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IRT Bronx Express

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Everything posted by IRT Bronx Express

  1. No, but I will take a look at it.

  2. Hey!


    I made another signage out of randomness. You'll appreciate it. :tup:

  3. Yep, and why was that?

  4. Which is why I'm against shrinking them, ultimately defeating the purpose of the handmade signages... :tdown: I'll shrink them if they request it.

  5. Yep :P And okay, I'll make one right now.

  6. Hey!


    Your (D) and (G) x2 signages are ready! Be sure to look for it in my thread. :)

  7. Hey!


    Your X signage is ready. Be sure to look for it in my thread. :)

  8. Hey!


    Your (D) LED sign is ready. Be sure to see it in my thread. :)

  9. Oh, and thanks for the 3 images, lol at the bus one.

  10. The revived thread says it all. ;) And hello!

  11. I uploaded 6 LED signages... did I do one small LED signage by any chance? :o

  12. Thanks, bro :cool: :tup: I have more, but this time, 6 that I previously did last month! :tup: Time to catch up now... FamousNYLover Roadcruiser1 (will do the remaining one) dmouse iGeMiNix
  13. It has been awhile since I last came here... I don't know where I last left off, but here's something that LRG will approve. :cool:
  14. Yes, minus Ftrainfoamer's requests. I don't know where I left off to be honest... And thanks for the welcome.

  15. I'll do everyone's requests by order. I don't decide which request goes first, which goes last, etc. because it doesn't look right. You got it. :tup: Sure, and this request is definitely not weird. Sorry peeps, I have been slacking off for some time now... time to get serious.
  16. Done and done :tup:


    And I'm doing yours now :D

  17. does it animate by any chance? :P

  18. oh, what do you do then during summertime?

  19. It will look very stretched, unless you have all frames in one place. :P

  20. R44/46 LCD signage, correct? I don't combine frames for that signage, but for R143/160 LED yes I do combine them. Also, there are tons of requests that you possibly didn't see. Damn right, I have to do what, 15? :cry:
  21. I'll begin now :tup:


    Also, where do you get those images? :P

  22. don't worry, I always do a lot today and tomorrow :P But I'll do yours after I finish posting ;)

  23. Nope, haven't done any signs after LRG's yet :eek:

  24. Its Friday, and I have no work :eek:


    How's your day going?

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