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Kamen Rider

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Everything posted by Kamen Rider

  1. And while I’m on the subject, even though the idea is to get the system installed within a year, I would think it would be a good idea if they had some sort of mark for every station once it was brought online or a way of letting people know they can use it at that stop. i remember when Metrocard was created. Stations that accepted it were shown on the subway map highlighted, until install was completed.
  2. So... um... we haven't like made anything official yet... but... long story short. I've got a girlfriend.
  3. we should really break down the list into Base full module Active
  4. My only question about having 86th for the SI buses is where are those riders heading to/coming from. Is it people who don’t want to take the ferry and can’t afford the Sims? (There is a terrible video game joke in there somewhere...) is it people being dispersed through southern Brooklyn? quite honestly, they would probably have seen a higher number of users from launch if St. George was included in the pilot program.
  5. I'm guessing then that Times Square is going to need a phase all it's own.
  6. Given the uniqueness of the Howard Beach’s fare control set up, I would actually expect that station to be one of the last ones, since you have three different gate lines to worry about and three different fares, not to mention the PA and Bombardier standing over your shoulders. Has there been much discussion on OMNY and AirTrain? I haven’t seen anything. Obviously they are going to do it, but I haven’t any mention of a timeline or anything.
  7. They have noted in the past heavy usage of OMNY by visitors. I think they said in the first few months they saw authorizations for transactions from over 80 different countries. Maybe that’s what they’re aiming for?
  8. That’s assuming the full rollout process begins next week, there are no delays and massive stations like TSQ don’t take up too much time. (PS. Read my signature)
  9. To be fair, KFC does love the Japanese market (when Osaka isn’t chucking Col. Sanders into a canal...)
  10. You’re assuming they actually created a program. Unless they have finally gotten around to updating the process (you never know with the MTA) the trains have to be brought into the shop and be hooked up to a special computer (I’ve seen the one that was at East 180th), something that takes time to cycle through. you are assuming they had time to do all that.
  11. If they want to complete their stated goal of “system wide by the end of 2020” they need to bring an average of about 7 new stations online each week for the next 14 months.
  12. Because they have to manually install the program in each unit. some service changes, like the M on CPW, are so rare, what’s the point of having to reprogram ENY’s entire roster for a reroute that’s only going to be used for a few days? I mean, they knew about the 2010 changes months ahead of time, and yet most of the NTTs ran announcements and finds off for the first few weeks until their inspection turns came up, after the changes went into effect.
  13. They didn't with MetroCard. Don't see why this would be any different. Now if they'd just get a flipping move on...
  14. Aside from restoring the row, there is other work nessisary. in my ideal version of the LIRR option; the Railroad takes one track off the IND, the current northbound track. new platforms are built on the old southbound express track at all three stations (these would be single direction at Howard Beach and North Conduit, and both directions at the racetrack. a new track is built on the outside of the existing north bound platform at Howard Beach to convert it into an island platform. This way one train can arrive and then another immediately depart over the single track section. any subway connection would be probably better off if it avoided the QBL all together, instead operating through queens as part of a relief line. follow the old RBB tracks all the way to woodside, and their tunnel under the mainline tracks or swung over Queens Blvd, dive under the 7 (with a transfer station) and from ether route, connect with the 63rd Street Line via the stub tunnels at Queensbridge. Cross the river along side the F, but then, maybe, swing down the SAS instead of having to squeeze onto one of the existing lines.
  15. Because getting to Chuck E. Cheese is that important... The existing West Shore Branch ROW passes right next to the mall. That seems to be a touch on the weak justification side.
  16. Oh dear God... https://store.steampowered.com/app/1121910/I_Love_You_Colonel_Sanders_A_Finger_Lickin_Good_Dating_Simulator/
  17. Ok then... so where do you suggest the MTA get the roughly several hundred million dollars, if not more this program would take from fare box recovery ratio every year? CUNY, by itself, has roughly 250,000 students. Now, not all of them are full time, but add on SUNY and all the private colleges, it could easily be that many full time students across the city. And at that total, we’re looking at about $130 million in lost revenue a year. they tax items that have nothing to do with the MTA to held fund it. They are putting in congestion charges to try to keep the agency afloat... and suddenly we’re talking about blowing another hole in the operating budget. Now, unlike most of society, I still see compromise as the core of democracy, so... the pass is $100 for the school year. they still get a discount, and less of the cost burden is passed to those of us who actually pay our fares...
  18. $1.50... for an entire.... Are you kidding me? Sure... I can see a discounted unlimited... but $1.50... less than the cost of one single ride and EVERYONE getS free transportation for three months? Yeah, there is no way that could be abused. Absolutely no one will sign up for an online course and then show up and say “Well, I am a student... so here’s $1.50, now give me my free rides.” there is a reason on why there are rules applied to the student cards. I went to catholic school, so I didn’t have certain public holidays off and had to prove why I was using my student card on those days.
  19. OMNY passes won't be ready for a few years. Stick with MetroCard. Wally... That crossover... is MAYBE 0.001% total usage. and that's being generous, I might have left off a lot of zeros there. If you replaced SEPTA with NJT in your argument, that would be a logical statement. or SEPTA and NJT working together. But no. You said "we should have the same system in two different cities a hundred miles apart whose transit services are not directly connected." Once again, you have taken the tiny, pointless target and suddenly decided that such a massive decision must be made based around their benefit. "College students"? Really? that's the justification you're going for? Or is that crossover... YOU... and you can't be bothered to carry around two cards. Nevermind the very idea of OMNY is you shouldn't need a card in the first place.
  20. technically speaking, yard storage capacity is not as big a factor as it might seem on the subway when compared to other systems. The MTA can easily get away with more trains than the yards could possibly store all at once, since under ideal circumstances, there will always be trains out running.
  21. I mean, I want him to try to explain why he thought it was a good idea to stick the M on the QB express. i already have made it known I’m not a fan of having 480’ trains on that section of track, why is it the express...?
  22. This... This is terrible. improves user experience? did you even LOOK at the track maps when you made this? You have the N as express via lower Manhattan and the locals on the bridge. You can't do that. Also Astoria called, they want their express back, and Bay Ridge is on hold, they're upset you're cutting the late night R back to 36th street. We have enough people complaining about the R as it is, don't try to put out the fire with gasoline... Similar problem with terminating the 3 at Utica, The terminating trains would be crossing in front of the 4's trying to get up onto the Livonia El. You can't lock an X-over to the diverging position in service, you loose at least 25 to 30% of your capacity doing that. You have cut off western Queens from the sixth avenue line without doubling back somewhere. Can't do that ether. The V and the orange M were created for a reason. you're ram rodding all service down the 8th avenue line for no justifiable reason. You add unnecessary service variants and yet say it's "less complex"? You require more transfers to get places that would otherwise be straight shots.
  23. I think some phones require a touch of set up to work right. There was a option I had to select on my phone.
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