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N6 Limited

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Posts posted by N6 Limited

  1. Ugh. I hate when that happens. I remember once a bus flagged me with plenty of room to spare (the front wasn't even filled). So I chase after the bus and the next light is red, and then when it turns green it pulls into the stop, and by that time I'm able to catch up. So I don't think the B/O is going to hold the front door (considering he flagged me for no reason), so I go in the back. The B/O then shouts out "To the kid who came in the back, come in through the front". So I run up there as fast as I can and the B/O has the nerve to say "What's the problem?" I shout out "The problem is you just passed me!", and then he says "Oh, well there was another bus behind me" (like I was supposed to know, especially considering the fact that I didn't even see the bus behind us while this whole thing was going on). And then he says "Welcome to the real word". And I'm shaking my head thinking "In the real world, you would've flagged a passenger because the bus was 100% full and then they would've come up to you and beat you to a pulp". If you want to talk about the "real world". SMH.



    The real world lol. Someone didn't feel like being at work that day.

  2. While at the Rosa Parks Hempstead Transit Center, I was taking pics of buses. As I reviewed them, a security guard asked if I was taking pictures inside. When I said, "Yes? What's the matter?", he told me that it's illegal to take pictures inside the terminal because the third-party owners disallowed it sometime ago. But he did say I could take pictures outside the facility, which I did.


    Once I finished taking pictures, I noticed the Hempstead Transit Center guidelines posted on the back outside wall (by the doors, the side closest to the station); and I've seen those regulations many times before. There were plenty of regulations, but nothing about not being allowed to take photographs in the facility, and I've been there about a dozen times. Is photography illegal in the Rosa Parks Transit Center?


    I don't even know why they care, the terminal is a POS anyway. They should be concerned about those nasty bathrooms.
  3. 24 is the best 15 mins enough time to make a transfer if you really are trying to catch the 79 take the 73 first because they interline. Today I found out the step up fee is still 75 cents from SCT to N79 which I think is stupid because now SCT is 2 and so it should be 25 cents for NICE.


    I wonder how that works, you give NICE the transfer and 75 cents?


    That was you. I was on that same bus and yes, that bus was packed.



    Yeah, it was so packed I was able to walk right up the stairs from the back door. People like bunching up in the isles for some reason. I was all prepared to say "Thank You" until that driver kept the front door closed. Then I got pissed. And he had to nerve to worry about me dipping my MetroCard? Really!?


    The same thing happened a few years ago, I was waiting at Franklin Ave after work on my way home, the driver passes the bus stop to just in front of Taco Bell to let people off, ran behind the bus, and caught the back door and hopped on. At least 5 people got off the bus. The driver then says I have to pay. WHAT?! REALLY!? You should have STOPPED AT THE BUS STOP instead of playing games. I had an unlimited metrocard anyway it really made no difference. He saw me all of the time. So I went up and dipped my card, SURPRISE!!! A premium TransitChek Metrocard,(at that time) Happy now? SMH.


    A N4 driver used to play that game too. Central Ave, N4 to Freeport. Instead of stopping at the bus stop, they stopped in front of Enterprise to let people off. So if 4 people just got off the bus, you could have let 4 people on, stop the games. I'd go right to the bus and step through the back door. You have a problem with it, you should have stopped at the bus stop. You will collect my fare when there is a path for me to get to the farebox. NOT to mention, that the next stop is Fletcher Ave and quite a few school kids alight to go to Valley Stream Middle and High Schools. There is no excuse, do your job.


    I have NO problem paying for the bus, but to pass bus stops and keep the door closed and all of that and THEN have the nerve to act offended as if I just walked passed the fare box? You gotta be kidding me!


    And this comes down to transit advocates saying "yeah, you drive you should pay more, people should use mass transit, get out of their cars, etc" please STFU. Virtually every time I decide to use mass transit, the bus is bunched, late, crowded, and/or flags the stop, etc. And that can be accompanied by subway issues as well.


    Hell, a few months ago I dropped my car off to get some maintenance done, I head home because I forgot my coupon at home, I go right back to the bus stop, I get flagged by 3 buses, on a rainy afternoon. waited at least 30 mins, during rush hour. The N6 brings out my bad side.

