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Posts posted by MHV9218

  1. 1 hour ago, SimplyMyself said:

    To my knowledge, 1943-1944+1947-1949, 2006-2010, *2097-2100, *2154-2155 (2096, 2151-53 with newer interior lighting) are the only other sets on the (6) with the original lighting as of January 2020. I rode on 2098 on February 11 and still had original lighting. Seems like there’s been a pause on converting the remaining Westchester sets.

    Didn't they get to 1943-1949 with new rolls and lights? Or not yet? 

    Some of the 2300 sets on the (1) still have the old rolls, nice to see...

  2. 6 minutes ago, Calvin said:

    *On 1910 (R62A), when it was on refuse duty, one of the ends were removed with number and S. Currently, with 207's maintenance, the rollsigns were reused from (probably)  Westchester's R62As as they got the newer ones. One of the old rollsigns were kept and placed on that unit. 

    You're saying 1910 has an old rollsign installed even after the SMS? Interesting.


  3. That's from 1980 or so, part of the combined rolls with Akzidenz-Grotesk and Helvetica. That's likely a version of Akzidenz condensed. That roll would have been used from 1980 through 2003 or so, whenever that redbird car was retired. That's a good question about the backlighting. I know that some of the original side lights were actually a white-green bulb (very cool!), but I'm not sure if that applied to the front lights as well. I would think a warm light might be reflective of the dirt and yellowing that occurred over the year, but maybe somebody knows better than I do!

  4. 45 minutes ago, Lex said:

    Are you talking about the base order's R211T restriction, or are you saying all but those few R211s (including options) will have open gangways?

    The board was curious if it was too late to spec open gangway car beyond the R211Ts. The answer was that it is: only the R211T cars will have open gangways, and the rest of the base order will be standard. The option cars can still be changed to open gangway spec, which it sounds like they might do.

  5. Note from the board meeting: the R211 contract is sticking with the demo order of open gangway cars only. Despite the decision to order exclusively open gangway cars for the R262s, it's apparently too late for serious changes to the R211 contract, so things are sticking as they were.

  6. All that's happening in that board clip is that the board member is slightly misreading the chart. The chart says that by 2023, the 32s and 42s will be gone. That should be obvious according to any plan, 179s and 211s together could do that. The board member is saying shouldn't the cars be retired earlier? And the answer to that is again yes, the 42s were always expected to be retired once the 179 fleet had entered consistent service. The remark about 'phased out' is not the same as 'retired.' Going down to 110 R32s is phasing the cars out; as in, phases. That's a phase done for the first quarter of 2020. I'm yet to see evidence that the entire R32 fleet will be retired Q1 2020, and if anything that board material just proves that the MTA's only goal is to have them fully retired by 2023.

  7. 1 hour ago, VIP said:

    Really? What transit decides to do with their funds and equipment has a direct emotional effect on you?! 

    What's good, guy? Yeah, when I see a clear waste of resources from an agency funded by your fares, my fares, and all of our tax dollars, I do get annoyed. But keep playing snide.

  8. 2 hours ago, Deucey said:

    Why don’t (1) train rollsigns say Van Cortlandt Park anymore?

    [pic removed]

    Those new rollsigns piss me off. They're barely more legible, they're inconsistent, and it's all that expense of information. No more "Van Cortlandt Park," no more borough designations for a lot of stops, it's just a needless waste of all the perfectly good original rolls. 

  9. Something I was thinking about on the M14 SBS today. The clear slowdown with a great number of the stops is that the bus sits at a traffic light, then crosses the street to the bus stop, sits there, and then about half the time misses the next light. Wouldn't it make infinitely more sense to have all the stops on the near corners, that's to say, with the traffic lights? That way most of the waiting time could be consolidated, and the bus wouldn't have to wait on one side of the intersection just to go across and wait again after a green light. Given all the expense of installing SBS machines and reconfiguring 14th Street with eliminated stops and a new design, I don't see how something as simple as this couldn't have been considered. 

  10. Thought it was worth sharing this clear photo of a mid-1970s 'semi-Vignelli' station sign. As the NYCTA switched from black-on-white to white-on-black, for whatever reason the bullet modules often stayed in the original form until the late-1970s when they switched entirely. Black-on-white signs were used from 1967-1973, roughly, and by around 1973/1974 the first signs of the current inverted form made an appearance. This sign is quite easy to date: the station was overhauled in 1973, receiving the same godawful red brick tiles over its original BMT mosaics as a number of other stations. With that renovation came porcelain enamel white-on-black nameplate signs (with a unique white stripe at the bottom as well as the top of the sign), as well as these metal overhead signs with this combined color style. The station signs actually lasted until only a few years ago, but these signs have been gone for ages. This style of white bullet/black sign was most commonly used at IRT stations (West Side, East Side, Shuttle, Flushing), so it's interesting to see this so clearly on a Manhattan BMT line. 


