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Far Rock Depot

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Everything posted by Far Rock Depot

  1. There are gaps in the contract numbers because its not just revenue cars that get "R" contracts. Work cars, components, rebuilds, etc..... And in some cases, just because the contrct is different, and the builders are different doesnt mean its completely different under the hood. New Car Engineering will usually try to uniform components. Although one thing is for sure, the Trucks DO depend on the builder. Since Bombardier won the 179, IMHO,expect trucks to be kind of similar to their fleet of 142s unless theyve recently imporved their design.
  2. NTTs are built with the capability of having the CBTC equipment installed easily with no major car modifications other than the cabs (like the current conversions of 142As to 188s). Once a line becomes CBTC active, its cars have the equipment installed when needed. It saves on overall weight and costs during initial construction of said cars.
  3. SMH. Technically, its not the old line fleet. It was never classified that nor is currently. Only one class was transferred specifically for retirement and those were the R40 Slants. Due to those cars needing to be based at 207 for reefing. Everything else retired from the line were already assigned to it. The A is actually the "Showcase". But neither the 'old line fleet' nor 'Showcase' refers to what runs on it but a matter of fact that a majority of pilot trains are tested on the A - R160s included. How does one car class make a line the "death line"? And before the 160s, almost every line had old cars. Just because the A has yet to receive NTTs doesnt mean its standard practice that the A MUST have old cars. And before anyone does, lets not bring up the alleged "power problems" The A has multiple branches.
  4. Personally, id take a 62 over 142 any day. And thats the railfan in me talking lol
  5. That is true. More so for the R44s. Too much "tech" too soon. The main issue for the R46s were the trucks. But going back to their 'roots' are what makes the 62s and 68s going strong!
  6. More like the R62 since both were part of NYCTA's "New Car Fleet" of the 80s. And the 62s were the IRT's first all Stainless steel cars.
  7. I see both of your points. And valid ones at that.
  8. IMO, as "unique" as the Q38 is, I really don't see a need to split it. Think about it, its been that way since the TCC days. As we have seen with other routes, the MTA has no problems altering the routes its inherited from the PBL's (Q21, Q53, QBx1 for example). Routes are basically altered according to passenger patterns. With practically no alterations to its route in the last 6 yrs, I think that its safe to assume that there's a diverse pattern as to how riders use that route to warrent its u-shape. I too in the past have thought of why hasn't this route been split. But I'm guessing "if it aint broke..."
  9. So was the RTS with FP stickers I rode on the Q22 yesterday. Shows there's a scramble for buses down here.
  10. Well its old news to me. Its usually a small handful of buses(never saw more than 5 total) but believe me, its easy to spot an FR or JFK bus and board it as a subway shuttle at B88th st towards far rock(during A to rock pk GOs) when you're an enthusist like us. Sure that injunction wasn't just for the drivers and not the actual buses? We had along with the RTS' an FP Orion 7 runnin on the Q22 yesterday as well. I was only able to get a pic of 8832 due to my cell battery dying.
  11. We'll find out what happens to those 16 R46s soon. Its true that if they can be fixed they will but from an engineering standpoint, salt water and metal/wiring/insulation DOES NOT play well with each other.
  12. Not really. I've seen , and reported here, since early 2011 that during various GOs involving Rockaway service has also seen buses from FR, JFK and even SC as well as the usual NYCT depots. So personally after almost 2 years for me, its more of "its about time its become standard practice" rather than "interesting"
  13. Yo, I just got to rockaway via shuttle bus. Only saw the usual buses: Orion Vs and VIIs, RTS', LFS' all from the usual Queens depots including FR and JFK. Not one artic of any kind. Plus, I rode 8838 with FP stickers on the Q22 signed to B116th st! Btw, LFS 8039 was one of the shuttles.
  14. If that's the case, I'm speculating they will be used for : Rock Pk Service(shuttle and /or expresses) Lefferts shuttle or extra rush hour trains.
  15. If it's in response to the extra 4-car set, that could be an extra. If it's to the amount per type, well it's looking like it will be primarily for the C. That last part was initially confusing to me too, but it is what it is.
  16. Good call Art! I for one thought otherwise. Now my question is, where on earth would 4 full length sets go to?
  17. Actually, I was VERY frequent of the 7 during the redbirds era. It's true the R33S had no a/c. But it was always there usually as the 3rd car of the consist. 24/7/365. @Brighton The R62/A as GC mentioned are veterans but not old. Built in the early-mid 80s, they were the first all stainless steel cars for the IRT. Their life expectancy is 35-40 years. They're built well and have soldiered on for the last 25 years. And will be around for the 10-15 maybe even longer if needed. All reports of their retirement are greatly exaggerated.
  18. Que? A loop barely able to fit IRT cars and you wanna run B-division equipment thru it? And don't say convert it. At the end of land basically, there's no room. It's one reason why they built a new south ferry station in the first place.
  19. For the record, if built to phase 4, Hanover Square, is a block from South ferry, which technically, is a shorter walk from the 4 and 5 at Bowling Green. and Lex service hasn't regularly served south ferry since what, the late 70s early 80s? One must also ride the Lex from uptown, and see how crowded the stations from uptown to 59th st is to use that argument. 96, 86, 77 and 68th sts have crowded platforms during the rush. The UES is a densely populated area. Even phase 1 alone will show improvements. People need to stop assuming 1) everyone rides the entire length of a line 2) lines aren't successful if they don't leave Manhattan and 3) everyone is suppose to have a one seat ride. If people Remember those 3 things aren't the main bread and butter, half these threads wouldn't have so much bickering and misinformation
  20. I have those stored on my comp. Although phase 2 calls for a 3 track term, phase one was suppose to have a 3 track station at 72nd street-a provision for phase 3 service having off peak Q trains terminating there. For cost savings now, the mta changed it to a two track 72nd st leaving up in he air the possibility of short turn Qs there after phase 3. To be honest, I really don't see phase three ever happening. I'm going to assume that 125th is to allow 2 Ts to every Q during the rush.
  21. But your basing your argument using lines that don't have cbtc. CBTC is a huuuuuuge factor in capacity. Your thinking a 21st century line will still use 100year old equipment. And as the Tokk man said, look at everywhere outside of NYC. Sure, they don't have the passenger flow like here(except for maybe tokyo), but those lines are also modern compared to NYC. So to say the terminal needs three tracks is basing it on 20th century tech.
  22. What capacity? By the time phase 2 is done, cbtc will be in full effect. Like I said earlier, if heads are gonna think about the future, remember what we will have in the future. Add that factor.
  23. 1) no matter the situation, cbtc will handle the traffic. If you're gonna think about "the future", stop thinking about traffic handling in a 20th century sort of way. 2) a crossover at every stop? Ya'll act like every delay will cripple what will be he newest line. The subway has been around 108 years for a reason. 3) phase 1 isn't even in service yet and it continues to be a "fantasy thread". Extentions to the bx, hidden tracks, etc. If we're gonna talk about the "future", how about we talk about something we MIGHT see in our lifetime....like phase 2
  24. What makes me laugh right now is how heads are comparing headway between 2nd and Lex with the debate of walking to the Lex for faster headways. Let me put ya'll on to something. Headways don't mean anything if the trains are too crowded to board. And the whole "What if I need to go to SI factor"? Yeah. Like a one seat ride is guaranteed with every swipe. And why are we still talking about Bronx extensions?
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