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Posts posted by MHV9218

  1. So I spent the past few hours trying to get OpenBVE to run on my Mac. That was a miserable and painful experience. The most I got was one route before that died and all the other routes showed up as blackness. For the minute that it worked, Error's R46 and the the system looked good...before it all went down. Back to MSTS it is.

  2. Now that's a surprise, over at TU it's a sad story. No power and no acceleration, awful ride, nothing. The 5520-5560s are some of the slowest buses I've ridden, always have been. Even Quill's buses run pretty slowly, and the WF buses are no better. I could be biased cause I'm used to dealing with TU where even the older D60s are disasters, but the 1000s always treated me better. Even 1107 at the very end, bus flew, same with 5355 and the oldest 1999s. Maybe it just has to do with the environment, I'd think KB buses get beaten to death though.

  3. Not really...they all weight about 65,000lbs



    Makes sense, they just ride and accelerate so much differently.




    1: Who knows? They'll get what's available...


    2. Why would they be heavier?



    Oh, I was thinking potentially due to the EGR engines, the insulation, etc. But I guess not.




    Saw 5056 earlier today, they overhauled that bus but didn't renumber the roof. Seems strange, has no numbers on top (like 6700).

  4. Random Thought #1: Wonder if the Bronx will have still have O5s to send to MCH by the time it opens...buses should be around 14-15 years old, and it wouldn't be the first time a new depot got an old fleet (West Side got ancient RTSes).


    Random Thought #2: Do the 2002-2003 D60HFs weigh significantly more than the 1996-1997 and even 1998-1999 D60HFs? It's always the feeling that I get while riding on those buses.

  5. Being on a crushloaded M14 (A/D or 8th avenue one) ISN'T fun either. I rode the line for 10 years before I moved to SE Queens in April. M14D was my old home line. I like the LFS Artics though :D



    Those LFSAs, I have to admit, are better for packed buses. Low-floor buses give you more standing room where the steps used to be; I was on 5819 packed to the brim so a bunch of us just stood a few inches from the front door, you never used to be able to do that on a D60. I'm not a fan of the 5500-5600s anyway, the best Quill D60s were the 1000s and it was all downhill from there. [The 5700s weren't awful when new though.]

  6. ^ I gotta take a look at those vids some time, looks interesting. The old M11!




    Just wanna make my plea to Joe Lhota, please make every bus like 9494. One of the best buses I've ever ridden. Fantastic ride, tons of power, ice cold A/C, and a ridiculous whine. Hard to believe that bus is 15 years old, runs better than some new buses (like 4565, which broke down on my B62).

  7. 5810 isn't a West Farms loaner (that bus is permanently assigned to KB now)---are you saying that some of the 5900s for WF are at KB? (5938 displaced 5810.)



    Nah, this was a couple months ago, I remember they had a few swaps to KB and for some reason they slapped stickers on all the buses they got.


    I don't think these are loaners. ENY is getting 9414 and 9203, just to name afew. What sense would it make to loan buses to GA and then have to take some buses away from another depot in another division (from FB to UP, from ENY to GA, then from Jamaica to East New York)?

    But I will remain hopeful that this is not just a tweek, but a real move in the right direction.



    I really think it's just plugging the shortages wherever they are, be it due to overhauls, service needs, or repairs.

  8. 9690 & 9686 = best 9600 RTS ever!


    Had 9686 last night, and the bitch moves, even with a load onboard. Now I'm mostly an NG man, but I would take this bus over an NG any day.


    Shocking? Yeah, I know.



    Ever gotten your hands on 9674? That bus has got power power and more power, least when it was on the 41 the other day.

  9. I'm a big fan of ENY's sticker tbh, I like that orange. Least favorite is between Gun Hill and Ulmer, favorites would have to be Fresh Pond and Quill (union man!). Don't really mind the FP RTS, though for some reason I always used to think that sticker was an open book, not a bus. Don't know why.

  10. But the real question is do you have any GMC RTS badges, those old red ones?


    I'm lacking here in the bus material, got a few subway things but the only bus thing I've got is an "EXACT FARE $1.50 or one token" sticker which a friend of mine out of West Side gave to me when that actually was the fare.

  11. oohh thats a guide a ride?? i thought all bus stops have those i see them all over in staten island...and in bay ridge coney island...sheepshead



    SI is all NYCT, and those neighborhoods are served by NYCT as well. NYCT has those almost everywhere. It's MTA Bus that doesn't have many of them (that's why the B103 is an exception) and a few of the more neglected NYCT stops like on the M8.

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