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Kamen Rider

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Everything posted by Kamen Rider

  1. No, it's not going to be well recived becuase you've in effect RUINED the subway! Do you have any idea about the needs and wants of the people who actually use the system day-in and day-out? Have you done exhuastive stuides on when and where trains need to run. You've made crowding WORSE becuase you haven't taken in to consideration the human factor. Example, I live along the Myrtle ave line. When the MTA was considering it's 2010 cuts, they merged the M with the V becuase they found that the majority of M passengers wanted Midtown. Not the majoirty of passengers from Canarsie. They have also spent millions of dollars and years of hard work automating the Canarise line, so keep your mitts off it, bub. you posted the track maps, but did you bother to read them? Half of what your suggesting is physicly impossible, the system just can't do it. You want to avoid conngestion, so you require EVERY train on the second most crowded section of the subway to use the interlocking at Roosevelt. For your next trick, are you gonna try to put out a fire with Gasoline? Want to know a secrite, The reason the E is so crowded is becuase of the enormus amount of people who want to use it, not becuase of it's headways. it's also the track layout, the one thing you don't want to change. Jamaica Center was never inteded as a long term terminal, so the interlocking is too far from the station to be effective, which is what cuts the E's abilty to run, that's why the Hillside Es exist to. incresse E service, but to not clog up an underbuilt terminal. It's the same with the Nostrand Ave Branch of the Brooklyn IRT. Flatbush ave is a POS. To compensate, some 2s and 5s are sent to Utica and/or New Lots. They are also sent there because they are laid up for the night at Livonia yard for rush hour service the next day. Broadway junction was not ment to be a terminal so I don't know what you're doing there. What the heck was wrong with Euclid. you know, the one meant to be used as such...
  2. Worked out another set of videos. limited squinting at your monitors this time... I give you the 5 most epic fails in movie making. This aren't just sucky movies (IE SYFI's saturday lineup), these are movies who's directors should be kicked out of the guild perminatly. They are just plain old done poorly. First, at number 5 is "Manos: The Hands of Fate". Yes, the title of this movie is "Hands: the Hands of fate". Made in 1966 and Written, Directed, produced and staring Harold P. Warren, it was made to satisfy a bet that anyone could make a movie. Mr. Warren sold insurance and fertilizer. The crew he hired knew next to nothing about movies. thier rented equipment could only shoot 32 seconds at a time. The loooooong driving sequince at the begining was to put in the credits. No one wanted to be credited for this mess... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9AJVZuQuD6M&feature=player_embedded Number 4 does go back to my last series of posts, but only because of how aweful this next movie is. Kamen Rider x Super Sentai: Super Hero War. When this movie was first annouced, it was lauded as a momentenious occasion in the Toku fandom. Then it came out. And it had nothing that resembles a plot. Hell, it would sufice to say it seems that several diffrent people were writting this movie and none of them knew what the others were doing... Super Sentai and Kamen Rider are made by the same production company, TOEI. This was the first major cross over between the two franchises. Kamen Riders shows star solo heros in more armor based suits, and tend to lean hard on the drama side. 2009 was the shows 10th consectutive season (it had a harder time staying on air, it's been on in four distinct blocks, 1971-1974, 1979-1980, 1987-1988 and since 2000) and to celbrate, they made Kamen Rider Decade (pronounced De-cade) who had the abilty to turn into any of the pervious 9 riders. when Sentai reached it's 35th season two years later, they barrowed the concept to create Priate Sentai Gokaiger, who did the same thing with the 34 pervious ranger teams. The movie stars the leads of Decade and Gokagier, having teamed up with some of thier show's respective major bad guys, to exterminate the other side. And they are damn mum on WHY. When they do give some plot background, it doesn't make logical sense, and then you have someone who was trying to be a good guy get POed enought he starts stomping on the heros in a mech becuase he feels left out... Under "SST" parts 1-6 Number 3 "Santa Claus" Take a figure from another culture, make a move about him, but don't bother to do any ACTUAL research on the topic. This 1959 stink bomb points to the issues of guessing and making stuff up as you go along. It was made in mexico, where, at the time, Santa was not that big a deal. the Three wise men were still the primary gift givers. So why this was even made is beyond me... Here the jolly old fat guy lives in a golden floating castle in space. Next to several other floating castles which I can only assume belong to The easter bunny, the great pumpkin and Kawnza-bot... For help Santa has a workshop full of identical children, some of whom may or may not be aliens since one doesn't understand earth food, Vulcan, the Roman god of the forge, and Merlin, as in King Arthur's Merlin. See what I mean about throwing things togther. Then it only gets worse, as Santa's Christmas eve trip is nearly wrecked by a demon named Pitch, who may or may not be trying to userp his boss while he's at it (the voice of the devil in the dub is the same voice actor who dubs Santa) Original version http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=6dbM-KK3Qk4 MST3K version http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o4UxYNmJXQE&feature=player_embedded number 2 'the Starfighter's. "Is your face odd? Mishapen? join the Air Force1" a lesson in filler. when enough of you movie is stock footage that you shouldn't actually be credited as director. The Starfighters refer to the F-104 fighter jet. this movie is the sort of story of a young pilot and his two buddies learning to fly them. And I say sort of because the large majority of it is just planes flying to the sound of annyoing jazz. They spend so much time on mid air refueling, the writers of MST3k ran out of sexual inuendos... #! Number 1: "Space Mutiny" or "Mutiny in Space" (they never seemed to have made up thier minds) Where to start with this. Where to start... Well, we could start with the blatnetly obvious... EVERY SPACE SHIP SHOT IS STOLEN FROM BATTLESTAR GALATICA! The movie's setting consists of basicly two areas. An empty factory that plays the part of the starships' engineering areas and a converted office building that's used for the command sections. The factory has windows, looking outside.... To fix the problem of the sunlight they filmed with an orange filter and were going to slip in something about the windows being a part of the engine. Unforuntily, they forgot to tell Post production, who removed the filter... The Galact.... I mean the "Southern Sun", is a generational vessel, built to carry colonists to a habitable planet 10 lightyears away. It's been enroute for nearly 400 years, but that's beside the point. But it's a generational starship that get's visitors. So one can only assume at some point humanity devloped some kind of FTL, which kind of renders the slow boat routine moot, but that's the LEAST of the movie's problems. First, bad guy blows up something that opens and closes the landing bay doors. Which according to him and his co-horts, means no one can get on or off for two weeks. Which is kind of akward, given the bad guy's top prooity is getting OFF. Which doesn't make much sense again. seeing as how if the ship get's visitors, then he could have just quit and left... Jump to 35 mintues into the video. A member of the ships' bridge crew is murdered in cold blood. If you then sit through a umm.. "Car Chase", yes, let's call it that, or just jump to 37 mintues and 20 seconds... she's suddenly alive and back at her station. Another problem is that a number of the monitors on the bridge, keep showing footage from later in the movie... they can't figure out how to spell the female lead's name. and I mean her real name. It's Cissy in the opening credits and "Cisse" at the end. And add to that the flatest, weirdest actting I've ever seen.
