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Posts posted by MHV9218

  1. There'll be a whole new batch of 400s coming in soon too...


    Man does LGA have a ton of 1996s registered to the depot: 8756, 8764, 8768, 8798, 8803, 8806, 8810, 8838, 8844, 8849, 8852, 8855, 8860, 8862, 8864, 8867, 8872, 8881, 8885, 8889, 8907, 8913, 8920-8921, 8928, 8932, 8936, 8939, 8945, 8955-8956, 8966, 8987, 9002, 9005, 9009, 9014, 9019, 9022, 9027, 9079, 9085, 9094, 9098, 9107, 9132, 9139, 9167, 9174, 9188, 9191-9192, 9212, 9215, 9259, 9265, 9291, 9302, 9307-9308, 9310, 9317, 9321, 9333, 9338, 9340, 9348-9349


    That's 68 buses! Granted about 8 of them are in the shops / at Zerega, but that's a good chunk of RTSes.


    7266, 9859, and 9884 oos.


    ?? 9575 assigned to FB?

  2. 428 at Gleason now , just pulled in off the 16 .



    All of the 400s through 429 are registered at Gleason.




    I'm seeing that the RTSes left at ECH are 8934, 8938, 8941-8944, 8948, 8964, 8967, 8991, 9034, 9126, and 9248. The remainder have been sent to LGA while 8750 and 8963 are OOS.


    ECH's O5s are as follows: 6005, 6008, 6010, 6012-6014, 6017, 6019-6020, 6023, 6027-6028 from what I'm seeing. Contrary to what I've seen here, 6029-6038 are registered at KB but that may be changing soon / now.


    Speaking of O5s, the six 1996s at CS are 639-640, 644, 647, 655, and 662.

  3. 8764,8806, 8862 & 8933 are at Zerega in the overhaul program. I delivered 8933 to Zerega for overhaul Tuesday afternoon.



    Overhauls? That's a surprise, 8764 is getting on for 17 years old and the others aren't far off. I thought overhauls stopped after 12-13 years...I guess they're registered to LGA since they're slotted to be there for return.

  4. Reading now that all of WF's O5 CNGs have been taken out of service, not sure if they've been shipped off to Eastchester or if they're in the storage lot, maybe somebody can check on this. They're not operating in any case.


    Walked around Tuskegee today, unfortunately the XD60 is long gone from there, but my real observation was that that's a depot that looks short. No buses were available to be taken out (only three-four were in the depot, all being worked on) and a couple ops were waiting for buses.


    7626-7628 appear to have also made the journey to the Farms.


    KB is bleeding a few D60s: 5263, 5276, 5286, 5289, 5294, 5297, 5299 and 5307 all listed as OOS.


    8764, 8806, 8860, 8862, 8864 all listed as LGA buses (I know some of those have been reported, just thought I'd put it all together). 8933 is gone.


    Weirdest of all which I'm going to try to personally got out and check, hearing that 8796 is an ENY bus. Another stumper: 9112 is enabled for BusTime.

  5. I don't get these moves at all, but i knew the NG's were gonna go to ENY, ive said that 2 years ago, what I think what they are gonna wind up doing is giving all the 96 Nova's to MTA bus by the end of this year, most of them would go to LGA first to replace thier Bee-Line orion V's, BP has a chance of getting some RTS back as well, meaning Jamaica depot would ether get More NG's,RTS or get the OG's from CS or QV, ive seen OG's from QV being Maintained (mostlikely trainned) in jamaica depot numerous times so it wouldn't be a big shock, or even Orion V's (orion V's were at Jamaica depot before, Ive seen it for myself, They just never used them (they got sent back) , I know CS is gonna get more Artics in the fall because the MTA wants the Q44 100% Artics in the fall, and i know CS is not gonna give up most of its Orion V's so Jamaica might see something wierd as well as QV


    don't know what's going on ... 4596 & 4220 are loaners . Eny is lending their buses to up/ga . Ulmer park still has 5039 & 40 , 5007 too but that one is out they're doing a lot of work on it .


    Kinda figuerd they were loaners, but ill be out there looking to get shots of these



    I wouldn't think too hard about it...chances are good these are just a few minor bus moves amongst various depots while the NGs are sent out due to the recall. One depot needs a bus here, another needs a bus there, etc. Doubt there's anything major going on here, but I'm happy to be proven wrong.

  6. The left side of my chest has been hurting a little. Out of curiosity, I looked up the symptons for a heart attack, and it said that that's one of the symptoms. The thing is that it's happened before, and it looks like it's the only symptom I have, so I doubt it's anything (especially since most men don't get heart attacks until the age of 40, and I'm 17). I mean, I'm young and healthy (but then again, that's what they all say). It's still kind of scary, though.




  7. On the contrary, the first two stops garnered a LOT of riders! The M9 was the supplement of the M14A at the time.



    Yep, I used to get that bus from there a whole lot and occasionally I'd even take the M9 instead of the M14 if I had a transfer along 14th. Union Square was not an awful place for the bus, I think Bellevue should be served by the M34.

  8. Ps...as the train was passing by 5 pointz, I saw a lot with TA MCI's parked in it. I couldnt see numbers because it was too far away but the entrance to the lot is right on the same street as 5 pointz?? Anybody know what depot this lot belongs to?? (I'm not very familiar with queens depots if you can't tell)



    It's a QV lot like mentioned, used for the X63, X64, and X68.



  9. Was on the F wondering if the R42s were still running on the A, knowing I'd transfer at Jay St Metrotech. Figured there was no chance, and if there was, I'd miss it. Sure enough, F pulls into JSM and there's an R42 A sitting there...which pulls away right as I get there. Oh well.

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