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N6 Limited

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Posts posted by N6 Limited

  1. The reason for the lateness of the n20 isbecause of traffic in queens especially in the narrow Sanford avenues. ..imagine this a double parked car in Sanford ave can really hold up traffic at a extreme level. ..then again when i was waiting for a 120pm n20 bus in flushing it made it at 1:42pm and at touch stared its scheduled run to Hicksville. ..25 minutes behind scheduled and arrived Hicksville at 3:40pm almost one hour behind scheduled



    Based on my experience n20 gets backed up between City Line and Great Neck. I was stuck there for 20 min. Then Queens traffic of course slowed us down furthur. It would have been better if we didn't leave Hicksville Late like always.

    From the both of you two's experiences, Sounds like the split is justified

  2. For those particular people who were already using the bus, there's not much more they can do. (I assume the flyer was put up by actual riders)

    Yes I was basically saying the way to save those routes is to increase ridership, encourage others to use the bus more.


    In what world would legislators put up notices at bus stops telling bus riders to call up the legislators and complain? Hell, the Nassau County legislature just voted to give themselves a pay raise. And you think we're going to save bus service? The last 3 years have had NICE going farther and farther downhill and the constant petty complaints by LIBRU have been no help. N21 bus service has been put back to full-time at the expense of 11 other routes. I hope the clowns at LIBRU are happy. Thank god I don't rely on NICE.

    N21 weekend service has been restored because of the N20G/H split. The routes that were cut were the most expensive/subsidized.


    The ones who are "relieved" that they don't rely on NICE and other variations of that statement, including "NICE is going down the tubes" etc, don't/wouldn't even use the jeopardized routes anyway.


    Also, LIBRU's petty complaints only makes them annoying pests as opposed to a voice to be listened to.

  3. I forgot all about the n15/16 and the n40/41


    The n15 and n16 are very similar in that their routes are segmentated that is n15 Roosevelt field mall-Hempstead. ..Hempstead- Rockville centre and Rockville centre- Long beach. ..the n16 between Roosevelt field- Hempstead. And Hempstead- lynbrook


    Also these two routes are the ONLY routes to run to Hempstead and not terminate there

    N6x, N15, N16, N35, N40/N41

  4. Conspiracy and corruption? Think about why the n80/81 wasn't reduced/eliminated back in April 2012 during the first round of service changes because of a backdoor deal between NICE and the late representative Peter Schmitt (R - Massapequa) who helped Mangano close the deal between Veolia and Nassau County.

    According to Wikipedia Schmitt passed away Oct 2012, why did they wait until now to cut the n80/81?

  5. What was the old N77 I'm seeing on this map from 40 years back?




    The other half of the map is here: http://i58.tinypic.com/hu0p7d.jpg If you don't get how extensive the old N36 was...

    Amazing. Talk about coverage. 


    I believe more people rode the bus in those areas back then than now. It would be incredibly ridiculous to have so much service like that if there weren't riders. 


    The map compared to today looks like a better integrated Nassau bus system, despite the letter designations and the giant loop, as well as some connectivity issues here and there. These bus routes probably did have ridership before, but have been slowly cut as more people decided to use their cars. Ridership in that area has been low for a pretty long while, ever since the early 1990's, but at this point, there's no more money left to subsidize these routes.

    That's also when Hempstead was a busy shopping district. Lots of loops and diversions. N72, N72B, N72C, N72G, etc

  6. It not just LIBRU. There were some how 3 BJ Club Shopping Carts ended up in Roosevelt Field Bus Terminal parking lot and someone from BJ Club must risk his/her live crossing Ring Rd with BJ Club Shopping Cart, so I reported to BJ Club via online chat that someone from BJ Club should get the cart.


    There are NICE Bus rider shoppers coming from/to BJ Club cross dangerous Ring Rd as well.

    The carts shouldn't be leaving BJ's property to begin with, there are also bus stops on Stewart Ave. BJ's would have to work with Simon/Roosevelt Field to make pedestrian access easier since it's their property.

  7. Also Stewart Av/Quention Roosevelt Blvd stop near BJ Club is also consider dangerous since sidewalks are not properly install.

    What happens if snow falls, we have to walk on STREET to get to NICE Bus headquarters. One of Hicksville resident of LIBRU who works for Stop & Shop has to work on dangerous Commercial Av because NICE Bus or city didn't clear snow.

    Grasping at straws, even if there are sidewalks the snow usually isn't usually cleared anyway, it's up to the property owner. Many times their parking lot is cleared and not the sidewalk, or the sidewalk is outside the main foot traffic area of their business and so they do not deem it necessary, and even THEN they just clear the sidewalk while the bus stop has a mound of snow on it and no clear way to get from the bus to the sidewalk.


