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Everything posted by XcelsiorBoii4888

  1. Those sets on Line 13 are the MF77s, and will be replaced in 2026 by the MF19, which will replace the MF67s, MF73s and MF77s.
  2. Was really looking to find people who are interested in subways, and who explore different metro systems other than NYC. There are a lot of threads for metro systems across the country and across the world and it would be nice if we can start talking about other locations as well. I'll remember not to include you next time.
  3. Paris new MP14 metro fleet currently testing on Line 14. Will hit service this month. This train has a SICK propulsion! @Around the Horn @Cait Sith @Lil 57 @checkmatechamp13 @Deucey @Lex @bobtehpanda @trainfan22 Thoughts so far?
  4. COVID-19 has it hospitalized.... Realistically...at this rate...I can only see the current new scheme buses without the screens, the 2011-13 C40LF, and the 2014-15 XD40s getting their screens installed after the pandemic, while everything else comes in with Version 2 screens. I believe when the 2008-09 NGs start getting scrapped, they'll transfer those Version 3 screens to the remaining 2015 XD40s and the new scheme XD60s currently without screens, 5364-5438 and 5987-6125.
  5. Line 1 Fully Automated Operations: Line 14 Fully Automated Operations: Line 6s MP73s to be replaced with the current MP89s on line 4: Line 11s MP59s to be replaced with new 5 car MP14s: Enjoy!
  6. Paris Metro has been testing their new MP14 trainsets for Line 14, which should enter service in October. Line 14s five station extension will open up during that time as well, and the new trains will now be 8 cars long instead of 6 (the current platforms were designed to hold 8 car trains). Quick summary, the metro runs rubber tired and steel-wheel lines, MP models are rubber tired and MF are steel-wheeled sets. The new MP14s were ordered in 2014, so that's how their models are described. The new MP14s will have an 8 car fully automated variant for Line 14, a 6 car fully automated variant for Line 4, and a manually driven 5 car variant for Line 11. They have 16 "subway" lines, Lines 1-14, 3bis, and 7bis (which are small branch lines of the respective numbered lines). Lines 1 and 14 are completely automatic with driverless trains and platform doors. Line 4 is in the process of becoming automated with platform doors and driverless trains (currently platform doors are being installed at all stations, and trains are running in CBTC mode). My question is, where are the current fully automated sets from Line 14, and the manually driven MP89 sets from Line 4 going? I heard the fully automated MP05 sets will go to Line 1 for service expansion, and the automated MP89 sets will be on Line 4 with the new MP14s, so the line will have a mixed fleet. I believe the manually driven MP89 sets from Line 4 will go to Line 6 to replace the MP73 sets. We'll see. Below are a few videos: MP14 set testing. 1) Slow then full speed departure out of station. 2) Full speed acceleration from inside. 3) Emergency Brake test Line 4 currently undergoing installation of platform doors to become fully automated:
  7. I wonder if the in-house interior screen installation is on pause because of COVID-19. Seems like the rates just dropped, and it's pretty weird how you still have buses in the new scheme without those screens: 5364-5438, 5439-5530 and 5987-6125
  8. They're gonna do that LFSA nonsense again...remember after 5770-5986 it went to 5253-5363?
  9. So glad these new LFS HEV will have Vianova info screens. Anyone notice that the single seats on the left side of the bus are now individual aisle facing seats? What was the point of that? Also, I wonder if the COVID barrier will become a new spec down the line.. https://www.ttmg.org/nymta-novaq.html
  10. Just drive the bus and try to stay on time. It's not worth the stress. All B/Os should have N95 masks at all times when riding with the public. No masks should be enforced by the B/O and no fare payments should be enforced by the B/O. Let those peasants do as they please, your safety is #1. If you're not safe then the passengers aren't safe. The MTA is doing a horrible job, they need to use the better and REALISTIC options to enforce the damnn fare and the masks, period.
  11. Shiet, I personally like the mask for privacy. Pple can't tell who I am unless I'm around them 24/7. No face, no case.
  12. Even though everything is pretty much approved with these driver modifications on the buses, in terms of the Nova LFS/A fleet, it would be nice if they can dim the interior lights to how the 2012 LFSAs are in the front portion of the bus, and have the lights that shine over the front wheels disabled or off, and have the single seat behind the driver completely sealed off for safety. I always felt that the interior lights on the local buses were too bright, if they can drop the brightness about 40% on the buses with those new bright interior lights, it would make the shield less of an issue for the drivers. I wonder why the sliding partition doesn't work for other buses? Obviously the design will be different but I don't see an issue.
  13. Im pretty sure the buses are off the manufacturers warranty now...they should modify the transmissions to run like the 4800s.