  4. N4 buses still have overcrowding issues, almost every N4 trips, no seats even during MTA days.

    I could Imagine, I used to take the N4 to work sometimes. I had to "Choose my poison" and make the decision whether to use the N6 or the N4 in combination with another route.


    I don't mind if there are no seats, I just want to be able to get on the bus. I also took the N4 yesterday. It was a little late, but they're doing construction on Merrick Road by the Ballys.

    N79 is rapidly losing ridership I think during midday because people are resorting to cabs instead.

    But isn't still on its 1 hour headways? Why is it losing ridership?

    1) It might not be too bad if it's on a Saturday. At least it's better than being flagged by 4 or 5 buses (you must've waited a good hour for the bus before you could get on)


    2) I don't always 100% trust the drivers to wait, though. I mean, I've seen once or twice when the guy dipped the MetroCard and said "I'll come in the back", and the B/O said that if the doors close and he's not on board, that was his problem (luckily, some other passengers held the door for him, so he could get on)


    If it's that much of an issue, I'll just wait until the bus gets to a major drop-off point and dip there.

    No seats doesn't equal overcrowding, but yes I could believe that some buses are truly overcrowded.

    1)Well technically I got flagged by 1 bus, The bus that passed while I was walking to the bus stop flagged the people already waiting there, Then a bus flagged the stop while I was there, and the bus I boarded would have flagged us if the lady didn't get off. I waited about 35 mins.


    2)LOL@ not his problem. Nice Customer service there. I didn't trust the driver , and so I asked the woman to hold the door for me.

    And right, I told him I'd dip my card at the subway, I would have gone up before hand if it was ok, but people basically clogged the path until the subway. I mean, I get a free transfer anyway.


    Yeah some routes truly get overcrowded, where all seats are taken and there is hardly any room for anyone else to board. But all seats taken in itself does not mean overcrowded.

  5. Was the N6 always crowded before the MTA eliminated the N2 and N3's trips to Jamaica Terminal?


    Yes, but this happened on a Saturday.

    By the way, what do they do for people who get on between Main Avenue and Old Country Road. Do they instruct drivers to just let somebody on if they flag down the bus along the diversion? I mean, it has to suck to have to walk to Main Parkway or Old Country Road to catch the bus.


    Hah, that word reminds me of London. Some routes are on diversion because of "road works". And so the displays and announcments say "This bus is on Diversion" lol

    And let me guess. All those buses that flagged you had room in the back. SMH.


    And if there's a ton of people waiting at the stop, unless the bus is absolutely crushloaded (people standing in the back and everything), they should stop and try to fit as many on as possible. Even if there's 20 people at the stop and you only fit 5, that's 5 fewer people that the next bus has to pick up.


    Yes, that's exactly my point lol. Going East though, the buses were filled from front to back.

    In any case, if it were me in that situation, I would've just walked to the city line and caught an MTA bus (assuming you're in the Elmont area)

    True some people do that, the only thing is that it's the last stop and you have to go through all of the pick ups in Queens.



    It's not a matter of sneaking on. It's a matter of being able to fit onto the bus (and it's not "sneaking on" if the B/O knows it's going on).


    I've seen it done plenty of times on the S46 during rush hour. The B/O knows that people have places to be, and half of them have transfers or Student MetroCards, so there's no point in arguing.


    I have no problem with dipping my card first, and going in through the back door.

  6. Better complain to NICE about that. Why are buses flagging your stop when there's room to board? Of course you may just be better off walking to the city line and catching an (MTA) bus there, since NICE has made the n6 impossible to use.


    I definitely complained. There are a few issues. One is that are that there are people by the white line, and so if there is room for one or two people near the driver and there are 6 people at the bus stop, the driver keeps going, Even if there is room by the stairs. I mean, I had acquired a seat, while people were still squished by the driver, it makes no sense!


    The second issue is that there is usually room beyond the rear doorwell/steps. I was able to get on and go right up the steps. They should start using their minds and allow people to dip their card and go through the back door, SBS style. I've been passed by a quite a few buses where I could have easily went through the back door without a problem. It's one thing to have a crowded bus, it's another thing to be flagged consistently, especially when you see that there is room for you on the bus.


    I know how you feel, N6L. When I was on M60 at time when Astoria Line had problem, there was huge group of passengers waiting for bus and some riders sneak in through back door on crowded bus.


