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Far Rock Depot

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Everything posted by Far Rock Depot

  1. You are right. Theres one over 3 windows total. My brain was locked on IRT dimensions forgetting how many are in the 160 compared to their IRT counterparts. But the main point was how many FIND's would be in an IRT car. And since that would not happen period, Then FINDs and unnecessary on the Flushing.
  2. FINDs cost more to manufacture, maintain and repair, period. The price of the 142/143/188s strip maps are way cheaper than the FINDs on the 160s. Every R160 car has 2 FINDs consisting of one LCD screen for video and route info display and a numerous amount of LEDs for route info(stops, transfer routes, etc). The strip maps (2 per car) have a lower number of LEDs each representing a stop. An amount that anyone can count in less that 20 seconds for each map I might add. If 2 R188 cars were built from scratch, one with the strip maps and one with the FINDs, the One with the FINDs will cost more. Sure in may not be alot more, but it will still cost more. Theres the manufacture. The strip maps have to be programmed to illuminate a certain number of dots, in a certain order. and light one arrow. A FIND has to be programed to display the Bullet/Route on a screen, and list every single stop, in order according to the time of day. Its Transfers/connections, according to the time of day. Then theres reroutes and GO routing. Theres your maintain. And repair? Think about that. whether they come with the FIND or refitted with one, it will still either way cost more money.
  3. GC hit the nail in ghe coffin. Plus, it will cost money to convert the strip map to a FIND. "Every screw, every nut, every washer, costs money" Sent from my BlackBerry PlayBook using Tapatalk
  4. I habe to agree with this. it saves on energy, easier on the eyes, and can make itna little bit more pleasant. Now there's a plan floating around having the old Essex Trolley Terminal turned into a "low-line" with fiber optics bringing in sunlight from above. Would this be bad even if it was implicated to actual stations? just a thought. Natural sunlight can energize a human and even alter one's mood in a positive way. Sent from my BlackBerry PlayBook using Tapatalk
  5. Now i cant remember where i got this info from-and i know i understood why because ive seen it myself before they covered them up-but there was a graffiti problem. Not surprised since taggers can just climb over the gate or drop down from the service road.
  6. I remember that well. That station isnt the same since they covered up the windows.
  7. It was fasinating for me to find out back in the early 90s that the 63rd/lex station was basically opened as "half a station" for future Second Ave service. there are even narrower platforms in the system ( a few on the Brighton and Sea Beach come to mind). On a side note, for me personally, the coolest station is Roosevelt Island, with a nod to the new Howard Beach/JFK station. The three Archer Ave Ext stops from 1988 has me in awe when i first saw them with my own eyes when i was 12 in 1989! Especially Jamaica-Van Wyck.
  8. Correct. the eastern can only platform 8 cars.
  9. That would shave off minutes off of the commutes of those who need both QBL Express AND Broadway Express. Unfortunately, The MTa isnt thinking that way with its plan for all 3 SAS stations to be completed at the same time. All delayed BTW.
  10. Those numbers dont lie indeed. But DOS sees the C not needing full length sets. And I agree. Some may say "everytime i see the C during rush, Its packed". My question to them would be "Do you see every car crowded?" Because in all the years, ive never seen it consistently enough to warrant 10-car trains. Why constantly wear out the motors, brakes and doors of 10 cars each set when b is good enough. Thats where the logistics make sense. Penny-pinching, as it could be described, may help reduce fare-hikes. Something we all(well, not me anymore) complain about. I love how heads use the argument of the Summer Swaps as a reason to make the C full length but all it shows is those forgetting WHY those swaps happened in the first place.
  11. they will open it with phases, as you stated-but techincally not station by station,as was asked referring to each individual station-and right now, only phase one is definite, as we all know. The "T" rollsigns on the 32s has nothing to do with 2nd ave. They have all the unused letters in black in a white bullet. Back in the 70s, one of the original options for routes on 2nd ave was V, W and even flirted with a Y.
  12. very smooth! The Q10 has the guestures too. but I want the bigger screen. and if the virtual keyboard on the Z10 is everyhing they're saying it is, ill have no problem ditching the physical keyboard. I like the PlayBook's keyboard. and the Z's keybaord looks like the physical! I'm dying to check out the "BlackBerry Hub"! Sent from my BlackBerry PlayBook using Tapatalk
  13. Ive been a member of CB since 2009 (Im '9of13'). Before that i was a member of Pinstack. I was also a Theme Dev from 07 till late 2011. Ive been using a Style 9670 since i went to sprint 2 years ago. My favorite device has been the Bold 9700 when i was on T-mobile. Ive also had the Pearl 8100 and the Pearl Flip 8220. Ive tried the Curves as well as the Storm. Ive waited for the Z10 for so long im switching carriers in late March/early April since Sprint will only be getting the Q10 QWERTY. I blame my want for the Z10 on my PlayBook tablet. And if the Z10 is the evolution of the PB OS so im waitin!
  14. well they wont be available here in the US till March so theres still time. that give me plenty of time since my Sprint contract is up in march and they are only getting the Q10 in April. I want the Z10.
  15. This is true. As well as the 44/46s after GOH. Same for 4-car sets too. two even, two odd. Usually, if im not mistaken, Cab cars are even and trailers are odd.
