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Everything posted by XcelsiorBoii4888

  1. The majority of yall still dont understand what the CCP is doing to America. This is nothing short of that. Why you think it was free at charge and needed no approval? I'm just fake news though...my post will get debunked soon anyways with "manipulative logic".
  2. Question to express bus operators. Do yall get aggravated when people say hello/thank you when getting off the bus? I try to be polite and say good morning when getting on and thank you when getting off, but I'm tired of no acknowledgements back. Unfortunately my personality doesn't allow me to just walk pass and not say hello/thank you, so I have to force myself to just get off and not say anything if I haven't received any acknowledgement getting on. We live in such a miserable world, especially a miserable city, and its just sad how being polite is not even accepted anymore.
  3. I had a dream that Yukon had received the Ex Casey Stengal Nova LFSAs 5895-5934 for the S79. In the dream the S79 was one of the most fanned routes in the city and those drivers were hauling those buses across the island, those buses had so many sound effects, they were fast and powerful. The S79 was all door boarding with OMNY, it was the most popular route on the island. Man I was so mad when I found out it was a dream. Can it become a reality in the future? 😭 I mean it's not impossible.
  4. Thanks for the update, and everything you provided makes perfect sense. My concern is just consistency. Most haul through, some (about 4 in every 10 operators), do what I complained about. So it was just trying to understand why operations aren't consistent across the board. That's one of the main reasons why I favor CBTC and ATO because of consistent operations when good service is running. I posted here because they are trying to increase the speed in some parts of the subway but operations aren't the same across all operators (in modern day era at least). If the speed limit is 45 i don't see what the problem with doing 42 or 43mph is. And if signals can just turn RED like that then it's a system issue that the MTA needs to resolve ASAP. So thanks for those clarifications, they make sense for past times, but it's 2021 so no operator should have to worry about signals turning red, or getting written up for reckless operating if that's the posted speed limit. You're making it seem like operators are speeding down there (I would hope not).
  5. What's the speed limit on northbound trains between Canal & Union Square? Some operators floor it all throughout the curves and some slow down throughout, especially before taking the Astor Pl curve. I personally love that stretch and hate when they slow down (when it's all green signals too). Also what about the southbound between 14th St & Franklin St? Same deal, some operators floor it to Canal before a timer or something unnecessary slows them down. Others slow down at the curve near Houston and glide it out to Canal. Why are some operators scared of curves? I mean I know the MTA can be negligent but I don't think taking a curve at the permitted high speed is scary or a safety risk.
  6. Crazy I didn't even realize the bus was running and I was on the SIM15 before it. I didn't realize until we were already on the Gowanus.
  7. The first new Staten Island Express bus is in service on the SIM30 this morning. Expect to see it in service every weekday.
  8. Yes subject to change. We can all see the current stats shows 50 for Meredith. And no, Meredith does not have "most of the" 2011/2012 X3-45s...there's 90 total and they have less than 20... I'm talking about what happens with Staten Island in general. They're not sending 20 older Prevost over to MTA Bus.
  9. Knowing Staten Island, I can definitely see this order for (50) buses being split up between Yukon, Castleton and Meredith. All 77 2019 LFS were supposed to go to Yukon initially and then Castleton snatched 25 just to send over 25 2015 LFS. Since the MTA received the funding needed, I'm gonna assume the option gets approved for takeover of the SIM23/SIM24, which would give Charleston their 23 ish buses. Are 2210-2228 and 4300-4329 up for retirement yet? Technically they are but are they supposed to be retired with this order or is this order just for additional buses?
  10. That's Desus Nice making the announcement about not assaulting bus operators and to avoid the booking. I wonder where Casey Stengal buses will go. According to the below article, seems as if the LGA Airtrain construction could start as early as June 2021 and commence in March 2022. Any updates on a potential new Casey Stengal location? https://sunnysidepost.com/laguardia-airtrain-project-passes-major-mile-stone-construction-could-begin-as-soon-as-june
  11. Makes perfect sense, Vision Zero ruined so much for such a small increase in safety. The city's goal is to get more than 80% of cars off the road and only have the roads for buses, bikes, delivery vehicles and a bunch of pedestrian plazas. Thanks for planning to reach out to DOT about the speed limits. The HLC tunnel was increased from 25mph to 45mph, so maybe the HOV is 45mph internally but the signs were never changed since most people do 45-50mph anyways. I appreciate everything you do for us express bus riders. Hopefully the MTA can eventually go through a major restructuring that can help move NYC the way it was designed to be (prior to the politics that got involved). The transportation network has SO much potential and I hate seeing the neglect on a daily basis.
