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Everything posted by XcelsiorBoii4888

  1. They had a live broadcast on the Citizen app and they said it was the "local residents" who kept following up, along with a few people walking by. I still can't believe how much publicity that whole situation received. It's funny how when it's the drivers fault, video evidence gets publicity released, but when it's the MTAs fault, no video evidence released (XN60 1020).
  2. I just did a quick search of "lease" and post #23768 by @East New York on page 951 of the Deliveries, Moves & Transfers thread shows that the leases ran from Dec 2017-December 2020. So I guess it's safe to assume that they decided to keep the buses? And that explains why they made the announcement to order 45 electric buses, and then increase the order by 33% to 60 buses. I find it quite funny how the MTA just recently announced that they would be increasing their electric bus order by 33% for a total of 60 buses, when that was the original plan back when the lease program started, as seen quoted below. I don't know if they decided to decrease the number when the pandemic hit, but that was nothing but a publicity stunt in my opinion to probably receive extra federal funding, and its hilarious how quickly society forgets things.
  3. That's exactly what it'll take to fix this everlasting nonsense...independent free-thinking politicians for the American people. And voters need to do the same, and stop being such kiss-ass "yes" people. This Democrat/Republican nonsense is just a way to keep us divided, two wings of the same evil bird.
  4. I really wanna see the video footage of the XN60 that fell off the overpass. I need an explanation for that.
  5. The videos have also been posted under two well known NY based IG pages. whatisnewyork welcome.to.zooyork
  6. Ignore the sass from some, they get annoyed when things get generally repeated but they don't know people learn on their own time and aren't up to date with everything. A express bus on the local routes in SI is nothing shocking (and it happened much more often in the past). Doesn't happen in other boroughs but it happens on occasion with Staten Island due to drivers having a mix of maybe one trip on the local and then express after. So, either due to bus availability, traffic issues, shortages, they essentially use what's available or convenient.
  7. I've done it before too. I had to get from Narrows/Targee to Richmond/Lander area on a Saturday afternoon. I would've taken the S53/S44, but then I ended up running late. So I was about to call an Uber and the price was $27 with a 13 min wait I'm like wtf and canceled it. I said let me see if I can flagg a SIM33 down coming from the city. As he approached Targee I literally waived like I was trying to tell a train operator to stop as if someone was on the tracks (luckily someone was getting off). As the person got off he said "this is not the pickup gotta go to the other side of the highway". I said "no i know I need to get to Richmond quickly and this is cheaper than an Uber i don't mind the $6.75". He said oh ok and things went normal (some people were confused seeing me get on but whatever). As I got off he said "you're the first person I had do that in my 8 years". I was like no way...he was like "yes, but it makes sense than to spend $20 for an Uber if it's convenient for you. People struggle to pay $6.75 and you're taking advantage of $6.75". I laughed and said u never know what to expect driving these buses. He said "yeah you can say that again, if it wasn't for someone getting off where u got on, my instinct wouldn't have been to stop but now with this scenario you have me thinking if I should be on the lookout". I said yeah its definitely not common, especially these days, but if someone is seriously flaggin you then you should stop and see what's up. He agreed and we each said take care and have a good day.
  8. Yes 0022 was originally numbered 9620. However, that LFS has the inward opening rear door so another 9620 will replace that one (assuming when the order is completed).
  9. I'll complain all I want. I don't need you policing my posts. You need to stop glorifying the MTA like it's not their same "best mechanics" that got their buses retiring pre-maturely. You literally said earlier this week "But to see the Bronx NG’s starting to go to the chopshop simply means they are not maintaining the NG’s well". Stop being a hypocrite, it's all over your posts. I'm in the random thoughts thread. I know how these orders work, I don't care how much experience you have parking vehicles, I have the right to complain since I'm paying to ride these things. I don't even complain a lot I had one complaint I made and this was a follow up to a conversation about the buses breaking down. Unless I'm violating forum policy, or posting in the wrong thread, or assaulting another user, mind your business and do not get smart with me. Thank you.