    Yep, and it's not that they don't want to pay, it's that they just want to get to their destination and/or don't want to push their way through all the people in the way.


    NICE's biggest problem now seems to be the N6.


    Possibly, if they want their money they need to find a way to improve the route. If you want to reduce frequencies the drivers have to make sure they can get everyone on the bus, make people move back or take the easy route and let people get in the back door. People have places to go and when you leave them at the bus stop, MORE people are then waiting for the next bus, which then passes the bus stop because there are "too many" people waiting.


    Riders going to the racetrack are extra money also. Some go frequently, some go once in a while, pay with a PPR, or cash.

  7. The N6 pissed me off yesterday. I'm trying to get to the city and the drivers kept passing my stop, not to mention that the Kentucky Derby was yesterday and so a lot of people went to the racetrack. The N6 was pretty busy, especially when the races were over. Of course if a driver doesn't pick ANYONE up, then the stop is going to have MORE people for the next bus, which the driver of keeps going because of the amount of people.


    So, a bus pulls up to the stop and the B/O doesn't open the front door. I had enough, I went right to the back door and got on when a lady got off, and so did a few other people waiting. The driver then has an issue that I didn't pay, He focused on me because I yelled up front "I'll pay at the subway" and he's like "no you pay now" and I'm like "Yeah, If you wanted me to pay you should have opened the door, I don't have time for games, I'm not getting passed by 5 buses" He kept telling me to come to the front, and yet the door was still closed. Once he opened it, I had this girl that was at the bus stop hold the back door open for me. I went up front dipped my card and went back to the back door.


    I HAD A FREAKING SEAT before Springfield Blvd! That's what pisses me off, YOU KNOW WE"RE ALMOST IN QUEENS, and that everyone will be alighting the bus, stop the bullshit and pick the passengers up. We don't have all day to be waiting for buses to pass by. Same thing eastbound, stop the bullshit, you know a lot of people get off at Elmont Road.


    NICE better get that N6 under control.

  8. It's not good down there, I really think Veolia didn't think about the n6's service, and honestly I don't think Veolia's employees ever went on the bus before the service changes, the n6L could've been enhanced to serve major stops and transfer points rather than the n6X come in and replace it.


    What? Isn't that what the N6L did in the first place?
  9. And by the way I spoke with a bus operator today who was training someone, he drives the n6 and told me that the situation "could explode at any moment". He said he's been on the n6x and had to drive past HUNDREDS of people waiting at bus stops in Elmont and Franklin Square. And when he's stopped at a light people start yelling and banging on the bus door to get on. But he cant pick them up. Thats gotta be torture.

    I gotta head down there myself and document the chaos. I'm sure eventually those pax will get fed up and discover the LIRR is only a mile or two walk north.


    Please document the chaos, I haven't been able to. Maybe then you can show the LIB Riders Union so they can have something of substance to show. Some of those riders should attempty to back track east to the next Express stop . (Meacham Ave & Westminster Rd). If they can get bypassed by tons of local buses they can certainly backtrack to the next express stop.


    I took a 32 out of Hempstead at at 4:40, there was an n6x waiting to back up while my bus passed by. There were three people in it, not including the B/O, while a line of about 35 people for the local gave collective "What the f--k" looks and gestures. They've even had to label locals just so that people don't get confused.


    Total Fubar this change was. I still don't understand how they thought the majority of riders going to the subway were going to/from Hempstead.
  10. Same here as well. Taking a cab is like asking to be robbed, because that's what cab companies do to people. $20 just to go 5 miles and I'm not kidding! A long time ago, when the 10c screwed me at East Hampton and I needed to get to Amagansett (and there were no e/b trains for 3 hours) I walked the whole way!


    Yes Long Island Cab companies are crazy with their prices. I avoid dabs, unless I'm going to be dropped off at the airport or something.

    They're moving an N1 Stop (Service Alerts Page)




    Seems like they took my advice ;) (And perhaps others also suggested it). Now Riders waiting to go to Jamaica can go to the N6 stop and take either bus. Sometimes there would be a group waiting for the N6 while a N1 with capacity makes a left on to Hempstead Turnpike. The only thing is that, it somewhat sucks for riders connecting to an Eastbound N6. They're really doing it to help relieve the N6 Local. They should have the N1 focus on pickups along Hempstead Turnpike. The need to communicate strategies with B/O's.


