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Everything posted by Mysterious2train

  1. LOL! That station needs a rehab from the ceiling down.
  2. Yesterday... on a terminating at Prospect Park.... I saw R160 #9001. With a mustache.
  3. Going home yesterday I made an nice find I was on the , riding R142 6956. It's a set from the line. One of the two strip maps in the car had an old strip map... from 2000! Yes, this strip maps looks to have never been updated! Just for the record, the other strip map was up to date. Any way, if you ever's on set 6956 - 6960, go to 6956! Anyway, the strip map had the diamond (Mx)and and the (Q6Av) and everything! And no or in sight! Wish I could've snapped a pic...
  4. This weekend, Woodlawn-bound trains are running local from Utica Ave to Atlantic Ave. Oh, you guys should've seen the construction at Franklin Ave on the Manhattan-bound express track. Dust, sparks everywhere. Noise. Shit got real Naturally, Utica Ave-bound trains on the express track had to proceed slowly. I was on the , aiming to experience that kick-ass entrance into Franklin... and I totally forgot about the construction and slow order. FML! Kidding. Does anybody else think of how cool the subway can be? How it can unify people? Look at 6th Ave. You've got people going to the Bronx across the platform from people going out to the very end of Queens; People from far away homes right next to each other. Think about all the potential kinship and friendships! But most people don't even consider such things...
  5. DOUBLE POSTING! At least I didn't put it in one big post. Wednesday/Yesterday: Going to school, I took the that comes 12 minutes after the one I usually take. My T/O was a real speed demon around that curve after Nevins St, so that was cool. I had to run at Fulton St for the [At Fulton St, coming from the you end up at the very front of the uptown side whereas the exit at 145th St is close to the back, so I like to walk to the back.] Good thing too, because I narrowly avoided waiting another 7-8 minutes for the after that. Going home was kind of OK. I take the from 96th to Franklin. The arrives a few minutes later, and since there was no train ahead of it, it comes charging into Franklin Ave (seriously, go there and see for yourself!) But the holding lights go on:tdown: Eh, it was crowded anyway. Not too long after, the comes. It's also crowded. It leaves Franklin as the is still sitting there. My skips Sterling and Winthrop. Naturally, once we get to Church, it's announced we're skipping Beverly and Newkirk, and I get off. As I get off, I see my ex-girlfriend looking in my direction (I literally did not notice her until I was getting off the train. I know, I fail at life.) Ultimately, I get on the same train from before. But right behind that there was ANOTHER train... ugh.... I wait a good few minutes for a Flatbush-bound train and then three show up in quick succession.... Also, I saw R142s 7006-7010..... coupled to 7040-7036 leading the train Southbound. And that particular train was going to Utica. So extra burn points..... Thursday/Today's commute was pretty average. Also sometimes at 59th St Columbus Circle an uptown train will be held in the station while a comes in on the local track, leaves, and switches to the express track. Interesting. Considering it's only a handful of stops from 207th St, you might think that downtowns trains at 145th wouldn't be all that crowded. WRONG. In the morning and in the afternoon. Hell, all day long sometimes. Even more suprising given that people are packing the trains at 7:15 and even earlier in the morning!
  6. Commutes: LONG POST O_o Monday: Pretty awesome. I go take the with my friends, get off at Fulton St for the and I get to the platform earlier then I would taking the to the , and this is even after my train got delayed a couple of times. I missed a train. A few minutes later, the comes, I get off at Nevins for the , and at Franklin I end up catching another train, presumably the one I missed before. But I had no idea how the caught up to that first train; I missed it by some 5 minutes or more at Fulton St. Anyway, I got home a few minutes early. Tuesday Going to school, awesome, because my made it from Beverly Rd to 96th St in only 40 minutes, but my commute home was incredibly DERPY, probably to make up for my good commutes from before. On the at 110th St, the loudspeakers say and service were supsended because of a stalled train at Chambers St. By the time I get to 96th however, the trains are running again with dealys. That last part really rung true; I mean the completely and utterly dragged, totally a snail's pace. Let me put that in perspective: A train actually beat us 96th to Chambers St. THE BEAT THE FROM 96TH TO CHAMBERS. Derp. At Nevins, the countdown clock says another Brooklyn-bound train is arriving.... with the arrow pointing towards the express track. Is it.... Yes! It is! A comes in, having run via Lexington. I, like a fool, get on the train on the express track while the first leaves. A train that was right behind my original train comes in and leaves.... BUT, the train stops still partially in the station. Turns out the I'm on right now (sitting in Nevins St on the express track for a few minutes) is being switched to the local track At Atlantic Ave. I thought this was funny, the , , all being delayed at once so that my could move to the local track when it could have easily zipped through on the express track, as there were no trains ahead of us. Plus the irony of two trains in a row even though there's a fairly crowded train already in the tunnel waiting to go. Ultimately, I only got home 17 minutes later. It doesn't sound like much, but when your train is not being delayed for 17 minutes but rather constantly on the move and the delay is spread out along the journey... it certainly feels different.
  7. Riding the to school most days of the week.... the R46's are nice, but I wouldn't mind seeing something else, like R32s. That's why I'm anticipating the G.O. where the runs express in one direction. But my schoolmates who take the from Queens over to the ( and probably won't be happy, since both would run local. Also, weekday mornings around 7:10-ish, I've seen a Brooklyn-bound train coming from the track and entering service at 96th St. They're layed up on the express track between 103rd St and 110th St. It's a nice idea. But I think the MTA might as well start those trains from 137th St to serve some passengers. But like I said, it's a start And it seems like different train operators gun at different speeds. For example, one T/O and just likes to speed through Rogers Junction while most don't. Another one likes to swing thorugh the curve after Nevins St, and some just seem to lag. But service in the afternoon can be so erratic. Ugh.
  8. On the newer buses (i.e. the Orion VIIs and the Novabus LFSAs) there are announcements when the doors open and close. I know when the doors close the announcement is "Doors Closing", but for whatever reason I can't really make out the announcement when the doors are opening. Does anyone know what it is?
  9. Don't worry, it doesn't end until April 10th. The disconnect between America and England is weird. In England, the Liberty Pass event is March 4th -> April 22nd, but in America it's March 6th -> April 10th only. I want to get an Axew especially. And I'm all set to get Zorua and Zoroark.
  10. I'm probably gonna pick Tepig. I thought I'd already have the games (I'm gonna get White, but I may get both), but fate is a harsh mistress
  11. It's supposed to be Yin/Yang dude. The fact that this is the first game to feature actual black people (the region these games are set in is actually based on NYC!) is irrelevant.
  12. Ladies and gentleman, it's been a long struggle, but March 6th is here today and.... Pokémon Black and White are finally out here in America!
  13. My father commonly talks to me about the... less favorable parts of our government. Consider it read.
  14. If you count the three different branches. But since a single trip can obviously only go on one branch at a time, a train has more stops than the .
  15. In terms of number of stops made, I think the is the longest.
  16. The games always come out in Japan first, since, ya know, that's where the franchise comes from. In fact, the games came out in Japan back in September. And for the record this is actually the first time Europe is getting the games before us, usually they have to wait months after the American release to get them. So there ya go
  17. Pokemon Black and White's Amercian release! (Next Sunday, March 6th) In Europe, the games are getting released two days earlier (March 4th) You know what the worst part is? Junichi Masuda, the director of the games, and Ken Sugimori, the guy who draws the cool artwork for every single Pokemon, are going to London on March 4th to meet fans when the games come out! NOT FAIR! :mad:
  18. 11 DAYS LEFT people! Or you life in England, 9 DAYS LEFT!
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