  12. All of these reasons are why passenger distributions are off. Certain routes/drivers perform better so people flock to the better routes/drivers. Nobody wants a slow complacent driver, or snail prone route, but then again nobody wants to crowd onto a crowded bus. At this point I'd just crowd, especially if I know its a driver that moves. I just wish there was consistency. That's one of the reasons why I'm so pro-CBTC in the subways because you know your ride will be the same each time. You would think they'd change the paddles to adhere to COVID levels...how many picks were there after the pandemic started? FIVE? And we still have pre-pandemic schedules? Do you know why they are being so stubborn to adjusting the paddles? I have no issue with drivers cruising along the pickup portion, I respect it and obviously you shouldn't be running more than 5mins early. My main issue dragging along in the HOV lane...why hold up all those buses and traffic...at least do the speed limit.. And someone needs to talk to DOT about the HOV lane speed limits...35mph doesn't make any sense when you have the narrow HLC counter-flow tunnel at 45mph, but a private and wider HOV lane 10mph lower...the HOV should be 45mph between the Verrazano/60st, and 50mph on the Gowanus/over the hill down to the tunnel, in which the tunnel will reduce it to 45mph.
  13. I literally I don't get how hard it is to adhere to the paddles for the pick up section, and when you past the last pick-up stop, literally go ahead and finish your trip safely and efficiently for all, if no more passengers are getting on (by route design) what are they waiting for? With how cheap the MTA is idk why they aren't allowing drivers to turn around AFTER they drop off the last passengers (you'd save mileage AND gas), AND buses will be able to return to the depot FASTER so the next drivers can pick up a bus. And it's funny because passengers kept looking up over the seats as to why we were driving so slow, just to see nothing in front of us. It's always the Meredith drivers too (SIM15), which is very weird because they only drive express. Yukon drivers are hands down the best drivers on the island, and I purposely take their routes when possible because I know 90% of their drivers move their buses (only reason why I took the SIM15 is because the SIM1 was behind AND had 23 people on board). To see the SIM1 then pass us on the bridge, and arrive in Manhattan while we were only going over the hill down to the tunnel is what really pissed me off. Don't states have a minimum highway speed? Why are drivers allowed to drive so slow on highways? 20-25mph is NOT safe. And idk why the HOV lane is 35mph when the damnn tunnel is 45!! That narrow counter-flow HLC tunnel is 45mph, but a wider and private HOV lane is 10mph slower...NYCDOT logic🥴.
  14. Some bus drivers are so by the books (and by books that are so poorly written and not written with common sense). For drivers that USE common sense, one should note stay on time during the pickup section, and once you drop off all of your passengers the route is completed. DUH! Thank god there are still drivers out there that are smart and do their jobs correctly. I really wish I could tip them because they really use common sense which is extremely important when driving a bus in NYC. It's unfair how some of these drivers go above and beyond for passengers, but they get the same pay as the money hungry ignorant ones that only care about themselves. I've learned over the years that this is a job that you can literally SUCK at, and you'll still get praised just because you did the BARE MINIMUM. Something needs to be done.
  15. I'm reporting every bus driver that does 20-25mph in the HOV lane...its disrespectful to passengers & people BEHIND that's trying to get somewhere. If you can't drive you need to work on cleaning buses or doing something in the depot/yard. Seriously the MTA needs to drop that stupid rule "paid to be late". You should be paid for running late due to circumstances out of your control, not because you're so f**kinn broke that you need extra pennies at the end of your shift. Literally I saw a SIM1/SIM7 bus get out the HOV lane in Brooklyn towards Manhattan, just to get on at the split on the Gowanus by 55st. Then over the hill down to the tunnel a SIM2 passed us by using the ramp merger from the Prospect because we were going that slow. I do not feel safe on buses with drivers like this. Slow does not mean safe, slow makes you complacent and less responsive AND if you're driving that slow you're probably scared or have PTSD from something and you should not be behind the wheel. Reported! f**kinn disgrace.
  16. You can now search up M7, M9, and C3/DM/DE fleets on the LIRR TrainTime app. They thought about the railfanners, haha.
