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IRT Bronx Express

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Everything posted by IRT Bronx Express

  1. This will certainly help out. B) If I can find a way to get Illustrator and Photoshop CS5 the right way... lol. You're welcome. :tup: Lol, thanks. B) Some big letters for the LED sign are made up since I have no actual pics showing how they look like... except for the A, which I'll correct if I can get a better pic of it.
  2. I will take a look at it. :)

  3. Your sign is done. :)


    *it'll be resized in a few mins*

  4. *begins tl;dr post* I should make the side signs in 5-10 mins one day... I can't believe I forgot about this... I forgot about this... all correct. :tup: I don't like spacing out the letters too much, hence why they all look "crammed". LOL Which letters have errors? I don't mind fixing them. You can use it if you want. Better late then never. B) All I know is Photoshop... how it's done is what I don't know... Done. :cool: *ends tl;dr post*
  5. My favorite number is 8, and here's why: I was born in 1988. If you add 1+9+8+8, you get 26. If you add 2+6, you get 8. I was born on the 27th of some month in 1988. If you add 2+7+1+9+8+8, you get 35. If you add 3+5, you get 8. Now, the month I was born on was September. So, if you add 9+2+7+1+9+8+8, you get 44. If you add 4+4, you get 8. Coincidence??
  6. Does anyone own any Bronx bus maps from the '70s to the '00s?
  7. Thanks, there are more to come. :tup:

  8. I missed out a lot... any reason why you're on hiatus?

  9. I can still hear them during the nocturnal hours. :eek: You can't go wrong with the Orion VII & Orion VII Next Gen hybrids, right? Smooth ride ftw!
  10. You mean the Orion VII CNG? Those buses sure can make a loud burp.
  11. I remember seeing twice one R142 set on the train numbered 6XXX 4 years ago. One was at Whitlock Avenue via local and another one at Parkchester via Express, both to Manhattan.
  12. I actually do, but anything beyond that, eh... LOL at the angry Squirtle.
  13. They were very easy to memorize, thanks to the 2 Pokeraps I saw on TV. Nowadays, it's too hard to memorize 600+ monsters... I have to give kudos to Nintendo for not creating evolutions for old monsters, as the previous generation did that. Yep. I actually saw post-Johto (ashamed to say this) and it was really horrible. As much as I gave it another chance, I just couldn't bear up with the cuteness I call it "Pokemon contests". And to top it off, the Sinnoh saga was solely based on remakes of past episodes, and I gave up watching the show at that point. I never saw Yu-Gi-Oh, but I have to agree. Pokemon is like that. Remaking episodes based on previous ones, new characters, repetitive storyline means more money and new faces (fans).
  14. Not a problem. LRG wrote that as part of an April Fools joke last year.
  15. Are you the same guy that edited this page?

  16. I didn't write this, someone here did. "Written by none other than... (not me)"
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