    Doug Grotjahn photo from the late Joe Testagrose collection. 1977.

  11. 4 hours ago, Q23 via 108 said:

    Damn man, we got a punk ass society. New York had to deal with the 70s and 80s with graffiti, filthyness and neglect. Now in 2020, we got brothers raising hell over some LCD signs.


    You don't have to like the R46. But trust me people had Real complaints back in the day. Not nitpicking every malfunctioning LCD sign. 

    Peep that extremely rare destination rollsign on the R27/R30. That's a late 70s roll in Akzidenz/Condensed, like the kind that IRT cars got. Dates to 1977/1978, almost instantly defunct by the early 1980s when the regular destination roll was mass produced. "No Passengers" would have been black on white. Never seen a B division one still around today,

  12. 45 minutes ago, Daniel The Cool said:

    You're wrong on the first part. Those northbound (A) Trains from Rockaway Park stopped ending at 59th Street in 2004 when the Manhattan Bridge Project was over and were extended to 168th Street and/or Dyckman Street. Beginning sometime in 2013 those trains were extended to 207th Street and they had select (A) Trains from both Far Rockaway and Lefferts end at 168th Street and/or Dyckman Street instead which made perfect because those (A) Trains are the overnight crews finishing up their run.

    The northbound signs in the Rockaways still say 59th Street, don't they? Or did they finally change those?

  13. Awful scene in Italy after a Frecciarossa 1000 set derailed at high speed, killing the two engineers and injuring everybody on the extremely early-morning train (around 5am). If it had been any later and there had been more passengers in the first few cars, this would have been even worse. To my knowledge one of the only cases of a true HSR accident in recent years, on the stretch of tracks which regularly reaches 300kph (186mph). Not a good sign.

    @Via Garibaldi 8 will have an easier time understanding this story than I do, but I understand the cliffnotes takeaways are that a switch was likely left open after work on the tracks overnight, and that is probably what led to the first cars entirely leaving the tracks and crashing. Investigators are still at work figuring it out for sure, but it's clear the empty train made this less gruesome than it would have been, as besides the two motormen the majority of injuries were non life-threatening broken bones and the like. 33 people were on board, of which the two engineers are dead and 31 are hurt.



    OSPEDALETTO LODIGIANO — Un treno dell’alta velocità Frecciarossa, partito da Milano alle 5.10 e diretto a Salerno, è deragliato giovedì mattina alle 5.35 all’altezza di Ospedaletto Lodigiano (Lodi) lungo la linea Milano-Bologna. Due vagoni, oltre alla motrice, si sono ribaltati.

    Il bilancio dell'incidente è di due morti, Giuseppe Cicciù e Mario Di Cuonzo, di 52 e 59 anni. Entrambi erano ferrovieri: il macchinista del treno e un altro addetto delle Ferrovie dello Stato, che si trovavano nella motrice (qui i loro profili). I loro corpi sono stati sbalzati a centinaia di metri dal luogo dove è finita la corsa del treno, che in quel tratto viaggiava a 290 chilometri orari. Subito dopo lo scambio, un binario è stato completamente tranciato e l’altro deformato.

    I feriti sono 31, nessuno dei quali in codice rosso, trasferiti negli ospedali di Lodi, Melegnano, Crema, Codogno, Piacenza, Castel San Giovanni e Humanitas, a Milano. Il più grave — con fratture multiple a un arto, ma non in pericolo di vita — è un pulitore delle ferrovie. Al Pronto Soccorso dell’Ospedale Maggiore di Lodi sono arrivati quasi la metà dei feriti: «Nessuno è in pericolo di vita ma il loro stato emotivo è molto provato», ha riferito il responsabile del pronto soccorso, Stefano Paglia.

    Il treno non era, per fortuna, molto affollato: a bordo c'erano in tutto 33 persone, e le prime carrozze erano semivuote. In particolare nella carrozza n.1, dove si trova la cabina di manovra, con i due macchinisti, i dieci posti a sedere e la saletta executive per le riunioni, erano vuoti. Era il primo convoglio del mattino, partito all'alba dal capoluogo lombardo e diretto nel capoluogo campano. «Poteva essere una carneficina», ha detto all'Agenzia Ansa il prefetto di Lodi Marcello Cardona.

