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Posts posted by MHV9218

  1. Well, say goodbye to Gleason's Orion V CNGs, as the Next batch of 2012 C40LF's are making their way in!! So far, the ONLY ones I know of in service are 9843, 9845, and 9864. The rest have either been retired/stored or shipped to other garages for their remainder of their lives! I as a driver LOVE those buses and it will be sad to see them go!!!!



    And I as a rider love those buses! That's a shame, thinking about the C40LFs being retired I forgot the O5s were going as well. That should be the first time in 15 years that Gleason will have no high floor buses, right? Shame...

  2. I started a thread on this topic in late 2010. I will bump it, and provide updated details as soon as I find it. Yes, this does include Orion VII CNG's, and that's a DD11 you mean.


    The DD11 will have to pass an MTA evaluation before they would order them in bulk. MTA has been evaluating the Cummins repower for quite some time now.



    Whoops typo there, but right, I'm just waiting on when that evaluation will/might happen!


    I'd completely forgotten about that Cummins thread you made, that was a while ago, didn't realize they were going ahead with it! That's a shame to me though, I love those engines in the O7 CNGs.

  3. I heard it in passing at a union meeting yesterday morning. They didnt say much about it. Just that its gonna be done at the base shops instead of cummins facilities and there are about 400 buses on the TA side and 300 on the OA side that are gonna get it.



    Oh I hope that's not true...just when I was getting optimistic about the DD12 and all returning. Wonder if it'd be for the O7 CNG...

  4. I can tell some of those Orion V's at CS are almost ready for retirement some of those 6000 especially 6126 sound bad.

    How come some of those Orion V's say just MTA bus are they getting ready to move to a MTA bus Depot?


    Chances are most of those 6000s will be staying though, it's gonna be the 600s that are gone (and fast). Maybe a couple 6000s as well, but that fleet should be mostly intact AFAIK.


    Those buses still say MTA Bus from a couple or so years ago when they briefly got transferred to MTA Bus (CP, I think) and never got changed back. If they get sent to MTA Bus now, they'll get their decals changed at their new depots.

  5. I pay a premium for fast service and sometimes I have to wait over 15 minutes for a bus. Meanwhile you folks pay $2.25 and want word class service. The buses are on time and you're still complaining.


    No no, you pay a premium for your comfy seat and long distance trip. You get the same service as me, at my cheap old $2.25. Just keeping you honest here...

  6. MTV loaner of the day: 6673. Spotted on 5th and 26th with TAD decals.


    Spotted 9866 on the B103 earlier this evening. Supposedly with West Farms decals. I also think it came from JG.



    Eh? 6673 is a Mannyville bus. Maybe 6773?


    There've been practically no loaners recently, haven't seen an RTS out of MHV in weeks. Also surprised that SC is getting any more O5 CNGs, thought they were going all O7/C40.

  7. I've seen badges on school buses before. The Orion VI had badges? I didn't know that.



    Yep, 6352 had an Orion badge. That was bus was ex-NJT though. As far as I know, the MTA has never ordered buses with badges on them, not since the order the PA paid for with the GMC RTSes. The buses that do have badges were paid for by the DOT, and those buses were specced according to PBL operators who often kept the badges.

  8. The kneeling sound of 4405 is really loud, I was able to hear it from about a block and a half away and still sounded louder than as if I were standing next to any other bus



    That'll probably change soon, they're really muffling the buses now. Every overhauled O7 and overhauled RTS has a literally silent kneel with just a tiny beeping noise. Used to be I could hear an RTS from a good three blocks away during the night.

  9. Just saw "The Avengers" last night (amazing movie) and in it I saw an MTA branded bus numbered 1123 that I couldnt really identify because it was shown so briefly. I also spotted a really really old RTS, no bus ### shown though. I knew it was old when i saw it because it had that rear "half window" and the same rear "swing out" doors that are usually located in the front.



    They use the 4430 // 0090(?) buses a lot, I remember they used that in the Adjustment Bureau, coulda been one of those cause those are GMCs.

  10. Never knew farbeating was a problem on the M14 and M23...



    I've never seen farebeating on the 23, but the M14 gets it all day long, especially late nights. I've seen all sorts of types farebeating the M14, personal favorite was this yuppie college kid in the middle of the day who sneaks on the back door and promptly pulls out his iPhone. I mean you can't put over $2.25 but you gonna drop $200+ on an iPhone? Some people.

