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Posts posted by MHV9218

  1. Nicely NG-free day today. 9487 (all the way in Brooklyn for the shuttle), 9687, 4837, and 979. 4837 is the first Xcelsior I've been on, and I definitely see why people like these things so much. Really good bus, amazing ride for a low floor, moved along too. As for 979, well, it's had a long life...

  2. LOL... Well now... I guess I'm not the only one that thinks that some guys out of Manhattanville especially are pricks... ;) I would say that the two depots with some of the cockiest drivers I've seen around have to be Yonkers and Manhattanville. I don't know what crawled up some of these guys' ***** but man are they miserable and rude. They make it bad for the nice drivers out of those depots.


    On a side note, the M2 has been HORRIBLE of late. I see fewer and fewer of them running and it seems like there are more M1s and M3s. I don't why in the world you would wait 45 minutes for an M2, especially when they're not much faster if at all than their local counterparts. Sad but true and that's probably one reason the (MTA) cut back service on the M2 because with them running like crap, many people just jump on the local buses now which seem to be more reliable for some reason.



    It's a mixed bag like always, some of the chillest ops I know are up at Mannyville, but some of these guys like the one today are idiots. Awful.


    I don't know what the story is either, it's driving me nuts. For me, I'll wait up to 25 minutes for an M2 since I get on far enough back that it'll still overtake any locals at that point, but it keeps happening that I wait 25 minutes and then the next bus isn't for another 20. This was ridiculous, second time in two weeks that I've waited 45-50 minutes for an M2. I don't blame the ops since there's nothing they can do -- this one's on the dispatchers and supervisors, cause that's insanely bad service.

  3. I saw 3893 on the M42


    Odd, wonder if Quill will get the 126 NGs.




    Like to give a shoutout to the as$hat on the M2 today who literally slammed the door on me. I usually take the op's side, but this guy was just a prick. I waited 40 minutes for a bus (three runs were missing) and finally a bus shows up with a crowd of people on if. The bus is about half-full, and he stops and takes a while at the stop, all these people on the bus. Sign says next bus please, but I'm a regular and he gestures to me to get on. I walk up, glad the 45 minute wait is over, and he shuts the door as I'm in the doorway (which both broke part of the door and got me nice and hard on the shoulder). I'm not the kinda guy who complains about this stuff (I'm sitting on his run number here), but I'm not alright with waiting there like an idiot while three runs are no-shows and then get a door slammed on me cause this guy felt like playing games. Prick.

  4. My 6 train this morning (it was a set in the 7490s), the in-car screen (the one that usually shows the next stop / time) just read out LEXINGTON AV LCL / PELHAM LCL / PELHAM BAY PARK. No next stop, time, "this is" or any of that. What's the story with that? Is that an old version of the programming or a glitch?

  5. Here's my new address for anyone who wants to know...




    I have a little cot on the service road by the Henry Hudson Parkway. LOL



    Lol at the random dude flipping off the camera, now that's how you make your hood look good on Street View!


    Lol I was just reading that earlier in the paper. At least they had some fun.


    ...sure as hell beats Central Park


    ...oops lol



    Now I know who to hold responsible for ruining my childhood...110th St., park: 'Ma, look, a balloon!' 'DON'T TOUCH THAT'

  6. Man, real scene outside the 40/40 club where Obama and Jay-Z are. All the traffic got shut off (my bus sat for 15 minutes), the sanitation orange salt trucks are barricading the street, NYPD has a thousand police cars with some police school buses and a police RTS, lots of Secret Service, everything. Not to mention the rain's so thick you can't see more than three feet.

  7. Where do you see so many RTS's at??



    Same place everyone else does? 5223 was running on the M42 today, if that's what you're asking.


    So I just got off of Nova LFS 8027 on the s52......it sounded like it was using a Voith.....can someone check that out....at firs I was thinking that's how the zf was but now I'm. Thinking its a Voith



    I'll bet on no.

  8. 47 minutes for an M2?? That bus is getting worse and worse... I'm really annoyed that they cut it back to every 15 minutes too... Why did you even bother to wait? I find that the local buses can be just as fast as the limited. <_< Sad but true.



