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Kamen Rider

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Everything posted by Kamen Rider

  1. For LTA1992, and anyone who like my Super Sentai Videos from last year. Ressha Sentai Tokkyuger's first promo.
  2. so some reason my new desktop can't quote... Drek, you idea suffers a lot of the same problems your previous proposals did, #1. Making stations that were never meant to be terminals terminals Kings Highway is NOT a terminal. What do you have against Euclid that you still short the C at B'way Juct? #2.Telling us interlining slows service, but you still rely way too much on diamond cross overs. Truth is the subway is designed for interlining. It's how the system has been operated since November 23, 1904, the day the Lenox ave Branch opened for service, a month after the original mainline opened. #3 Over focus on evening out tph*, to the detramint of choice. *plus the information you used is off. The A to Rockaway park only sees 5 trains a day, and they do not operate the entire route southbound. The first four put-in at 168th, the last puts-in at Dyckman Street. #4 No regard for operational logistics. example, sending the R back to Astoria brings back the same problem the R had for years, it lacks storage capacity. Today, all lines have a yard somewhere along it's route. Some have more than one. Sending the R to Astoria leaves it with no yard, and zero storage capticty without some serious deadheading.
  3. So, Rollover, judging by that down vote, we're supposed to believe a train nicknamed "The ®arely" is enough for 4th Ave?
  4. and there is the simple fact of the matter that life impedes their ability to hold to those schedules.
  5. It's not so much "wailing away" as much as it simply makes no sense. You are giving a greater imbalance of service to inwood. I'm fine with making suggestions, so long as those suggestions make sense. for example, when SAS phase one opens and the Q is shifted over, many people have come to the (rather reasonable) conclusion that this might cause them to bring back the W. Now if someone suggested that this new W run to South Brooklyn, say to Bay Parkway on the West End. that makes some sense. It restores lost service, since the M is probably not going to go back there, and it fits into the system (the Ws can use what had been the M's slots in the Montague Tube). Only one person suggested anything like that, but makes the W run peak express on the West end, which is three stops, and therefor not much use once it goes local and you lose all the saved time when the D you were on goes sailing past you at Union Street...
  6. Dover, just because they did it in the past does not make it a good idea. infact, your idea looks a million kinds of worse. West End gets full time service to Manhattan. Brighton gets a part time express. you seem to be turning the West end and Concourse into shuttles. Why? I also don't get what is this obsession with ruining the far end of the Fulton line. Round Robin doesn't work, plus the people who had to use it last time it ran hated it. We're also screwing over the JFK bound passengers, by forcing them to transfer for no reason.
  7. I just left the Greenberg show at queens college. Went haves with my Grandfather on an MTH BMT standard 3 car add-on pack. Squee!!! Guy wanted $220, got him down to $205.
  8. The only thing standing in the way are the nimnuts we keep putting there. You know Charlie Rangel, since SAS phase 2 would effect his area, has been elected 21 times, and is quite close to 43 years in the job (and would probably quite close to fusing with his chair if he sat in it log enough) yet has he ever said anything about SAS?
  9. You didn't know? Between 1950 and 1980 New York State finances were handled by a chimp with an adding machine. They traded him in for a gibbon with a calculator but the damage was done. ------------------------------ The preceding statement was ment to be taken in a humorous manner...
  10. There are 10 mintues between Ms in the middle of the rush hour, you don't see me or anone else demanding rerouting Curlys because the trains can fill up quickly.
  11. Juelz, what you are basicly saying is "screw the people who live along the Dyre line, I want a slightly less crowded train." Why should they loose 50% of thier service so you can get a 33% increase?
  12. except I never used vulger or racist terms directed at anyone. the worst thing I implied was lack of inteligence. the worst i got was when realizm, once again, misunderstood an anglogy i made back in june, but I never stooped to real vulgarity, no matter how much I wanted to, I had the consitution to not use those words. I find it odd Turbo says this in the thread"As with everything there is criticism by others who will try to bring you down. Best thing to do is stand your ground, just like you would offline irl" Meanwhile, Turbo and MVH were calling people some rather rude names. IE "You Sick f-word" " You're a racist f-word". I only got involved in that thread becuase I felt Turbo was not being fair to Tokkemon when he said this to Tokkemon "You're a horrible, miserable person. Go find something worth your time." When all I did was define graffiti and illiect from Oxford, MVH responds with "An a**hole is defined as a part of the body, but you seem to be acting like one right now. Seems contrary to the definition, really." By the time realizm tells me I have to "live with it", I snapped. all the images from the past few months of our previous arguments flooded back in. and when you have a memory as sharp as mine can be, they come in in 1080p. Stop and Frisk. The finger print locks on the NYCHA buildings. Getting ridducled just for have a diffrent opinion. I had HAD IT. BUT, I kept myself under control. I wanted to say mean and nasty things. But I didn't. I only PM'ed realizm because he challenged me to directly defend myself, but I was busy and couldn't post before the thread was locked. I gave him a clear, consise version of my points going back the last six months, but he goes and proverbily tosses it aside without reading it and tells me to get over it. Not considering that his responce might only succede in getting me even MORE mad at him, and more likely to make posts such as this. Ignoreing a problem and hoping it's going to go away is only going to make it worse. Here, for everyone else to read easily, is what I wrote. I spent nearly an hour writting that.