  3. My aunt has had her iPhone 4s for a while now, and still can't use Siri properly. I think it's how she talks.
  4. What ever it was, it's not what I'm talking about. Probably was just robotech or something.
  5. The Last Starfighter was a 1984 movie, one of the first to use large amounts of CGI. I don't know anything about a TV show.
  6. Well, last bunch. These are the pre-power rangers seasons. 1-15. From all the way back in 1975, Himitsu Sentai Goranger (Himitsu means secret) Goranger is the orgin point of the sentai concept. The production staff felt there were too many solo hero shows, that made playing the charactors unfair if only one kid was the hero. So they created 5 heros on equal footing. The Gorangers are members of an international defense orginization known as Eagle (Earth Gaurd legue or something like that). The evil black cross army attack Eagle's bases in Japan, with one member from each suriving to take revenge as the Gorangers Ran for 84 epsiodes for two total years, making it the longest sentai. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gniaaIUFZpE from 1977, JAKQ Dengektai (the initals of the four member's code names, and lightning war team (usualy translated as Blitzkreg squad). The shortest show, first to start with a even number and to add a new member part way through. The international Criminal orgnization CRIME (these bad guys needed some crative writing classes) is trying to turn Tokyo into a city of pure anarcy. To combat ment, ISSIS, a branch of Interpol, brings in 3 young people (and the corpse of a fourth... long story) to become the cyborg warriors JAKQ. Each is named after a card and suit. Red is Spade Ace, Blue is Daimound Jack, Green is Clover King and Pink is Heat Queen. The shows rating suffered, and a fifth member, a new leader known as Big One was brought it (played by the same actor as the blue Goranger member) first to use a tranformation device, a large tube you had to phsysicly climb into that showed the JAKQ members with"Fortification engeries", what ever that means. Big one only had to sniff a flower on his coustum and jump into the air (he was the mark 2 cyborg to the JAKQ) http://www.metacafe.com/watch/6410183/j_a_k_q_dengekitai_episode_01/ JAKQ's failure ment there were no Sentai slye shows for 1978. The concept returned for 1979 with Battle Fever J. In the interum, Toei had signed a deal with marvel that had lead to a japanese Spider-man series, which featured the wall crawler with a giant robot. Someone then deiced to add a giant robot to the sentai formlua, and Super Sentai was born. Battle Fever J was supposed to have started as a japanese verson of Captain America, each ranger was trained in the fighting skills (and for some reason, dance styles) of five contires, Red was Battle Japan, Blue was Battle France, Battle Kenya was orginally considerd a green ranger, but is now though of as black, Battle Cossak has so far been the only Orange ranger, and Miss America, famous for the blong wig glued to her helmet. They battled Ergos, a cult of megalomanicas that worshiped a genetic mutation called Satan Ergos. for the first few years, Goranger and JAKQ were considered spirtual predisesors, it was only in 1994 were they admited as the first and second Super Sentai. prior to that Battle Fever J carried the #1 mark. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x4cl4g_battle-fever-j-epi-01-part-1_shortfilms http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x4cle5_battle-fever-j-epi-01-part2_shortfilms 1980 brough Denji Sentai Denjiman. They had the first transforming robot, and the first normal morhping device as we understand them, wearing rings that responded to the phrase "Denji Spark". their mentors were a computer and a talking robotic dog. they battled the vader clan, beings from another dimension who had destroyed planet denji 3000 years ago and are turning thier sights on earth. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xcxcnl_denshi-sentai-denjiman-ep-1-1-3_shortfilms http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xcxcu3_denshi-sentai-denjiman-ep-1-2-3_shortfilms http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xcxcxf_denshi-sentai-denjiman-ep-1-3-3_shortfilms 1981, Taiyo Sentai Sun Vulcan (taiyo translates sun, but it's closer to Solar here) the only sentai to be anything close to a sequal, (not counting Gokaiger), Sun Vulcan features some call backs to the previous season, most notibly the big bad of the Denjiman joining the bad guys of this season. When the Machine empire Black Magma holds the world hostage with natural disasters, the Guardians of World Peace give thier of their best officers the tech to become the team known as Sun vulcan. Notible for being the smallest team (3 members, all men), they also possed Sentai's first combining megazord. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EXZporrtgh8 1982 Dai Sentai Goggle V. Where to begin with this one, If you ask a sentai fan to think of one thing about this season, the usual answer is rythmic Gymnastics. Someone got the bright idea to theme the ranger's weapons and attacks to floor routines... Goggle V is the story of 5 young people brought in to fight "Desdark", an ancient orginization that has been in the shadows using science for evil since the begining of recorded history. Goggle V had a three part megazord, piloted by Red blue and yellow. Black and Pink piloted the team's flying fortress support ship. