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IRT Bronx Express

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Everything posted by IRT Bronx Express

  1. Megabus did stop posting though for the better. Failfoamertrain, however, does not care how much most of us criticize him at all since he just ignores them as if nothing happened. :tdown: This has been going on for months now, and won't end sooner... how prone is he to the backlash he receives?

  2. Who do you think is worse? Ftrainfan or Megabus? Though I have to say, the latter's posts did make me lol, despite the fact that I wasn't around to see "his supposed drivel".

  3. I have to see this myself. :tup: Whenever I get the chance that is. he he he

  4. You're welcome :tup:

  5. That moment did freak you out a little, I don't blame you. But kudos to you for being strong. :tup: Not all the time that happens. I guess it depends on the train speed.

  6. Why is that? Because of the wide turn?

  7. Same here, but the B division, much to my dismay, had redbirds as well. I only took the A-div redbirds in my whole life. :eek:


    75 footers should be built for future B-div cars because of the wide space :cool:

  8. Happy 18th Birthday! :cool:

  9. Lol at the image! But I wholeheartedly agree with you. I had enough with his constant bullshit.

  10. Why wouldn't I? The Redbirds are just awesome and I like them equally with the R62/A's since they were the first cars I rode. What about you?

  11. Good man you are! :tup: The R44, though retired, had them too :cool:

  12. Anything that aren't NTTs are better. I like the R46 for its LCD sign. :tup:

  13. Oh I see, I did see your post btw :tup:

  14. I'm at my profile, now what? :P

  15. Nah, he gets an F for foamer n failure :cool:

  16. Look at my post at the 6791-95 on the (4) thread. :tup:

  17. Look at my post at the 6791-95 on the (4) thread. :tup:

  18. Happy 18th Birthday! :cool:

  19. Highlighted red text, yay.

  20. Finally. X_X


    Thanks :tup:

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