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IRT Bronx Express

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Everything posted by IRT Bronx Express

  1. I'll fix it later. I've been busy recently, preventing me from making more signs..
  2. Sorry folks, no new signs other than coneyisland's... M13 Flipdot: M13 Orange LED:
  3. For some reason, the image won't load, even though I found it on Google images. Here's another one.
  4. Looks like Orion took care of them. :tup: That is exactly how RTS makes the flipdot signs using the Luminator MAX scrolling, but his comes out slightly faster (he animates it with Photoshop I think). I have GIMP so I should try this out and see if it works for me. Thanks, and your signs are excellent too. My fonts are always ready and I just paste them on the LED template, and center the destination minus the route number. :tup:
  5. It's not like he's permanently banned though. He just won't be here for a few days or a week.
  6. Request accepted. :tup: @CI: I'll take care of this since: 1. You don't have the material to make LCD signs. 2. Barely anyone requests for LCD signs anyways.
  7. More signs are finally here, while progress is actually getting better than expected. :tup: Please feel free to request for bus signs as this thread really needs activity. Thanks for looking here, folks.
  8. I'm doing pending requests in order from last year up to today, but I'll make an exception and work on this sign today. :tup: I'll take care of this one too. I did the Bx26/28, so I'll do the Bx30/38. :tup:
  9. Though this is old news, I would like everyone to know that bus sign requests are to be made only here. I don't want this thread to be filled with bus sign requests while that thread dies out, not to mention that I'm filling in with backlogged requests. As for the MBTA fonts I was working on, eh... gtNovaBusRTS9369 and R44 CNG: (Previously, I did this one, but I corrected "VIA") Mac Claire: CI:
  10. I feel so bad for not replying to this topic sooner... Anyways, you've amazed me once more. Only if I could see the IND tracks past 59-Columbus, and the Bowling Green/South Ferry shuttle platform, then I'd be happy. :tup: I actually like your idea of sending 75 footers on the Eastern Division BMT line *points to * I hope to see more. :cool:
  11. The resized signs look crap, which is why I'm really against resizing them down. In fact, I never resize them anyways.
  12. Excellent work, ConeyIsland. :cool: I PM'd Strain about what he wants the signs to say, so he should reply with a response sometime today. Or else, I'll come up with something.
  13. For me, sign making takes only 20-40 minutes. It depends how much work it requires, plus how many requests I have to do. I can't believe it takes 2 hours for you. Overkill, I'm telling you. Also...
  14. As promised, I made 6 bus signs. I'll continue to make more, regardless of what the status is (rejected or pending) Thanks for looking folks. It's not an "NG" (don't know what that is...) so I made a Horizon LED instead. I made this last week, and I was to present this originally instead of the Bx16 signs, though I changed my mind afterward. Credit all goes to RTS for the fonts.
  15. Folks, ignore the fact that I said I can't make Orange LEDs at this point. I found a very easy method to create them with NO coloring done at all. This process only took 3-5 minutes, thus eliminating unnecessary work and stress. As promised, I finally present the Orange LED signs. Bx4A extension to Pelham Bay Park Bx4A extension to 3rd Ave - 149 St I will now be able to start making requested signs that were not made at this point due to RTS CNG's time restrictions and the fact that he's at college now. I have a list in Notepad, so I don't have to worry about which is which. Enjoy!
  16. Crap, I didn't see this. B) Excellent job, Coneyisland! :cool: btw, please name the file like this (ELocalLED) for future LED signs you make. It's much easier and organized. B) Folks, ConeyIslandAv7 will help out with the LED signs as most of the requests are all R143/160 LED's. Welcome to the team, CI!
  17. My LED sign has a character limit of 136, yours has a limit of 133... Plus, the "dots" are the same exact size as the ones I have for my signs. The only major differences are that your "template" is very pixelated and is saved as .JPG (which makes all pictures look crappy) instead of .PNG or .GIF (both won't distort picture quality). This. This, I truly believe.
  18. It looks exactly like my template. You didn't make it at all, so don't try to fool me.
  19. Almost done folks... T_T Rell: Interior LED gtNovaBusRTS9369: Fulton Express World Trade Center I'll do the bus signs this Monday. KTrainExp: to Coney Island Prototype LCD Coneyislandav7 will do the sign, if not, I'll do it. Yuki: Here you go. What do you want the signs to say for these lines? (Q, A, E, F, 4, 5, and 6) Me and coneyisland will split the job. :tup: Monday, hopefully. Rell gave me the link for that site not too long ago. :tup:
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