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D_H6ihCyzWM From 1983, Kagaku Sentai Dynaman. (kagaku for Science) This is a fun one to talk about. All indications are it started out as a BASEBALL themed sentai (the helmet design looks like batting helmets, the obvious sound of the crack of a bat in the theme song, and the megazord formation call of "Grand Slam!"). A reptilian race, the tail clan, arises from beneath the sea to attack humanity and take over the surface world. to combat them, the Dynamen are bought togther. Each is an inventor who dreams of creating a special invention to benfite the world. Dynaman is notable for the following reasons. First off, the over use of special effect explosives. Some days I think the effects department was run by a pyromaniac. the second notable thing about Dynaman is it is the first sentai to air on a major US network... In 1987, USA network's "Night Flight" block ran six epsiodes of the series as a parody dub. normal http://www.veoh.com/watch/v6437746wkzfJtR5?h1=Dynaman+-+Episode+1+(Part+1) http://www.veoh.com/watch/v644475386NCzf2p http://www.veoh.com/watch/v6444948H4gnKW9F parody (can't find part 3, but it's poribibly only a few mintues) 1984, Choudenshi Bioman (super electronic) First with two female rangers on the team. Also first I know of with some real off screen drama, after a few weeks of filming, the yellow ranger's actress just up and left, resulting in her charactr being killed off and replaced. First season Hiam Saban tried to americanize. Also used recuring monsters of the week, who were not killed when they were defeated, but instead sent out giant robots to distract the biomen and contiune the fight. Many years ago, on the planet Bio, a war broke out over the use of something called "Bio-particles". To protect the technology, the semi self aware Bio-Robo and Peebo, a human sized robot, traveled to earth and infused bio-particles into 5 15th century japanese people. When mad scientest Dr. Man attempts to take over the world with his neo empire Gear, Peebo seeks out 5 decendants of these people to fight as Bioman. Big hit in france. what I've found is actually an English dub version, no reading subtitles this time. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o1D2ZqljieE In 1985, Dengeki Sentai Changeman (see JAKQ) The enemy this time is actually a living planet, which takes warriors from worlds it eats to fight for it. An alien refugee, disgued as a human, joins the Earth Defense Force to prevent what happened to his homeworld happening to Earth. he selects five EDF offciers, who are imbuded with the power of the Earth itself as the Changemen. One of the longer seasons, it ran for a full 55 epsiodes, where most get to 48 to 50 (they run all year, with a few weeks off, ususualy for sports or major events) Unfotuinly, I think this version is also dubbed, but not in English http://www.videolog.tv/video.php?id=399686 1986, Choushinsei Flashman (super nova) Probibly the most depressing thing I've ever seen. Imagine, you're kidnapped as a small child by aliens. Some nice aliens rescue you and take you to live with them. When you finnaly return home to Earth 20 years later, it's under attack. You have to both defend it and try to find your family and who you are. and you have one year to do it before you drop dead from being away from the alien planets your bodies have become addiected to. that's Flashman in a nutshell. The empire known as Mess, which has been attacking worlds to gather genetic specimens to make thier leader an invicnable super being, sets thier sights on Earth as thier new target. One upside is it's the first sentai to gain a second megazord http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xrykb6_choushinsei-flashman-episode-1_shortfilms 1987, Hikaru Sentai Maskman (hikaru means light) The underground Empire Tube had been a peaceful place, until a new leader usurped the throne and turns the empire into a violent mess. He sets his sights on the surface world, and forces several spies to travel upwards. One of those spies, who's family had been the previous rulers of tube, falls in love with a young race car diver (who had alreadu been drafted into the Maskman Project). when the empire starts it's attack, she warns her love, but is grabbed by another Tube member before he can help her. The Maskmen fight to keep the surface from being wasted. The season was orginal to be called Fiveman, becuase someone in the art department finally figured out how to draw a 5 part megazord. hench this machine is called "Great Five", and the rangers all have large 5s on thier chests. Also featured the first 6th ranger, a one epsiode cahractor called X-1 Mask, a prototype suit in green. aired in france as "bioman 2" http://www.veoh.com/watch/v20928199cwsZW68j?h1=Maskman+ep.+1 1988, Choujuu Sentai Liveman (super beast) three students are the only ones left when thier school is attacked. They suit up in red (bird) yellow (lion) and Blue (dolphan) suits to fight back. Yes, 2002's Hurricanger was a rehash of this season's concept. In this case, the school Academia Island is an home for the best young minds in the world. 5 young people are working on a new kind of space suit when two are murdered in cold blood by three other classmates. These three run away and join an ogizantion called Volt, which gives them "evil educations" (i'm guess Dr. Evil must have flunked out of this program if he had to settle for evil medical school). A few years pass, and the three sudents who had been working on the space suit project rework thier designs for combat purposes, becoming the Liveman team in time to fight back when Volt attacks. They are eventualy joined by the younger bothers of thier dead friends, out for revenge and the Black and Green rangers. First season to use the 3+2 team fomula. First to have two full sized megazords that could combine. aired in France as Bioman 3. http://www.veoh.com/watch/v5770637tzk9jJZ?h1=%5BJSH%5D+Liveman+Episode+1~+Raw 1989 Kousoku Sentai Turboranger (kousoku means high speed) First of the Car themed shows, and the reason why the season Power Ranger's Turbo is drawn from is called Carranger. 