  11. If anything I'll get the look like how much money does this guy make lol, but I'm sure the word has gotten out not to screw around with me so after that last B/O bypassed my stop, so I haven't had any of the buses stopping short nonsense or any of the other games some B/Os will play to try to make you feel as if you don't belong on "X" bus because you're young or whatever.



    Jesus, keep that inferiority complex at bay for a while! I'll bet you dollars to doughnuts that a) no word has gotten around and no B/Os even specifically know you, and that the people looking at you aren't staring in envy (more likely, 'my god, he looks like a pr!ck!' ;) )




    On the topic of B/Os, gotta say, many props to my man on the M2 today. Didn't recognize him so he might have been on the extra list, but he did an incredibly good job -- especially considering how furious most of the passengers were (we waited 35 minutes in the rain) and how bad the traffic was. He knew how to move that bus, good stuff.

  12. Zerega : 5881 ( vendor work ) , 2468 ( vendor work ) , 523 ( just got delivered today has the dot papers in the window )


    East Chester : 9343 scrap , 8796 storage , 8782 storage , 8496 roadeo bus being scrapped , 1911 storage , 2001 scrap , 2022 scrap , 1915 scrap , 2057 scrap , 7270 & 9944 damaged frame rotten scrap , 2031 storage , 1869 storage , 1893 storage , 937 scrap , 9318 scrap , 9179 scrap , 9180 hold , 9232 scrap , 9236 scrap , 9178 scrap , 9233 scrap . 8823 scrap , 5003 storage ( has storage note on it ) , 112 scrap , 9656 still @ east Chester with 9464 , 9335 @ east Chester for bulk head issues , 9305 scrap , 9329 scrap , there's some fishbowl sitting in the back against the wall don't know the # & that's it .... Pictures are goin to be posted later on tonight or tomorrow , Spoke to security , there's 329 buses waiting to be scrapped/stored .



    Interesting, 937 is the only newly scrapped bus right? Also any update on the 53-5400s or are those at WF storage?

  13. M20: Well wait a second....

    If you want th M9 going back to BPC & the M10 sent to 14th (neither of which I think should happen, but still...), then what runs between Chambers & 14th street, west of 6th av? Unless you're tellin those riders, to hell with the bus & make their way to the (1)....


    As much as I hate the M20, the service is necessary.



    Mmmhmm, I take the M20 all the time and especially at odd hours I'm sitting there wondering why that bus still runs. Same time, I don't have any better ideas, and there needs to be *some* bus there.

  14. I tell you people are so stupid.... I went to pick up lunch at my Belgian spot in the 50s off of Madison and then took the M4 back to my office down 5th. We get to the 49th street stop and I'm standing in the back door area. This lady wants to get off and sees the driver open the front door, so she automatically assumes that the back door is open and asks me to push it open. The thing is several people wanted to get off apparently, but no one actually pushed the "STOP REQUESTED" sign, so the driver just opened the front door to let new passengers on the bus. I tell her that the back door is not open and she says "Well why is the front door open?" I tell her that just because the front door is open doesn't mean the back door is open and that if she wants the stop she needs to request it, so of course now the driver has closed the front door and she pushes the button to request the stop, but he has already made the stop so he doesn't open either door. She's looking around thinking that the back door should be open now because she requested the stop but it isn't of course for the reason I mentioned before, so now she passes through a ton of people to be let off in the front. As she gets off and makes her way by the back door outside, she looks in my direction and shakes her head like it is my fault. I looked at her like she was an idiot because clearly she has no clue of how anything works, or maybe she just thought I was supposed to be her personal chaffeur and yell out for the back door.... Think again... <_< You're the one who needs to get off not me. :lol:



    You coulda just said 'back door' or something. No reason to make someone else's day worse just so you feel like the smartest person in the room.

  15. No, Tuskegee, that's not okay.




    If I can see a layer of soot and filth that black, that's an issue. This was on 5560 which, I'll be honest, is absolutely in pathetic shape. The bus had no power and almost got stuck on the hill over 104th on Lex, ended up crawling over at full throttle at 3mph. The thing was the filthiest bus I've ever seen -- and I'm usually okay with dirt, but that stuff in that pic is not okay. And it stank, of vomit and urine, and it made the most horrible groaning and moaning noises on every gear change. I've always thought TU maintenance was slacking, this kinda thing is why.

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