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Posts posted by MHV9218

  1. I think the most important variable here – which the MTA cannot account for, which is why the 32s have been moved into position just in case – is public perception. If Phase 2 brings crowds and people feel that the trains are hazardously packed, the MTA will be under intense pressure (specifically from the governor's office) to decrease headways and reduce crowding. Should that need to happen, there is quite literally no way to run the railroad without any R179s or R32s in service. However, this is all contingent on those questions: how many people will return to the trains, and how much will MTA need to adjust service? If the answers are not many, and not much, then the current status quo will be fine, with plenty of R160s at Pitkin and both 179 and 32s removed from service. 

  2. 1 hour ago, happy283 said:

    You are exactly right, the union doesnt want conductors switching cabs throughout the trip. What I dont get is why ENY sent R160s up to 207 in return for R32s they cant use.

    My guess is that if the R32s are needed for use, the TA would prefer them on the outdoor lines for the AC issues. There's a nonzero chance they need the cars if/when equipment requirements change, and they'd probably prefer starting them out on the J/Z.

    1 hour ago, happy283 said:

    Just wondering could a 6 car R46 train run on the (J)

    No, the issue is not length of consist on the Broadway-Jamaica el but tightness of the curves. In fact, just during this transfer 10-car sets of R32s were sent to ENY yard directly from A service. The issue is that the longer cars will swing out on a turn, and they can graze other trains during the process. You could possibly run an R46 set out as far Myrtle or so (it's happened for a fan trip), but only if you were sure that no other trains were passing, and there's no way you could clear the curves out by Crescent and Cypress. 67 feet is the longest that works, and even that only worked with the unusual truck spacing of the BMT. I'm not even 100% sure the R110Bs would have fit on those els. Would have to check the truck spacing.

  3. 13 hours ago, Calvin said:

    So, it seems that the Shuttle also got the SMS treatment like the (1) and (6) lines. On units 1935, 1936, 1939 and 1955, the bonnets are repainted and rollsigns were changed to single-lined helvetica type. Sucks that the originality is almost gone. 

    Yeah, real shame. The original signs were in perfectly fine condition and better-designed. Whoever thought that colored for the "Express" was a good idea needs to return to finger paintings, looks awful. 1955 ironically still wears the ancient 1980s "riding between cars" sticker but new rolls and paint!

  4. 1 hour ago, XcelsiorBoii4888 said:

    Are u kidding? This bus looks GOOD. Only part that looks weird is the yellow/light blue stripes going up towards the roof in the front, it cuts at the window line, and the finish cannot be seen because the window design goes up to the roof. I thought they would've customized that part, and probably do something similar to the Hudson Link design where those two colors would wrap back down, but other than that; these colors are everything! 

    Compare to that Greyhound tho...soooo much classier. For me the blue is too bright, the yellow is too loud, and the wrap makes everything flatter since it doesn't reflect like paint. When I think of a nice tasteful but colorful scheme, I think of what we had on the Fishbowl expresses – dark blue and light blue, MTA colors. The Cuomo scheme with the stripes just doesn't fit for me, especially on an express.

  5. 5 hours ago, CenSin said:

    Well, whatever the case may have been, it didn't apply to the same route in the opposite direction. I rode it the other way and there were a lot of red lights that slowed down the trip. In one day, I could sort of see the potential for buses and the reason why people prefer to avoid them.

    How would the bus driver know it was safe to go through an intersection in a typical implementation?

    Separate light, usually a white bar or something like that. Similar signal often used for streetcar/trolley systems, we have 'queue jumps' for the M86 and M96 and a few other routes around the city.

  6. 1 minute ago, R32 3838 said:

    they did this a few years ago when they were transfering R32's to ENY, or when they went back to 207th st.

    Interesting, I thought they came over in 8-car sets then since they were leaving (C) service / leaving (J) service retrospectively. I don't remember them going directly between the (A) and the (J) since the A/C summer swap (what was that, 2012?) came before the C/J swap. 

  7. 22 minutes ago, R10 2952 said:

    I have a very hard time believing that.  Could Cuomo possibly be pulling strings behind the scenes already?

    Eh, hard to think he cares about car equipment with the city on fire. I also do not believe her, unless she's specifically referring to this week. Next week it's simply impossible. There are not enough available 8-car units if you remove the ENY 179 fleet and all 32s and 42s at once and expect to run anything near full service. I mean, we needed 42s to cover for the 179 removal back when 32s were still in service! Daily News already reporting that 32s will be used. Will not trust them until confirmation though.

  8. 20 minutes ago, Lawrence St said:

    It won't.

    This does however leave the question if the R42's are going to come back out of retirement (for the 2nd time) to make service on the (J) and (Z) . Without the R179's the (J) can't run at full service, and going by the door issue a few months ago, the R179's won't return to service for a while until each set is inspected.

    I'd bet on the 32s before the 42s, honestly. But we'll see what they need to make service.

  9. 2 minutes ago, Calvin said:

    The reopening may be pushed another week or so b.c of the riots happening all over including that curfew that was announced by Cuomo.  

    Doubt it. Part of the reopening is to help end the curfew + riots. That's why the curfew is set to expire Sunday. If people are on the street, the empty streets that the looters are making use of won't exist. The last thing Cuomo and de Blasio want is another week of the city emptying after sunset.

  10. 48 minutes ago, MysteriousBtrain said:

    There are already rumors going around saying the R32s returned to revenue service. This is not even close to confirmed at all and at this time no R32s are leaving retirement.

    I would argue the fleet's been on hold to begin with – if this isn't resolved by next week's reopening when capacity is needed, watch this space...

  11. 1 hour ago, Ultimategamer12c said:

    So yesterday  a couple of XD40s from Quill went to OF and stayed their last night, now today #7610 makes an appearance  on the M1 rn.

    Yeah 7602 and 7610. We'll see if those stick out the weekend. 

    ^ Edit: jinx!

    Also, nobody ever explained to me why 6695 and 6712 were retired prematurely. Pretty early given the 2005 OGs are still running in BK.

  12. 6 minutes ago, Union Tpke said:

    @MHV9218 682a4711_orig.jpgThis is an image of the passageway to 175th Street. The sign looks like it is relatively recent. Does this look like it is from the 1990s to you?

    Older! Looks like late-70s early-80s. Rare sign for sure. It's Akzidenz, for one (the t is nearly as tall as the U), and the 'o' looks a little wonky + the letters are really thick. Means it was probably hand-stenciled. That's what the earliest enamel white-on-black signs looked like. 86th on the B/C had one, but I'm not sure it survived the renovation.

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