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IRT Bronx Express

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Everything posted by IRT Bronx Express

  1. I have RTS' permission to help out with backlogged requests along with OrionFlyer, so it's possible that most of them will be done. I don't know when as I don't have the material at this time, but remain seated people. :cool:
  2. @Coneyislandav7: Accepted :tup: Unfortunately, that's how it looks like on the flipdot sign. Unlike my sign, the flipdot sign uses thin fonts, which I didn't use.
  3. There's always pics for that, and there are tons. :tup:

  4. You can always redo it once more. Who knows? Maybe it'll come out perfect? It's always good to retry things until you feel like you mastered it, right?

  5. What do you plan to draw, if you'll make another drawing? Take my suggestion: no NTT's. Too much fame and monotonous. :cool:

  6. Congrats, that's truly awesome :cool:

  7. About the R143 sign, if only that black bar didn't get in the way, then it would've looked perfect. To be blunt, I don't know how to make a MegaMax scrolling animation seen on the green flipdot signs. :(

  8. I can't take it anymore!!!1! No more (F)ail train talks!!!1!11!!!
  9. Hi EE; His name is Hamm the Piggy Bank, and he's from the Toy Story franchise. :tup: Though his owner refers to him as Dr. Evil Porkchop. :P

  10. Only the bullet, but everything else is perfect. :tup:

  11. Sadly, nope. What about you?

  12. That's what I plan to do after finals.

  13. I never boarded an R143 fleet once, so I'm not sure if it scrolls from top to bottom. :o

  14. You're welcome :tup: I made the sign quickly since there are no more requests to be made. B) And because of that, I decided to make something. :cool: Comments are appreciated!
  15. I can only draw MTA-related stuff, so technically yes. :tup:


    I posted a pic on that thread btw

  16. Much better! :tup: The only bus routes that has that identical signage (Heights is presented as HTS) are the Bx3 and Bx36 Limited, if the bus has the Orange Horizon LED. :cool: Dunno about the Manhattan buses. BTW, were you waiting for this?
  17. Bummer... don't worry about it. If you get a grade for that, then please do tell me. :tup:

  18. By hand? I would like to see it, if that's possible.

  19. Drawn by hand, used to but yes. By computer, never attempted it. :P

  20. Right-click on the image, save it on your desktop, go here and upload it (option 2), hit Insert Signature Picture, and save. :tup:

  21. Not bad, though you could've written "Heights" rather than abbreviating it since there was more room. Well, at least you didn't make it say "Washtn Ht", one of the worst shortened destination signage ever. That won't be a problem. :tup: Accepted. Once I finish making the fonts, I'll think about it. Right now, only 40-50% is complete.
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