  10. I told yall these buses are jacked up. They VIOLATED this order. Yes all buses have teething issues but when over 75% of the batch is breaking down...that's a manufacturer issue.
  11. I hope, I mean the older models are holding up well, but they didn't run like this when they were brand new. Listen to this video... and you feel all of these bumps. https://youtube.com/shorts/JPjg1zc2rxo?feature=share Honestly the only thing I like about the newer Prevost are the interior screens. If they can install interior screens on the older models I'd not care to catch these new ones.
  12. No these are WORSE. Wait till you ride them you'll be shocked. I love the Prevost buses but this is ridiculous.
  13. Its just messed up how everything is becoming low quality nowadays. Everything is about money and greed and quality is going out the door. You see it with the buses, with the trains, and with airplanes now. It's just sad how shit isn't built the same anymore. It's like can we even look forward to new equipment nowadays? Seems like everything under the hood becomes complicated, structural integrity degrades, and only cosmetics and appearance upgrades. It's almost as if they're really pushing this agenda to have people judge stuff from its exterior appearance rather than their interior performance.
  14. Holy NYCTF update...looks interesting on mobile...they need a gray/dark mode now. Anyways, the new Prevost are gonna be called the COVID buses imo because them shits were rushed. They either didn't have enough workers and had to meet a timeline, or not enough quality control or something. I rode 1560, 1562, 1565, 1566, and 1575. 1565 and 1575 rattle so much and and the suspension on these buses are so loose and bouncy. I kid you not some of the 2700s ride much better. Hopefully Meredith can tune these up a bit.
  15. M9 Update 9001-9106, 9115-9116 are all delivered and have been spotted on property. 9091-9092, 9105-9106 are the newest pairs that entered passenger service. 9013-9014, 9081-9084, 9087-9090, 9093-9096, 9099-9104, 9115-9116 aren't in the passenger rotation yet. I have yet to see 9107-9114 and 9117-9202.
  16. Damnn so much for posting the updated roster as the first post of the page. Oh well, next update will be on page 35.
  17. I've reported so many issues with the Staten Island BusTime errors, only to hear "our BusTime team is working quickly to address these issues". You complacent f**ks. The S84 and S90 are the most inaccurate routes in the system as they list/announce all the local stops during the limited stop sections and its so irritating. That's my two biggest peeves. Every route has at least 4-5 stops incorrectly pronounced, or the screens announce stops that are discontinued, or some stops are duplicated on BusTime, and forget about the green stop positions on the desktop version...so many premature announcements or late announcements because the stops internally do not align with the stop locations on the street. They have Hylan Blvd/Clove Road in the middle of the intersection which is about 200ft away from the actual stop.
  18. On that note, 1557-1567, 1569-1570 have all been tracked on service. It was nice to catch 3 new buses back to back on the SIM15. They are easy to catch now. You know what I'm noticing. A lot of SIM1 riders on the Narrows Road portion have walked over to the SIM15 stop when it was a new bus (never saw that before). Now that I think about it. I wonder if that's why Meredith received the new buses...to attract riders to the Meredith routes to ease crowds off the other busier routes.
  19. Now with the Castleton 22xxs being retired prematurely, I wonder if the 4300s have less than 90 days remaining. That would make the Staten Island Express fleet like 96% Prevost. Makes me think those 2012 CTs might get transferred out soon as well.
  20. What the f**k. 😭 Today I learned that the 22xxs were getting scrapped, and in less than 24 hrs almost half are done. This is like a crazy curveball. I know so many ops are mad.
  21. Is there any reason to post when every single LFS enters service? I mean they're all bound to do that I don't see what's the point of all of these posts to state the obvious.
  22. That makes sense as for hydraulic vs electric cooling fans. I recall seeing images of the MTA Bus batch not having USB ports on every seat, so I assumed some seats didn't have USB on the bus I was on today, but all the rows that I saw had the ports. I didn't know the specs varied that differently between the two agencies.
