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Everything posted by Mysterious2train

  1. IAWTP. Maybe, Maybe I could understand the staying at 8 cars if it would mean more service. But I think it's fairly clear the has little desire to increase service, because that would mean more $$ for crews. If you give the 10 car trains but keep headaways the same, that's not a problem and at least there's more capacity. Yes, the could decrease service with full-length trains, but I think full-length trains with current headaways is the best deal. Ideally, the could have full-length trains and more service, but beggars can't be choosers.
  2. There was a stalled Utica Av-bound train at Atlantic this PM Rush, so and were turning at Bowling Green and even Brooklyn Bridge. I think a train or two from Livionia or Unionport was used to fill in the gap; when I got to the IRT platform from the a completely empty to Flatbush pulled up on the local track (The stalled train was still on the express teack)
  3. There's a recently-added grade timer signal right outside Borough Hall approaching Northbound. I guess it was added during the Fastrack back in January.
  4. It's from Scott's Transit Playground ---> http://boerumhillscott.com/transit/index.php It contains stop-by-stop schedules for all the subways, plus the NYCT Bus Routes (but not MTA Bus Co.) and a few other services as of April 2011. It's basically just GTFS data converted into an easily readable format. I'm not too familiar with the whole GTFS data thing; you'd be better off asking Amtrak7.

  5. Sedgwick Av wasn't an SBS stop initially but it was added in due to complaints. It was kinda weird how it was the last stop on the local bus but the SBS didn't stop there.
  6. The and switch is one of the more common unplanned service changes. I usually see one every few weeks, and it probably occurs more often than that. I mean, there are so many different scenarios that can necessitate a switch, it's not a big deal.
  7. Wouldn't there be 3 new codes? (Q21 to Arvene, Q21 LTD to Arvene, Q21 LTD to Elmhurst) So the third one would be 214?
  8. Space doesn't really allow for it, but I've always thought that the B6 and B35 (and maybe the B8), should have some runs out of East New York depot. I don't think it's all that unreasonable to say that the Eastern ends of these routes are busier than the Western ends... but the Western ends get more service (in the form of Limited service) earlier in the morning, and later at night, because the depots are closer to their depots. It's just one of those things about life we have to put up with, I guess. I love how Jackie Gleason depot has half the bus routes in Brooklyn right now (Note: I am not familiar with the space limits of each depot and the number of runs needed for each route, so the following isn't really realistic) The Q8 should have some runs out of Spring Creek too. Crazy thought, but... I think the Q9 should have some Baisley Park runs. And some Q111 runs out of JFK. I know, different unions and blah blah blah, but moving some runs could really provide some positive results in terms of deadhead mileage. For the Q9, the deadhead from Baisley Park to its terminal in South Jamaica is shorter than from JFK, and takes around the same time (taking into account faster speed on the highway) Baisley Park is also closer to the Jamaica terminal, for PM Rush Hour. For the Q111, JFK depot is farther from Jamaica but closer to Rosedale. Right now, there are short-turns to Guy R Brewer Blvd and Farmers Blvd and they would have a quick deadhead to JFK Depot. This isn't as important, but I've thought too the Q113 should have some runs out of Far Rockaway, because the deadhead from that depot to the terminal at Beach 20th Street is shorter than all the way from BP. Plus the fact that the Q53 has already called dibs on Far Rockaway depot, lol So to summarize the ideas thus far, if space allows.... Q9: Split between Baisley Park and JFK Q111: Split between Baisley Park and JFK Q113: Split between Baisley Park and Far Rockaway The Q8 and Q53 ideas, have been floating around forever. (Not split evenly) This post brought to you by the ancient art of Google Maps-Fu
  9. Do it! There's a method to the (MTA)'s madness, but some of choices of which bus goes to which depot has always puzzled me a bit.
  10. This arrangement isn't a bad idea at all. You can have M60 trips starting at the which a good place to start for people coming off the train. I had an odd trip home from Bay Plaza the other day. I get on the Bx12 SBS at the Bay Plaza Rd stop (the 2nd stop to Manhattan) and one of the row of seats near the front of the bus is pulled up even though there's not actually any wheelchair passengers on board (A lady, not transit-related or anything, just pulls it down later on) The B/O skips the Bartow Mall stop without explanation. But it gets better. We're sitting at a red light just beyond the stop. A bunch of people run up to the bus and knock on the door and the B/O ignores them. This whole time, the light is still red. She completely blows past the stop on Edson Av, again without explanation even though people are waiting there. At Pelham Bay Park, she was talking to some dispatcher guy like normal so I have no idea what went on. I guess she was ordered to skip the stop or something. It didn't really save any time, though. On the train, we were sent down the line for some reason; from what I heard it was a gap problem at 14th St-Union Square. Ironically, we spent the better part of 10 minutes stuck in the tube between 149th St and 135th St, and to make up for it we went non-stop from 135th St to 96th St. At Nevins St, another train showed up next to us on the express track, so I guess the problem was fixed. We stayed on the local track, and went express from Atlantic and Franklin. I have to give my T/O props, he was a real speed demon, we caught up with the other at Franklin although if it got delayed, that would help) and the other train went first in the end. At first, the and being re-routed up each others lines was something I found incredibly cool, but now it's just "Eh, it happens."
  11. Gorgor and I use a program called Inkscape, but I believe he uses Adobe Illustrator. Generally we use blank versions of the bus maps to draw our routes; we have blanked busmaps for all 5 boroughs, but not Nassau or anywhere else.
  12. Oh yeah. What I always found funny about that is that, if you're going to Nereid Av or somewhere else on Upper WPR on the , the strip map basically says you're somehow going to Dyre Av first.
  13. Even though I'm just re-hashing the book I wrote in response to your post... The Q21 was not needed in Rockaway Park... it might not have been 'broken', but I can't say the Q21 was living up to its potential being massively overshadowed by the Q53 in Rockaway Park. At first glance the Q21 doesn't seem like a route that needs a Limited at all but it's more than justifiable.
  14. You're always late (Well, it's less than a week old, so I'll let you slide this time) See here.
  15. Exactly. There are a lot of Reverse-peak trains mis-labeled as trains and he wants to know why that happens. I've always wondered that myself.
  16. Why do some conductors leave the strip maps on on swapped and trains? It only aggravates confusion....
  17. Nowhere near complete, but here's the first part of the Brooklyn Collaboration Map! Here are the routes: B50 and B53 - Created by ThrexxBus B22 and B28 - Created by Me (The B22 is loosely based off Brooklyn Bus' B19 idea) I guess and Threxx Bus and I could have collaborated better, our routes have could be considered redundant in a few places! I will add in Coneyislandav7's routes and anybody else's fantasy routes. But I have finals soon, so yeah.
  18. I busfanned the M5. No, I'm not suicidal. Stick with me here. I didn't travel the whole route; I got on at 140th St. The trip to South Ferry was scheduled to take an even 90 minutes, but it actually took 100 minutes instead. We were stuck at an intersection (Broadway and Broome St) for a good 2-3 minutes because of all the traffic on Broome St. I thought the B/O was a bit of a slowpoke, but traffic is to blame here. After 5th Av & 58th St, I remember the bus being fairly empty. I don't think there was ever more than 10 people (15 max) on the bus. And all of this (minus traffic) can be traced to last yea.... uh... 2010's service cuts
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