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IRT Bronx Express

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Everything posted by IRT Bronx Express

  1. @ gtNovaBusRTS9369 and R110B: I will have your signs made tomorrow. Why tomorrow? I will finally finish up the remaining pending requests (about 8 left)!!! :cool::tup: Now, onto the juicy stuff. Enjoy, folks.
  2. ^^ Now that's what I wanted to see!! Really good find.
  3. Don't take 553's words that seriously. He never meant to make it sound that funny as you pictured it.
  4. Heh, the PATH should be renamed "PATH Subway". Nice job, Bstyles! :cool:
  5. Okay, I've been somewhat lazy for awhile... So here are more signs to present. Have a good night, folks. I can't scroll signs yet, but this will have to do for now. My apologies for a late reply... but thanks for the info. So the TwinVision LeDot signs were just like the current Orange LED? btw I saw the video that you linked here, so is there a way that I can make the flipdot signs scroll? To me, speed doesn't matter much anyways...
  6. Egads :eek:! Hopefully you don't stay out in the cold all night.
  7. No more backlogged requests! :cool: gtNovaBusRTS9369: Coneyislandav7: NX Express: (I don't know how you wanted it, but here are two versions.) Kriston Lewis: (If you want me to separate "8 AV/FULTON ST" and "2 AV/UTICA AV", please tell me.) Strain:
  8. That's how long it takes for the damned box to turn on if unplugged/restarted, if not, then 10 f*ckin' minutes. :mad: Yep, I knew about the change for some time now. I wonder if the "NY1 moved to channel 8" blue screen notice is still on channel 1 yet... It's Optimum Or It's Not?... Guess What Mr. Dolan, IT'S NOT! (not written by me) That rant should be entertaining to read; a lot of the truth is there.
  9. Yeah, them Scientific Atlanta boxes are really unstable and useless. :tdown:
  10. It's even more worse during the rain and windy days. :cry:
  11. Nearly everyone complains about that, and I don't blame them. But I did like the SD picture quality through my DVR for the premium channels (when they were still SD before all of them became HD) What I find humorous about their advertising of Wifi is their claim that it's 2x faster than 3G. Tried their wifi on my iTouch, and it's nowhere near faster at all. You have to be lucky enough to find a stronger optimum wifi signal or deal with the slowness. :tdown: The HD channels themselves are also pixelated as well, and the colors are somewhat off, so it's no wonder why it's "free". Cablevomit will do anything to convince you to stay with them, yet at the same time, they know that they don't stand a chance with Fios since that will be the future.
  12. Join the club. I only want Fios for the picture quality. Cablevision is a disgrace because they advertise their cable service as "digital TV", when in fact, all channels are broadcast in analog signal. It's really irritating to see a pixelatd picture. :tdown:
  13. The people at Cablevision knows that they're losing the competition, now that Fios will be the future. They'll come up with random bullsh*t to prevent optimum customers from switching.
  14. You can upload pics here: Photobucket. Free account is all you need, and you can upload pics there, and link them here. :tup:

  15. I wholeheartedly agree with you. Sadly, FIOS is not available where I reside, so I'm stuck with cablesh*ttin'. Satellite is out of the question since our landlord won't allow anyone to have it.
  16. I'm back, folks, with new bus signs. 2 Train Master: Dynamic Vaudeville: 4P3607:
  17. I used to do that whenever I saw CN, Nickelodeon, Kids WB!, etc etc... now that I watch movies on Cinemax, watching them on network tv is a moot point for me. As for the programming, I can care less.
  18. I skip all network television channels since commercials annoy the sh*t out of me. Hell, edited material is nowhere near good anyways.
  19. Now this is what's up! :tup: I never knew the abandoned Myrtle Av station was inside (I believed it was outside)
  20. I'll add in "via Murdock Av/via Liberty ave" for your Q83 sign this week. :tup:
  21. Sure, but how do you want it: Green Flipdot or Orange LED? Seems interesting, any info about it? :tup:
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