  23. Had the opportunity to catch the new express bus today, feels like a spaceship when you step onboard. The yellow and chrome around the drivers area makes the details stand out, and when you turn towards the seating area, the sleek designed seats, bigger clear windows, seat belts and TV monitors make it feel like you're stepping into an airplane/train hybrid. I was a bit skeptical about the way they did things this time, but after riding today, I can get used to them. The seats are actually pretty comfortable, and they have more arch in the upper back area. The seat belts do not get in the way unless it was never unfastened (the buses come with all seat belts fastened). I still personally feel that the seats should be higher by design, but the new windows seem to be a bit bigger vertically, so it provides for a better armrest at least. The USB ports on the back of the seats are not too bad, although I think having it above was not an issue in terms of inconvenience. All rows don't have USB ports behind each seat though, but I couldn't see if they placed them on the overhead panel for those seats or on the wall. The seats also recline much more than the older Prevost. They recline like the older MCIs, but because the seats are so new and haven't broken in yet, you really have to sit in it before it can lock back into place. The back row is significantly higher than the rest of the bus (but at least that oddball left rear seat is leveled with the rest of the row, compared to the older models). I also appreciate them getting rid of the interior lights that were near the windows. Those lights were so piercing at night and I'm glad it's not even an option to turn on anymore. As for the information screens....they TALK. Yepp, I thought they were silent from all of the prior on board videos I've seen, but they definitely talk. They announce the pick up stops and the drop off stops as well. The screen was frozen on my bus today, but the stop request sign was still functioning. Oh, also, when you hit the stop request button, a fancy chime plays and then the voice announces "Stop Requested". Overall, I like them, and they feel exclusive. I can see why only Meredith is getting them as of now in terms of Staten Island. I would hate to see these get run down at Yukon or Castleton with high demands of service or late night shenanigans. Here are some photos and a video of the announcements and stop requested chime.
  24. Yeah I purposely only referred to express bus operators because they deal with the same passengers up close as they get on and off. With the local bus, they're all in their cabin, and with the SBS buses and people boarding at any door, the driver isn't essentially near or interfering with any riders. And majority of local bus riders just walk on so the respect isn't necessarily there. Local buses are looked at mainly as people movers, whereas the express bus is a more commuter type service. When I take the LIRR and they come check my ticket, they always greet me and I greet them back and its almost always a normal and friendly exchange (90% of the time). I do agree that drivers go through a lot and perhaps some just don't be in the mood. Regardless, like you said, I'm not gonna let it stop me from being nice and greeting them. I would take offense sometimes because multiple people would be getting off, I'd hear someone ahead say "thank you" and the driver would say "you're welcome", then I say "thank you,,take care" and its silent, then the person behind me says thank you and they receive acknowledgement. That's what really triggered me this morning. It had me thinking should I just not speak to these people or should I continue to be who I am and not take offense to it. I'll do the latter, because I don't want to come off as disrespectful to the ones who are friendly and try to engage with their riders, and its always good to be polite on a daily basis, especially knowing that everyone is going through a lot, especially during these times. I definitely understand the scenarios. If I was a bus operator (especially in NYC like you said, this is not the south), personally I would not acknowledge anyone unless they greet me first. They are entering your bus, you don't know those people, but at least they know you're a professional certified driver. It's up to the respectful ones to speak up first and hopefully receive an acknowledgement back. And same thing getting off, if you want to, you should only be acknowledging people who say something first. In terms of level of customer friendliness, obviously the local bus is more problematic, so I wouldn't expect any customer engagement unless asked a question. Like I ride the local bus before getting on the express and those drivers either continue to look straight or out the other window when people are boarding and since I probably am not going to exit out the front, there is no tradition of saying thank you after riding. But with the express, knowing the majority of riders pay and there's way less incidents, the level of customer friendliness should increase a bit, especially since you have to see those same people when they get off again. All in all, the world needs more kindness and love, even in grimy NYC. I personally feel that being negative and miserable only leads to more negative situations, but if you keep a good positive energy and high level of courtesy, good things tend to come back to you. Side note: Any express bus operator that has the curtain covering them gets no acknowledgement, because I assume they don't want any conversations or anything because of the extra levels of safety they are taking. So I guess if operators doing express don't want to be bothered, close up the curtain and look forward during each stop, lol.
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