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Far Rock Depot

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Everything posted by Far Rock Depot

  1. see, even the MTA doesn't know exactly where the 62s are coming from. And there's also whole new 188 sets in the order. To cover the flushing line. The 62s will be sent to the Lex. Which Lex line depends on the MTA.
  2. I too will say this again..... 1) we are railfans. Not mta execs. We have no say in where cars go. 2) when cars begin to shift around, then we can go insane. 3)JunJun, I believe I've told you time and time again....car procurement don't work that way! The fleet won't start rolling in. Pilot Cars arrive first. Then they begin non-revenue and revenue testing. They didn't even receive their first C-car yet! Take from someone who as an intern spent a lot of time learning in New Car Engineering. Key words: learned. And remember what was learned. You have people here-employees and non-employees-telling you this dude.
  3. That first C-car can't seem to come in quick enough. This is what happens when heads get restless from no news. Wash. Rinse. Repeat.
  4. Are the 62As gonna take about 2-3 years to get SMSed? Cause once a set is done, I'm pretty sure they will be returned to corona until there's atleast about 10 188 sets ready
  5. I like how there's still the assumption that the car shuffle will only involve 2 lines. There's always the high possibility of 3 or more involved to get the right amount of cars. First, we still have to see the arrival of the first C-car. I wanna see how much more frequent the 7 will run under cbtc. It's going to be the first IRT line operating under cbtc. It's gonna also potentially increase the frequency of an already frequent line.
  6. I remember a few years back, 68s were taken off the Q and replaced with slants only because it gave CI time to have new door strips installed on the 40 slants when the Q wasn't running (this was back when the D ran on Brighton). There were complaints by riders about that car switch which was continuously reported on the news. It doesn't happen often, but there are some instances of complaints. Now don't let that open up the flood gates saying every car switch is met by complaints. This one was one of those rare times where the majority of riders complained.
  7. So the roster got taken down huh? I'm not surprised and I'm backing Mr Logan 1000%. I've been around these forums for years and I've never seen such blatant disrespect, mostly by kids, over transit equipment to satisfy their foaming mouths. Get girlfriends, and you will see that these are just buses that none of us OWN! This is why people who contribute positively are leaving by the masses!! Rosters were traditionally done once a month. When I followed the UTC roster, it was once a month they were updated. And it was perfectly fine. TTMG pretty much did this to AFAIK. If anything, I only checked it once a month. It's all that was needed. Now with all of these new fleets and movements, once a month gives the ones who put the rosters together enough time to confirm all the movements, and make sure it stays there. One day a bus may be at x depot and within the next 7 days it could be moved from x to y and kept outbof service for a week and then poof, it's at z depot. So here's how I feel what should be done: If anyone has the care for the hobby (cause that what this is to ALL of us-a HOBBY!!! Even to the employees of the MTA) to maintain a roster, that person should be appreciated and RESPECTED!!! They should be thanked for their work which is always dome during their free time. Then, once their roster is updated, sure, continue to post movements here, but THATS IT!!!! Don't expect them to update just because you saw a bus somewhere else! They will see the post, get confirmation, and IF it stays, they will update it for the next month! Until then,back the Frak up on them! Besides,most of those who badger and demand updates, probably should be doing their homework and wondering if that girl in their class "likes" them or "like-likes" them. Personally, I'm sick of allthe contributors getting slammed and demanded all the time. It's why I don't start doing custom stuff for here. And it's in so many threads! It's gotten to a point when threads of custom work are posted with disclaimers about what will happen if heads get to demanding. Chill out with the demands. And enjoy the ride!!! End of rant I'm sorry I went off topic here, but it needed to be said.
  8. Wait a minute, the 68s are the heaviest in the fleet. 92,720 lbs R68/68A 88,955 lbs R46 A-car (b-Cars about 3,000 lbs less) Even if you factor in the 68s converted to four car units, which distribute car components through the 4-car consists, it still would make the heavier than 46s overall.
  9. Well I spotted a few 32s overnight Saturday heading to Howard beach. My question is, are there still, and if so how many sets of 42s are still running on Fulton?
  10. Well, one logical reason to have new cars on the Fulton line is..... ......most of the oldest cars run on that line.
  11. It's one thing to speculate. Which is okay. When based on fleet age, yard assignments, car type regulations(like BMT East), speculation can add to the fun. But when basing it on bias-playing favorites of personal preference, "What ifs" and the popular "they break down too much", speculation becomes another headache. It's not based on facts, numbers, rotation patterns etc. It's based on "well, I like M7s so they should run them on SIR" or "that's the 'death line' so they're not gonna get new cars". I'm a rail fan and I approve this post.