20,000 years ago, humans and faries teamed up to battle violence loving demons, with the human/fairy team winning and the faires sealing the demons away. In modern times, the seal weakens due to the fairy magic failing due to polution. A Fairy named Seelon parterns with a human inventor to stop them. He uses his science and her magic to create the Turborangers. The powers are given to five high school seniors who were showed with fairy magic as children. they are the only ones who can see Seelon without assitance. First to have an "Ultra Zord" configuration, the team's 5 part main megazord and thier back up mecha both dock with thier base. epsiode 1 is a retrospective of the past 10 seasons, and 2, where the acutal story starts, is hard to find http://www.veoh.com/watch/v649617PrxHrjNc?h1=Kousoku+Sentai+Turboranger+Episode+1+(RAW) 1990, Chikyu Sentai Fiveman (chikyu = Earth) Five sibilings are left orphaned when thier father's terraforming project is attacked. they grow up in the care of a robot built by thier father to become teachers at the same school. They devlope the fiveman tech to protect earth, should those that seperated them from thier parents attack. Sort of a put off for me, this one has just never flet right. the name felt off, the conncept. They once won a battle by signing thier own theme song... http://www.veoh.com/watch/v9467180M7ANerBz?h1=Fiveman+01+Subbed Last but not least 1991's Chojin Sentai Jetman (Chojin here goes for Bird person, since all 5 suits are bird themed) at it's core, it's a tribute to Science Ninja Team Gatchaman (aka Battle of the Planets/ G-Force). Sky Force, a world wide defense orginzation (lot of these around it seems in the Sentai multiverse, must be a jurisdictional nightmare in the Crossover/Gokaiger timeline), has devloped the Birdonic waves to give normal humans superpowers. One Sky Force officer sucessfuly undergoes the (rather painful looking) procedure, becoming Red Hawk, the first Jetman. Just as his girlfriend is to join him, their space station base is attacked by interdimensional invaders. The machine holding the birdonic engery is detroyed, relassing the powers as colored lightning bolts, which strike 4 civilian, giving them Jetman powers also (in an oddly less painful looking way that what Red went through). Red's girlfrend is also sucked out a hull breach. The surivors, Red hawk and the project's supervisor (the first female to be in charge of/mentor to a sentai team) gather the other 4 and convince them to fight. Red girlfirend is revailed to have joined the badguys under brainwashing. was almost the first season of Power Rangers, till the hubub over Jurassic Park caused Saban to go with Zyuranger instead. The cockpit of the Jetman megazords is the same set used to represent the cockpit of the megazord we remember from Power Rangers, and kinda jarring when you first see it. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x5rrv_chojin-sentai-jetman-episode-1_fun there, I'm done. Next time I'm discussing a topic that doesn't reguiqre 37 entires and 6 hours to write tottal! (Faints in chair)
  7. I'm just gonna go straight through to now tonight. From 2002, Ninpuu Sentai Hurricaneger, source for Ninja Storm. Three lackluster ninja students are all that are left when their school it leveled by an invading force of space ninja. First time a season inducled more than one team of rangers, with the inculsion of the Goraigers (functionly, for most of the series they were allies, but they didn't think of themsleves as Hurricangers). Almost didn't get addapted. In 2001, Disney bought what is now ABC Family from Fox, and got most of Saban entertainemnt in the process. They continded Wild Force out of contractual commitments, and were all ready to dump the Power Rangers (which is why Wild Force's ending seems so final). It was only when the PR production staff conviced Disney to shoot the show in New Zealand with non SAG talent, that it became cost effective enought for them to OK it. http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=10150763414019216 http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=10150763414599216 From 2003 Bakuryuu Sentai Abaranger (Bakuryuu translastes directly as "Blast Dragon", but in this case it's officaly Blastasuar, and Aba comes from abare, which means rampage), Source for Dino Thunder. The overall plot is a copy of that Super Mario Brothers live action movie; the asteriod that struck earth 65 million years ago split the planet into two copies in two dimentions, one where Dinosaurs contiued to exist and evolve in the way we think of them, called DinoEarth and our side where they only live on through birds (birds are dinosaurs, did you know that? I mean for real, the T-rex's closest living relative is the Chicken), which the residents of DinoEarth call "Another Earth". On Dino Earth, a group of humaniod lifeforms called Saurians devloped, along side large, intelegent dinosaurs call Bakuryuu. They ended up fighting the Evolians, a group wishing to bright to power a parastic entity known as Dezumozorlya, which was ridding the asteriod. They lay waste to Dino Earth, and set thier sights on our side, but one Saurian warrior is able to follow, and bring gear for three humans to fight beside him. Dino Thunder is mostly remember for bringing back Tommy, basicly the face of the franchise, though I tend to remember it more for the hottie in yellow. Ninja storm had no connection to the rest of the series (no cross over, no call backs ect), and a line about Power Ranger's being "comic book" in the first episode make people feel it was in it's own world. So, Jason Frank got a phone call... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WGFHUrJp5fY&list=PLzzHzCUDBO0MRjsMg37M7txyjBE3e6Lcp From 2004 Tokusuo Sentai Dekaranger (Tokusuo means Special Investigation. Deka is a slang term for detective, though the season features 10 diffrent rangers at one point or another, so it's also a play on Deca, the greek for 10.) Made into Space Patrol Delta. A Scifi Cop show with a little Men In Black thrown in. Alien refugess are setteling on Earth, and it's up to the earth branch of the Speical Police Dekaranger to keep them safe, and in line. Noteable for having a total of 7 normaly active rangers, with 3 one shot rangers (two within the series, one in thier anuual summer movie). and for the cat alien Roman Catholics in the first few mintues of episode 1 Did sacfrice a zord or two in the last fight. 2005, Mahou Sentai Magiranger (mahou = magic), turned into Nicktic I mean Mystic Force. Another family team, all though this time other's besides the kids get in on the action. With their father though dead (again, he's not) the 5 Ouz (remove the u) children grew up with thier mother. One day, they are attacked by monsters from underground. their mother wips out a werid looking cellphone and turns into Magimother (creative, isn't it). after sending thier attacked packing, she grants power to the four oldest and sents them out to help save the world. the youngest, who's a bit of an idiot, gets left out, POed about it and follows anyway. 