  13. Since a certain someone doesn't wish to speak to me directly, I feel the need to express my opinions on the past few days in this open letter. Some of you were not pleased with what I said. However, I do not feel that the responce I recived was fair. I did not attack anyone directly until I myself was attacked, and even then, I chose me words carfefully and at best implied a lack of understanding. To defaime my character in a public forum simple becuase you do not agree with me is the sameful route this country has taken in the past few years. If you want to debate, that's one thing. I enjoy a good debate. But even when I provie outside sources to support the points I make, instead i get called a racist in the hopes that will shut me up. I get gang downvoted even though that's not the purpose of the downvote. If someone said something that I didn't agree with, I would attack the point itself, not drag their good name through the mud. Meanwhile, no one has ever provded any counter evidence to my claims. No instead they're telling me I'm a bad person and I should stop posting here and stuff like that.Has it truely gotten to the point that peoply play the racist card simply to get someone to stop talking? You're supposed to try to prove me wrong. Now that thread is just evidence in a tottaly diffrent point I've been making to other people; that people, when faced with inforation they can't dispute, will take to attacking the person who presented that information. Do I care what any of you say in responce to this? No. Do I care how many of you down vote it, no. I've said my peace, I'm done with it. have a good evening.
  14. CBTC has grown the way it has for a reason. It started on the L because the Canarsie Line is isolated and only two tracks. The Flushing Line is next because while it is also isolated, it provides a bit more of a challenge for the computers by having to deal with express trains. CBTC on the Lexington, the most heavily used line in the system, is out of the question for the time being.
  15. It kinda does. It's 30 days "without incident". It has to go a month without so much as the doors sticking before it can be cleared for full service. If it does have an issue, the clock resets to zero. Logicly, one would try to get those 30 days taken care of as quickly as possible, and that means pounding the rails every day possible.
  16. The more they over think the plumbing, the easier it is to stop up the drain... Montgomery Scott, "Star Trek III: The Search for Spock"
  17. What I'm saying is official maps, made by transit providers,have taken geographic reality and tossed it out the window. Even the current MTA maps. Not as bad as they used to be granted, but in relation to one another is the key. He hasn't placed 50th and broadway west of 50th and 8th. Fussing about how a fantasy map is drawn seems kinda pointless.
  18. Most schematic maps tend to stick to 45 and 90 degree angles and roughly equal spacing between stations. On the real MTA maps, those are only used where the real tracks roughly follow those angles, cause it's geographic. And even then the geography is skewed to better depict the system. Manhattan is thin and narrow, not in any shape like it is in the real world. Go look at the official London tube map. Then go look at a geographically based one. On both maps, find Wimbledon on the District Line, and then find South Wimbeldon on the Northern Line. If you look at the official map, they look like they're miles apart. If you look at the geographical map, you'd discover in reality, they're not even a mile apart, and that's following the streets. Walking wouldn't even take 20 minutes.
  19. And a kink at Carrol St... and a bigger curve at 67th street... and it ends up merging with 5th ave right where the BMT ends. So I guess it's really not straight at all...
  20. I don't know why Gold is suddenly so hostile towards NYCTF. would he prefer we put up with Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumb? Those two would have probibly found their way to subchat anyway.
  21. http://www.subchat.com/buschat/read.asp?Id=280900 Ok, now what...
  22. http://www.subchat.com/buschat/read.asp?Id=280870 Head desk....
  23. http://www.subchat.com/buschat/read.asp?Id=280741 For a guy who's supposed to be mad at us, he seems to be trying to use us as a source to defend his (probibly false) argument.
  24. It's not unacceptable to taxpaying citizens who are frequent flyers. It's just plain unacceptable; period, end of story. To start with, do we really need a nation-wide orginzation of glorified Rent-A-Cops? What's wrong with the airport's securing themsevels? They can still maintain the same secuirty standards without having people who are, in effect, outside contractors. The Feds set standards, the airport operators follow them. Can't be any worse than what we're stuck with now. People would probibly be more complaint if there was a PAPD officer at the machine at JFK, and not some random dope...
  25. checking them all is running them through the scaners. Wether or not the high school dropout watching the screen is paying attention is another thing. They're still probibly the most corrupt government agency to ever exist. And all of the problems are low level. They refused to let a Medal of Honor recpitent onto a plane, on the grounds his medal "could be used a weapon". In reality, the TSA agents wanted to STEAL IT.
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