    Sul luogo dell'incidente sono arrivati immediatamente decine di mezzi di soccorso di vigili del fuoco e 118. Altri — compresi due elicotteri — sono arrivati da Milano, Brescia e Como.

    Le cause dell’incidente - avvenuto su un tratto rettilineo — sono in via di accertamento. Secondo una prima ricostruzione, il deragliamento potrebbe essere stato provocato da uno scambio lasciato aperto: nella notte sarebbe stata fatta manutenzione, lo scambio, in gergo tecnico, sarebbe stato «morsettato».

    Treno deragliato a Lodi, i primi soccorsi e i rilievi degli investigatori

    Ambulanze, vigili del fuoco e investigatori al lavoro sul treno deragliato a Ospedaletto Lodigiano (servizio fotografico di Laura Gozzini)

    Quanto alla dinamica dell’incidente, la motrice del convoglio, dopo essere uscita dai binari, è finita prima contro un carrello che si trovava su un binario parallelo, e poi contro una palazzina delle ferrovie, dove ha terminato la sua corsa. Il resto del convoglio ha invece proseguito la corsa per qualche decina di metri, con la seconda carrozza che ad un certo punto si sarebbe ribaltata. La Procura della Repubblica di Lodi ha aperto un'inchiesta, l'area dell'incidente è ora sotto sequestro, e la Polizia ferroviaria sta acquisendo tutte le registrazioni per ricostruire l'avvenuto.

    «Le società coinvolte hanno già avviato una commissione d’inchiesta e danno la massima disponibilità agli organi competenti per collaborare», ha detto l’ad di Fs, Gianfranco Battisti. Tra i primi atti dell’indagine c’è stato l’ascolto, come persone informate sui fatti, di dipendenti di Rete Ferroviaria Italia (Rfi). Stando a quanto si apprende, uno di loro sarebbe stato sentito sul luogo dell’incidente, un altro a Piacenza. Altre audizioni sono previste in queste ore. La procura indaga, a carico di ignoti, per le ipotesi di reato di disastro ferroviario, omicidio colposo plurimo e lesioni colpose plurime.

    Le foto del treno deragliato a Lodi

    Il treno Frecciarossa Av 9595 Milano-Salerno è deragliato a Ospedaletto Lodigiano (Lodi), sulla linea Milano-Bologna alle ore 5.35 del mattino. Il bilancio è di due morti e 31 feriti: a bordo in totale c’erano 33 tra passeggeri e personale di bordo. Le due persone decedute sono i macchisti del treno. L’incidente ha coinvolto le prime due vetture del treno alta velocità. Dalle 5.30 la circolazione sulla linea ad Alta velocità Milano-Bologna è sospesa. Tutti i treni, in entrambe le direzioni, sono stati instradati sulla linea convenzionale Milano-Piacenza. Diversi i treni in ritardo e una decina quelli cancellati. Secondo le prime ricostruzioni del deragliamento la motrice del convoglio, uscita dai binari per cause ancora da chiarire, sarebbe finita prima contro un carrello o qualche mezzo analogo che si trovava su un binario parallelo, e poi contro una palazzina delle ferrovie, dove ha terminato la sua corsa. Il resto del convoglio avrebbe invece proseguito la corsa ancora un po’ con la seconda carrozza che ad un certo punto si sarebbe ribaltata (Foto Daniele Bennati)

    (Foto Daniele Bennati)

    Alle 5.30 la circolazione sulla linea ad Alta velocità Milano-Bologna è stata sospesa e tutti i treni, in entrambe le direzioni, viaggiano al momento sulla linea tradizionale Milano-Piacenza, con ritardi fino a 60 minuti. Ritardi anche per i treni regionali, quelli dei pendolari. Previste anche limitazioni di percorso e cancellazioni. Ai passeggeri è garantito il viaggio sui primi treni utili successivi. Giovedì decine di convogli sono stati cancellati (qui l'elenco). Previste anche per venerdì 7 febbraio modifiche alla circolazione ferroviaria dei treni AV, media-lunga percorrenza e regionale. Sulla linea Milano – Torino i treni regionali arrivano e partono da Milano Porta Garibaldi, invece che da Milano Centrale. Sulla linea Verona – Brescia – Milano Centrale i regionali arrivano e partono da Milano Lambrate invece che da Milano Centrale. Sulla linea Lodi – Saronno (S1) i treni regionali sono limitati a Melegnano e Milano Rogoredo. I convogli della linea Milano Bovisa FNM– Melegnano (S12) sono limitati a Milano Rogoredo.


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