3 gueses which color he ends up with. Magiranger is the first to feature 6 rangers in it's first epsiode (but that doesn't last long), and bumps the total active at one time to 8; the dad, the mother, the 5 kids and an in-law. I don't know the exact amount, but even by the first epsiode, and the predomincae of crowd shots with non-japanese people walking around the rangers, you can tell something Toei doesn't want you to know, they followed Disney's lead and shot this in New Zealand two... the "nicktic" crack at the topic is due to the general behavior of the PR writers when it came to Mystic Force, it was basicly all about Nick, the red ranger. a few of the bad guys got more charactor development then the other rangers. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CsUj0yyPyjE&list=PL1005F25EE8426109&index=1 in 2006, we have GoGo Sentai Boukenger (GoGo in this case, is an onomatopoeia for rumblinging, while bouken means adventure), made into Operation Overdrive Give Indiana Jones a morpher instead of a bullwip and send him to work at Warehouse 13 and you basicly got the jist of the 30th anniversary season. All over the world are objects, called "Precious" (hopefully without a squat little fellow follwing you around demanding them), that can help or harm society depending on who controls them. to stop them from falling into the wrong hands, Search Gaurd Sucessor (SGS, or Sargess) sends out it's private team of advetuers to seek them out and contain them. Many of these items are connected to famous stories and leginds, Cinderella's glass slipper for example, or a ring beloning to King Solomon. in honor of thier 30th season, there are a large number of refences to the past. Each villian or mosnter is based on a zord from a previous seanson, some more obvious than others. It was also the first season with distinct villian groups who were not afiliated with each other, and tened to not get allong at all. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qzrXvIpgAMI&list=PL44880AC1712E8E1C&index=1 moving on to 2007, we have Juken Sentai Gekiranger (juken for Beast Fist, geki meaning fierce ki, ki being anloguis to concept of chi), the source for Jungle Fury. A long, long time ago, in a galaxy far far..., no wait, actually it was a forest in China, a new form of Kenpo (aka kung fu) was invented, channling the power of beasts. The founder of this new Beast fist took ten pupils under his wing. 7 sought to use thier newfound skills for the good of man while the other 3 had a diffrent idea, and rebelled. Juken was split into 2, Geki juken on the light side, and Rin Juken on the dark side (I guess that star wars joke was approiate, now that I think about it.) The 10 juken uses, in thier fight, all used a dangerious and forbidden techiniuqe to channel thier powers to their fullest, at the cost of thier humanity, turning them into anthropomorphic versions of the beasts their power's drawn from. the 7 good juken uses became known as the "Fist Sages", while the 3 Rin Juken members became known as the Fist Demons, and they lost and were sealed. fast forard to modern times, an former geki Juken student goes to the dark side and recursts an army of undead followers (yes, everyone except the leader of the enimy side, even the chick in green, is a zombie...) to combat his ambitions, one of the sages, known as shafu, has been training a two new students in Juken, giventhing high tech gear as the gekirangers. he sent one of his graduated students to retive a bracelt that blonged t the Fist Demons, when she is attacked. She finds a young man lving in the forest, who survives having a pile of tree trunks dropped on him by the monster of the week. she brings him back to civilization, and he is made Red ranger. It takes a bit of work to get him onboard, think power rangers meets george of the jungle. Some sections of this season, notabily the ending song's video, were also shot in New Zealand Was again almost the last to get a PR addaption, as Jungle Fury was about where Disney had had it runing a show they didn't understand. it was only through pressure from Bandai they kept it going. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S9vsUFsc2po http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y7XiKCP_R44 2008 brought forth Engine Sentai Go-onger, which became RPM. there are 11 known parralel dimensions, of which earth is one, known as Human World, known as Baneworlds. the others are Junk world, Grass world, Magic World, Christmas world (home of Santa), Prisum world, Samuri World, Guman world, Sound World, Stormy world, and the most important to this story after earth is Machine world. Machine World is home to gaint animal/vechile hybrid beings known as Engines. It also spawned a group known as Gaiark, who live to poluite. On the ropes, the Gairark flee to Earth. A few Engines follow, but thier boides are not compatable with our envroment. to survive, they eject their conciousness out of their bodies in the form of small chips known as engine souls. The bodies also shrink down to the size of a 1/24th scale toy. they grant thier power to humans, who become the Go-ongers. Again, almost the last to get a PR season. for RPM, the production crew were told by the big wigs that this was it, do what you want, but it's over. So they went and created what is basicly condered the best season of the show. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oMjl9eWF03k&list=PLzzHzCUDBO0NzcMBrWLSlx1ctLhWxSiVS&index=1 For 2009, the created Samuri Sentai Shinkenger (shinken means "True Sword"), AKA power rangers Samurai/Super Samurai. The last of Japan's feudal lords calls forth (unwilling on his part) his four samurai to join him to stop evil deamons from flooding the world. The gedoshu have been trying to destroy humanity for eons, they only thing getting in thier way are the fact that without the water from thier home, the Sanzuu river in the underworld, they dry out, and the shinkengers. The house of Shiba, and it's four retainer familes, have fought for 18 generations to hold the invasion a bay. they sort of take the samurai to the exteam, to the point I think a saw someone actually throw a punch I think once. Finnaly got it's adapation in 2011, when Saban bough Power Ranger back from disney. Samurai was forced to air over 2 years due to Nickalodeion being a bit annyoing with their requirments (20 epsiodes a year). