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Kamen Rider

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Everything posted by Kamen Rider

  1. Fitbit Pay hops on the bandwagon at last second. https://investor.fitbit.com/press/press-releases/press-release-details/2019/Fitbit-Users-Can-Now-Use-Fitbit-Pay-at-Seven-Major-Transit-Systems-Around-the-World/default.aspx
  2. Mastercard to give people who use their cards for OMNY refunds of their fares on Fridays in June and July https://www.mastercard.us/en-us/consumers/offers-promotions/fareback-fridays-promotion.html
  3. I just got the weirdest image in my head... “Here Kia... here boy... that’s a good hatchback...”
  4. So.. I haven't been around her much... Truth be told... I've been dealing with depression. I got fired from my job at Staples towards the end of last year for reasons that are both stupid and when thinking about it, justified. So I've had time to think and I've thought about a lot of things and thought about what was wrong with my life and honestly... I think I figured out part of my problem. I've been living a lie my whole life... I'm... I'm a girl. I'm transgender. I'm the same sarcastic, short tempered ass I've always been. The difference now is I'm "Miss sarcastic, short tempered ass"
  5. I really don't understand this... One second people want more interlining, more services going more places. and then suddenly they want less. Make up your minds. That being said, a lot of these ideas still don't take capacity, storage, or dead miles into account. What use is having the M and F share the same tracks from Broadway-Layfette all the way to Briarwood? you're removing 6th avenue service west of Roosevelt Avenue, the very reason the V was created. Passengers will ether need to backtrack to Roosevelt or transfer at 7th onto already crowded B and D trains. then again, I'm still opposed to the existence of the Orange M because of it's capacity loss on Queens Blvd and 6th (shorter trains) and 4th avenue (only the R running local) and the fact, regardless of what people who can't do math say, it harmed more than it helped. (22,000 riders were using it for midtown vs 27,000 for Nassau from both ends of Brooklyn.
  6. …. Yeah I haven't been around here much recently…. So I'd figured I'd share a little something I've been working on the past year or so. My fan novel for "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." "Operation EXILES" https://archiveofourown.org/works/14842328/chapters/34355336 this is volume 1 of 5, all five together they're about 350 pages in MS word on the default settings. I started writing this when all signs showed the show would get canceled during season five, so it takes a new path from there. (quick word of warning; contains profanity and does involve multiple copies of the same people interacting, which can be confusing sometimes.)
  7. great, So V train will now stop asking about it every five minutes...
  8. Nice (though, Union, you might want to shorten your location. It looks like it's four inches long)
  9. I have no photos or anything at the moment to prove it, but a little while ago, what I swear had to be one of them museum fleet buses drove down my street. If it wasn't an MTA museum bus, someone was joy riding a classic GMC product through Ridgewood. I would have chased after it, but I would have looked really silly running down the street holding my dinner plate.
  10. They updated the FINDS on he CBTC R160s to mention the normal M at Broadway Junction and announce "M shuttle" at Myrtle Wyckoff
  11. unless you can work out a style operation, someone's commute is about to get rough.
  12. Whine-berg doesn't know when to quit. You had to have seen that coming. He's always got some snarky comeback or something he just has to say. He's basically every negative human trait balled up into one worthless package. He's an idiot, a liar, manipulative, egotistical, controlling, hypocritical, smug, rude, elitist and racist.
  13. is that a map? or a plate of multi colored spagetti?
  14. ​My L coming home from work tonight went BIE between Montrose and Morgan Canarsie bound. I was in the last car, 8212. after about 20 minutes, the train crawled into Morgan, where after a few more minutes, the train was taken out of service. waited about another 10 minutes for another train to take us, one went by without stopping.
  15. Simple thing is they didn't want to have to drag one car out of the museum for an event that bearly lasted an hour. The coupled up the SMEEs already in Indwood and figured "yea, that'll do".
  16. I took it on Saturday in FDR high school, in a classroom overlooking the athletic field as the school was playing soccer. Every so often they all screamed and we'd all groan with the occasional swearing.
  17. I think prototype trains might be exempt from "Buy American" because the prototype Kawasaki R160s came from the main factory in Kobe basically ready to roll.
  18. rephrase the question, why should they have done it? Whitehall Street was right there, and Blowing green is so close the old Shuttle was probably the shortest heavy rail rapid transit route in history. It was barely 1/4 the length of the 42nd street shuttle.
  19. nothing can terminate at Essex coming off of and then going back onto the Chrystie Cut. Not without multiple reverse moves.
  20. The simple fact of the matter is if the union doesn't like this new law, they have to retract all support of the mayor, and focus thier efforts on getting someone elected who will repeal the law. Or sue and try to get it removed as unconsititional. But as it stands, anyone who voted for mayor Wilhelm, you made you bed, now lie in it.
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