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IRT Bronx Express

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Everything posted by IRT Bronx Express

  1. How did you obtain it other than ebay? Do you know anyone that has extras of old Bronx bus maps that I can obtain without any credit card? (don't have one)

  2. By any chance, do you still have the 1977 Bronx Bus Map?

  3. A lot better than my resized version. I'll see if I can resize it better.
  4. @Kingsbridge: I won't ask more questions after this since... I have no idea what to ask. Again, thanks for your time. :tup: 1. Bx30 buses terminated at Bellamy Loop or at its current terminal? 2. Bx10 traveled, in both directions, via Bailey Ave or with the Bx1 before turning at Goulden Av? 3. Did the Q44 go to Bronx Park South or at West Farms Sq? 4. Bx21 traveled to Eastchester Rd with the Bx31 to Westchester Sq or served Waters Pl? If the latter happened, then the Bx14 no longer served that area then. 5. Bx22's Bedford Pk terminal was part time or full time? Ah, you're the same guy that posted a similar message in this thread last year. I'll correct the flipdot sign one day.
  5. 1. For #3, was it something like this? September 1999 2. IF the Bx5 still traveled to Pelham Parkway at that time, was it a rush hour only service? If all buses ended at Pelham Bay, ignore this question. 3. Did the Bx6 have a weird branch like this? February 1984, credit to Harry. 4. Was the Bx13 truncated to Yankee Stadium? The 1993 map shows that it didn't go past Yankee Stadium. Sorry for the bizarre questions.
  6. Yep, the more the image is resized, the more the image quality is ruined. Accepted. Upload the image to iaza.com, and resize it by 50-60 percent, and upload it via your user CP -> signature.
  7. Receiv'd. Also, any progress with the 4-dotted titan letters?
  8. Thanks for the responses. I have more. 1. Did the Bx30 travel to 204 St and then Webster Av Co-op City bound or is it like today's pattern? 2. Did the Bx28 short-turns at Jerome Av exist? Was the Fordham Ctr terminal a weekday and Saturday-only terminal? 3. Any details about the Bx29? Was it only City Island and Pelham Bay or it was extended to Bay Plaza? 4. Was the Bx35 terminating at Whitlock Av at that time or at West Farms Rd? Answers are truly appreciated. :tup:
  9. Looks like you are BLIND. Read below and you will learn something new. And one more time, DO NOT request for another sign. WAIT until I make the sign. Thank you.
  10. Requests accepted. For now, yes. At least, until I can find some free time for myself.. I made a Bx36 limited sign during my free time, with the letters/numbers spaced out, and I despise the end result. Now everyone knows why the words for my signs always come out "crammed".
  11. Looks like I was right about you know what.. Too bad this actually happened to him.

  12. Sure, I'll be glad to make this sign. I only extended the flipdot and horizon LED by 3 and 5 dots, respectively. I never did it for the titan, and I won't do it for the vertex. You really need to stop with the unnecessary pestering. I will make the sign WHEN I get the chance. Asking frequently will accomplish nothing. You already asked for 3 signs, so either wait or I'll make your signs last. Thank you. I can do it quick, but the flipdot signs take a lot of time due to the scrolling animation. Sure, you can use it since you asked. Well, at least someone understands.. :tup: Accepted. /done
  13. Can you please stop posting in CaPiTaL lEtTeRs? Thank you for understanding. Requests accepted. If your sign is not done, DO NOT request another one until I make your sign. This is for everyone.
  14. I have 4P3607's permission to make pending requests. 3 more left and this thread will see more activity. Guess what I was doing on Tuesday, it should be easy. I have to redo the LED template and fonts (should take a couple of hours or so...) so it doesn't look crappy when resized. Don't worry, I'll still make the LED sign. Only one, for now. YOU need to learn how to spell correctly. Can I has cookie?
  15. @coneyisland: That will help me, thanks. Here are the remaining requests. PM request: And I made these last night. The former Bx54 used to travel with the Bx5, from West Farms Rd to White Plains Rd, then traveled up to Parkchester/Hugh Grant Circle, and ended at Purdy St via Metropolitan Av. It was discontinued in 1990, resulting in a few service changes. The Bx22 branch to Clasons Point via Lacombe Av was excised, and the Bx39 was rerouted away from its former West Farms Sq terminal and extended to Clasons Pt via White Plains Rd. The Bx5 short turns to White Plains Rd was introduced later on, and the Bx14 was rerouted away from Westchester Av between Parkchester and Westchester Sq, traveling in Metropolitan Ave, Castle Hill Ave, and Tremont Ave, before continuing its normal route to Country Club. What's interesting is that the Hunts Point Av station mentions a free transfer to the Bx54 via the exit at the end of the northbound platform. That's it for today.
  16. Good point. I know another forum (active since 2004) where there is a lot of activity, yet it has about 50 moderators keeping eye. Why am I mentioning this? If there is an infraction, they immediately take action in less than 5 minutes. :P I guess 5 aren't enough, yet it's understandable since they have a life outside of this forum.

  17. It's time to wrap it up with the remaining backlogged requests! (well, almost...) I deleted the "via 11 St/8th Av CPW" since they weren't necessary. Look at the top for the downtown SBS M15 sign. PM Requests: I will make the last 2 signs tomorrow. Thank you. :tup: Something had to be done to avoid that problem. I won't forget that for next time. @coneyisland: Are there any fonts I'm missing for the Titan and Vertex?
  18. All pending requests accepted, and I'll do my best to get all of them done today, but I can't promise you that all will be done before the evening hours. As I mentioned a few times, here are the new rules for requesting signs (first 3 are temporary until further notice), and everyone must follow them. This is in effect because I volunteered to help out the other sign makers with their backlogged requests, and there are a lot of them to do. Long story short: 1. You can only request one bus sign per day, no exceptions. 2. You must specify how you want your sign to look like: Green Flipdot, Orange Horizon LED, Titan LED, or Luminator Vortex (that's the new sign's name I believe, and only coneyislandav7 can do that since I have yet to make the fonts). If you don't specify the type of sign you want, I will randomly choose it for you. 3. You must mention how you want your sign to read. Please stick with what you want it to say because I won't correct them later on.: [Limited, Select Bus Service, Express, Crosstown, etc.] [Destination] [Via] 4. Don't pester me to make your "precious" sign quickly. I will do my best to get it over with. 5. Don't "remind" me every 5 minutes that I have to make a sign for you. Like others, I have a life outside of this forum. 6. Be patient. Is that really hard to do? That's all I have until later on.
  19. @RTS: I'll have to correct the 13-dot 5 if it's not like the one you presented. Excellent sign btw ^^ @gtNova: Which one: Green flipdot, Orange LED, or NG Titan? edit: Got it.
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