, has the MTA ever considered splitting long express routes into two segments? For example, during rush hour, the SIM1 runs between Eltingville and Downtown Houston Street. What would service and crowd control be like if they had a north and south variant? The SIM1A would run between Eltingville and say Ebbitts then non-stop to the city, and the SIM1B would run between Ebbitts and Fingerboard, then to the city, same in the PM. Or like the SIM6, the SIM6A would run between Eltingville and Ebbitts, then non-stop to the city, and then the SIM6B would run from Ebbitts to McClean, then to the city. How would service be with these patterns? Just curious not trying to propose anything. Also, fun fact. They found a way to make the information screens on the SI express routes not make announcements on the pickup section. They still continuously display the next stop and transfers, but after the last pick up stop, they then announce the first drop off. Amazing and logical!
  23. I read your last posts wrong because I already thought those two sets were in service. Now the following should be a bit more accurate (not sure if 9149-9150 or anything higher have been delivered yet): 9001-9012, 9017-9080, 9083-9092, 9097-9102, 9105-9110, 9113-9118, 9123-9124, 9133-9136, 9139-9142 (116 cars) are all in service. 9013-9016, 9081-9082, 9093-9096. 9103-9104, 9111-9112, 9119-9122, 9125-9132, 9137-9138, and 9143-9148 (32 cars) are still testing. 9149-9202 (54 cars) are still pending delivery. That April goal is NOT happening. I say by the end of summer earliest (Aug 2022).
  24. The changes are only coming on the ones that haven't been delivered. The ones currently in service didn't have any adjustments to them. I'm convinced this whole thing is psychological. People are 5'5" complaining about the legroom like stfu. I'm 6'3" and the Prevost are crammed for me, but some rows I fit much better and others I need to sit up and pray no one reclines. The newer Prevost feel more spacious to me, I'm not sure if because of the new style of seats but they feel more roomier than the older Prevost. Obviously the MTA bus batch has the old style seats so I understand their complaints. But Staten Island it seems like it's a bit dramatic, especially anyone under 6' complaining. I wear length 36 in pants, I'm usually the tallest on line and I'm fine for the most part. Just funny how you said the legroom seemed a bit better and its the same bus people complaining about. Obviously some rows have better leg room but you should know this by now. Also, the Prevost all have 57 seats, there's stickers on the overhead racks indicating each seat number. I personally believe they will remove a row of seats to bring the total down to 53. Charleston is scheduled to get the option order later this month so when 1607-1629 come in, we'll really be able to evaluate any changes.
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