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IRT Bronx Express

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Everything posted by IRT Bronx Express

  1. In standard English language: Coney Island is NOT a loop. Coney Island is NOT a loop. Coney Island is NOT a loop. Coney Island is NOT a loop. Coney Island is NOT a loop. In ass-backwards language: .pool a TON si dnalsI yenoC .pool a TON si dnalsI yenoC .pool a TON si dnalsI yenoC .pool a TON si dnalsI yenoC .pool a TON si dnalsI yenoC In Pig Latin: Oney-Cay Land-Isay is-ay ot-nay a oop-lay. Oney-Cay Land-Isay is-ay ot-nay a oop-lay. Oney-Cay Land-Isay is-ay ot-nay a oop-lay. Oney-Cay Land-Isay is-ay ot-nay a oop-lay. Oney-Cay Land-Isay is-ay ot-nay a oop-lay.
  2. You might as well extend the because they need it more than the .
  3. Hahaha, I have some films in my possession that critics believe it's "bad". I saw Toy Story 3 various times (DVD and through Starz HD), and I can tell you that it's a lot better than TS and TS2 in terms of the plot (though I still like TS/2). Check it out one day, you won't regret it. One tip: if you don't mind ads, logos, marginalized credits, and voiceovers on Starz (yes, this is not a lie), you can watch it there, including "Up". Otherwise, DVD or online searching are your alternatives.
  4. What's even more annoying is unrealistic fictional extensions. :tdown:
  5. After as long day of making the fonts from scratch, I present... I will resize bus signs for all future requests, which I will get to tomorrow. Enjoy the sign!
  6. Feliz Cumpleaños, SubwayGuy. :tup:

  7. :tup: Nice! I'll have to thank you one day, but for now, I'll make them signs and you can take a break. :cool: Feel free to send the rest to me any time. To do that, you'll have to make them by scratch, using Paint. As tedious as it sounds, that's how you'll be able to accomplish that.
  8. I will now begin where I left off months ago. I can't make Titan signs yet as I can't find the right time to make the fonts from scratch. I'm not sure if you want all three animated as one whole sign, or if you wanted them to become 6 separate frames. Let me know if you want me to correct them. I should charge everyone a premium fee for these "beloved" signs. But then again, this thread would go out of business if I do that. I should make that sign one day. :cool:
  9. Such random stuff are best discussed here, and there wouldn't be arguments.
  10. Midday Express to Manhattan was canceled due to "emergency work". :tdown:
  11. I always see that set on the , so it shouldn't be surprising
  12. Sixth Avenue did have the ((Q6Av) as express services at one point, but that's a different story.
  13. I have this camera. Normally, I take pictures using AUTO, but I would like to try something new, as in, trying out other settings. Suggestions? Oh, stop showing off.
  14. Happy Birthday, Codebreaker! :cool:

  15. I must say this, your R143/160 LED signs look MUCH better than your first one. :cool:
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