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Kamen Rider

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  1. Which is why do you it the old fashioned way. F train making G stops and going as far at 71st might confuse the passengers. Train says it’s a G when Itrac says it’s an F actually slows down service and can result in wrong lineups, because the tower has to figure out who you are.
  2. someone is getting a talking to,,, not supposed to do that. You set it as an F to 71st and you go manual announcements. signs on the trains have to match your callsign.
  3. for most people. pre-employment is a two-day affair. the first is just the drug test. the meat and potatoes is next time. For that, get a note from your doctor describing your condition.
  4. if you have a neck over 17 inches in circumference. mine was just over the line... turns out my throat is narrow anyway, so size didn't matter.
  5. first weekend of June, more full length M to 96th. this time the L is only going to Myrtle Wyckoff.
  6. The current standard employee timetable calls for 40 trains in the PM rush. We have 13 full length R179s and as such we would need 27 R211As to provide a full CBTC compatible fleet if we leave no spare factor, and at this point we are roughly halfway there. the most recent update is "that's for Division of Car Equipment to know and for the rest of us to find out when they feel like telling us"
  7. I feel like they forget we have access to things they don’t
  8. In theory we just need enough plus the R179s to make 40 trains. in theory, we could cancel the Rock Park trains to save us five trains and only need 35 to five us spare capacity.
  9. If you’re 1: physically capable 2: honest about everything. 3: not high as a kite… you probably should at least clear hurdle one. But, that’s still just the first hurdle. You’ve still got a ways to go. like… surprisingly people go through that entire process, start Schoolcar… and only then discover they can’t climb the front of the train. It’s like the first major test after employment officially begins, you need to be able to get up from the roadbed into a train.
  10. It is literally written in the documentation the 211Ts get the two weeks off.
  11. To add to what Railman said, there is no such thing as a stupid question. You are entitled to clarification of everything. Perfect example: one of the most common rules with operations that can get muddled is "expresses on the local are express unless otherwise told". if you're an A or a 4 and you're getting a local lineup, you and your partner are entitled to ask, even if they don't tell you. "(tower/Control+ your ID information) Am I express on the local or am I making local stops for service..." Cause here's the thing... sometimes messages get stepped on, sometimes interference gets in the way. They may have given you instructions, and you didn't hear on no fault of your own. So, ask. It's better to be sure than to be explaining later. Our communication system has it's flaws. I've had a rather rare circumstance where you had two trains going in opposite directions with the same interval time due to adjustments. I was at Queens Plaza one day, as like a 1050 Echo Parsons to World Trade and right next to me going the other way was the 1050 Echo World Trade to Parsons, and they'd only said "1050 Echo at Queens Plaza"
  12. Ever since the Spuyten Duyvil Metro-North derailment, the MTA has been extremely strict with sleep apnea cases.
  13. when they tell you it's your turn to go through the pre-employment process. They have to grade the test, deal with any challenges to an answers, make the list and then start calling from it. That process takes a little while.
  14. that does kinda depend on their needs. Like, Myself, Comrade 96 and a few other members of the site, we took the tests back 8 years ago. they didn't get to us for several years, but obviously we were affected by the pandemic... in your case... you might be sooner rather than later. The MTA did a mass hiring push in the first few years of the 2000s... and those guys are going to be "putting in their papers" soon. We are going to need bodies by the truck load... again... So if you did really well, and you meet their criteria, and you don't get hung up like I did with getting a CPAP machine... 3-5 years, you'll walking into PS 248 for you first day.
  15. Because “being equipped” doesn’t mean the system is turned on yet.
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