  17. As some of you may be aware, Paris is undergoing one of the largest transportation projects known the Grand Paris Express (GPE). Included are 4 new automated lines, conversion of one line into automation, and five extensions within 4 existing lines (Line 1, 4, 11 and 14). Line 14 is currently undergoing two simultaneous extensions due in 2024, but as of Dec 2020, the line was extended slightly north for the time being. MP14 are the new rubber-tired train-sets due to dominate the MP fleet of Paris soon, with service to Lines 1, 4, 11 and 14 all due by 2024. Line 14 already has 5 sets in service, and line 4 has one in test. Below is a video demonstrating the MP14 action on Line 14. These trains are 8 cars long (a first ever for Paris metro). The existing stations were designed to accommodate 8 car trains for future capacity if needed, but before Oct 2020 they were only running 6 car trains. The video is in French, so I've translated the text for easy comprehension. Intro: So for a few months, the MP14 have been running on line 14. This new material gradually replaces all the MP89 and MP05 of the line (current MP89/MP05 trains to go to Line 4 (with 20 additional MP14s), Line 4 trains to go to Line 6 (shortened to 5 cars from 6), Line 6 trains to be scrapped. Line 11 current trains to be scrapped in favor of MP14s. The arrival of the MP14 on line 14 is not easy; this material is totally different from the previous ones. It therefore requires improvements in all the stations of the line to be able to be put into service. 1. Platform Screen Doors 1:05-2:04 The doors at the end of the stations are now lit in red when there is no MP14 at the doors or on the approach, as indicated on each of the platform doors (doors served by long trains) they therefore light up in white when an MP14 is approaching (just after the departure of the previous train) then resume their red lighting after the departure, unless the following train is also an mp14, in which case the doors will remain lit in white. 2. Information Screens 2:06-2:24 The information screens display the length/arrival of the next two trains (long train is MP14) The display of this information therefore goes hand in hand with the landing doors. However, it is not yet available in all stations. 3. The Length of the Platforms 2:26-2:58 Here we see this MP14 using the location of the platform that the MP89/MP05 does not use. This is possible thanks to its length of 8 cars, compared to that of MP89/MP05 which is 6 cars. 4. Saint-Lazare 3:00-4:06 Saint-Lazare is a special case. it is the only station whose platforms have not been fitted out along their entire length from the start. The remaining portion of the doors were therefore upgraded last year. This area before was inaccessible and walled off to travelers even, but even now there are still some final touches to be made (the tiling on the ground does not follow the pattern of the rest of the doors and remains to be completed). This is also the case on the two platforms of the station. The information screens are only present on the platform direction towards the Olympiades. The other platform, having been the original terminal of the line, still does not have information screens to this day. The switch that previously allowed trains to turn around is located inside the station, instead of being located outside it, (due to the station originally being only 6 cars in length. With the arrival of the MP14 and although not used to turn trains around during regular operations, this can be a problem if trains need to turn around at Saint Lazare, due to the train not aligning properly into the station, therefore, this switch will be permanently out of service, and perhaps converted to straight track. 5. MP14 Interior 4:08-5:18 Information screens are present throughout the train. Include on the screens: the time, the direction of the train, the next stations, the estimated travel time for the most important stations on the line, a map of the line represented in Paris, connections to the next station, and finally the large display of the next station, with locations of the exits along the platforms synchronized with the arriving voice announcement. A dynamic map of stations is visible above each door, the doors also present the novelty of emitting a sound when they open (not counting the squealing from the new platform doors). The doors closing alarm is just as unusual for a Paris Metro train, the chime is accompanied by an orange lighting reminiscent of that of the landing doors of line 4. Various Stations along Line 14, catching the MP14 in Action. 5:31-6:51 - Olympiades (Southern Terminal until 2024) 6:52-9:28 - Bibliotheque Francois Mitterrand 9:29-9:54 - Cour Saint-Emilion 9:55-10:40 - Bercy 10:41-13:09 - Chatelet 13:10-16:18 - Mairie de Saint-Ouen (Northern Terminal until 2024) By 2027, Paris will have 19 Metro lines (Lines 1-19), with 7 automated lines (Lines 1,4,14-18).
  18. This caught me off guard...seems like it broke off and was never reinstalled because the holes were in the ceiling where it's supposed to be.
  19. It honestly varies, but they tend to have 7-8 sets available at any given time, ranging from 6-12 car sets.
  20. Thanks for the update. Good to know I was accurate except for 9011-9012 which just entered service. Also, good to hear everything from 9081-9104 is there. I assumed maybe some gaps but seems everything is coming in consecutive order. I saw 9085-9086 on the tracker today around 6:30pm, first time.