  16. Car numbers dont have to be chosen until they are ready for delivery.
  17. actually, they were going to have a job fair for the 2013 season but it got cancelled because of the storm so seeing that isn't really a surprise. I woulda thought the 307 was more likely personally. Sent from my BlackBerry PlayBook using Tapatalk
  18. the Storm was a complete bust! Horrible touch UI and that was because they tried to optimize a java-based non-touch UI tona touch device and tried to incorporate a "click" screen to simulate a button press. BB10 is a whole new ballgame! Its built on the QNX real-time-multitasking micro kernel(already used on their PlayBook tablet and btw, its a pretty great beast!) and was the base for the new OS. BB10 is built from scratch and not one line of code from the old legacy java based OS was used. Its built specifically for a touch device and even the QWERTY model coming out is a touch device but with a physical keyboard. all navigation and actions are touch/guesture based. No menu, back or home buttons. And as far as apps, RIM....er, BlackBerry-as they are now called-has made it easy for devs to build and even port for BB10. Skype has already publically annlunced that not only will it be available on BB10, but they are working closely with BB to optimaize their Skype for Android app for full integration on BB10. There's an "Android Runtime" emulator that runs andriod apps ported (with the inclusion of BB api's) for the BB10. The PlayBook OS 2.0-introduced a year ago-features this.I'm using it right now as Tapatalk for the PlayBook is an Android port. The populat Angry Birds is not only available, but Developer "Rovio" builds it native for BB. Angry Birds:Star Wars is already available for BB10 and is free. other apps(like Instagram) are on the way. There's e en leaks of info that Netflix is working on a BB10 app as well. US carriers are righ now testing the devices for a March release. There's a very positive buzz for both the Z10 touch and Q10 qwerty models. This isnt the old BB we all knew from the past. The browser alone is not only desktop quality, but renders pages quicker since its built with html5. And don't get me started on the Cascades interface! I have he Pacemaker DJ app which was the first built in Cascades and its phenominal! best $20 I ever spent for an app!!! best part about the new OS, no reboots, no battery pulls, no "spinning hourglass of death"! Sent from my BlackBerry PlayBook using Tapatalk
  19. aren't they being housed at 180th or 239? Dyre would be the closest non revenue track to test on. especially with the Broad Channel Flats' test track ojt of commision untill the summer. Sent from my BlackBerry PlayBook using Tapatalk
  20. you can watch the event live here: http://tremolo.edgesuite.net/blackberry_experience_launch/desktop_dvr/index.html
  21. In just under 12 hours at the time of this post, Research In Motion, Ltd will hold their Blackberry 10 Launch event! For those of you who don't know, The rumors of blackberry's demise are greatly exaggerated. It began 2 years ago with the acquisition of QNX. QNX is a software company whose OS is one of the most reliable Real Time Multitasking Os' on the market. It powers NASA equipment, military equipment and its even in your cars. Well now it will be in your smartphone. Gone will be the java based, never-ending-hourglass OS that has powered their devices for the last 15 years. Here will be the new, sleek, powerful and fast devices that wi;; usher in a new era of the iconic smartphones. At 10 am EST on January 30th, RIM CEO Thorston Heins will unveil to the world the future of what he calls "mobile computing". This wont be your daddy's BlackBerry. Thats the image those here in the US have had towards Blackberry. "Its old. Its slow. There's no apps. They are done". Tomorrow those comments will go out the window. Its evolved into an all around device. Its new, fast and, oh yeah, the apps will be there. But its fast desktop-like browser, might negate the need for apps. Remember, apps 6 years ago were to fill in the gaps where most mobile browsers fell short. And dont think certain other Smartphones will still be innovative. Samsung's file transfer "tapping" was introduces on current Blackberry devices a year and a half ago, and will be once again available with the new devices and Named 'Blackberry Tag'. Apple, who saw a less than enthusiastic response to its recent iOS 6 with the introduction of the iPhone 5, and its iPad mini, will become the oldest mobile OS on the planet-a title Blackberry held until tomorrow morning. And some consumers wont have to wait long to get their hands on one of their first 2 devices. The full touchscreen-said to be called the Blackberry Z10-will begin its life with online orders from Vodaphone right after the launch event with the device hitting their stores on the 31st-the next day. As for here in the US, All four major carriers -Verizon, Sprint, AT&T and T-Mobile-have all officially thrown their hats into the BB10 ring. T-Mobile announced a March 27th availability while details from the other carriers are rumored to make their announcements during or just after the launch event. Now as a 6 year Blackberry user, im excited at what lies ahead. Hearing stories of retail sales associates in various stores giving misinformation about the "demise of Blackberry" are one that has given me a good laugh. I would like to see their faces when RIM's Super Bowl commercial hits the airwaves during the game this Sunday. For those who would like more information, its all over the web. Google 'Blackberry 10' for info. For those who would like to watch the Launch Event live tomorrow morning at 10, RIM will be web-casting it. I personally frequent Crackberry so that's where I will be watching it. 2013 looks to be the year for BlackBerry. I, as a tech enthusiast, have been waiting 2 years for this day!
  22. OPTO? Before i moved, the 46s were sent down to Rockaway and guess what, they had C/Rs.
  23. Exactly. Remember why the swaps were happening in the first place. If the SMS is a success and timely, the swap wont be needed.
  24. I rode every single -03 Green Lines had back when i moved to Queens in 1990! Ah, memories.... 1002 had a "smaller'' A/C added similar to what Westchester county had on theirs. A pic is hard to find but I can say the A/C unit were not a s wide as the width of the bus. They were a few inches short on either side. You can see that the original design was a slope and the A/C was added on, Pics of this are very hard to find...
  25. Hey no fair!!!!!!! Im trying to sell that same bridge!!!!! And its always an LIRR option! Why is the LIRR always brought up as an option. Some of us railfans would like that option just to fan, but the average commuter doesnt want to shell out the extra chedda yet alone the god-knows-how-long of an off-peak wait.
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