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IRT Bronx Express

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Everything posted by IRT Bronx Express

  1. If I was born much earlier than 1991, I probably would've foamed at the non-NTT fleets.
  2. As always, I like your signs. :tup: All this time since January, I've busted my ass to make requested signs that were backlogged (for a good reason), only to help your thread move forward. A few of us managed to help you, and look how much progress was made! You deserve more credit than us since you made the fonts before us. We're just slaves that believe in free labor. Regarding this immature person, he's a spammer, period. He spammed in some threads with this (insert 15 random bus route emoticons and some depot name). In fact, I don't feel "offended" that he called me an "ass hole" because I can deal with weak insults like his (I laughed). As for his signature, it will be dealt with. @edit: He removed your sign, yet he still gave you credit... Got it.
  3. It actually works for me... follow these steps. 1. Right click on your sign, and save it on your desktop. 2. Rename the file to Q57Sign. 3. Upload it to your Photobucket account. 4. Copy the image URL link and paste it in the middle of this image tag: . 5. Save your signature, and it should show your animated sign. Like I said, it works for me. And yes, that used to happen on the Bx55 sign to Williamsbridge and the Bx4 sign to The Hub still does that. Nooo :cry: *fixes* The M100 used to go to Riverdale prior to March 1989. It was cut down to Inwood/207 St, and was later extended to 215 St in 1997. No Limited even existed for the M100, so that sign was for nostalgic (and fantasy) purposes. :cool: He'll learn... if he has the brains to do so.
  4. Bring back the (Mx) via Brighton.Bring back the <R> via Nassau St/4th Ave. Bring back the via 6th Av/Brighton Exp.
  5. Yeah, and this same "a$$hole" says that you used a sign without RTS CNG Command's permission at all, giving me another reason to not make YOU a bus sign. Learn how to request properly, and I'll accept it. Oh, before you do that, remove that sign in your signature, as it doesn't belong to you.
  6. @ohjaieex: What the hell is wrong with you? Request denied, sorry.
  7. Change the filename to "Q57Sign", upload it to your photobucket, and paste the imagelink in your signature with the IMG tags. Sure. :tup: Also, look at my signature. There is one minor error.
  8. Which one: Green flipdot, Orange LED, or NG Titan? @Casey: You didn't have to, but thanks. :tup:
  9. All requests that are not completed yet will be put on hold until further notice. Requests are currently closed at this time as well. In addition, new rules for requesting signs will be in effect soon. This is for everyone, no exceptions.
  10. I apologize for the delay. Are you able to link images in your signature? Try this, upload it to your Photobucket account without changing the filename. (I did the same btw and it works for me)

  11. I'm a long time member, and something was done against me. ;)

  12. Bring back the (Mx) via Nassau St/West End. Bring back the old via 6th Av/Queens Blvd. Bring back the old via Broadway/Astoria.
  13. I appreciate the response. Just a few more questions since bus and train service patters are my main interest.. 1. Does it show the Bx55 via 161 St? checkmatechamp13 scanned his 1993 map last year and it still showed that branch, even though the early '90s subway maps didn't. 2. Was the Bx26 Bedford Park branch a weekday only terminal, while the Fordham Ctr was a regular terminal? 3. Did the Bx1 travel to Riverdale/246 St? Did the Bx42 terminate at Balcom or Davis? Thanks again.
  14. I'm almost finished with bus signs. :cool: I did a little tweaking for the B63 sign. The SBS M15 sign will be done tomorrow. Be VERY grateful that I didn't deny your requests. Your remaining requests will be in Titan LEDs. That, I will do in the near future. I know two perfect image effects to accomplish both at the same time. :tup: Well done, sir. :tup: That's it for now.
  15. In b4 annoying database errors :tdown: Glad all of you got a little laugh. Anyone can use it if it merits ye. @RTS: Ah, finally! :cool: It has been awhile since you last made a sign. /leaves b4 database error
  16. I'm back, everyone. More signs were done, but after I finish with everything, new rules will be made for future requests, to prevent requests from being backlogged again. More details coming soon. Don't look at me, I did it for the lulz. :tup: Requests via PMs: Thanks for the comments. I actually used R44's method to be honest. I ended up getting Photoshop CS5 Extended by mistake and couldn't duplicate the frames as said in the instructions, so I gave up. I was never good with photoshop anyways and the damn online tutorials never help me. :tdown: @coneyislandav7: I actually made that since I have it in my docs. Check the posts made in February. /done
  17. I'll tell you something, that's not avoidable. Large forum communities like here are subjected to a lot of ups and downs. Small communities... eh, not so much.

  18. Jello. :)


    I finally learned to do the luminator MAX scroll yesterday, so I'm back in business. I will do whatever I can to get everything done as I volunteered to help out R44 CNG, coneyislandav7, and 4P3607. So yea, it's going to be a busy week. X_X


    We can still talk here though. What's on your mind?

  19. Look at the Luminator signs thread. :cool:

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