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Kamen Rider

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Everything posted by Kamen Rider

  1. Yeah, the current public timetables have the midday work train access period built in, which I have had to explain multiple times to people in the same conversation. for this project they’re suspending it and allowing them to run express all day.
  2. I should see in my great big collection, between myself and my late grandpa, if there is a 90s era L timetable so we can really compare just how much of change there is. when everything is running smoothly, there is currently a train every 3-6 minutes all day.
  3. until the customers turn into an angry mob because my train was rerouted at the last second, leaving me, without hyperbole, fearing for my safety. Working an R train job a year ago. weekend GO had the train express from Forest Hills to the Plaza. We get to 36th and the tower calls, saying that due to an issue, we were going via 63rd street. I make the annoucments. We arrive at Queensbridge and about 20 people surround me, yelling and screaming. calling me all sorts of heinous things, to the point the cops who happened to be standing there got involved. "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL US THIS AT ROOSVELT YOU (bleeping) (insert homophobic slur)?!?" and they wouldn't accept the fact I didn't know this in advance and more so acted as if I had any say in the matter. They are not always right and they are anything but the kings...
  4. Maybe if the customers returned that respect once in a while instead of treating us like we’re part of the furniture… hell, people like you and Wally do it in places like this very thread by coming up with ideas that do not consider us and our needs and comforts. let me give you an example of what I’m talking about… the wonderful world of the Canarsie Line platform at Union Square. middle of the PM rush hour, when L trains run every 4 minutes or less, you get people verbally abusing me for simply doing my job. Because they come bouncing down the stairs as I am doing my platform sweep before returning control to the TO; put thier hands on the train doors and demand I let them on. When I tell them no. They start cursing me out, even after I point out my follower is literally right outside the station.
  5. Your grandfather also probably never had passengers demand he drag a sick and possibly dying man off his bus… meanwhile two weeks ago that is exactly what I had. Man is lying face down on the ground having muscle spasms annd bleeding and the “only care about myself” types demand I move him. people and thier selfish behavior is a core problem, that can on it should be be ignored for the sake of pushing the usual “the bosses suck” narrative.
  6. it's based on the demand. who needs what when. Like... of my induction group was 30 to the A and 20 to the B. of the 20 of us, only 12 are still working as conductors. some people got called for other things. some people quit. One i know got fired.
  7. So... what does that have to do with RTO mister Bus man...
  8. happened to me yesterday on a Romeo coming into the plaza. Still tagged for the southbound trip.
  9. It has to get from Parsons to Kew before the problem even happens right now. another possibility is that the train is still tagged for the pervious trip. IE when it enters 50th street and renters CBTC territory, it’s southbound ID is still attached.
  10. You want to know what REALLY kills the line's OTP and headways? It's not the merging. It's not the length. It's not how many stops it makes... It's the people. The ones who stand there with their feet in the doors trying to read the FINDS. The ones who stop me to ask redundant questions. the ones who come running down the stairs, shove themselves into the closing doors, hold them open for their family/ slash buddies, pile into the train... and then suddenly burst out of the train because they realized this WASN'T the train they wanted. Or, to put it this way... Guess which line I worked today and Yesterday... The problem with Continental as a terminal is that often times we have to be called down to the platform to pick up our train. In the last few times I've had the R I've kept to time nearly every time, only for an issue that can not be solved by making changes to the line to show up, delaying me. Man gets sick. Someone cuts the power. someone forgot the rules about "Holding Lights as Starting Lights".
  11. That’s physically impossible. We don’t have enough R46s on hand in Pitkin’s fleet to do that.
  12. when we enter CBTC territory, the computers on the train “localize” with the system and on both of our screens should have our call letters in full. most of the time… sometimes it will just be nonsense. Like “oX 1234 42 169” or something like that. then when have to call control, tell them who we are and where we are and get them to fix it, which sometimes takes time. Imagine me as a Fox express a few weeks back begging them from Kew Gardens to Jackson Heights to fix it. Because even when sharing the 53rd street tube, you can’t proceed out of Jackson Heights without proper ID. and when control is in Panic mode? Good luck with that. Thank God my XL North job starting next week doesn’t have the Queens corridor until the M returns to Forest Hills next year.
  13. Press conferences have thier own, separate YouTube channel. ”MTA Live”
  14. Press conference is going on right now. So the maps should be out in the next hour or so.
  15. they will require the trains to be tagged in the system and that doesn't always work. Sometimes you get someone else's ID, sometimes you get a random jumble of Lord only knows what...
  16. ... And Car Equipment likes to keep their cards close to their chest...
  17. This is why I try to carefully frame everything I say because some people blow it out of proportion. i swear, I could say “I saw a lizard” and some of you would start running and screaming about Godzilla… the issues the 211s have faced, other than the leaking gearbox lubricant, have almost all been software based. No doors opening when they shouldn’t. No pull aparts. literally the only other major issue that I can think of that isn’t pure software was that one time when the traction system locked out while in service and that was most likely user error.
  18. should note that RTOMan is one of only a handful of people who have been calling them that. Most are still calling it RCC, including control itself...
  19. Several months ago, I pointed out that the size of an inspection shop had a direct correlation to how many trains it can support and therefor how many lines could be based there. Another factor I would now like to bring in is the logistics that goes in to the repair and inspection shops. If, as an example, we kept the 32s in active service at Pitkin for the A and C… then Pitkin would need to set aside storage space for parts for four different car classes. 32, 46, 179 and 211. that’s another serious issue that does not get discussed, replacement parts. Department of Car Equipment was having discussions about cannibalizing the master controllers in one cab of some R46 sets to maintain the others, effectively locking them as fixed 8 car trains. i must point out what that bit of information came from a line superintendent about a year ago. So in the meantime they probably changed their minds and decided not to go through with that. but that is a serious issue, we can’t get replacement parts. And if we could get them, given the short remaining service lives of the 46s, we might order too much and be stuck with extra or order too little and go back to square one. and remember, right now I’m talking about the R46s. The R32s were even worse at parts availability and their MDBF was absolutely in the toilet. Keeping them around for the sake of 8 minute headways instead of 10 on the C in the off peak was not worth the obvious headaches the decision makers knew would happen if we did that.
  20. 34 tends to act as if it's "first among equals" on the B2 channel, like they think they're control or something. You're calling Essex or 59 or WTC and they'll butt in. They're like that one person who has to get involved in every conversation. They'll get involved with Rockerfeller, or 42nd/8th, control or not. Especially under normal circumstances there is no one in the tower at Rockerfeller to call if something's gone wrong.
  21. https://www.lohud.com/story/news/2023/12/08/person-struck-by-metro-north-train-at-chappaqua-station/71850198007/ He was my cousin.
  22. We are supposed to know all active rolling stock in our division, regardless of what our jobs entail. Besides, not everyone picks one line and stays there thier whole time in transit. Some people move around. So someone who picked an F job might want to move to the A out of Lefferts one day. This would require knowing how to crew the 211s.
  23. Look, R32s have been run into the ground. We don’t even use them as work motors. Every pickup I have seen as an employee, and the sandlite trains, all have R42s as power. We have exactly 1 train of them in fully functional condition and that is the movie train. the issue with the 211s is not on par with the 179s. No one has been put in danger: it’s just cracks, leaking oil and the trains sliding. the latter of which is something that happens this time of year anyway. yes, it is going to take some time to get fully fixed, but that’s because we’re not half assing this.
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