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yaB6VRhyHwY&list=PL3DD8B7321E30B391&index=1 from 2010, we ge to Tensou Sentai Goseiger (tensou meaning celestial armament, goesi being a meaninless proper noun, but the faive star refence from Dairanger pop up), source for Power Rangers Megaforce, which will premire next Saturday (2/2). Many years ago, a group of humans discoved they had devloped special powers. to protect the rest of mankind, they moved to a diffrent dimesion, and took the name Gosei Angels. Even since they have protected the Earth and humanity. 5 young trainees are traped on earth when their bridge home is destroyed, It at first seems like another run of the mill alien invasion, but not this time, there is something much sinsister lurking. Each gosiger is a member of an elemetal tribe, Skick (air) landick (earth) or Seaick (water). There were to be six, each tribe operating with a pair of members, but one seaick angel was killed, who would have been the green ranger. The Power Ranger season looks to be a hyrbid adaption of this season and the next, to try to close the now two year gap in adaptations. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H_amnadoEL0 note, this epsiode and the following videos open with refnece to the progrmaing block sentai airs in, "Super Hero Time". Sentai airs at 7:30AM on Sunday, and is followed at 8 by my namesake seires, Kamen Rider. the two are off set. sentai runs feburary to feburary, Kamen Rider runs September to September. in 2011, it came time for the shows 35th season, Kaizouk Sentai Gokaiger. Pirates as power rangers! Notablie for several reasons; first, the attention to details of past teams, second for actually having past actors cameo throughout the season, interating with the current rangers, third, for giving the current rangers the power to tranform into any previous rangers, and fourth, oh, the rangers, not only are they pirates, but they're ALIEN pirates. unlike past seasons, which existed in diffrent continuties, Gokaiger takes place in the world of the crossover movies, where diffrent teams exist togther http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=201509559864214 http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=201523823196121 and now we get to the currently airing season Tokumei Sentai Go-busters (tokumei means special Mission). A new source of engery, enetron, has been made availbe to the people. It is clean, and can be used in a veriatay of aplications. EVERYTHING in the city runs on it. but someone else wants some. A group, known as Vaglass, is trying to steal enetron to effect thier campaegin of destrction. to stop them, the energy managment commsion operations their special mission branch to hand these threats (yes, basicly, the power rangers work for Con Ed...). Christmass Day 1999, a computer viris invades a lab specialing in mater teleporation. it taps into thier enetron supply becoming the enity known as Messiah. to protect the world. the sicentist in the lab activate thier transporter system to beam the facilty into another dimension (known as ether hyperspace or subspace, depending on the translator). but before they do, they use a method of installing computer programs into humans to send the lead scientist's 7 year old son, their best pilot's preschool age daughter and a teen aged intern away from the desisater. These programs not only let them survive teleportation, but give them a speical power. the younger boy, Hiromu gains super speed movements. the older boy, Ryu, super strength, and the girl, Yoko, the abily to jump to extream hieghts. but these powers have severe weaknesses. Hiromu's body will lock up when he panics. on the face of it, he never panics so it shouldn't be a problem. But he's terrified of chickens, so much that the word will cause him to freeize in place. Ryu, if he uses his trength too much, overheats, and goe batshit crazy attackig anyone and everyone. Yoko needs to eat sweets, or her high matabolisum will cause her to faint. this season is notable for being one long Power rangers tribute. their transformation devices are called "Morphing braces" when acctived, the brace yells out "It's Morphin Time!". their mecha, are actually refered to as Megazords. It also features some very diffrent rangers. the gold colored Beet Buster, who is a remote controlled hard light hologram, termed an avatar, and the comelty robotic Stag buster http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=10150637384519216 http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=10150637385099216 and, coming in a few weeks, #37, Jyuden Sentai Kyoryger, (elctro beast). another dinosuar themed season. tomorow, I'll do the seasons that came before MMPR was created.
  8. Most of the lost zords on Power Rangers is american made footage. In the early years it's mostly out of trying to connect various series that have little to nothing to do with each other. Sort of a way to show how dangerious the new bad guys are. Zyuranger Dairanger and Kakuranger had living, almost diety enties as thier zords, and didn't kill them Ohranger's mecha survived. Carranger's were totaled, but show fixed in an epalouge scene, but the thrashing used in PRT as them geting destoyed. Megaranger lost two of thier megazords, loses which were held over in PRiS Gingaman lost two of thier suport robots in the post season cross over with Megaranger (held over in LG, though it was an enimy suicide attack in the second to last episode) GoGoV totaled all thier normal mecha, forcing them to use a last ditch model that posed a serious risk to them. held over in PR, and then that machine get's highjacked in an american only part of the story, foricng the rangers to destroy it. Timeranger lose them in a sense their superiors stop sending them Gaoranger's living zords are killed in the second to last epsiode, but show up fine in the climax of the last one, again held over in PR.