  21. Forgot I had these saved in my notes... Version 2: (192, 202, 207, 339, 554), (7458), (8014, 8029, 8058) Version 3: (7212, 7370, 7377, 7379, 7383, 7395, 7431-7432)
  22. Quick M9 Update Based on Observations 9001-9080, 9085-9086, 9097-9100, 9103-9104 are all delivered and have been spotted on property. 9011-9014, 9049-9050, 9079-9080, 9097-9100, and 9103-9104 aren't in the passenger rotation yet. I have yet to see 9081-9084, 9087-9096, 9101-9102 and 9105-9202.
  23. Save your updates until you gather a bunch. Please do not flood the page with posts of one specific updated bus. Page 33 Update: **As of March 17, 2021** Version 1 (Strategic): 2014-15 New Flyer XD40: 7304-7314, 7316-7351 Version 2 (Vianova): 2010 NovaBus LFSA: 1234-1279, 1284-1285 2011 NovaBus LFS: 8000-8004, 8009, 8011-8013, 8015-8018, 8020, 8022-8026, 8030-8032, 8036, 8038, 8040, 8045, 8048-8049, 8052 2011-13 NovaBus LFSA: 5264-5266, 5799, 5822-5823, 5896, 5901-5935, 5965-5966 2011-13 New Flyer C40LF: 185-186, 188-189, 193, 196-199, 201, 203, 205-206, 208, 210-213, 215-219, 221-223, 225-226, 229-252, 254-319, 322, 324-325, 328, 333, 335, 338, 340, 342-344, 347-447, 493, 495, 505, 508, 514-515, 521, 524, 526-527, 534, 537-547, 549-553, 555-560, 562-569 2014-15 New Flyer XD40: 7315, 7438-7440, 7443-7447, 7449-7457, 7459, 7461-7463, 7465-7482 2014-16 Prevost X3-45: 2729, 2788 2015-16 NovaBus LFS: 8090-8125, 8127-8503 2017-18 New Flyer XN60: 1000-1109 2018-19 New Flyer XD40: 7484-7850 2018 New Flyer XDE40: 9500-9509 2018-19 NovaBus LFS: 8504-8754 2018-19 NovaBus LFSA: 5531-5602 2020-21 Prevost X3-45: 1300-1629 2020-21 New Flyer XD40: 9510-9619 2020-21 NovaBus LFS: 9620-9910 Version 3 (Clever Devices): 2008 Orion VII NG: 3800-3802, 3805-3807, 3809-3811, 3814-3819, 3821-3824, 3826, 3828-3830, 3832, 3834-3837, 3839, 3841-3846, 3849-3858, 3860, 3862-3875, 3877-3879, 3884, 3886-3888, 3891-3892, 3894-3908, 3916-3917, 3919-3921, 3923, 3938-3940, 3943, 3945-3948, 3951, 3953-3959 2009-10 Orion VII NG: 3967-3975, 3977, 3979-3981, 3983, 3985, 3987-3988, 3990, 4019*, 4020-4039, 4063, 4070-4095*, 4115, 4117-4119, 4122, 4127, 4137, 4140-4169, 4245-4278*, 4433, 4442, 4447, 4451-4452, 4483-4512, 4516, 4520, 4529, 4532, 4631-4655 2014-15 New Flyer XD40: 7097, 7099, 7103-7107, 7110-7126, 7129-7132, 7140, 7143, 7151-7152, 7154-7155, 7157-7161, 7164, 7167, 7169, 7177, 7180-7181, 7183-7184, 7188-7189, 7195-7196, 7199-7209, 7211, 7214-7219, 7221, 7223-7227, 7229-7231, 7233, 7235-7240, 7242-7252, 7254, 7256-7259, 7261-7263, 7265-7269, 7275-7277, 7279-7280, 7282-7283, 7286, 7289, 7292, 7296-7298, 7367-7368, 7371-7373, 7376, 7385, 7388-7390, 7392-7393, 7396, 7401, 7403-7404, 7406, 7409-7411, 7419, 7423, 7425, 7435-7437 2016-17 New Flyer XN40: 673-810 2018-20 New Flyer XD60: 6126-6286 2019-20 New Flyer XE60: 4950-4964 Version 4 (Luminator): 2011-13 New Flyer C40LF: 570-658 Notes: Buses with (*) have an older version of the specified model. Thank you to everyone that has contributed to the thread. Let me know if I missed anything. Please do not flood the page with posts of one specific updated bus. Save your updates until you gather a bunch.
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