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Posts posted by MHV9218

  1. 5025 either left or went to scrap , I heard scrap and I heard manhattan



    Agree with Tom, my guess is it went to Quill.


    9387 and 9392 at Flatbush from Ulmer Park

    9633 at Flatbush from 126.


    Note to poster above: 9491 went to 126 over a month ago.



    9633 went to FB? Shame, I liked that bus at 126.


    9422 at Manhattanville for today, M2 line like yesterday.

  2. Good roster guys! Quick thing though, 5263 is at 126th (not KB) and the 126th uses artics on the M60 as well. Also, 8949 is at ENY. Didn't know SC still had those O5 CNGs either...




    So I was right, Mannyville IS still short, yet they're sending out buses left and right.


    6767 got sent in from Tuskegee, and 9428 ran on the M2 today (on run 133 too, which means it may have seen multiple runs as opposed to just a put in).

  3. Been riding the B25 more and more recently, that line is filled with interesting buses. You ride the Manhattan buses and you forget how many great old buses are still left in the fleet, and ENY has a ton of them. There was some sort of fire on Fulton, had to take side streets which made the ride more interesting, and the bus was 8809 which ran well.


    Also, are they getting rid of the BusTime ads on the B63 fleet? Starting to notice more and more of the 7560-7589 bunch wearing standard ads.

  4. OK, getting off topic...





    The reason I say this is because I went to the last Auto Show back in 2011 and some of cars on display were clearly built like crap in terms of materials and quality. Very flimsy looking. That's why I had a hard time seeing them make a Bugatti for the show, as those are very costly to build.



    But they even had a Veyron there last year, if you remember. Cars like Chevrolet, the manufacturer builds them. But ever since 2008 or so, all exotic cars have been brought by dealerships (Manhattan Motorcars etc.), not the manufacturers. So it's not a car being built, it's a car for sale being put on display.

  5. 5624 not being sent makes me scratch my head as well. And I'm not an B/O nor will I ever be if I can help it. That "thanks for the overtime" line was poking fun at the poorly maintained buses we have been receiving from the OA depots as of late.



    I see, I looked at the title under your picture and I was thinking with that post you'd changed positions.


    That's a surprise to me though, I always thought of Quill as pretty much on top of things mechanically, but maybe not.

  6. I'm referring to the people who move towards the door as if they're going to get on a crowded, filled beyond capacity bus and then get pissed after the bus operator pulls away.



    I'm not following here. You're angry that people who have waited a long time for a bus are trying to get on and are disappointed if they can't? Bus riders can be royal pains, but that's a completely legitimate thing to be annoyed about.

  7. From the what you are describing, it sounds like the breaks just needed replacing. Did you hear any squeaks in the same area? Other than those, most of those old 600's are pretty damn good.


    I'm also digging the LFSA's on Lex. Av.!!!! Im just ready to see them on the B44! Then I will have an excuse not to use the (2) Train!


    They'd squeak until it got down to around five mph, and then from there till stopping the entire rear of the bus (it was the area above the rear axle) would shake real violently while the brakes made that crunching noise, never actually experienced that on an MTA bus before.


    Oh yeah, waiting for those to bad boys to finally hit up Flatbush, even if we're well into 2013 by then. The B44 (and the B41!) need artics, and those LFSAs are good stuff.


    I think I know what you're talking about. I hear this noise on O5's a lot. Does it sound like the R142A breaking sounds? If it does than I heard of it. Its on a lot of O5's, most of the 6000's I rode have that sound.


    Yeah my best description is when the R142As have been braking for a while and then there's this low noise, I'll try to find a video, only thing is that the bunch shook with it which threw me.


    Edit: like the noise in this video CS did, with a lot of shaking as well:



  8. Just had 662 on the Q32...I love old O5s and all, but that thing was on the crutches it got when its last legs fell off. B/O was thrashing it like crazy and whenever he hit the brakes there was this terrible crunching, sounded halfway between gears gnashing and that noise you get on the R142s when they brake too hard, sorta deep noise, not a squeak. Hard to describe it but it sure didn't sound good, luckily the DD50 was still running really strong.


    Also had 5880 on the M101, I could get used to that. I'm a big fan of the LFSA.

  9. Well I'm lost. FB buses to MJQ, MJQ buses to UP, MHV buses to KB, and MHV buses to CH?


    That doesn't even make sense... Did the Spring Pick start yet? That could explain why there's swapping, but I'm still confused regarding what they're swapping.


    I may swing by the depot if I have time tomorrow to try to find out how Mannyville is even gonna make service if they're giving up 4-7 buses when the 63-6400s are leaving at the same time for overhauls.

  10. LOL... A Bugatti Veyron... LOL... I doubt they would make one just for display seeing how many parts are made by hand for the Bugatti. Not worth it when they specialize in custom made orders for the very wealthy. Those cars run a good $1 million dollars and up and take months to make.



    There actually is a Veyron at the Auto Show, and it's a one-off edition at that, something like the GrandSport "Blanc." I think the dealer on 11th ave. brought it. There was a Veyron there last year too.

  11. I know how to cook. The thing was that my mom brought home some pasta with oil on it (just oil. No sauce. No nothing) and it tasted terrible. I mean, what was I going to do? Throw it out? Not happening.


    And yeah, I know what "Al Dente" means. I took Italian for 2 years in high school and 3 years in middle school (plus, Spanish is my first language). In any case, the problem was probably with the oil. I've tasted pasta with a good olive oil and it tasted great. But this was like one of those lunches they give you on a field trip, so they obviously weren't going to use high-quality stuff.


    I generally put some sort of pasta sauce on it, but the thing is that I don't mind eating it plain (I generally get the whole grain pasta since it's the same price as the regular one, so maybe that makes a difference). But I only eat it plain if I don't have any sauce available. Now, if I were cooking for guests (or a girl), then of course I'd use sauce.



    I guess the sarcasm was lost in my post a little, it's not like it was a life or death issue, I'm not actually 'offended.'


    But it probably was the oil anyway, often times places cheap out and they use Virgin olive oil and not Extra Virgin, which while it does sound like #firstworldproblems, Virgin oil tastes awful.

  12. On a side note, I like pasta when it's cooked in water, but I don't like it when it's covered in oil. It just tastes drier and not as good.



    This is offensive. Every man should know how to cook (and chicks dig it).


    Every pasta is cooked in water. It should never, ever be served without anything on it. That's disgusting, it's just raw and awful.


    You wanna boil that stuff for (depending on size) around ten-twelve minutes or so for an 'Al Dente' (that's not soft but far from crunchy, literally 'to the teeth') pasta, even longer for softer pasta. You take it out and then your decision is what goes on it. Olive oil is completely legitimate, you just have to use good oil, so that means Extra Virgin. Butter is your second option, but that's gonna be heavy. Personally, I'd go with oil. Other options are sauces of every kind, which are gonna be more complex depending on what you do. You can do a butter sauce with sage, butter with cheese and pepper (cacio e pepe style), the classic tomato sauce, pesto sauce, etc. Never plain though. Never ever plain.

  13. 5200 & 5201 FB to MJQ..

    Just spotted on 23rd and 7th heading to MJQ.



    Now that's a surprise, came outta nowhere! But I'm always happy for Quill to take on new RTSes... [Wonder if we'll ever get the 5190s back.] Gotta say I don't understand the FB moves, is it giving up the "new" RTSes to take on older ones until the LFSAs show up?


    Also minor transfer, a few OGs just came back from Zerega (6377) among them, and that's put a halt on the loaner RTSes for now.

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