    It's like "look, the N6 Local is packed, by the time westbound buses get to Elmont Road it's at flagging capacity. If you're driving an N1 focus on pick-ups. If you're driving a n6 and a n1 is in front or behind you, then only do drop-offs. N1's are on 15-20min headways, so of course you would only want to do that if you've seen an N1 in front or behind you."


    At 169th and 179th they should have a "platform b/o" or someone, suggesting to riders that are getting off at, or before Elmont Road to use the N1.

  11. I'm so glad I don't have to take the n27 anymore, given this BS. I really think those two routes should never have been touched. I honestly have to agree (kinda) with PinePower that the 23 and 27 shouldn't have been changed. I mean, for god sakes, before these changes, I took a 6:45 pm bus on a SATURDAY out of Roosevelt Field to Glen Cove to get the N20 and it was full out of Roosevelt Field. That's insane. I've taken the N23 during the day now after the changes and they're empty. People are even asking to go to Mineola. I'm still confused at who the heck thought of this setup and then who agreed that it would work. I could see so many more people taking the LIRR now.


    Wouldn't it be better for you now? You could take the N23 from the mall straight to the N20 at a point further west.

    If the N23's are empty during the day, then merging the routes provides enough service, no?

    The N23 to Hempstead extension works... but it seems that the rest of it doesn't work at all.

    Does it work because it connects Willis Ave to Roosevelt FIeld and Hempstead, or are those just N27 riders?


    Edit: The NICE site now redirects cellphones to the mobile site.

  12. I couldn't be quiet anymore about just how bad things are, especially on the north shore. The n23/n27 is a disaster. I noticed crush loaded buses heading south this afternoon (Saturday), just as I predicted, standees from front to rear, couldn't pick up everybody by RF. And this was on a V! What's even worse though is that the connections at Roslyn are not waiting. Was stranded in Roslyn as the 6:30pm n27 pulled out just prior to the n23 arrival, a man waiting for the other bus told me. Another guy who was on the n23 and equally as furious told me it happened to him last Saturday as well and he had to wait another hour for the next one. Since I was going to Greenvale I decided to walk the 30 or so minutes which would be quicker, the guy said he'd be taking the LIRR from now on, he'd had enough.

    Also the n27 is not waiting for the passengers coming off the n20 in Greenvale either, and today I saw 20+ passengers waiting by the former gas station (NE corner of 25A+Glen Cove Rd) who had missed their n27 connection.

    I've already been in contact with both NICE customer service and Michael Setzer via email, who told me the connections were supposed to wait. Well they still aren't waiting. Changing the n21,n23,and n27 was a BAD IDEA plain and simple and it needs to be restored, and it can be paid for by trimming back service on the n80,n81 and some other south shore routes that carry air, but Mr.Setzer he ran into "Problems" reducing service anymore on those routes, of course the reason does start with a big fat P... :angry:



    I took the n23/n27 yesterday. I'm not making any excuses, but from my observations the N27 goes in a constant loop and there really isn't a way for the driver to know if the N20 came or not, as of yet. I suppose if there are people waiting at the stop, as there was on my trip, he can assume the N20 came by. Since there is one bus doing the 27 if it waits too long then it causes a chain reaction.


    I was on one of those Southbound SRO trips ,17:31 from Roslyn. I decribed what happened in this post: http://nyctransitfor...32-n23n27-ride/ . We picked up everyone waiting except for one guy because he ran out from a side street at the last moment , don't believe it was a corner stop either. SRO from front to back is typical for the n6 so It was the usual for me. The bus was "relieved" at Hillside Ave a good amount of passengers transfered to the N22. It's really not that bad if it gets like that for a few stops. They have to find a way to get the 23/27/20 b/o's communicating before the end of the year when GPS is supposed to start getting installed on the buses.

    It took NCC students and other riders a few days to catch onto the N43 extension, but every N43 to Hempstead I've seen is SRO.


    I think it was a good Idea, extending the 43 to Hempstead serves the same purpose as the N16 short turns and other riders get to use it as well, it uses existing capacity on the n43.
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