  14. SAVE YOUR UPDATES UNTIL YOU GATHER A BUNCH.....PLEASE DO NOT FLOOD THE PAGE WITH POSTS OF ONE SPECIFIC UPDATED BUS...ITS NOT A RACE!! Page 31 Update: **As of August 22, 2020** Version 1 (Strategic): 2014-15 New Flyer XD40: 7304-7314, 7316-7351 Version 2 (Vianova): 2010 NovaBus LFSA: 1234-1279, 1284-1285 2011 NovaBus LFS: 8000-8003, 8004, 8009, 8012-8013, 8015-8018, 8020, 8023-8026, 8030-8032, 8038, 8040, 8045, 8048-8049, 8052 2011-13 NovaBus LFSA: 5264-5266, 5799, 5822-5823, 5896, 5901-5935, 5965-5966 2011-13 New Flyer C40LF: 185-186, 188-189, 193, 196-199, 201, 203, 205-206, 208, 210-213, 215-219, 221-223, 225-226, 229-252, 254, 255, 256-319, 322, 324-325, 328, 333, 335, 338, 340, 342-344, 347-350, 351, 352-353, 355-419, 420, 421-423, 424, 425-430, 431, 432-433, 434, 435-447, 493, 495, 505, 508, 514-515, 521, 524, 526-527, 534, 537-541, 542-547, 549-553, 555-560, 562-569 2014-15 New Flyer XD40: 7315, 7438-7440, 7443-7447, 7449-7457, 7459, 7461-7463, 7465-7482 2014-16 Prevost X3-45: 2729, 2788 2015-16 NovaBus LFS: 8090-8125, 8127-8503 (8126 scrapped before installation) 2017-18 New Flyer XN60: 1000-1109 2018-19 New Flyer XD40: 7484-7850 2018 New Flyer XDE40: 9500-9509 2018-19 NovaBus LFS: 8504-8754 2018-19 NovaBus LFSA: 5531-5602 2020-21 Prevost X3-45: 1300-1629 Version 3 (Clever Devices): 2008 Orion VII NG: 3800-3899, 3901-3913, 3915-3921, 3940-3957 2009-10 Orion VII NG: 3967-3975, 3977, 3979-3981, 3983, 3985, 3987-3988, 3990, 4019*, 4020-4039, 4063, 4070-4095*, 4111-4112, 4115-4122, 4127, 4136-4137, 4140-4169, 4245-4278*, 4433, 4442, 4447, 4451-4452, 4483-4512, 4516, 4520, 4529, 4532, 4631-4655 2014-15 New Flyer XD40: 7097, 7099, 7103, 7105-7107, 7110, 7111, 7114-7115, 7117-7118, 7119, 7120-7126, 7129, 7130, 7131-7132, 7140, 7143, 7151-7152, 7154-7155, 7157-7161, 7164, 7167, 7169, 7180-7181, 7183, 7188-7189, 7196, 7199-7205, 7206, 7207-7208, 7209, 7211, 7214-7215, 7217-7218, 7221, 7223, 7224, 7225-7227, 7229-7230, 7233, 7235-7236, 7237, 7238, 7239, 7242, 7244-7247, 7249-7251, 7252, 7254, 7256-7259, 7261-7263, 7265-7269, 7275-7277, 7279-7280, 7282-7283, 7286, 7289, 7292, 7296-7298, 7371-7372, 7376, 7388, 7390, 7393, 7396, 7401, 7403-7404, 7406, 7410-7411, 7419, 7435-7437 2016-17 New Flyer XN40: 673-810 2018-20 New Flyer XD60: 6126-6286 2019-20 New Flyer XE60: 4950-4964 Version 4 (Luminator): 2011-13 New Flyer C40LF: 570-658 Notes: Buses with (*) have an older version of the specified model. Thank you to everyone that has contributed to the thread. Let me know if I missed anything. NOTE: PLEASE DO NOT FLOOD THE PAGE WITH POSTS OF ONE SPECIFIC UPDATED BUS...SAVE YOUR UPDATES UNTIL YOU GATHER A BUNCH. ITS NOT A RACE!!
  15. I appreciate that the new express buses don't have those bright piercing lights next to the windows pointing down in your face. I was never a fan of direct light on the express bus, and I would appreciate it when drivers kept those lights off and only kept the indirect aisle lights on, good to know there's only indirect lights on this bus minus the reading lights.
  16. I would volunteer to reprogram the entire BusTime stop locations / pronunciations and screen announcements line by line, because some of the shit those screens announce is just like what.... They need to program Sta to say Station or just completely spell it out.
  17. Finally WIDE rear doors...but those look like plug style doors 🤢. Wow they're actually trying those out...
  18. Now THIS is how you make a post. Thank you for not posting a bus a day for a total of 13 posts like some of these people on here.
  19. So the front of buses is opening back up next week? I can't wait to see people lined up at the back door and the driver opening the front. I can't wait to see pple walking in through the front and right past the fare box. It's gonna be another transitional shit show just watch. F5 is gonna get wedged in on almost every bus from the constant pressing.
  20. The drivers who operate the XD60s on the B38 are some of the best artic operators I've seen. Wow they move them buses around those blocks and through all the obstructions on the road.
  21. Yep, they have 4 half screen Vianova screens. That's what the 40ft Xcelsiors with the slanted AC ceiling mount should've had; a half screen behind the driver on the GPS box, and a full one on the roof just ahead of the rear door. I wonder if with OMNY, if they'll eliminate SBS and limited all together, and call routes local and express to stay in sync with the subways. S40 LOCAL S90 EXPRESS B6 LOCAL B6 LIMITED Bx12 LOCAL Bx12 EXPRESS Besides...borough redesigns are happening now, perfect time for a fresh makeover.
  22. The last stop is Castleton Ave & Cebra. Then the bus continues down Castleton to deadhead.
  23. The curtains look hilarious on the express buses.
  24. So I still never rode the 4700s, but on YouTube, I noticed 4756 has a different transmission set up. I thought it was a ZF bus for a second, but then I realized it makes the air release sound just before coming to a stop. It almost reminds me of the first type of LBSS that the 4800s that gave them that ZF type shifting. Did other Allison 4700s have this ZF style shifting, or is 4756 a unique bus? Start this video at: 0:25, 0:59, and 1:36. Start this one at 0:11 and 1:49. And start this one at 1:09, and 2:32.
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