  9. Another night, another set of videos. From 1997, Denji Sentai Megaranger (Denji means electromagnetic), source of "Power Rangers In Space". Ever see the movie "The Last Startfighter"? that's roughly how this starts out. To combat invaders from another dimension, an international team of sicentist design a video game and install it in arcades. They want to use the best players to be the megarangers. unfortunitly, they only found one, and that was about an hour before all hell breaks loose when the enemy attack. fortunitly, four classmates of the the gamer where in the process of commiting criminal tresspass one at the same facily. Notable for the fact the ranger's base, the orbiting "Megaship" is also the body of thier primary mecha, the Galaxy Mega. Everytime they go into battle, thier entire support staff gets dragged along for the ride. When it came time for pre-production on it's Power Rangers counterpart, they saw the space ship megazords and the surfboards through space and though it was going to be sort of a superhero star trek, zooming through space. Megaranger gets as far as the moon and that is an extream for them. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=05jE81iXe-A&list=PL200D530DE85EAF6C&index=1 From 1998, Sejuu Sentai Gingaman (Sejuu= Star beasts, Ginga means galaxy). Once again, they set you up but don't deliver. This season features heros from what seem to be a tribe of japanese people living like native americans in a magic forest. the only connection to space (for having heros who are basicly called "Galaxymen" is that thier enimys and sentient zords are aliens. Everything else is on an eviromental and nature kick. When Power Rangers Lost Galaxy was dubbed back into Japanese (they do that, often with the orginal japanese actors voicing thier american counterparts) it actually did BETTER ratings wise... If you're wondering why this uses "Man" as instead of ranger (that name was more common of series before they were made into power rangers), the name "galaxy rangers" was already taken... by the dinosaur guys who have even less to do with space. Each season has an "international distribution title" and for some reason Zyuranger's is listed as "Galaxyranger". They were orignaly going to call this season "Gaoranger", but an anime series that aried the year before "GaoGaiGar". made them change thier minds, "Gaoranger was used in 2001 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3PHNbbBVZMs&list=PLzzHzCUDBO0Me7WpgEiZY31HOIL_Umnbt&index=1 from 1999 KyuuKyuu sentai GoGoV (kyuukyuu means rescue, but can be translated to "9 9" [not ninty-nine, which is KyuujuKyuu, nut "nine nine"] GoGoV is read as GoGo Five), Source of Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue. 5 siblings (4 brothers and a sister, with two firefighters, a helecopter pilot who works for the fire department, a police officer and a paramedic) are hiding from a giant monster attack when they get a call from their father, who had walked out on them several years before. He's spent all that time working on a way to fight the deamons who sent the monster (why he couldn't do that without leaving them alone i don't know). In the mean time they though he had died and thier mother had gone missing a few years later and was also thought dead (she shows up in the season's final episode safe and sound). Needless to say they are none too pleased to see thier pop all of a sudden. Fortunily for the world, he is able to convice them to fight. GogoV has the first train mecha, the grand liner. only had five rangers after several season of 6 heros, so when PRLG came along, they created a sixth out of thin air, the Titanium Ranger. could not find Subbed http://www.veoh.com/watch/v18261511hfm7RFKA?h1=KyuuKyuu+Sentai+GoGo+V+01 from 2000, Mirai Sentai Timeranger (Mirai means future) source for Time Force. 4 trainee cops from the year 3000 are dispacteched into the past to chase down a criminal mastermind and his stolen prison of cryo stored bad guys. The time cops come across a young man who is an idential ansestor of thier boss, and rope him into helping them. (becuase he is the point of view charactor, he get's the morpher for the Red Ranger). Timeranger was rather dark and much of that Time Force held on to. Some people say if they tinkered with it (IE removed the kiddy crap and some less flat acting), PRTF could have run in prime time. Could not find epsiode 1 subbed, or as one video http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7vz70_timeranger-01-part-1_creation http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7vzg3_timeranger-01-part-2-v2_creation One last for this time, From 2001, Hyakujuu Sentai Gaoranger (Kyakujuu mean "100 beasts", Gao is an onomatopoeia for roaring) made into the forgetable Wild Force (Worst actting I've ever seen, though the lead did make it up by apearing in Samurai as a badass) After calming down an elephant that had gotten spooked, a veternarian get's shanghided by four people who refuse to tell him their names and only refer to him as Red. they tell him he's be chosen to figth as a GaoRanger, vhosien by GaoLion as the team leader. They members had joined over time, the first, GaoYellow (a man here), was a military pilot who had crashed. he started the color code name routine, and they only admit thier real names to each other in the final epsiode, while on the ropes in thier battle againts the big bad. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3cd4AbK2Kus&list=PLzzHzCUDBO0MzasJa4Gq9H9aT0hHiRQ7t&index=1
  10. I have seen plans for a Japanese live action film version of the show people here would probably remember as titled "Battle of the Planets" or "G-Force". I remember it as G-force because I saw that cut first as a child.
  11. Evangelion might be better recived today with the previlence of mind screwy movies (I can just look at the new Tom Cruise SciFi film and it just screams " 'crazy plot twists' central station". Which ending would you prefer, the orignal aired one or End of Evangelion? Or would you prefer to work off "Rebuild of Evangelion". Or just start from scratch.