    I wish the LIBRU would stop grasping at straws for all their arguments. With all the stops in the system with much heavier patronage, to be worried about sidewalks to NICE headquarters is really a joke.

  8. Older article from August http://longisland.news12.com/news/bus-riders-walk-to-highlight-commuting-issues-1.10754795


    GARDEN CITY - Some Long Island bus riders walked from the bus stop at Roosevelt Field to the headquarters of the NICE bus company Wednesday to emphasize ongoing commuter problems.

    Freeport resident John Alexander Grant said he takes the bus to school and to work. He told News 12that he would like to attend an upcoming bus transportation meeting at the headquarters in Garden City to ask about rising fares, but service does not reach that far.

    "There's virtually no way I'm going to be able to get to this public transportation meeting," said Grant.

    READ MORE: Transportation Stories

    Organizer Aaron Watkins-Lopez, from the Long Island Bus Riders' Union, said the walk to the headquarters was challenging.

    "It's a game of lethal Frogger. You have to pass lanes and lanes of traffic. You have to pass over streets that have no crosswalks, no lights," said Watkins-Lopez.

    NICE spokesman Andy Kraus said the county picks the location of the meetings. He also said that fares have risen because "NICE expenses and operational costs have gone up every single year."

    Riders also told News 12 that inaccessibility is a problem, including announcements and signs in Braille. Kraus said they're spending $10 million to upgrade communication for passengers, and that 100 percent of the auditory announcements are working on buses.

    They're full of it, it's called the N27



    I like the old voice better, the one that was used under Long Island Bus.

    Yeah I do also.


    I dont completely trust the predictions on the transit app....an n4 was a no-show and the app said it was arriving.

    One of a few ways you can tell New Flyer rushed these....the Xcelsior line has been known for multiple electric issues.

    The Transit App is great. You have to make sure the real time icon is pulsing first, if not then it's showing the scheduled time. What I do is look for the real time icon to pulse, then I switch to the map so I can see exactly where the bus is.


    The timing has been fairly accurate on the N6. One night @ 169th street, the N6 to Hempstead was late, the bus was still on it's way from Hempstead (saw it on the app) and the app said it'll arrive in 15 mins.  The bus passed westbound going to the Jamaica bus terminal and when it arrived at the eastbound 169th it was 15 mins from when I checked.


    I like the app because you don't waste time at the stop unnecessarily. You can see when there are gaps in service and plan accordingly. Sometimes there is a gap and then you'll see two buses in a row, at those times I plan to catch the 2nd bus because I'm less likely to get passed and it's usually not packed. It also helps to plan transfers and use another route (if possible). 

  9. Not my photo (someone else caught it and posted it on facebook), but here it is in Brownsville this afternoon. Safe to assume it shadowed the B35 since the photo was taken on New Lots Av & Mother Gaston Blvd...




    ...my building right there to the left of the bus, I was downtown around the time this was taken

    I see that they're getting to the secondary roads with the installation of the LED street lights.

  10. These new buses are super quick and can tell it can take a real time to malfunction

    I was on one of the newer buses where it seemed like there was a lighting problem. You know how usually the light closest to the door cuts off when the front door closes?  On this particular bus, more than one light in a row shut off. (first 2 or 3 lights)

  11. Should the MTA rename local inter-boro routes (like the private buses used to have) just so that the general public knows they run between two boroughs? The buses could have a separate numbering system starting from 1 and up or can be transposed (BX12 can become BxM12)

    QBX1 (exQ44)

    QBX2 (exQ50)



    MB1 (instead of BM for PC purposes)


    SB1(SB instead of BS for PC purposes) (ex S79)



    Also, theoretically (ignoring the PC notes above) the prefixes can be swapped with first letter(s) belonging to the borough containing the longest portion of the route.

  12. if you go to Mybusnow.njtransit.com, and click on Map, you can select up to 5 bus routes and they show the google map overlay and the buses in real time where they are, sometimes the lines are messed up, but they try to fix them up


    How many people are taking Uber to a train station?



    Thanks! It's very useful it would be nice if you could also get all routes near an intersection.


    Interesting article. Especially the growth in trips to the path. The trips around Newark Penn is spreading in a web-like fashion.

  13. What exactly are you trying to find out? I agree the website can be confusing. Maybe some of us here can answer your question

    I figured it out but, it's still horrible.


    -One, the bus maps are horrible. They should do a google maps overlay.

    -Either you have to know the route or you put in a origin and destination path and they give you a route you could take. Give me a reasonable map. Sometimes there's another bus you can take a few blocks away.

    -There are no zone maps as a whole, I guess they're contrived based on each bus route ( I know they're in each bus route pdf). 

    -I was trying to figure out the monthly pass rate for a certain area and you get a sheet with a list of zones, but I understand how it works now.

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