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Everything posted by XcelsiorBoii4888

  1. This is interesting, looks like Charleston & Castleton is fighting to get the new Prevost. Word was that the 50 buses were to go to Charleston because they're the only depot in S.I without a newer fleet, but I was also told Castleton wants a piece. These buses will apparently be split between Charleston/Castleton in a 32/18 assignment. This would retire the 4300s from Charleston and send Prevost from Castleton to Yukon to retire the 2002 units and increase service. None of this is official, I'm just going off what I heard. @SevenEleven @Cait Sith can yall confirm this?
  2. Someone needs to notify LGA and tell them "hey, the light blue SBS wrap is under the local scheme. U can peel off the yellow on the back so there can be a light blue base under the LGA Link wrap instead." I really don't get why they couldn't wrap the 2017 60xx buses. There's 13 buses right there for them. Keep the routes UNIFORMED.
  3. Yukon drivers can do it better pulling out of Narrows Road & Fingerboard getting onto the Verrazano 😂
  4. I can verify, definitely wrapped in LGA Link scheme. If someone knows how to upload photos, it'll pop up on here.
  5. Ohh yeah I know it's a rule. I'm just saying thats a rule that can be modified, especially with today's technology and doors that are designed to open up if obstructed. After the stand clear announcement is played, conductor can look left right left right, and close the doors. It's not like the goal is to not have the doors close on people. Doors close on people 90% of the time. Whether it's people not fitting in, people running to catch doors, or whatever. I'm just saying, doesn't make sense. MTA is looking at ways to cut dwell times but that's a major one. My post wasn't to recommend conductors to break rules, it was being referred to the higher ups to possibly break that rule, or modify it. I can understand it being a rule with the older trains, but with NTTs, it's like writing with chalk on a smart board.
  6. Thank you. Your original response said CBTC can only fix 8th and Fulton, which is why I was confused. One simple rule that can help improve conductor variability is closing both sections at the same time. The NTT doors already close slower than the older fleet, and having one section close, and then another section close can delay a train by 5 secs at minimum. Doing this at a 24 stations delays by 2 mins. Also, some conductors take 3-4 seconds before opening doors at stations, whereas some open soon as the train stops. Some conductors (veterans) open the window before the train stops, is already pointing when the train stops to make sure it's aligned with the board, and automatically opens the door soon as the train stops (on NTTs at least, i just noticed a few weeks ago on the a conductor used a key before unlocking the door). But anyways that three seconds of delaying opening the doors can delay a train by 1 minute at 20 stations. That's already three minutes delayed by the conductor that can vary between conductor.
  7. If that's the case, you don't think CBTC would fix that? I know the original post was about currently improving existing operating speeds with a T/O, which makes sense as to why the timers are there now...but down the line, CBTC couldn't automatically fix that? I'm a bus guy so my apologies if this was explained before. I study transportation engineering and I don't see why a longer stretch of track would benefit from slower speeds to maintain capacity.
  8. I wasn't sure if 4 was too much, so if they're proposing it, even better. You would have more open gangways, and then you can have a BART type scenario when crossing between cab cars so there's no chance of falling or slipping in between.
  9. I actually would prefer that....but I wasn't sure if they would get rid of the 3x2 seating. The Thameslink commuter train definitely looks and is much more spacious, AND provides railings and poles for people to hold onto. The ideal new LIRR rolling stock would consist of the same 85ft rail cars. Each car would have 3 doors per car. A wheelchair space next to each end door, a bike rack at the middle door, with standing bars, looped stanchions across the entire car. They also need to go back to double boarding doors like on the M3s, with full glass to the ground type doors (this can encourage people to stand away from the doors). Also, they need OPEN GANGWAYS. LIRR needs to get rid of the married pairs. They need to at least order 3 car sets, and they need to modify the cab doors so that they can fold into open gangway (similar to BARTS older C cars). Reason why I pick 3 car sets is so they can run 6, 9 and 12 car trains. 6 and 9 for Atlantic Ave and Off Peak, and 9 and 12 for rush hour, depending on branch and time, each cab car would have a bathroom on the B side of the car in between the end door and the end of the car (similar to the bathroom set up on the BiLevels. Here's a video of what I mean by having the cab cars convert to open gangway (even though it would be much more modern style): Thoughts?
  10. I don't get it though, there's other sections of track that are more wild that have higher speed limits. What exactly are those timers for? I would love to know. Has there ever been an accident on that are stretch of track?
  11. Until the does consistent 45+ mph the CPW, 8th Ave and under Fulton St through the entire express run then I won't be happy.
  12. That's the only thing lol. But man trains are empty...everyone has a row to themselves
  13. This is what I was saying the LIRR should replace the M7s with...
  14. Bunching will happen at anytime of day, regardless of traffic. There's B/Os who are money hungry that like to screw up their entire paddle for an extra $5 at the end of the day. On the Staten Island side of things, rush hour, ferry boats are about 2 bus loads full. About 100 -200 people per boat vs 3,000 on average. S79 has been pretty empty shockingly. This morning there were buses with maybe 1-2 standees (even with the front being blocked off). Ferry routes average about 10-15 per bus. No standees on express buses (SIM1 sees about 10 per bus). Traffic has actually been BEAUTIFUL across the island.
  15. The LIRR seriously needs to shorten the train cars during this drop in ridership. No point in having 12 cars with 6 cars keyed off. Why aren't they running 6 and 8 cars off peak and 8/10 during peak? There should be no 12 car sets at all during this duration. Give the cars a break.
  16. With everything going on, this is definitely getting delayed. The demand isn't there anymore and they'll have more time to properly execute the conversion. You heard it from me first.
  17. Anyone who questions the open gangway with curves...this video will officially shut down your argument. Now like I said, the shorter the train car, along with the wheel position on the body, the better. The only cars in the subway system that would have issues are the 75ft cars.
  18. I wonder if this B1 conversion is going to be postponed or suspended with the fact that Kingsborough CC (CUNY) has to now make all classes online starting March 19th due to COVID-19. This is gonna have a major impact on school runs, and overall transportation in the city.
  19. I'm waiting until page 30 pops up. 25 posts per page, so when it gets to 24 I try to make myself the 25th post and then update the roster so it's the 1st post at the top of the next page. This post I'm posting is post #17. So 8 more posts and we'll get an update.
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