    Tell me about it, that was the last bus that deserved more service cuts. They restore M1 service and cut the M2? Just crazy. After I'd waited about 20 minutes I would've taken a local, but it took another 25 until any bus at all showed up, there was just nothing (just by luck that the next bus that showed was an M2, but by that point it was a lost cause).

  9. This is one of the most hilarious posts I have ever read. :lol::lol:



    Lol, glad to hear it!


    :lol: So true!



    Random thought:

    Took the M15SBS from Whole Foods to 50th and got off and was greeted by one of those ticket folks. I was surprised... It was a lady and she told us to have our tickets ready as we exited and she checked mine and took it. It looked like she had something though on her side. She was dressed in blue... They don't carry guns so what do they carry on their side??? :huh:



    You don't think it was just a radio or something like that?




    New record for a bus wait today. By 106th waiting for the M2 to 8th, right, it took 47 minutes for a bus. That's not alright.

  10. Hold on, fact or fiction?



    Nah man you got it all wrong, you have to understand all the foamers out there. See, buses are pretty good practice for women.


    You spend your life throwing money at them if you want to get on, some of them are ugly as sin, they're a royal pain to keep track of where they're at, and once a month or so they both go out of service.

  11. I have slain many a dragon in my time, but the battle last night proved to be a one to remember. Took 4 years to defeat, but surely it was worth it


    (kudos if you caught on, had to sugarcoat it for the children lol)



    Glad to hear NYCTF has so many Dungeons and Dragons fans!


    Where my kudos at?


    Oh, not those dragons...

  12. ^ Shouldn't be happening with grown women though!


    Tough break.... at least you didn't get some punk rocker chick w/ multi-colored hair that came from the middle of bus to the back of the bus (I was the only person back there at the time) to ask if the B62 goes down bedford (this was a downtown bound bus, so the answer was no, which I said..... then told her she had to get off & walk a block over [she wanted grand/bedford])... You don't know how sick I am of people asking me for directions.....


    I don't ever see any hot chicks on that bus.... of the ones that look to be around my age range, it's either the (corny, hipster) types, the drunkard types (that chick I'm talkin about above reeked of booze btw), or the gutterbunnies (aka hoodrats) further on down the line.....


    Swear to god, nobody knows where they're going in this city. I can deal with tourists in the city but you get people who were just too lazy to find out where they were going, that's their own problem. I still answer but just amazes me every time, people fine with spending money to go somewhere without even knowing where the bus/train they walked into is going.


    This time I was on the bus for the whole ride from LIC to Fulton so I got the whole crowd, you got the map of chicks down pat. The LIC/Greenpoint crowd's always closest to normal, Williamsburg the hipster stuff just seems silly, Park through Gold St. all I think of looking at some of the women getting on is this old Chris Rock routine about black vs. white pornstars, black pornstar got like a gunshot wound in their butt, let's just say it wouldn't be outta place with some of the types. This girl was an anomaly, not hipster or hood or any of that...but criminally stupid. Always something.

  13. I've been seeing O5s all over the M100 recently, that's good news to me. Those CS buses were pretty well-maintained coming in, looks like KB has been taking care of them too. Also been seeing a lot more LFSAs on the 100, but I guess with the recent ex-WF buses coming in there isn't as much of a push to keep LFSAs on the 9.

  14. 8756,64,98,8806&10 At ENY CMF for prep to go to QV 8803 upon completion of program. All moved as a task force bus move last night. 3279,80,81 to LGA for fall pick deployment. More RTS moves to come from ECH as part of this deployment. Hold on to yor Hats! Get it Thehat, hats! I know pretty lame, but I did a 15-hour shift on these 138,8756,64,98,8806&10 along with other vendor moves and very, very beat. I also have the final fall 2012 deployment and my work is cut out for me.



    Good for you that you can handle the work but it's pretty surprising the MTA doesn't have more shifters to avoid that kind of 15, 16 hour day. I guess the story is that ECH RTSes head to LGA, LGA's oldest get rehabbed and go to QV, and the BLs get replaced by ex-NYCT RTSes from around the system?

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