  12. I've decied to make a seires of posts based on yesterday's. Why, I feel like it... (I'm big on a lot of TV triva, you don't want to hear me go on about Star Trek) From 1993, epsiode 1 of "Gosei Sentai DaiRanger" (Gosei translates to "Five Stars", Dai roughly means "Great", but here is used as a meaningless proper noun). This is the source series of the thunder zords, Tommy's White Ranger suit and about 70% of season 2's monsters. The suits for the primary ranges would have been used in "Power Rangers Lost Galaxy" in 1999 as "ancient rangers", but the orginal plans for the second half of that season got derailed when PRLG pink's actress was diagnosed with Lukemia. thier morphers were used in Lost Galaxy for the Magna Defender, who didn't have one in Japan (just held his sword over his head and yelled) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3qQLcXh-ysw From 1994 episode 1 of "Ninja Sentai Kakuranger". (kaku meaning hidden) Source of the Ninja and shogun Zords, Ninjor, Rito Revolto, Master Vile, and the suits of the "Alien Rangers". This season had only three rangers in episode 1, Red, Blue and White. Yellow joined in epsiode 2 and Black arrived in epsiode 3 (Black was played by actor Kane Kosugi, (an American of Japanese decent, for those who've never heard of him) and most of his lines were in normal American english Unfortunitly, it's almost impossible to find subtitiled. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x34cpz_ninja-sentai-kakuranger-01_shortfilms From 1995,Chōriki Sentai Ohranger, (Choriki meaning "super power", Oh means king), the seaon that almost killed two TV shows. When Hiam Saban got to season 4 of power rangers, he decided to start following Sentai's process of remaking itself each year (the transformation would be complete with Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue in 2000, which started the compelty stand alone, self contained seasons). From Ohranger, we get Zeo. Suits, Villians, Monsters, mecha, fights. It was cheaper this way anyway. Problem here is I can't find Ohranger epsiode 1 at all, so here is part 1 of the Ohranger/ kakuranger cross over movie instead http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=263600443675444 From 1996, Gekisou Sentai Carranger; the season that saved Sentai (but nearly killed Power Rangers) (Gekisou translates as "radical racing"). Carranger is an oddball. It is basicly one giant parody of Sentai, while actually being a Sentai season at the same time. So this season is camp city with gags galor. Basicly, image if Disney brough in Seth McFarlen to do Star Wars VII and told him to base it around how he did his family guy tribute epsiodes. When it came time for Power Rangers Turbo, they hit a road bump, they could save the camp, or try to do a serious storyline. They went with the latter, and it bit them in the but HARD. It's kinda hard to take something serious when the rangers are getting baked into a gaint pizza. Carranger gave Turbo basicly everything, save Divatox. Turbo introduced the idea of an orignal, western charator as a lead villian, working with caractors drawn from the source series as undelings. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ON1BeyOc2jI&list=PLzzHzCUDBO0MxWOSvw9x-72OdnQSIMx1t&index=1
  13. You'll never look at your old Mighty Morphin Power Rangers toys the same way after this... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_7lfzyu2QG4 from 1992, and in honor of 20 years of Power Rangers*, I give you episode 1 of the 16th edittion of Super Sentai, "Kyouryuu Sentai Zyuranger".** * yes, it has infact been that long ** Kyouryuu = Dinosaur Sentai = Team/Squadron or similar Zyu = alternative spelling of Juu meaning beast
  14. That was the choice, build the D further for more money, or buy the dyre line for cheaper. Mayor LaGuardia was all for extending the IND until his staff convinced him the Dyre Line could do the same for less.
  15. Let's see, the A doesn't go near Wall Street and the T is planed for a station in that area, working title "Seaport"
  16. Actually I was in my way out. I had early dinner reservations at the steakhouse in Epcot's Canada pavilion and those are a bitch to get. However I do have pics of the updates, with a video of a full ride around the WDWRR. Uploading will have to wait till I get back, they are on my normal camera and I've been online via my iPhone. I have an old laptop, but the one I use at home has a built in SD card reader, so I stopped paying attention to USB cables and where I leave them.
  17. I'm currently on Disney World monorail stuck behind a broken one. Monorail Red has decided to lay down at the TTC, and I'm stuck on Monorail Coral in Contemporay station. And of course, I've got somewhere to be...
  18. In Disney World! Will bring bus and train picks to for youse to oogle
  19. The MTA has already hired a guy for B/O who was convicted for a bank robbery spree....
  20. For anyone who though mid-20th century band instrement infomericals were just plain boring, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Np9eflhMx08 Have some fullblown nightmares, on me. Be thankful I used the Mystery Science Theater 3000 version. I can't risk exposing any of you to the non-"Joel and the Bots" version
  21. Three more Star Trek Online ships USS Tappan Zee Mirror Universe Soverign class ISS Brookhaven Mirror Destiny Class (deep space Science ship) these ships were stolen by the tholians and captured by the Federation. Between getting the two, the game devleopers allowed you to stick ISS in place of USS. USS Nieuw Amsterdam Odyssey Class new "star" ship. class inculdes the NPC USS Enterprise NCC-1701-F.
  22. just noticed that after nearly two years, Dave P. finally bothered get the map on his main page fixed. One of the last vestages of the Brown M in our lives is gone.
  23. WABC did it again. they keep using a stock shot of an LACMTA Breda car for thier in intros to subway themed story's, in this case for the subway series.
  24. My great uncle from Seattle spent the day with us. He had flown into EWR last week, got a car and drove up to see some other members of the family. he came back down early this morning, got rid of the car and took NJT into penn, where I picked him up. he starts compaling about how he put a $20 in the TVM at Newark airport station and got back "New Jersey Transit Tokens". Apprently, he's never seen a gold dollar...
  25. In STO, you don't chose the exact class when you get a new ship, but the type. Empire State is an assult cruiser type. This type is made up of the Soverign, Majestic and Noble classes. You can swap out ship parts between related classes, or comeplty transform the ship from one class to the other when ever you feel like it. the main body of the ship is Soverign class, but the nacell pylons are off the Noble class and the Nacells themselves are from the Majestic. I also did this to the City of New York and the Long Island
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