  12. Yeah. We all know the media, any media, informs us last. And most of the time they don't even get it right. Lmao!
  13. When dealing with the MTA "wait and see" is the battle cry. Just like using their services. You wait for a train till you see it. You wait for a bus till you see it. Its the same with equipment moves and new equipment. You have to wait till you see it. Whether or not you get info, credible or not. And then even when you see it, its still a wait. Remember when they tested NTTs on the Flushing last year? Some heads swore up and down the swap was in effect. I kept saying (on FB) wait. Its a "prelim" test. Clearences and possibly automated train announcements. That's what their testing. Don't start counting your 62s on the Pelham before they hatch. Theystill have to get the 11th car and then test NIS to make sure all 11 cars play nice. Then they gotta test a new 188 set to make sure it plays nice. Then the revenue testing begins. And we all know by now that it has to go 30 days without a break down. Which can take a couple of tries. But as I've said here in the forums before, in our teens, we all thought we knew it all. These days, its easier to get info more than ever. In the 90s, if we didn't have an "inside friend" we guessed everything. And was wrong everytime untill corrected. Hell, I didn't even know about the arriving 62s as a kid untill one day I looked out my window and saw 3 shiney new train sets. And I didn't even know about R68s untill 1990! Now, with the "interwebz" and all the misinformation posted everywhere, "I know it all" became a more frequent battle cry. As far as "confirmation", well confirmation is valid when, not only your source but also you are considered "credible". Confirmation should also include some sort of time frame. Like, we pretty much all know by now that the 62s are going back to Pelham....when the 188s start piling onto the Flushing in revenue service. Now if it was stated it was, for example, to replace sets being sent for conversion, then maybe then its worth looking into. Now JunJun, me and you had a nice little exchange last winter on this subject (yes, that was me) and you swore up and down you were right after I explained to you how acceptance and testing of cars go down over a period of time and as you can see, I wasn't shooting hottness out of my rear. Either post caustiously, or just don't at all. R32, trust me when I say I understand your frustration and your venting post, but really? I've seen heads get banned from here in the past for less. Sit back, take a deep breath, say "woo-sah" and chill a little. I'm not attacking ya'll, but your ages are showing. Now here's something that should be discussed in this thread: what's the word on that C-car other than "October"?
  14. That's the number that matters. MDBF. And from someone who'd have knowledge of that number. Thats something credible and can be taken seriously.
  15. You know, that's another one. And we can do this allllllll day. But this isn't the place. Heads need to either back things up with facts, or don't post just to try and sound knowledgeable. "a true wise man knows not all the answers, but asks all the questions"
  16. I still wanna know about all these "breakdowns" on the A/C. Are they invisible or just don't happen when I'm on them? And as far a storage space, when during anytime, short of a storm causing a shutdown, when does every train assigned all get stored in a yard at the same time?
  17. you should seen the fun on fb back in November about the corona plans. He swore by February the 7 was going to be NTT. After I broke down the process of design, construction, testing and so on, or was like I was this space alien who knew nothing. Then February came around! Lmao! Did JunJun recently go to Paris? If so then yeah, it's him. Me? My afro is unmistakable!
  18. Sorry to burst your bubble, but since I'm up to date with mobile tech (and a part time developer), let me throw down some facts. Android is an open source os based on linyx. It's versions are "tweeked" by not only Google but even carriers. And it's a developers nightmare. It's up to ICS while 45% of Android devices in hand are still running gingerbread. And there's about 3500 different hardware variants. It's also an iOS clone, and a huge security risk. QNX is a microkernal os and the ONLY one to support real time multitasking. It powers cars, military equipment and even space equipment for nasa. The new blackberry in January is just that....new. Forget about what was then. And btw, it's only here in the US that feels as you do. Globally its still on top with 78million users. Even more than apple. Do the research. Don't believe the "hype" like the rest of the sheeple. With a 1.5gh processor, 1.5 gigs of ram and app integration that no other os can copy, it's far from over for RIM and their BlackBerry brand. Just wait till BlackBerry 10 comes out. And yes, save this post, you can completely quote me on this. And honestly, anything Samsung blows LG out of the water. That's a device to swear upon. LG......lmao! The BB9930 runs way faster than them too. Lol
  19. 1) I frequent the Fulton line. I don't see anyone complaining about the cars themselves. Crowds, tardiness and A/c yeah. 2) us here, to be completely real, are not the representation of average riders. We are unique. They just want to go from point A to point B. 3) 6 riders aren't coming riders and 4)slightly off topic, r62s are only 20 yrs old. They got another 15 to 25 years left. And honestly, Who the Frak cares? they're the first all stainless steel cars on the IRT. "silver bullets" and I bet those who complain about the age of railcar are probably only older that the 142s themselves. Hardly a good source of railcar age and performance. I'm sorry, but if you lived during the time of graffiti, what we have now, whether old or new, is a HUGE improvement! "like" as you see fit.
  20. wait....."junior f" on Facebook??? Naaaawwwww! Really? I got into it with that kid last winter over this very same subject!!!
  21. Honestly, what set doesn't have dead motors? And as long as it's less than half the consist, it's still in service. I don't know about any of ya'll, but dead motors or not, if it's still running in revenue, it isn't broke down.
  22. Who is "everyone" that hates the R32s? A bunch of railfans who probably weren't alive when the 62s arrive and 2 dispatchers who someone talked to. Hmmmmmm. I guess that everybody right? Honestly, those 32s are frakkin workhorses!!! And they can still jump like Jackrabbits and haul a$$! Everyone always has something negative just to say it IMO. "everyone hates 32s" "46s break down all the time" personally, show me numbers.
  23. This fall is gonna be interesting. Today, Motorola and I believe nokia are announcing new devices. The motor rumor is new RAZR phones while nokia will be announcing their upcoming lumia running windows 8. HTC is also to release new windows 8 devices. On september 12, crippled will announce their not so revolutionary iPhone 5. It's bigger than the 4s. Steve Jobs will be turning in his grave. IMO Apple's innovation died with him. Personally, I'm waiting till January. Ever heard of an OS called QNX? Well, they are now owned by RIM. I have their tablet and it's a beast! In January, they'll be releasing 2 phones, one touch, one qwerty, running QNX. Here's a leaked pic of the touch model, and don't let the brand throw you off. It's a whole new ball game for them! This isn't your father's BlackBerry!!
  24. @R32 the A may spend most of its time underground, but unlike the C, it goes outside.
  25. @Mark yeah, MannyB is the Manhattan Bridge. You'll also find me calling the Williamsburg Bridge the WillyB and all three lower Manhattan bridges "BMW crossings".
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